—DMSO & MSM / Organic Sulfur - MSM may be one of the most important nutrients for the entire body, detoxing from chemical bombardment / GMOs - cellular health / oxygenation / energy / fighting & preventing cancer, disease - but not all MSM is the same


DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) and MSM (Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane) are chemically related.


See the books (available from me)

The Persecuted Drug: The Story of DMSO (1979), Pat McGrady, Sr., m-m pb. 312p. out of print, important book; exposes corruption of FDA; good used copies, pb. 15.00 + P&H; Hb. 20.00 + P&H.

DMSO: Nature’s Healer, Morton Walker, D.P.M., 352pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H. DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) is a natural by-product of the paper industry, which has incredible healing properties (bruises, broken bones, cancer, and hundreds of others); it is used on million dollar race horses, but outlawed by FDA for humans.  However, the product is cheap and easily found.  This book is a must for homesteaders and people who don’t buy into the AMA doctor-god syndrome, running to a doctor and trusting him with his life, hanging on his every word.

You can get DMSO, pure liquid, on Amazon for around $1/ounce, and an 8oz bottle will last for years (it doesn't go bad, so buy a few bottles in case it is ever taken off the market and as price will continue to rise, or of course if it is a product Amazon itself stocks shipping will be free on $25 or over of any product Amazon stocks).  It will solidify or freeze around 65 degrees or so, but that does not effect it (and if it does freeze and you need to use it, just hold the bottle in your hand for a moment and that will melt enough to use).  You can also cut DMSO with pure water if it is too hot for where you use it... tough skin like elbow, ankle, knee, wrist, will only lightly tingle full strength... but on neck or shoulders it can be intense hot/prickly--and if you forget and rub it on you will be in pain for several hours (depending on how much you used and how long you were rubbing it on)... so never rub it on.  They do make some DMSO creams that can be rubbed on, but I believe the DMSO level in them is small and of course the cream can only be used like a liniment and cannot be used for the wide range of applications that are possible and being weaker it is not as effective.

The best method is to have a 1 ounce glass dropper bottle and carefully transfer an ounce into that bottle from the 8 ounce bottle you purchase.  Then you store the 8oz bottle somewhere safe, cap on tightly.  You use the 1 oz dropper bottle as needed (--and label it well and keep both out of reach of young children).  That way there is never any chance of spilling, wasting, or contaminating the main bottle.

You only use the tiniest amount. Clean the area with soap and water and rinse well to get all soap residue off... any chemical or poison you just happen to have on your skin will go into your bloodstream (such as, if you just used bug spray or some chemical solvent while working on your car, had just used pesticides or herbicides if farming, if you use those poisons, just used Drano or some bathroom cleaner, etc.--wash your hands and the area to which it is to be applied and keep the area clean until it has all absorbed and then wash the area with soap and water to remove any residual... if your clothing is not cotton and is not color fast, you could have dye and other ingredients absorbed, so let the area air dry but keep clean, or cover/wrap with a pure white cotton dish towel, ace bandage, white cotton sock, etc.) 

You do not rub DMSO on, that will terribly burn the skin due to friction (it varies depending upon where the skin is.  Tough skin like wrist and front of the knee, outside of elbow would not hurt as much, tender skin like neck, shoulders, back of the knee, inside elbow, etc. will blister)... you use a dropped and apply a few drops and genty dab in, or use a q-tip and gently roll the Q-tip around squeezing out and rolling out the liquid... using a cotton ball or tissue will be wasteful as most will be absorbed by the cotton or tissue.

if applied soon enough to an injury, you will not get a bruise, lowers swelling from a sprain or even fracture (of course, it will not set a broken bone, but it helps with healing).  In experiments they crushed the spines of rabbits (I know, poor bunny, that's not the point)... normally paralysis would set in and they would die soon after a crushed spine... they applied DMSO immediately after crushing their spines and the rabbits (though with broken spines) never even showed signs of paralysis.

