Gog and Magog...? Russia? Islam? Who is to be invaded? Israel? The United States / USA, Britain / UK & Europe: Christendom? (Updated)

The View of Revelation presented in books like A. J. Ferris' The Book of Revelation (or Foster's Amazing Book of Revelation Explained, which is merely an extraction of Ferris' work) and Thomas Foster's When Russia Attacks America is called the “Historicist” view—not to be confused with the Preterist / Praeterist view. 

Mini Sermonette Lite

God will get serious with keeping His Promises and delivering us when we get serious in seeking Him, repenting, and obeying.  

“13And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.  14And I will be found of you, saith the LORD...” (Jeremiah 29)

—Pastor Chuck Baldwin Steps on Some Kosher Toes (Revised)

Some woman wrote an article calling Chuck Baldwin a liar for some things that he allegedly posted at his Facebook page, after being informed that his articles would no longer be accepted at News With Views, since Baldwin has taken an anti-Zionist position.  If you are able, please go to this website and read this article first.

Dear Germany / Dear Europe

I have a question.  During WWII you killed your own brethren when Americans, British, and European armies invaded your nation (and you were RIGHT to do so; we did not have the right to invade you because you were attempted to gain control of your nation back from the International Bankers and expell subversive aliens).