—Socialistic Pseudo-Science and the Continued Reshaping of Christendom (updated)

Why Rich Kids Are So Good at the Marshmallow Test


Modern Sociology is just that—socialism.  Communism’s motto: “One religion, on race, one creed” (that is, distilled to mean, “One World”; and by implication, “One-World Government Dictatorship”).  God commands separation because all are not the same.  Christians who follow the world’s agenda are not Christians, and follow a false Christ, and are the enemies of God.  This is not my own declaration, but God’s:

“Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” (James 4:4)

Many “polls” that are publicized, are not conceptualized and published to reflect reality, but to shape (that is “re-shape”) thinking.  Such polls don’t tell us how society (a subverted, supplanted society) actually thinks, but what the subversive shapers of society want people to think is reality; since the majority are low intelligence* and low dominance and fragile egoed and will think as they are told to think; or they will want to think the way that they think that the majority thinks because they erroneously imagine that the majority must be right; or they don’t even care if the majority is right, but simply want to be on what they think is the “winning side”.  In political elections, quite often people vote the way the news coverage is making it sound as if will be elected.  Few people will want to bet on a losing horse.

[* —due to social programs such as: dumbing education down, teaching lies; the push toward promiscuous recreational sex and shacking up (resulting in bottom-of-the-barrel offspring, often raised in poverty, abandoned, or who raise themselves on the streets); legalized state and church sponsored out-of-kind marriage in a multi-culturally polluted society which has been neutered and de-Christianized / de-moralized; and government welfare programs that keeps the poorest blood reproducing to assure that the gene pool is as stagnant and polluted as possible.]

The modern purpose of “sociology” and “sociologists” and “social psychologists” (both of whom, like anthropologists and paleontologists, are “science-fiction story tellers with a vivid imagination and a Ph.D.”*) is not to understand or explain the dynamics of society—but to shape the minds of people into thinking that the sociologist’s fantasy is how society actually is and also how the shapers “think that it should be” according to spurious humanistic, socialistic edicts (leftist anti-intellectual tyranny).  If a large portion of society is recalcitrant or slow to accept “the Emperor’s Magnificent Suit of Invisible Clothes”, then the corrupt politicians will import aliens to cause society to eventually reflect what they want it to reflect (against the will of the true people, whom the politicians are supposed to represent; and since they represent other than their masters, all such politicians are guilty of High Treason).  The purpose of it all is to destroy Christendom.  When all these things are purposely planned and implemented—and paid for, unconstitutionally—by the politicians who conspire nearly unanimously to destroy Christendom, explain to me how it can be a mere coincidence?  Year after year, people who are supposed to be “experts”—can’t do a single thing right (everything goes wrong, just right, every single time), and yet pay themselves fabulously out of the taxpayers’ pockets; and then give more of that money stolen from the taxpayers’ pockets to anyone and everyone in the world other than those taxpayers themselves.  The ONLY legitimate use of taxpayer money is for services that those very same taxpayers need and want, but cannot provide for themselves (such as the nation’s roads, national defense, etc.).

[* It seems that Ph.D. stands for “Philosophy of Deception” and having a Ph.D. is the license to make up the most absurb balderdash and hash it out as fact—as long as it defames traditional Christianity and the principles of Christianity (Freedom, Truth, Morality).]

This study (in the link above) is replete with bias, nearsightedness, and fatal flaws.  In the push to discredit time-honored truths, they overlook a plethora of factors that they probably consider “normal”*—which factors were NOT normal 28-58 years ago.