I've used it for 30 years... it is used on million-dollar race horses, it is a by-product of the wood-paper pulp industry and is a chemical solvent, so only buy the pure grade.  It is "not approved for human use" read Grady's book above to understand the politics... it won't be approved for human use because it is inexpensive and works and doctors/drug companies can't make money off it; actually approving it for human use would be a BAD thing, because then the govt would regulate it and the price would be 50x higher and you would need a prescription probably.  I've killed plantar's warts with it, using a drop of DMSO and a drop of compound W (which is basically aspirin, if I remember correctly) a few times a day for a week, it took the C-W deep down into the tissue to the root and killed it there, rather than C-W itself only killing the surface layer and never getting to the root of a plantar.  Of course, there was a chance of the Compound-W doing something in my bloodstream, but it is basically aspirin so I took the chance.

The uses are as limitless as your imagination. 

However, in most cases it is not advised internally, except in the very smallest amount.  Mild nausea may be a side effect, even used externally, especially if you use too much; but a little food in the stomach can fix that.  Also, it will cause some body odor, bad breath, compared to garlic or oysters (depending on how much and for how long a period of time that you use it).

Someone with skin cancer or tumor might consider crushing a garlic clove, vit c, baking soda and tiny bit of maple syrup, cayenne, turmeric, juice/sap from osage orange, cinnamon, etc., or even powerful antimicrobial essential oils (1 drop) such as oregano, and mix with DMSO and apply.  Of course, I would start with small amount to see how the body reacts.  Unless you believe in conventional medicine, and if so, why are you reading this instead of making an appointment with your doctor?



It needs to be realized that pure 100% straight elemental sulfur is toxic / deadly to the body, that is why MSM (Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane) is the sulfur that is needed for use as a supplement.  You can't just buy any type of sulfur, like from a farm / fertilizer store; that form is toxic.

[Also, too much petro-chemical sulfur (reportedly) is toxic to the soil and can ruin the soil permanently, if I remember correctly, so it is best to test your soil and only add an appropriate amount and then only an organic source from an organic supplier such as Peaceful Valley out of California or maybe Mellingers out of Penna., if one cannot find what is organically recommended agriculturally locally.]

Reportedly most brands of MSM are heated so high in processing that then end product is basically inert.  Also, reportedly, most MSM in capsules is not as effective (even if it is a good brand) because often they add silica (Silicon dioxide) or other minerals as free flowing agenta so the encapsulating machine do not cake up, and then when ingested the MSM absorbs the silica or other agents, rather than toxins and heavy metals in your body that you want it to absorb.  Therefore, the MSM should have no other ingredient in it other than MSM.

MSM / organic sulfur works like chelation therapy does, because of its molecular structure it readily bonds with most other chemicals; and thus removes heavy metals and other toxins from the body (reportedly, about the only thing it does not bind to is iodine, which is probably a good thing, see: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/06/29/iodine-deficiency-risk.aspx).  MSM oxygenates and cleanses on a cellular level.  It can help remove all the poisons that we are being bombarded with (see also the article I offer on boron / borax).

However, because MSM works as a chelating agent, it should be taken at least 30 minutes before or after any medication or vitamin/mineral/supplement, otherwise, it will simply absorb your medication / vitamin / mineral and you will not benefit much from the MSM or your medication / supplements.  That would be sort of like setting out a mouse trap with a dead mouse already in it.  You want to catch new mice to get rid of them.  MSM can be taken with food, but its maximum benefit will be if taken on an empty stomach, 1/2 hour before eating anything in the morning, and then again in the afternoon several hours after a meal.  However, it is not essential that it is taken on an empty stomach; but you will get the maximum benefit from it in that way.


The same protocol applies to using psyllium fiber (which you should*), bentonite clay, activated charcoal, etc.; all these things absorb whatever is around them, so any medications / supplements you take should be taken 1/2 later or before any such products that absorb.

