see also full PDF under "uncategorized"

— Post-Christian Era and the New Dark Ages, The


The Post-Christian Era and the New Dark Ages

NEW/Expanded Edition

[Older, shorter edition below as free PDF download.  All rights reserved.]

Robert Alan Balaicius

112pp., paperback, 32 illustrations;

Christian civilization is in peril, being overrun by pagans and the enemies of Christendom whose unabashed goal is to destroy Christianity and Western Culture.  If Christianity goes, freedom goes.  Understand the root of the problem to realize the solution. 


10.50 donation + P&H.

Sample text from the first page of the book...

The pictures on the front and back covers, and on the title and copyright pages are simple testimony to the fact that all earthly things decay over time.However, the decay of our Living Faith, the Christian religion, our heritage, our culture, and our very existence, is in much greater peril than these old, though sacred relics. Little does the average Christian realize the gravity of the situation, nor the extent of the national cancer, because rather than being “watchman on the wall” and “shepherds willing to lay their lives down for the flock,” as Scripture commands, the majority of preachers today are “dumb dogs,” “the blind leading the blind,” and “prophets for hire” who have sold out to the highest bidder. They preach a cotton-candy, godless, liberal theology of love and tolerance—and shun the Holiness and Justice of God which must punish sin, both here temporally, and in the life to come.

[* —which foundational law of nature and biology (entropy) itself disproves evolution. Things de-volve and naturally gravitate to a more simple state, disintegrate, break down, and decay: they do not (on their own) progress to a more complex state or progress.]

Christendom is nearly extinct.  What will decide whether it continues toward the road to oblivion is whether Christians choose to remain in denial or actualy consider the unpleasant facts.  This little booklet is an eye-opener.  All Christians and those who care about free society or Christian civilization need to read it before it is too late.  Very important information for the survival of the nations of Christendom; information on the Christian roots of Germany now nearly extinct, and the U.S., England, and the other nations of Europe are in the same position.  Information on early German Lutheran Pietism and the incredible work of August Hermann Francke and his supporters among the German/Prussian Nobility, other Pietists such as Spener, Arndt, and Count Zinzendorf (also Luther, Melanchthon, and George Mueller).  Very important book. 32 illustrations, in addition to the illustrations on the front and back cover.


        This book is also available here in a PDF file — (This is an earlier, shorter version.)

 [Copyright©  - All rights reserved.]

— Jou Erfdeel (“Your Inheritance: The Best-Kept Secret in the World” / early edition of “Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance”) Afrikaans version - NEW FULL BOOK Free PDF download

Welkom Suid-Afrikaanse broers!




Jou Erfdeel: Die Besbewaarde Geheim in die Wêreld


[“Your Inheritance: The Best-Kept Secret In the World”]

written by Robert Alan Balaicius

translated by Dogter von Sion


If there is any interest in other titles being translated into Afrikaans, those who would want to donate their services, contact me, and I will post the books for free.

It took me hundreds of hours to put this together (and I am not even South African—if I care about your people, WHY DON’T YOU...?)... if any South African wants to make a donation to help fund this project to help reach his own people, e-mail me at the address below for more details.  The whole book really needs to be OCRed (with ABBYY Finereader) and proofread.  Then I could re-typeset it in better print with hundreds of illustrations.

E-mail me if you want to help or if you want to make a donation.



— Ultimate Reconciliation: The Ultimate Doctrinal Affront Against God

Ultimate Reconciliation:

The Ultimate Doctrinal Affront Against God

Robert Alan Balaicius

48pp., stapleback booklet 

A lucid, concise study in Scripture showing that according to God’s Word, Judgment awaits those who reject Christ and there is no Scriptural support for belief that every last soul or the fallen angels (including Satan) will be reconciled back to God.  Just because such a thought (eternal judgment) makes us uncomfortable does not invalidate God’s decree.  If there is no future judgment, Christ’s death was unnecessary and there is no reason for people to obey God or accept Christ, if they will be saved eventually anyway.

4.50 donation + P&H.

— Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on Jeremiah 31

Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on Jeremiah 31

Robert Alan Balaicius

328pp., paperback (new edition, rewritten, retype-set)

This book covers the entire chapter of Jeremiah 31 exhaustively verse-by-verse (sometimes phrase-by-phrase and word-by-word) with extensive commentary and detailed exegesis.  This chapter clearly shows that God’s Law was not done away with and this chapter gives insight into all of prophecy and God’s overall Plan. This book reveals numerous mysteries of Scripture.  This exposition also contains an introduction to Jeremiah (both the book and the prophet) and gives an overview of the pagan kings and the kings of Israel who were contemporary with Jeremiah.  Even as the book of Isaiah has been called the "little Bible" since though one book it touches on the whole of Scripture, in its own right, I believe that chapter 31 of Jeremiah is also a "little Bible" (which I show). 

18.00 donation + P&H.

— Other Side, The

The Other Side

Robert Alan Balaicius

(2008) 460 pages, plastic comb-bound

A very in-depth, detailed current statistics crime, prisons, immigration, powerful quotes and information exposing education, false religion, and a corrupt socialist government, thoughts and philosophy on freedom, Constitutional and Common Law, etc.  Very powerful information.  Illustrated.  It contains 5 in-depth treatises on:

1: False Prophets of Peace: Is Communism Really Dying?;

2: Public School Education in America Today: Programmed to Fail Through Educational Warfare;

3: Who’s In Charge, Who’s To Blame?: The Crises Facing America and Christendom Today;

4: Separation or Unity?: Open Letter to Col Jack Mohr;

5: On Judging/Is The Israel Belief a Cult?

20.00 donation + P&H.

— Mystery of the Law and Grace Solved!, The

The Mystery of The Law and Grace Solved!

Robert Alan Balaicius

190 pages, several illustrations

Many mysteries of Scripture are clearly resolved; a moving account of what Christ actually suffered for us and what being “covered in blood of Christ” fully means; the mystery of “Christ in you” and “you in Christ” revealed; the harmony of the Law & Grace easily resolved; proof that the Promises & Covenants God gave to Israel have not been "spiritualized" away, nor generalized to all peoples—this study covers most every passage outside the gospels (and some within the gospels) which the average person uses in their feeble attempts to show that God somehow changed His Covenants (breaking His Word to His people) to include everyone;

paperback, 12.00 donation + P&H;

Hardback, 22.00 donation + P&H. 

— Lord's Prayer and the Ten Commandments: Their Parallels in Light of Bible Numerics, The

The Lord’s Prayer and The Ten Commandments:

Their Parallels in Light of Bible Numerics

Robert Alan Balaicius 

224pp., plastic comb-bound

This is a very deep/interesting study showing how intricately connected the Bible is; how God’s Kingdom on earth can become reality; how there is hope for our persecuted people in this evil time in history; and more.  The 1st Commandment parallels with the 1st segment of the Lord’s Prayer; the 2nd Commandment parallels with the 2nd segment of the Lord's Prayer, etc.—all the way to the 10th; and each number has symbolic significance in light of Bible Numerics.  

14.00 donation + P&H.