Dying Christendom—Dancing to the Tune of the Pied “Pipers” and False Prophets of Babylon into the Arms of the Antichrist: The Continued Apostasy of the Southern Baptist Convention and Their Paper-Tiger Fallacy (Invented Myth) of White Supremacy being ...

Dying Christendom—Dancing to the Tune of the Pied “Pipers” and False Prophets of Babylon into the Arms of the Antichrist: The Continued Apostasy of the Southern Baptist Convention and Their Paper-Tiger Fallacy (Invented Myth) of White Supremacy being “the Enemy”—Chasing Phantoms and Inventing Boogeymen rather than Obeying God and Preaching the Faith Once Delivered and Rebuking REAL Sin

Logic and Exposure of Subversion, Corruption, and Injustice via Book covers?

Would there even be universities without those whom the invaders are now trying to bar from them...? (—in the U.S., South Africa,* and presumably other nations of Christendom)  It is a growing trend of racism and violence—from the wearing of hateful t-shirts to even giving orders for whites to leave campus, demanding statues or paintings of founders and / former presidents of the universities to be removed, etc.

POLICE: Don't call us; we'll call you if we want to fine you.

POLICE: "We are too busy eating donuts and looking for ticketable traffic violations to bother ourselves with actually protecting citizens... just put up with whatever the problem is and stop being so hysterical, selfish, rabble-rousing, whistle-blowing, alarmist, and intolerant.  Your tax money that pays our salaries is not to provide services for you, but to protect the politicians and regulate you into a cage, and to turn a good profit when we can...