[* Our food is fiber depleted and fiber keeps the bowel moist and moving and absorbs toxins, excess oil/fat, sugar.  I take fiber with every meal/snack and I take double the fiber with an excessively oily/greasy (like beef sausage or fried chicken or any meal that had a lot of oil) or high carb (such as pasta) or high sugar (a desert or snack).  The psyllium helps absorb some of the carbs, oils, sugars.  A Tablespoon of apple cider vinegar after a meal/desert/snack that had sugar will also help prevent the absorption of all the sugar (but after drinking any vinegar or eating a salad with vinegar, you need to rinse your mouth or drink something to get the vinegar off your teeth which will eat the enamel off; but xylitol [see my article on Xylitol] can help remineralize and recalicify the bones and teeth).  The majority of people on the modern, processed, fiber-denuded diet are constipated and do not know it.  Constipation is also the result of dehydration and most people are dehydrated and do not know it.  It is inconvenient to go to the bathroom 10-20 times in 24 hour period, even getting up out of bed, but that is the price of good health.  One should drink 1 or 2 cups of water upon rising in the morning (thus, taking the MSM when one first gets up is the best way to start the day), to replenish the organs, as much of the water will have settled out due to laying down and inactivity as you slept during the night.  Water is important for bringing nutrients into each cell of the body, and to carry waste out of each cell of the body.  This cannot be done if you are dehydrated and if you don't drink close to the proper amount of water (not soda, not coffee, not tea, not juice, not beer, but pure water) a day, you are probably dehydrated.  Drinking proper water also helps maintain weight: Weight gain is sometimes the result, partially, of dehydration, and lack of fiber, as more food is absorbed the longer it stays in you.  Also, some believe all disease begins in the colon.  The intenstines are the sewer system of your body.  The longer waste remains in it, your body begins to reabsorb not only the fluid (causing constipation, which fiber prevents, because it retains fluid in the fiber and keeps the stool soft and keeps it moving)... and as your body reabsorbs water from the colon/large intestine, it can reabsorb toxins, and those toxins that remain in the colon/L.I. can also attach and begin to cause disease.  drinking water regularly throughout the day, and taking fiber (which also helps make you feel full so you don't feel the need to eat all the time when you do not need to) will help keep your body hydrated and the waste system doing what it is supposed to do in a timely fashion.] 

Herxheimer reflex / reaction - yeast / pathogen die-off; toxin dumping

When someone starts taking the MSM/sulfur, you may experience a little fuzzy feeling, flu-like symptom, allergy, general malaise--depending on how full your body is of toxins; or you may experience nothing; this is called the Herxheimer reflex or syndrome and is your body's responding the the die off and short-term dumping of pathogens/toxins... the solution is to drink more water (and even with psyllium fiber 30 min. after taking the sulfur)... and this will help prevent and/or recover from the short term Herxheimer reflex which is only in the beginning of any detox program... the initial massive dumping of toxins until they are eliminated, then the ongoing detox is much more gentle because it will be going after the older toxins deposited deeply in the tissue, rather than the greater amount that are first dumped.  If a person really feels bad, then bentonite clay or activated charcoal might be something to consider taking to help sponge up all the toxins.

It is good to drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day; thus, if you weigh 200 lbs., you should drink 100 ounces of water a day. (There 128 ounces in a gallon and 8 ounces in a cup.)


Some have reported constipation if they take it twice a day, so a dose of psyllium fiber in between MSM doses might be a good idea.


MSM / organic sulfur (the S in MSM is the chemical abbreviation for Sulfur) only stays within your body for about 12 hours; so ideally, it should be supplemented twice a day; however, because it powerfully oxgenates the cells, it should not be taken too close to bedtime as it can interfere with sleep because the oxygenation energizes you and can keep you awake.  Each person may be a little different, but I don't take anything that is a blood oxygenator/brain stimulant within 5 or 6 hours before bed (thus, no CoQ10, Ginkgo, adrenal glandulars, iron, MSM, Ginseng, etc.)


