The REAL RACISTS and the REAL HATERS and those truly guilty of REAL HATE CRIMES (updated with short immigration demographic video and another illustrative video clip and some other graphics)
The real racism and hate crime and genocide and replacement is that they hate us because they can never be us. They lie and say that “replacement” is not going on; but all one has to do is watch a movie or tv show from the 1950s or 60s (or news reals, magazines, advertisements, newspapers, the athletes and spectator crowds in sports, Time-Life photos of our cities, beaches, parks, etc.), and then view the same from today. It is amazing that they can LIE SO BOLDLY when reality so blatantly contradicts them and proves them to be liars. Third world peoples have their own nations and continents, and want to take ours from us, replace and exterminate us, yet they accuse us of being guilty of hate, racism, Anti-semitism, etc., simply because we want to continue to be us and preserve our race and culture and identity and religion and morality — which God actually commands us to do. They pass many shades of mixed bloods off as “white“ to hide the true disparity in IQ, crime, and appearance; and that too is brainwashing and a lie and a hate crime against us. It is also child abuse and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, as children are brainwashed from earliest age in school and the media (children’s books, cartoons, comic books, t.v. shows, movies, etc.) and guilt shamed if they are white (and their ancestors are defamed — which is a hate crime), and they are encouraged to “experiment” and defile themselves in any way imaginable. The media shows mixed couples as "the norm" and passes off mixed-blooded people as “white” (and in t.v. shows and movies they give outright third-world aliens Irish, Scottish, Swedish, German, and other names, to brainwash the current several generations into thinking that names and nationalities mean nothing; that it is all completely random). In doing this they completely destroy the minds of children from earliest age, confusing them about reality, truth, history, morality, true Christianity, true culture. As the Confederate leader Jefferson Davis said, “All we want is to be left alone”. Yet the real haters make that out to be evil. Wanting to exercise our God-given, Constitutional right to preserve our people in our nation is made out to be the worst kind of evil. Because they are not us, they can only “feel good” about themselves, once we are gone. However, even our complete extermination will NOT stop their inferiority complex or hatred or criminal nature. They have never been the “noble savage” or the wonderful, peaceful children of nature. As far back as recorded history, they have predated upon each other as wild animals. As close as 1994 the dark black Ruandans murdered about 1 million light black Ruandans simply because they were lighter. If whites are utterly exterminated, the lighter-colored, finer-featured mixed bloods will be on the #1 hate list. If they are all so wonderful and peaceful, why do they flee their own nations to white Christian nations? The problem is: They cannot run away from their own identity. The more of their own people that flood into a white Christian nation, that nation becomes less and less white and Christian and more like their own nations from which they fled.
Over 150 years ago, scholar and explorer, scientist and philosopher Baron Alexander von Humboldt prophetically expressed, “The U.S. will absorb Mexico and crumble to pieces”. Little could he have known, with corrupt politicians, antichrist philosophies posing as truth and “science” and modern travel that the U.S. and all of Europe would absorb the entire Third World and IMPLODE. Back in 1991 in my book The Other Side (link at the bottom) I wrote, “The U.S. is a Third-World nation with pockets of Civilization here and there”. That seemed ludicrous to those who were in blindness, but clearly would seem almost prophetic (were it not so obvious to those who can see). I also declared that the only way to outlaw so-called “racism” would be to outlaw race itself; meaning that the corrupt dictators who have usurped our governments would make it a crime to marry someone of the same race. This has been achieved via propaganda, in the fact that the majority do this now without corrupt legislative mandate; but is genocide nonetheless.
All one has to do is compare population demographics in various Almanacs from 100 or 50 years ago to today. Furthermore, see this shocking and powerful short video that I have been telling people about for half a decade or more. Only a LIAR or an IGNORAMUS could claim this is not REPLACEMENT and GENOCIDE. This is also happening in every single nation of Christendom:
Top U.S Immigration of 100 Years Ranking | 1919 to 2019 | GlobalRankings
If a picture's worth 1000 words, what is a video clip worth?
Below is a short clip from movie Independence Day, which perfectly illustrates Christendom's jubilant ignorance of embracing multiculturalism and the Third World.
The scene shows a massive alien space ship over buildings in a downtown US city and the fools partying on top of the building welcoming the aliens.
Without language thought is impossible. Without GOOD language GOOD THOUGHT is impossible. The English language is also being ghetto-ized and Latino-slanged, perverted and destroyed. It is a hate crime against us. Civilization is being destroyed from every direction... and the stupid sheep who have been brainwashed to think that wolfizing the sheepfold is “wonderful” merely participate in the destruction of their own people, their own children... sacrificing them to the evil, unappeasable gods of political correctness. To know that a swine, a dog, and a wolf are NOT the same as a sheep, all the sheep have to do is look in the mirror or undertake a sniff test...!!! See also my, “Language and Freedom”: Truth Matters — Pronouns Matter — Reality Matters — Morality Matters — GOD Matters! & Did Jesus... —Does God Have Free Will...?, 40pp., 5.00 + P&H; and 4-part illustration, Babylonian Barnyard (8.5x11, 1.00 with any order).
NOWHERE does God or Jesus tell the sheep to lay down their lives for the dogs, swine, or wolves. In fact, God forbids it: He forbids loving and doing good unto, seeing the peace or prosperity of, any league or covenant with, and even forbids bidding them “God speed” (any well-wish or blessing). Jesus is not a color-blind Gandhi. Christianity is doctrine. The fact that the majority do not like the truth or reality does not change truth or reality. Those who would be friends of the world are the enemy of God. Those who would call good evil and evil good and black white and white black have God's Curse upon them. Those who do not know or obey what God commanded do not even know God and the Truth (Christ Jesus / the Holy Spirit of Truth) is not in them (I John 2:3-6). Can a person be a Christian if he does not even know God...? —of course not! RAB/STM
It's not genocidal "replacement"....! Why would you ever think that...?
Family Feud tv Game show