see also full PDF under "uncategorized"

— Limbaugh, Buchanan, Quayle & Other Bozos

Limbaugh, Buchanan, Qauyle & Other Bozos:

Pawns in the Enemy’s Plan to Destroy Patriotic American People

Robert Alan Balaicius

88 pages, illustrated, stapleback booklet [back (left) and front (right) covers shown below.]





If this cover looks "busy" and "confusing" that is because it is.  That's the point: The entire political show is a circus... full of whirling motion, flashing lights, bells and whistles, all intended to distract people (the average person so being caught up in it, he does not even realize it is all an elaborate show, with assigned, scripted, rehearsed parts; with all actors being paid well to play their appointed role).

The enemy’s tactics and modus operandi are revealed.  How patriotic groups and true Israel churches are infiltrated.  An eye-opening expose of the entire political circus "freak show" which is palmed off on the American people as a free ballot election of good men who want to help America.  They are all traitors and zionists.

6.00 donation + P&H.

— Liberty Document, The

The Liberty Document:

The National Debt: Does It Exist & If So Who Owes It? & Some Thoughts On The Hidden Agenda Behind Immigration, Gun Control & The Health sCARE Monopoly

Robert Alan Balaicius

220 pages, plastic comb-bound, illustrated.




Full of illuminating statistics, common law citations, clear and stimulating thought on the topics of Freedom as established by the Christian founders of our Republic, powerful information.

12.00 donation + P&H.

— It Just Isn't Fair...

It Just Isn’t Fair...!

—Says Who...?

An Entreaty to Wayward Children of the Most High to See and Accept God’s Plan—and Live!

Robert Alan Balaicius

156 pages, plastic comb-bound, illustrated.




A very enlightening discourse geared toward all audiences, aimed toward those bitter against/angry with God, whether atheists, agnostics, or Christians (dedicated, liberal, or nominal).   This book dispels the most common reason people reject God.  The average person reasons (with his fallen mind): "Suffering should not exist in the world if there was a loving God."  This book exposes sinful man’s irrationality / hyposcrisy and shows the way to deliverance, salvation, and true life.  This book is important for all: It is an apologetic defense of the Christian faith; contains sound argument to counter this mindset when it is confronted; or you can simply give (loan) the book to one who needs to read it.

11.00 donation + P&H.

— Void Of Offense To God and Man


Void of Offence to God and Man

Robert Alan Balaicius

88 pages, stapleback booklet; 6.00 + P&H.

The Christian-Israelite [the Anglo-Balto-Celto-Saxon-Scandinavia-Slavic peoples of Christendom who have come under the blood of Christ through trusting in Him as Saviour, recognizing their identity as the Covenant people and their responsibilities before their God] are considered in relation to mainstream Christians and in relation to God Himself; a much-needed indictment against the attitude & mind-set of many Christian-Israelites today.  We ought to be able to convince gainsayers by true love, sound doctrine, gentle strength—not by arrogance, caustic name-calling, or carnality.  This booklet reveals what God expects our attitude to be toward blind brethren & toward Him.  Every Christian-Israelite needs to read this!  Very deep spiritual meat.

— Sacred Truth Expository Commentary: Genesis 31-36, 48, 49:5-7 & Judges 19-21

-- NOW READY...! -- 


Sacred Truth Expository Commentary:

Genesis 31-36, 48, 49:5-7 & Judges 19-21

—Culminating in Dinah’s Defilement with an Examination of the Near-Extermination of the Tribe of Benjamin





(Including: the Origins of Adamkind, the Call of Abraham and the true location of Ur of the Chaldees, one of the most In-depth Histories of Jacob-Israel, the origins of most all peoples mentioned in the Bible [including an "Esau-ology"], a detailed analysis of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, and further detailed exegeses covering significant portions of Genesis 10, 11, 14, 18, 19, 37, and many other passages);

708pp. (including 3 charts and a summary of events of each chapter of Genesis), plus 3 fold-out maps; well illustrated, paperback, 

40.00 + P&H.

A fascinating, illuminating detailed study which unlocks many mysteries of Scripture, ties together large segments of Israel’s history (& prophecy), and a resolution of some chronological conundrums; detailed exegesis of main text is Genesis 34 (and 49:5-7)—Simeon and Levi’s extermination of Shechem; background history is provided to understand all of the interrelated events surrounding this period of history; also covers in-depth, Tower of Babel, foundation of Ninevah, destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah, flight of Lot, history/origins of most all other important peoples/empires (Akkad, Aramaeans, Assyrians, Babylonian, Canaanites, Chaldaeans, Edomites, 9 tribes of Giants, Ishmaelites, Medes, Parthians, Persians, Philistines, Sumer, etc.); the "call of Abraham," sacrifice of Isaac, detailed explanation of the origins of Abraham, where Ur really was, detailed exegisis of Genesis 31-33 (history of Jacob from when he left father-in-law Laban, his fearful reunion with Esau, relocation to Succoth, Shechem [34], then to Bethel [35:1-5]); proof that Simeon & Levi’s extermination of Shechem for kidnapping/raping sister Dinah, was not really unusual (God ordered similar things, some are covered, including complete exegesis of grisly, odd history of Judges 19-21 with the near-extermination of tribe of Benjamin). Extra-biblical sources also consulted and explained. I believe that after reading this book, you will understand, better than ever, early Adamite and Israelite history and the racial identity of the majority of the different nations/races mentioned in the Old Testatment, as well as Bible prophecy and God’s overall plan. This is the deepest study of many of these key Biblical stories ever written. A truly fascinating, deep, enlightening study; like Raisin Bran—more juicy nuggets in every spoonful. Don’t let the size of this book scare you. You will learn more from this book than reading a dozen other books. If you liked my book What Was the Mark...—this one may be even better. Around 60 commentaries were consulted, among many other books, a very deep exposition of historical and spiritual truths.