Sulfur is naturally occuring in organic eggs (chickens not raised naturally, in poor health, with antibiotics and hormones, etc., produce inferior eggs), fish (not from a "farm") and organic grass-fed beef.  Broccoli and broccoli sprouts and other cabbage-family veggies (kale, Kolrabi, brussel sprouts), onions (the powerful tear-causing vapours are sulfuric acid), garlic  all have sulfur and that is one of the reasons they have been noted to help fight cancer and other disease.


Recommended Dosage: (There are 453 grams in a lb.  1 lb. of MSM is about 28.3 days supply at recommended dose for a 200-lb. person)

1 teaspoon (4 grams) for every 100 lbs., of body weight / twice a day.  Thus, if a person weighs 150 lbs., 1 and 1/2 teaspoons twice a day. 

(If you take less than the recommended dose you will still benefit, and taking less is better than taking none; but if you really need to detox, if you have not done any internal cleanses and don't follow the best diet, it would be good to take AT LEAST the recommended dose for at least a month, ideally 3 months, before dropping back to a half dose or twice a day or a full dose one a day if your budget cannot afford the recommended dose.  You can take a larger dose and you can take it more frequently.  If you have serious health issues or have been subjected to a lot of toxins in the air, food, workplace, chemtrails, vaccines, or are fighting illness or injury, your body may need even more.)

MSM can be used topically, you can brush your teeth and gums with it, you can even use a nebulizer to get micro amounts into your breathing passage and lungs to clean them out / detox.


A larger dose or more frequent doses may be constipating, so monitor your body's signals and if that is the case, then try taking some psyllium/fiber 1/2 after your MSM.


It can also be mixed into creams and salves for topical use.



Some others who promote MSM and sell it make the following claims

MSM FLOODS OXYGEN INTO YOUR CELLS FOR INCREASED ENERGY, GREATER STAMINA, PROTECTION FROM CHEMTRAILS & FUKUSHIMA RADIATION- ASSISTS IN ADDRESSING NUMEROUS CONDITIONS DISCUSSED BELOW:   When you ponder the huge list of medical conditions (see below) that are alleviated entirely, or greatly improved by simply drinking a couple of glasses of sulfur water per day, its not hard to understand the reason why Big Pharma deliberately broke the sulfur cycle back in the 40s and 50s.   They did this by encouraging the USDA and international equivalents to go to the farmers and say: "You'll make more money and have increased crop yields if you stop using manure as fertilizer, and switch instead to synthetic, petroleum based fertilizer." [Thus, poisoning the soil, enriching Rockefeller, and causing waste build up that has to be removed some other way.]   (Manure breaks down, putting sulfur into the soil, and they realized that if they could keep sulfur OUT of the soil, they could trigger a huge rise in literally EVERY KIND of degenerative disease, especially CANCER!)   Have a look at this long list of medical conditions? Are you currently taking medication to address any of them? If so, you are being ROBBED!! Great things happen when you reestablish the sulfur cycle in your body allowing proper oxygen transport to the cells, which pushes the toxins out!

    Skin Condition: especially acne, psoriasis, rosacea (red skin splotches), liver spots, and disorders associated with Lupus Erythematosus have been greatly reduced or eliminated. With mild rosacea and acne, sometimes in as little as two weeks! Fine lines, wrinkles, and crows feet disappear! Skin tone, color, softness, pliability and appearance improve after 6 - 8 months of taking this organic sulfur according to the established guidelines.

    Allergies, Asthma, and Emphysema: some people with more serious conditions stopped depending on the bottled oxygen they had been toting around! (When combined with dietary changes that kill candida and re-establish healthy gut flora (see info at) most mild and moderate cases reported 100% resolution for allergies and asthma!)

    Addictions and Food Cravings: Detoxification and reduction of addictions cravings and food cravings appears to be accelerated and reduced when people are maintaining abstinence from addictive substances and junk food. We have reports that the detoxifying phase of recovery is shorter and less intense. Ingesting sulfur also helps speed your metabolism, enabling you to exercise more with better stamina, so stock up on sulfur- and get into the gym, or on that bike, or out there walking or running! Spring is here, and you'll fit into that bathing suit much better this summer if you get moving now with sulfur!

