—McCain — War “Hero” ...? Consider the Evidence not the Satanic Halo Polishers — R.I.P. - “Roast in Perdition”

Trump should not have caved in, in not honoring McCain after McCain died.  That was cowardly and damaged the truth.  Had Trump held to CONVICTION then detractors would have to have heard the EVIDENCE of McCain’s evil, if they pressed the issue... thus, another COVER-UP resulted instead.  When Hillary dies, instead of lowering the U.S. Flag to half-mast they should raise the Jolly Rogers to full mast; it would have been appropriate for McCain too.

—DNA - “Do Not Assimilate” — DNA Testing CANNOT Be Trusted

People need to realize that DNA testing cannot be trusted.  It is in the hands of the same Talmudic people as the vaccines and other drugs and medical procedures (and the same people who control our government, the media, entertainment, education, the legal profession, etc.).  Do you trust them?  Have you studied the vaccination issue?  Do you trust the AMA / FDA / CDC?  They are multi-billion dollar industries.  If they found a cure for cancer, or other such probl

—STOP SUPPORTING THE SAVAGES WHO HATE US... STOP watching ALL SPORTS, MOVIES, TV, “Comedians”, Musicians, “Singers” (Updated)

This is blatant disrespect and represents further steps toward white genocide as long as we tolerate it.


—Endless Genealogies

In my morning reading Dr. Gordon H. Clark in his superb The Pastoral Epistles (1983), p.169, under II Timothy 3, concerning the “endless genealogies” (which are also discussed elsewhere in Timothy and Titus), wrote concerning those who —