Supreme Court and Congressional Criminal Dishonesty — We Don’t Need Politicians, Lawyers, or even Biologists — We Need Scatologists to Cut the Crap...! — Questions that the Supreme Court Nominee should have been asked

Supreme Court “nominee”:

I am not a biologist, I don’t know the difference between a man or a woman.

Honest, intelligent Congressman (of which there are none, so I will have to ask these questions that no Congressman was intelligent or honest or courageous enough to be able to think and ask):

Well, the only reason that you are here is because you are black and you are a woman.  There is no other reason that you are a nominee.

Do you know whether you are a woman or a man...?

If so, how do you know...?

Do you know whether you are black or white...?

If so, how do you know...?

What does it mean when liberal leftists demand that more “women” be elected or appointed to positions of power...?

How can that be done if no one knows the difference between a man or a woman...?

Why do we have lawyers running the government instead of biologists...?

How does a biologist know the difference between a man and a woman...?  How many years of education does it require...? and why is it so difficult...?

If Ted Kennedy had worn a dress and lipstick, would that have appeased those who demand that more “women” occupy positions of power...?  What if he really, really, really believed that he was a woman...?

Tell me, do you go by “Mr.” or “Mrs.”...?


Did you marry a man or a woman...?


How do you know that you married a man and not a woman...?

Which bathroom do you use? the one that says “Men” or the one that says “Women”...?


Do you have to call a biologist each time that you have to pee...?

Do you know the difference between the word “Men” and the word “Women”...?

How...?  What is the difference...?  How do you know which word to use...?

Do you know the difference between the universal symbol for “Man” and the Universal symbol for “Woman”...? and how did it ever become universally recognized if no one knows the difference...?

Do you go to a gynecologist or a urologist specializing in male disorders...?


Have you ever been pregnant or given birth...?

Do you know where babies come from...?

Can a man impregnate another man...?  Can a man conceive and give birth...?

Can a woman impregnate another woman...?

Do you know the difference between male genitalia and female genitalia...?

Can a man be a mother...?

Can a woman be a father...?

Do you know the difference between the words “mother” and “father”...?

Do you understand the difference between the birds and the bees...?

Do babies merely appear by magic...?

Do you believe in black magic and voodoo...?

Are you really this stupid or are you just a liar...?

Did Hillary coach you on how to answer every question evasively...?

If you don’t know the answer to such simple questions, how can you be expected to understand any actually complex legal issue...?

Do you know the difference between a cat and a dog...?

Can a person be a man and a woman at the same time...?

Can something be right and wrong at the same time...?

Can something be legal and illegal at the same time...?

Can something be true and false at the same time...?

Do you know the difference between black and white...?

Can a black be a white person...?

Can a white person be a Negro...?

Is Africa the same as Scandinavia...?

Do you know the difference between a camel and a cow...?

Do you know the difference between Kamela and a camel...?

Do you now the difference between Hillary and a mad cow...?

Do you know the difference between an adult and a minor...?

If a minor who “identifies” as being an adult buys alcohol and cigarettes is that a crime...?

Why can minors not buy alcohol and cigarettes if they can choose to have sex or a sex operation...?  Why are minors not allowed to work for pay...?  Why are minors not drafted to go to war...?

What are people allowed to “identify with” in violation of reality, and what are they not allowed to “identify with”...? and who decides who is allowed to identify or not identify with what...?  and who or what gives them that authority...?

If I am a not a person allowed to identify with something, but I “identify” with being a person who is allowed to identify with something, does that count...?

Do you know the difference between the U.S. Constitution and Karl Marx’s Communism Manifesto...?

Do you know the difference between the U.S. Supreme Court and Diana Ross and the Supremes...?

Do you know the difference between a baboon and a banana...?

If I “identify” with and believe that I am a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, do I get to try cases and receive $250,000 / year with benefits...?