    Autism: 26 parents have placed their children and young adults on organic sulfur. In 15 of those cases the parents report noticeable improvement. In two cases there was dramatic improvement. The reported results varied. One parent reported their child was now enrolled for regular school. Two parents reported their child was now talking and participating in their environment. There is still too little information to make any solid reports on this.  But it is cheap and easy enough to experiment with yourself.  Remove some of the mercury and other toxin build up from the vaccines and improvement, to one degree or another, is certainly possible.

    Cancer and Chemotherapy: Study members undergoing cancer treatment who took 40 - 60 g of Organic Sulfur (3 - 4 tablespoons) twice a day had no nausea, diarrhea, or hair loss during chemotherapy. There was also a surprisingly noticeable reduction of cancer cell counts as reported by their oncologists. (I don't recommend chemotherapy or radiation, cancer can't live in the presence of oxygen. I'll probably never get cancer due to all the sulfur I drink, but if anyone I knew had cancer, I'd recommend they drink 3-4 tablespoons of sulfur twice a day, while also using other bioxidative treatments, and taking other supplements such as megadoses of vitamin C for enhanced immunity.     Hep C / HIV: One person regenerated his liver to a healthy state after 25 years of Hepatitis C with only this specific Organic Sulfur (eighteen months of two table-spoons of organic sulfur twice a day). About a dozen people report blood analyses improving after about a year. Three people report the dark-skin of legs from Hep C going away within two weeks. Please remember that results vary. . Other bioxidative treatments including ozone work great also for deactivating Hep C.

    Constipation/Digestion People consistently report constipation is reduced and digestion improves in response to Organic Sulfur. Rates of improvement vary.

    Lymphomas appear to consistently reduce in response to Organic Sulfur—both in the associated pain and in decreased size of tumors. Several cases of cervical, breast, and prostate cancer have been resolved without any medical involvement (sometimes in two weeks).People with cancer should ingest 2-3 tablespoons of sulfur 3x per day.

    Diabetics are noticeably helped because bio-cellular organic sulfur is essential for the management and production of insulin and sulfur-based amino acids, which are necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates. All those interviewed (about 35 people) reported less dependance on insulin and several reported weight loss.

    Arthritis: All types of arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, with long-term use of Organic Sulfur, report much less pain and dramatically increased mobility. Many customers reported the straightening of finger joints and the reduction of internal scar tissue around the joints.

    Kidney Stones: one study member reported passing small kidney stones with no pain at all, and only a very mild physical discomfort that lasted one or two minutes. (All pain is caused by the absence of oxygen. A neighbor was able to stop using dangerous, liver destroying pain killing drugs like Vicodin by getting on a regular program of drinking sulfur water.

    Heart and Heart Surgical Procedures: 54 cases of scheduled surgery were cancelled when the individual's EKG returned to normal within as little as six weeks of ingesting Organic Sulfur in a fairly high dose twice a day. About 45 participants reported other heart conditions like murmurs, flutters, palpitations, and erratic heart beat being reduced or eliminated.

    Blood Conditions and High Pressure: All study members, who participated over the long term, report high blood pressure returning to normal (over 200 cases), the breakdown of calcium plaque in the arteries, and on their own decision, eventually going off all related medication.  Blood conditions like 'black blood' or 'sticky blood' were resolved in 6 - 7 months. Regarding Live Blood Analysis: several members report going from poor to very good results (top 10%) in 3 to 6 months of drinking sulfur.

     Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: About 50 people with CFS or mild, chronic lethargy report significant improvement in alertness, motivation, energy, and general health.

    Chemical Sensitivities: Extreme or complex chemical sensitivities, sometimes referred to as environmental illness—being allergic to or having a strong, sensitive reaction to many things: perfume, pets, soaps, many foods, spices, fabrics and lotions all at the same time. It’s onset is mysterious and most probably the result of long-term bombardment of these allergins, combined with other stressors and crops raised in mineral depleted, petro-chemical toxic soils, chemicals and pollution in the air, water, food, vaccines from decades earlier (and flu shots) and dozens of other things that all create the perfect storm and cluster of a problem which jointly work to weaken the immune system, which can no longer fight everything off, and allergies or sensitivities develop, as well as more serious health problems, degenerative, disease, etc.

