Some tough gristle to chew on... if you don't want to know the truth, don't read any further

A people who are a tiny minority, represent 95% of the owners of the media, finance, medicine, education, the law profession, and even infiltrated once-Christian universities, churches, and seminaries, book publishing companies.  This is no coincidence; it is taught in the Talmud and the Protocols.  They call the protocols a "forgery" (which I give the history of de-bunk the forgery claim in my Fearless and Godly Pioneers for the truth), but the protocols were first exposed in the late 1800s.  They have been

White Sugar = poison

While NO sugar, even healthy sugars, should be over-consumed (even the Bible says too much honey is not good; man shall not live by bread alone... and the same goes for honey... God gave us a wide assortment of permissible food because we need a varied diet to get all the nutrients, starch, fiber, protein, good fats, etc., that the body needs), white sugar is poison...

—Does Hillary Have the Human Form of Mad Cow Disease or Is She Just a Mad Cow...? “True Beef or not True Beef...?” — That Is the Question

Here are two links to some odd information.  I certainly don’t know if it is true or not, I am not a bovine veterinarian.

Hillary has KURU Disease from Child Cannibalism

—“Red Elephants” CRASH “White Privilege” Seminar

Someone emailed this link and said, “Great job Red Elephants”—but it was not a great job.  It was embarrassing and juvenile and ignorant.  I admire they had the courage to do what they did; but as the Bible says, “It is not good to have zeal without knowledge” (Proverbs 19:2—the one rare verse that the NIV actually does a good job on).  This has some bad language, but it is still very interesting how the Jews are exposed in the 30 minute video of this meeting.

Dying Christendom—Dancing to the Tune of the Pied “Pipers” and False Prophets of Babylon into the Arms of the Antichrist: The Continued Apostasy of the Southern Baptist Convention and Their Paper-Tiger Fallacy (Invented Myth) of White Supremacy being ...

Dying Christendom—Dancing to the Tune of the Pied “Pipers” and False Prophets of Babylon into the Arms of the Antichrist: The Continued Apostasy of the Southern Baptist Convention and Their Paper-Tiger Fallacy (Invented Myth) of White Supremacy being “the Enemy”—Chasing Phantoms and Inventing Boogeymen rather than Obeying God and Preaching the Faith Once Delivered and Rebuking REAL Sin