[* Similarly, young people and young adults and even poorly educated, low-moraled, “free thinking” (cough, cough**) adults today think that crime (murder, rape, theft, corruption in business, government corruption and abuses), welfare, integration, homo-militancy, the so-called “National” Debt, and other ills are “normal” and “just part of life” and that they “have always been that way”.  But they are not normal, they should not be a part of life, and no they have not always been that way.  Disease in a body may be “natural” (but it is often artificially introduced, on purpose, by evil people)—but it is not how it should be and no, foreign disease does not have just as much right to a body as natural healthy cells do.  Watch some older black and white t.v. shows like Andy Griffith’s Mayberry RFD / Andy Griffith Show or other shows of that era.  Then watch modern “sitcoms” or modern Batman movies, or the Mad Max movie series (with young Mel Gibson), or any of the plethora of violent, perverse, sexually explicit movies in which the f-word is used every 30 seconds, and sexual innuendoes are replete throughout.  Christendom used to be like Mayberry RFD.  It was peaceful, wholesome, godly, refined, clean, moral, respectable, safe—Christian.  It was not perfect, but it was nothing like it is today.  Modernly, you can go on-line to what appears to be a semi-respectable news source (as I did just yesterday, and last week, and a month ago... it happens all the time), to read some story, whose headline caught your interest, and then whether the author is talking about smoking meat on the grill or giving a review of restaurants or offering a recipe—alleged “journalists” will casually use the f-word in “professional” writing to a general audience.  These are minds that have been polluted and damaged from the cradel.  They are possibly even permanently damaged.  Psychopaths can’t “grow” a conscience; those who don’t see moral boundaries between good and evil, but only “what seems good to and for me” cannot ever understand the very concept of morality.  They are not normal.  They are damaged—totaled, in a 150-boxcar train derailment pile up that wipes out everything in the general vicinity of where their conscience should have been located in their brain.  Probably the majority of politicians and educators and doctors and lawyers and judges and businessmen and industrialists and even clergy are cut from the same damaged cloth, educated by the subverted government schools and the perverse Talmudic media—and are most probably psychopaths*** or borderline psychopaths.  Yet, for some stupid reason, the legitimate masses believe that these people are “experts” and “role models”; because even if the majority of true Americans are not equally as damaged, they are brainwashed into thinking that evil is good, and good is evil—and not even caring if there is a difference. They are the perfect drone slave-labor class and don’t even know it.  What they also don’t know is that in the minds of the elite they are “expendable” — “disposable”.

** “Free” thinking to the same degree that a 5-year old sitting on daddy’s lap at the steering wheel thinks that he is actually driving the car; to the same degree that ants in a plastic ant farm think that they are in charge and that the tiny ant farm is all the universe that exists.  Nothing that exists (not humans, animals, angels, or demons) is independent in any way from God.  Man’s “free will” is a myth in man’s mind.  Man’s will exists within God’s Will.  “It is God that worketh in you both to WILL and to DO of HIS GOOD PLEASURE” (Philippians 2:13).

*** In our current Age of Irresponsibility (which has morphed into the Age of Anti-intellectualism and Perversion)  euphemisms are invented to continue the charade of the Emperor’s Invisible Suit of clothes.  Psychopaths were renamed, “sociopaths”—to take responsibility off the individual and somehow blame a nebulous, non-existent “society”, and ironically to make psychopaths (who have no conscience) “feel better” about themselves for being so stimatized (when they are not even hardwired to care about anything).  Likewise, just a few decades ago, homoperversion was considered a mental disorder, but by imperial edict, by an arbitrary vote of a stacked “court” of non-authority, a magic wand was waved and a paper signed and, shazaam!, what was considered morally reprehensible, a mental disorder of the darkest stain, a taboo, an abomination, is now miraculously declared a wonderful lifestyle choice that should be put on a pedestal and worshipped because of its infinite contribution to society.]

Consider the following—

- The destruction of the family (the true building blocks of church and state, as well as race);

- The racial integration of society;

- The general perversion and demoralization of society;

- The gender confusion of many individuals due to a perverse media, a perverse government —and according to reliable information, the overuse of soy (which has estrogen-like, hormone-like substances that should not be consumed in large quantities by anyone—and especially not young children) in hamburgers and other “meat” fed to young school children (and the military), which can screw up the hormones during the formative years (in addition to environmental propaganda-confusion—even television commercials and kindergarten books—forced upon young children from every angle: which is child abuse and contributing to the deliquency and corruption of a minor), in addition to other factors in diet, the chemicalization and genetic monsterization of the food supply, electromagnetic radiation from overburdened power lines and wireless devices, prescription drugs, and even vaccines;

- The flooding of society with aliens and cheap labor (which creates unemployment of citizens),