  Clear CAW (Willard Water) and organic sulfur have, in about a dozen cases, been reported to noticeably reduce or eliminate these. Recovery is slow and gradual due to complex cell repair and immune system healing. For this, follow carefully the Acclimatization Process. No one thus far, over 2,000 participants, is allergic to organic sulfur. It is NOT related to 'sulfa" drugs.   This is not to say that some people may not have a reaction, even if that reaction is Herxheimer's or the pathogen die off and toxic stir up until the body removes it.  If such symptoms occur, drink more water; cut back the dosage on the second dose.  Everyone's body is different and no one can know how to fine tune supplementation (or diet) better than each person himself.

    Menstruation and Menopause: Over 90% of the women interviewed have reported fewer cramps, less PMS, and general reduction of discomfort during menstruation. About four dozen women experiencing menopause and perimenopause report life was noticeably more pleasant with fewer and much less intense symptoms. In over a dozen reports, including thyroid conditions , hormonal imbalances were gradually eliminated. In many cases all prescription medication was discontinued (at the member’s own initiative). In four cases women in early menopause reported feeling much younger, less "stressed", and began to menstruate again with little discomfort.

    Toxin Removal and Chelation: One specific purpose of organic sulfur, through the enhancement of amino acid production, is detoxification and chelation of toxins and heavy metals, i.e. individual cellular health. This is especially true for organ and brain detoxification. It appears to be the most effective of the various methods the director has encountered. About 70 participants report going from moderate or severe heavy-metal toxification to negligible after 12—15 months. They was on no other protocol. The cellular oxygen-nutrient transfer protocol and amino acid production associated with organic sulfur are the basis for this natural, gentle detoxifying process. It appears to be safer, less intrusive, and less expensive than other chelation protocols.

  Many of my customers have variously reported going off anti-depressant medications, canceling surgical procedures, general pain reduction, more energy, clearer thinking, increased sense of well-being, dramatically improved skin tone, skin texture, and color, the reduction of skin wrinkles in the face, and the reduction of skin wrinkles in the face, and the gradual reduction of facial and body scars (after 2 - 3 years use, scar reduction is the acid test for MSM, only the best sulfur will reduce scars to the point where they almost disappear.). Many members with grey and white hair report their hair darkening or returning to natural color, and skin liver spots diminishing.  Note: About ten participants report that tattoos will noticeably fade after a year or so. The body "interprets" the tattoo ink as a foreign toxin and will detox itself from it.

Organic Sulfur is a food that the body requires on a daily basis to be healthy. Because of chemical fertilizers, preservatives, and processing, the food available today does not provide the quantity of bio-available sulfur our body needs to be fully healthy. MSM products sold through retail outlets or other on-line sites have demonstrated less effect, we believe because of processing and additives.   With the world ruling elite making a concerted effort to cull the human herd via chemtrail spraying, theres no better way to detoxify ourselves than by ingesting sulfur! It pulls all the heavy metals being sprayed on us out of our bodies! Sulfur is a reactive element containing 16 electrons and protons in its outer shell. About the only thing it won't combine with is iodine. We're being sprayed with billions of tons of aluminum oxide that is causing a huge rise in Alzheimers. We're being sprayed with barium, strontium, arsenic, and other heavy metals that are causing a huge rise in Cancer! Protect yourself by drinking sulfur twice a day!



