—Post-Election Thoughts... What Happened? What Needs to Happen? & National Emergency and Thoughts for Survival

I watched at Google live the map of the U.S. and prayed from 6 pm to 1:30 am, a few times on my face before God, and prayed for even those states that I thought impossible to turn from blue to red, to do so; and for the pink to turn red, or turn back to pink and then red... what a roller coaster ride (and I have NEVER followed an election or watched the results before because in the past, there was no difference between either side)...

Which Flavor of Communism Will Win...? “Democrats” or “Republicans”...?

The nation is divided over this because half the nation is: 1. a Gimmie-grant / Rape-fugee/ alien invaders and their descendents (who are not lawful citizens*), 2. a native born person on welfare, 3. a government employee, 4. corrupt Big Business who wants the government to keep robbing Peter to pay Paul, 5. youth who have been brainwashed in the public schools who think that communism is good and that money grows on trees.  Thus half of the people voting in the U.S.

—Heavy Duty Thoughts: The Great Tribulation and the Greatest Hate Crime in Our History + Follow-up Q & A (Updated)

In my 10-year project (see at the end of this Rumination) A Coordinated Chronological Table of the Patriarchs, I list all the Patriarchs from Adam to Moses, and all interrelated dates at all known times, which shows how old each Patriarch was at the time as all others, and in relation to dates of key events such as Creation, the Flood, Call of Abraham, Exodus, etc.  I also projected that the year of Christ’s Return would be around the end of 2024 and that 2025 (beginning of the Millennial

—Coming Chaos

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Chaos will erupt across America in less than 100 days... no matter who wins the election - NaturalNews.com