- The criminalization of society by spurious regulation and under “color of law” illegal pseudo-legislation by renegade / traitorous politicians,

- The dechristianization of society,

- The ballooning of the Welfare State,

- The destruction of the currency and the economy from misappropriation of tax-money, misspending, and counterfeiting by Congress;

- The mind-doping of the schools and universities (initially only the secular ones, but now the “Christian” ones have fallen in line, like lemmings over a cliff, lusting after trying to please the world—and God is nowhere in their thoughts, except as a myth created by the modern humanistic world);

—ALL OF THIS produces the mother-of-all TOXIC COCKTAILS for the destruction of Christendom...! and it is all planned by the antichrists who now control all governments in Christendom by having subverted and bribed and brainwashed the politicians and statesment, all liberals in society, and have overthrown our institutions, including the voting process, which is now completely controlled and fabricated via computer.
Karl Gustav Jung, Swiss psychiatrist, believed that different races had difference “psyches” and that Jews and Africans have psyches different than the Caucasian (though sadly Jung’s psychology was also contaminated with humanism and spiritism).  One time he and Freud were travelling on the same train, and in his private room Freud was reading a writing of Jung that made this claim.  Freud rudely burst into Jung’s room and demanded to know if he wrote and believed what Freud had read.  Jung replied in the affirmative.  Freud demanded the conductor to stop the train at the next station—far from the intended destination—and Freud departed and demanded that the train stop and let him off at the next station, refusing to travel on the same train with Jung any farther.  My how “tolerant” are the “liberal progressives” with those who don’t share their views!

Most social / psychological experiments are often flawed (due to lack of ingenuity, foresight, or outright subterfuge) because experimenters cannot envision every possible factor (and purposely ignore many) that may confound (contaminate) the results of their “study”.

Here, in this case (see the above link), it is entirely ignored that society has changed from 1960—

- its racial and “cultural” composition;

- its moral fiber;

- Mentally deranged people are now declared “normal” and laws are illegally passed to demand that everyone recognize such mentally deranged people as “normal” and even enter and celebrate their derangement and delusion with them (if the majority are reduced to being “abnormal” abnormal becomes the new “normal”);

- the religious faith;

- what is recognized as “law” as well as the terminal mental infection of “political correctness”;

- the (now socialist) political climate;

- the academic dishonesty that has reduced true education to competing for political favor, the educational level comparable to a sink-hole!*

[* —Oh, I have no doubt that some legitimate degrees are still handed out to those who actually earn them, but the comparison is like lowering the bar of the pole vault in competition from 28 feet to 9 feet and still calling it “professional” (and some people are allowed to use a ladder and do a swan dive, or trip and fall, off the top rung of the ladder and call it an equal accomplishment).  It is amazing how athletics in sports continually actually raises the bar (to the extent, that many athletes—if not most—feel the pressure to turn to performance-enhancing drugs out of fear that they will not be able to compete at as high a level as others, who are probably also on drugs—or who knows, maybe even genetically modified, one way or the other, with gorilla genes).  However, in education, morality, and politics, the 28-foot pole-vault bar has been lowered to the level of the Limbo or Flamenco Dance! (and in some cases, a level or two of basement must be dug to get under the bar).  

Public high schools give 12th graders graduating high-school diplomas, but on a 5th grade level! —blacks who cannot even complete first-grade material are passed year after year until they are “diplomaed”.  Ivy-league universities (Harvard, Yale, etc.), for the past 30 years, have had to implement remedial (that is, elementary basics for those who are functionally illiterate and incompetent) reading, writing, and math classes for incoming freshmen, who cannot do simple addition or subtraction, cannot write a simple sentence, and cannot even fill out the application!  This dumbing down was undertaken to destroy us; the means by which that was done was integration (the same way God assured Egypt would never rise again; the same way every great civilization has fallen).  Test scores and all academic requirements had to be lowered or it would be “racist”* if the majority of blacks or hispanics or the ever-growing mixed population were not passed, while the majority of white students who could pass the tests, were graduated to the next grade.  Now, because the lowering of the bar still does not allow the blacks to drag themselves over it, the masses in high school are simply passed on to the next grade, then the next, then on to graduation without being able to pass anything.  In keeping with egalitarian philosophy of communism / socialism everyone must wear the dunce cap and sit in the corner and be punished for the indolence of the actual dunces.  This duncedom is spoonfed to society with sugar-coated euphemisms (masking the cianide) in which it is publicly declared that no one is being punished, but that all are being treated equally.  Therefore, to be fair, everyone has an 80 lb. iron ball shackled to his ankle (other than the blacks themselves who have already been shackled by nature) and then asked to perform a dive on the academic diving board or to participate in the academic hurdles.  And... when all else fails, the good-old stand-by “slavery” is used as an excuse to blame the white man, somehow, for the blacks’ inability to perform.