Organic sulfur/MSM. When it comes to ensuring that the liver is operating at its full detoxification capacity, there is perhaps no nutrient more powerful than organic sulfur, which is also known as methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). A critical component in detoxification, energy production, cell oxygenation, and immune capacity, organic sulfur has gained "near miracle" status among many health professionals who now recognize how a lack of this vital nutrient can encourage toxic buildup within the body. (http://www.naturalnews.com/026797_sulfur_organic.html)

Organic sulfur used to be present throughout the food supply before the days of GMOs, petrochemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, and other "modern" agricultural interventions -- but today, it is severely lacking throughout the food supply.  Supplementing with MSM sulfur crystals will help repair your malfunctioning cells, restore healthy oxygen transport, and ultimately facilitate a systemic detoxification process that will encourage the elimination of GMO remnants from your system. 



Sulfur is the Missing Link for Good Health

Sulfur is critical for good health.

We don’t get much in our diet due to modern farming methods and depleted soil.

Sulfur is instrumental in keeping eyes free of cataracts. 

[L-Taurine, Lutein, and Vitamin a / beta caratene are also important for eye health. note mine.  RAB]

In healthy people sulfur and oxygen are present in every cell; oxygen-rich cells make it very difficult for viruses to colonize.

One of Sulfur's functions is the transporting of oxygen into cells for use in the mitrochondria, the cellular furnace in which food is burned for energy.  Without sulfur cells cannot produce the energy needed for a person to thrive. If you are feeling tired and run down, you are probably very low on sulfur.

[It may stand to reason that unwanted weight gain is partially due to sulfur deficiency, the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and if it cannot efficiently burn food for energy, it is stored as fat; and thus, like a car running on only half the cylinders, you will be sluggish and therefore sulfur deficiency may also be partly responsible for lowered metabolism.  However, eating too much, eating the wrong type of foods, at the wrong time, and not getting enough physical exercise cannot be discounted, and as the old saying goes, "the whole is more than the mere sum of its parts." note mine.  RAB]

Sulfur also makes cell walls more permeable so nutrients can flow in and waste products out.

Sulfur and its oxygenation is important in cancer prevention and fighting.  Dr. Otto Warburg, a 1931 Nobel Prize winner noted that, “cancer ... [has] only one prime cause.  ... the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.”  ...cancer cells proliferate in an environment where the cells produce energy without oxygen and one of the byproducts is a build-up lactic acid.  A mountain of research has shown that tumor cells use lactic acid for food with which to grow.

[Cancer also feeds off sugar.  Sugar should be entirely removed from the diet if you are fighting cancer; the only sugar in such cases should be Xylitol (which is also anti-bacterial, and much research shows cancer is a fungus), but in small amounts.  Lactic acid is released by the muscles in exercise and residual muscle soreness or stiffness is partially the result of the lactic acid.  Gently stretching after strenuous labor or a workout helps squeeze the lactic acid out of the muscles to be eliminated.  Exercise also works as a natural form of chelation (the most popular being intravenous EDTA chelation which in a 3 hour or so process removes all the heavy metals/minerals from the organs where they have built up; but this form of chelation can only be done by someone with healthy kidneys, and it does take a few dozen treatments, nor more than 1 a day, to rejuvenate the body; fluids must be continually drunk to keep the kidneys flushing all the toxins, and after the treatment, organic minerals need be resupplemented.  There are some forms of oral chelation, but most do not work.  Regardless exercise works like chelation because lactic acid is also a chelating agent.  Chelation comes from the Greek word for a crab's pincer.   A chelating agent is something that grabs on to something else.  EDTA and lactic acid grab on to heavy metals.  However, it has to be done properly, and then flushed, for though it may grab on, both have to be flushed from the cells or the problem is still there; and maybe the crab dies and lets go; or whether it dies and lets go is immaterial if it is a toxin that is still within the body.  Exercise and then stretching help remove these heavy metals (lead, arsenic, mercury, aluminum, etc.--from vaccines, dental fillings, anti-perspirants, baked goods, etc.) from the body and stretching afterwards helps a little bit more.  This is why athletes or people who work physical jobs are often healthier; that is if they do not abuse drugs or alcohol, or use tobacco; exercise and physical work also release stress, keep metabolism high, allow you to absorb a healthy amount of sunlight daily, etc.  note mine.  I believe what the article is mentioning about lactic acid, is similar to the same thing about energy/fuel/food; if there is too much "free" or loosely available fuel or lactic acid, it is stored rather than used; and when too much of something is stored, it fills the storeroom and then begins to even flow out of it into other areas where it does not belong.  Exercise utilizes and eliminates excess fuel/lactic acid so it can be eliminated, rather than stored.  In this article, maybe it is like all the lactic acid being stored in a storage room, but getting so full it begins to flood the air conditioning ducts. MSM may also help clean up excess lactic acid?  Note mine.  RAB]

