—Going Ape Over Political, Academic, Journalistic, and Ecumenical “Monkeybusiness”: A Swiss Tale — My Tribute and Warning to and Prayer for Christendom (UPDATED)

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This is even more timely and apropos in light of the “caravan” of alien “refugees” [“invaders”] from Central America, and others since, “rape-fugees” from Central America, Africa, and the Middle East, threatening to invade the U.S.

Read the first 10 pages of the 19-page short story satire and see if you are not hooked.

Free 84-page book PDF is here at this page.

The LINK to this webpage for this PDF may be emailed around far and wide (but not the PDF itself) and the LINK may be posted to other sites—and is encouraged... spread it through all of Christendom; email the LINK to everyone you know who cares; post the LINK at websites of like mind.

(Going Ape Over Political, Academic, Journalistic, and Ecumenical “Monkeybusiness”: A Swiss Tale — My Tribute to and Prayer for Christendom)

Is not the laborer worthy of his hire...? is not a dedicated minister who does double duty not worthy of “some” honor...?  Is all the free information that you read at this site not even worth a donation the amount of which you spend daily on lunch or the price of a coffee without even thinking about it...?   If you eat at a restaurant, you pay for the food and even leave a tip.... —don’t you...?  The majority probably have cable, netflix, newspaper and magazine subscriptions, coffee of the month club, etc.  Is spiritual truth deemed unimportant?  Is a dedicated minister standing up, making himself a target, dedicating thousands of hours to post such information for free, worthy of nothing...?  Shall a man rob God...?  As of June 2024 over 12,000 people have read this free booklet (which took me several hundred hours to write—how many times would you work several hundred hours for free...?) and not one has sent a donation.  Christ said, “When you have done it not unto even the least of My brethren, ye have done it not unto Me”.  If your preacher / pastor / church is not preaching the truth, feeding you spiritually and intellectually, why his he your pastor and why do you support him and not support this ministry where you come to graze for free...?  I don’t want anyone to “sacrifice” for me, though I sacrifice for all of Christendom every single day... all I ask is for people to do what they can, and do what God commands.  He that has ears to hear, let him hear...

Printed copies are also available, 7.00 each + P&H.

Inquire for bulk rates.

PDF not to be used without permission.  Email or post the LINK .  Thank you.

Stop the Insanity.  Stop the carnage.  Stop the genocide.  Stop the treason.  Stop the immorality and perversion.  Stop the destruction of Christendom.  Pray that God sends the Spirit of Repentance and the Spirit of Judgment (explained in the PDF).

Even as I was about to post this, news came in that the city of my birth and my ancestors, Philadelphia, illegally declared a sanctuary city, is now doing even more to protect alien criminals.



Philadelphia terminates ICE contract after activists storm City Hall; DH...


Philadelphia will stop giving U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement access to a real-time arrest database, sa...





See also these profound poems:


ye gods —what fools these mortals be!

“If ‘Good’ Men Sit”

 —Town Crier of Christendom

Deliverance Prayer — In the Face of “Politically Correct” Genocidal “Tolerance”


Around 5,000 to 6,000 have read the links above... ZERO have ordered the books or sent any donation / support.  No wonder the enemy is winning... they are not cheap tightwads; they support those pushing the leftist agenda, they will get on a bus, go protest, even commit crimes and get arrested... our people won't even whisper an "amen", or pass the links onto others, order a book, tithe (though God commands it), send a donation.  You reap what you sow.

If you enjoyed this booklet, the above poems, the truth taught here, PLEASE support this ministry.  Please support the one who spends 14-18 hours a day, without a day off in 11 years (the destruction of Christendom does not take a day off; our people are perverted and slaughtered daily), writing and praying the whole time that God delivers His people and saves Christendom—the remnant... please support this ministry that is proclaiming boldly the truth while the majority live lives of ease and liesure and amusement.


“Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.” (Malachi 3:8)


Tell others.  Read other Ruminations at this site.  Order books and become a regular supporter; tithe to this ministry.  Do something.  Christendom is at stake.  Choose sides.  God or the world.  If God, then obey Him.  Stand up.  Support those who have been standing up for decades and who stand on the front lines every day.  Spread the word.  Democrats, Communist, Muslims, Atheists, Feminists, Perverts are all more dedicated that "Christians".  Why is that?  Because most who claim to be "Christians" are not.  They are the Trojan Horse to destroy the Church and Christendom from within.  True Christians live as God commanded—separate from the heathen; separate from the world; in holiness, according to all that God commanded, and they do what is right.  To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin.  Ignorant sin is sin nonetheless.  True Christians will daily be in the Word and know what God commanded—and not follow the voice of false shepherds, believing THE VERY OPPOSITE of what Christ taught.

Check out the 180+ books that I have written, and the thousands of rare titles that I reprint; and help support the work; order directly and don’t support antichrist Amazon that takes the lion’s share and then uses that money to destroy Christendom; support those doing the work.  That is why the left is winning—they are not afraid to get involved or open their wallet.  Don’t just graze for free (you reap what you sow); support those who provide the pasture and forage and fodder and water.  Even sheep are supposed to give the rancher wool and milk (but most seem to prefer to throw themselves to the wolves).