* Blacks continue to claim that IQ tests are “racist” and laws have been passed in some areas where it is illegal to give IQ tests to blacks!  Here’s just one story:


However, hypocritically, the blacks themselves have never been able to devise any standarized IQ tests that can be given to all races that will not show the blacks to be inferior.  Why is that...?

Many colleges and universities are little different than the primary and secondary schools.  Wherever dishonesty is perpetration on the foundation, it passes to the higher structure.  Matter cannot be conjured out of the air.  Reality cannot be conjured out of fantasy.  If the politicians shortchange the industries, the industries shortchange the suppliers, and the suppliers shortchange the consumers—that’s modern Talmudic-hijacked economics, Talmudic-hijacked “Capitalism”, and Talmudic-hijacked education in a nut shell and it is all based on corruption and dishonesty.  The lie has to be continued in order for the charade to stay afloat and prevent the prosecution of the crimes; and every discipline in society, every “government” agency is an accomplice.  
Sports is the largest program in many schools and all sorts of laws are broken to have the biggest, strongest, most skilled blacks on the teams (which then impregnate the stupid white girls—even at Christian colleges)—which is a conspiracy.  Most blacks are not better natural athletes (though they do have some physiologial differences from whites that give them a leg up in some areas).  Many of them are indeed, incredible athletes.  I will be the first to admit that.  I will be the first to admit that Michael Jordan is probably the greatest basketball player ever.  The ghettoes are purposely trolled by the scouts by policy for the purpose of integration and the destruction of Christendom (and possibly government funding for helping the poor downtrodden inner-city nonwhites).  Of course many will be better than the average white, if the average white has spent most of his time studying and working part time jobs, while the majority of blacks hang out on the street corner and play b-ball every chance they get, so there is no doubt that they are going to be more experienced.  The news has even recently reported that a 27-year old black who lied and said that was 18-years old, that he was an orphan, and had been displaced by a hurricane.  Somehow he able to con several schools and a Christian college—without any proof of who he was or his eligibility—into being given a place on their basketball teams and thus also put into class rooms with stupid young girls (like sticking a bull out into the pasture with several dozen cows).  

Most schools and colleges, secular and Christian, have LUSTED after having the best team (and they have been deceived into thinking that there is only one way that can be accomplished, and the dangling carrot of government funding for the “right color” is too much to pass up).  All those persons in charge of these institutions have sold their own soul and unforgiveably sacrificed the education and moral livesof their students—and the racial and spiritual identity of our nation to achieve it.  It really boggles the mind how black youth who could not pass high school, except through the ritual of ignoring his actual ability and simply handing him a degree*), who could not pass a real proficiency test to save his life, is somehow able to function at a collegiate academic level.  Instead of drug tests, how about IQ tests and proficiency tests...? —in high school and college.  According to modern corrupt unconstitutional “laws” if a person is convicted of a crime (any crime, even non-violent and “victimless” crimes) he is (unconstitutionally) barred from ever owning a fire-arm.  Well then, why are high school and college athletes who are convicted of crimes still allowed to compete in sports in high school and college and professional and even Olympic?  Also, if the criminals are “under a certain age” they are treated as children and not adults, and therefore, all their criminal record is sealed and functually non-existent, which itself is a crime.]

