Another New Booklet: The Unique “Ethiopian” Eunuch was NOT a Nubian, NEITHER was Simon of Cyrene, etc.

Apologetic Expositions #9

The Unique “Ethiopian” Eunuch was not a Nubian (Acts 8) & Neither was Simon of Cyrene, nor was Simeon “Niger”, nor was Lucius of Cyrene (Matthew 27:32; Mark 15:21; Acts 2:10; 11:20; 13:1); 83pp., 7.00 + P&H. 

[Inquire concerning the other 8 in the series.]

[P&H = 10% (5.00 minimum) within the U.S.]

Thousands look at these links... few ever order... why are you even looking?  Do you care about the truth? 

“Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.” (Proverbs 23:23)

Are the treasures of God’s Word not worth $10 to you...?  It takes 100 hours to produce a deep, intricately researched and thought out booklet like this (and I have produced around 180 books, even up to 800 pages in length, for the past 30 years, for 90 hours a week).  What is your time worth?  Do you care about the Truth...?  Why are you even at this website reading the Ruminations or looking at the books, but never order...?  Why don’t you “taste and see”...?  How can you be always ready to give an answer for the hope that is in you, or convince the gainsayers, or put to silence the ignorance of foolish men, shut the mouths of mockers and false prophets, or defend the faith if you don’t have any ammunition or even know how to use the weapon?  The very fact that no one has written expositions on the topics that I write upon, is because no one else knows how to present the evidence, or even find it... and it is all there in plain sight to those who can see and who care.  If you are not doing the groundbreaking work and preaching the Full Counsel of the Word of God full time (double time) as I have been... why are you not supporting those who do...?  If you know someone with a better ministry and sounder doctrine and information, why do you come here to read...?  If you don’t believe or care about the truth, stop reading and just join the Apostate Church and the world in its boundryless luv fest.   If you care about the truth, you will support those preaching it without having to be told.  If you love the truth you will share it with everyone you know, especially everyone whom you care about, without having to be told, and not merely hoard the truth for yourself.  If you don’t have signs of true life, that should concern you.  If it does not concern you... go watch an episode of Oprah or something.

Christ declares, “15I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of My Mouth. ” (Revelation 3) 

The meaning of the final phrase is, “ye shall have no part in Me”.

Choose sides.  Bear fruit.

God never abolished His Law—which includes supporting His ministers.

[See also: Malachi 3:8-11.]


See also:

Uriah the “Hittite”...? (Updated)

Also, I am currently rewriting / expanding the very first A.E., Isaiah 56:1-8 into a 176-or-so-page paperback.  Inquire if interested concerning price and availability.