—Islam and Terrorism, The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly—or “Halal Good Cop — Halal Bad Cop” Routine...?

Gandhi and Mandela were both actual terrorists guilty of mass murders—which terrorism they never recanted.*  However, they found that the “soft revolution” was easier to achieve (and less risky), like a Trojan Horse from within the nation they were attempting to subvert.  Thus, while they did carry out a few acts of terrorism, just for a diversion and to have someone else to blame it on, they began the work of subverting the minds of the youth, subverting the politici

—Immigration = Castration

Most people decry the problem until they realize what the solution entails.  Most, when they receive news about the health of their kidneys or heart or liver claim that they don’t want to die and seem eager to live—until they receive the list of “do’s” and “don’t’s” concerning diet, drink, and exercise.  The majority alive in Christendom today are the product of what I refer to as “The Age of Irresponsibility”.  When presented with the responsibility, most people (Christians incl

—Peter Hammond Responds to Joel McDurmon


In the on-going saga of modernist, liberal Pharisees in sheep's clothing, a true spiritual leader and minister, Doctor Peter Hammond of South Africa, has chimed in, as a response to the irresponsible, ignorant mud-slinging of a self-appointed "re-definer" of traditional Christianity: Mr. Friend-of-the-world, Joel McDurmon, the newest falling star in apostate Christianity.

 [Public Service Announcement]


—The "Gentiles" and "those in bondage" in Isaiah 49:6-9

Many “Christians”, demonstrating themselves to be very-poor scholars and even-worse thinkers, build an entire theology from a singular passage; and one taken out of context—and in denial of and in contradiction to the rest of Scripture.  They try to conform Scripture to what they want to believe, as if putting on an oversized garment and then trimming off the “waste” (which in the case of the Scriptures, they consider to be about 80% of the Word of God).

—Heretical Lighthouse: The Blind Leading the Blind or the Mythical Sirens Guiding Ships to be Dashed on the Rocks? — An Attack on Calvinism and a Response (revised)

Someone had emailed me an email that he received.  Some Christian information source announced its plans to print a book; below that announcement are a plethora of comments both pro and con by those who were or had been supporters of that ministry.  I will save most of my comments until the end... [but I will place some of my comments in brackets at certain places, and indicate so with “R.A.B.”]

Of Lawsuits and Barbarians

Someone commented concerning an email from the other day “Blue Buffalo’s Dog Food 2 Class Action Law Suits” (in which an “all-natural” dog food, an expensive and “top of the line” brand, was found to have lead in it and caused the deaths and illness and suffering in numerous dogs, and there was a class-action lawsuit and high-dollar settlement):
“Dr. Carol is in my neck of the woods; 1.5 mi from me.  I wonder whether the settlement amount is a bit excessive?”