Add to this dumbing down the outright LIES that are taught in schools and universities (secular and Christian) about history, culture, race, evolution—and the scholastic and moral lobotomy is complete.  The spiritual lobotomy is then complementarily undertaken by the apostate churches and apostate Christian schools and colleges / universities teaching the false doctrines and heresies of the Universal Brotherhood of Man, the Universal Fatherhood of God, the “free will” of man, and Antinomianism (that God abolished His Law)—and “Christians” are reduced to being little different than the secular masses, though they retain a few religious practices that are little different than fond reminiscences of archaic folkways that some refuse to let go of because of the “good feeling” that it gives them.

All these factors would have to go into an honest modern study of this type (as allegedly undertaken by the information claimed as “scientific truth” in the link at the top of this article).  Unless they could “recreate” the “environment of 1960” and the exact type of sample to whom the test was given, then the “study” is confounded and spurious.

But what they do not tell you (if they are even perceptive and astute enough to even recognize it themselves, which is doubtful, as few can think out the academic trough which is periodically slopped for them) is that they have not invalidated the previous study—not a single jot or tittle.  All they have done is demonstrate that society has “changed”—and it did not change on its own; it has been a subversive conspiracy that has been importing the Third World and molding and shaping Christendom into Babylon!

This modern subterfuge, in “fudging” all the data, is to deceptively dismiss the notion that most blacks cannot delay gratification.  That is why there is so much black crime.  Like lowering the educational bar, they continual to lower the “racial bar” in what is recognized as “white” so that crime and other disfavorable statistics are “evened out” a little.  Now Hispanics / Latinos, modern “Persians”, Arabs, and a plethora of mixed race persons are considered “white”—and it is THAT mixed population that commits most of the crimes blamed on “whites” in statistics.

However, in relation to the concept of delay of gratification and self-control, I remember reading in the excellent book (out of print, but I have good copies available, inquire), The Persecutor,* from the 1970s, in which a young orphan boy in Russia, maybe 5 years old, was forced to living on the streets and the first day on his own he stole a small loaf of bread from a vendor and made his escape.  After eating half of it, even at his tender and inexperienced age, he told himself that he would be hungry later and he must save the other half for dinner!

[* Sergei Kordakov was a Russian naval officer.  He was a member of an elite secret police squad that went around raiding Christians having unauthorized church services in private houses or even in the woods—and they would mercilessly beat them with steel batons, punch and kick and throw them against walls and trees—even children.  Kordakov’s heart was eventually turned when the same people, including a little girl whom he had savagely beaten in previous raids, whom he and his cohorts had beated within an inch of their lives, time and time again, came back to the next forbidden, secret prayer meeting or worship service.  I won’t spoil the rest of the gripping story for those who want to read it.  It is an excellent book.]



There are various different methods attempting to classify IQ, and names for each level, that differ, over the years.  I have taken some of the older classifications and various different levels and combited them, and then I have proposed my own, new, identifying labels in [brackets].  This ran through my mind all night as I was trying to sleep, so I believe we are on the verge of a new scientific breakthrough!  Some of the older classifications were politically incorrect.  All truth is.

140-above / genius                        [above average human]

125-139 / superior intelligence    [normal human on a good day]

110-124 / above average              [normal human]

90-109 /  normal                            [borderline human]

70-89 / challenged                         [thorough-bred half-wit]

50 - 69 / moron                               [animal]

20 - 49 / imbicile                             [vegetable]

1 - 19 / idiot                               [mineral; specifically geologically classified as “dont-know-ite”: very, very dense, very hard to introduce anything into.]

-100 - 0                                        [ether - a vaporous almost nothing that cannot be defined, known as “cease-existium”.]


Northern European: Average 100

U.S. Blacks (mulattoes) average 85

Sub-Saharan African Negroids 75

The “average” South African black is 70; thus a % are above and a % are below.  Thus, interacting with any can be considered “gambling”.

Australian Aborigines average 50 - 60.

But race is just a “social construct”... right...?

Tell me, is this a “social construct”...?

—and THAT is why they have been working for 75 years to mongrelize the white race with the other races: so that the difference will not be so stark.  The censors declare the above to be “racist”—but how can anything be “racist” if all races are the same and race is merely a social construct.  What white man would prefer to marry the “social construct” on the left?  Everything after its kind.