Sulfur plays a key role in the prevention and recovery of many diseases; sulfur plays a key role in cell regeneration.

Sulfur significantly lowers or eliminates the need for taking insulin and blood pressure medication, and can even reverse osteoporosis.

[Xylitol can also help prevent and reverse osteoporosis, by helping to remineralize and recalcify the bones and teeth.  Note mine. ]

Sulfur is important for flexibility and health of muscles, joints, cartilage, tendons, blood vessels, nails, and skin (helping prevent and soften wrinkles).

Neuroplasticity, Memory, learning, mood, Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, Chronic headaches and migraines, circulation, liver detoxification (including from pharma drugs) are all effected by sulfur and its oxygenation.

The most popular sulfur supplement is MSM, which is usually a version of sulfur that has been processed as capsules or loose powder.  But this is not recommended due to the fact that much of its potency is compromised during the processing.


— Boron or Moron? - the missing nutrient in health and disease? degenerative disease (arthritis, osteoporosis, inflammation), cancer, fungal infections...?

As far as I know this article is not copyrighted and I am listing it here (and the link) because I believe this information is something people need to know about.  I believe it is very significant and I have added it to my daily routine.  At the dosage/concentration below, while the taste is noticeably soapy, it is quite palateable straight since the dosage is a mere teaspoon (not of the powder, but of the "concentrate solution" made at 1 rounded teaspoon of powder to 1 liter (34 oz.) of water.  I don't even see the need to chase the teaspoon with another drink, it is such a small amount and not bad at all.  I did notice possible mild headach after a few doses; and if Herxheimer reflex/reaction is expected, then great... I love it; shows it is working.  A little discomfort for a short period of time is a GOOD thing, if the end result will be better health (and it gives you opportunity to thank God for the times you do not have such minor discomfort, and pray and ask that in enduring a little discomfort that the nutrient may do its job to given even greater health or relief from far greater discomfort).  Christ said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn [kernel] of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. " (John 12:24)  In spring cleaning (or cleaning something neglected for years, cleaning a neglected fish tank, etc.), a lot of dust or crud will be stirred up (and it will be unpleasant for a short period; but as the old saying goes, "you can't make an omelet without scrambling a few eggs").  The solution is to keep cleaning (and more water) until it clears up; not being content to going back and living in filth as long as it settles down.

Also, since I am using the Borax internally, I transferred the entire box to glass jars with lids that seal well, and labelled it.  Soap is hydrophilic and absorbs not only moisture from the air, but anything else in the air (toxins, dust, mold spores, bacteria, etc.), so I keep the powder perfectly sealed and pure in labeled glass jars, and mix the liquid I will be using a teaspoon at a time and store it in a 32-oz glass bottle (a blackstrap molasses or vinegar or juice bottle, which I soaked in soapy water and scrubbed the label off with my thumbnail and then steel wool; if you remove the old lable it not only looks nicer, but no one can confuse it with the previously labelled contents of the bottle; then you can affix your own label.

Everything below, in its entirety, is from the link below.  However, I have added some color to the text to make certain sections stand out.



The Borax Conspiracy

How the Arthritis Cure has been Stopped

Walter Last

You may not be able to imagine that borax, this humble insecticide and laundry detergent, has the potential of singlehandedly bringing down our entire economic system. But you do not need to worry, the danger has been recognised and the necessary steps are already being taken to defuse the situation. I will start with the basics and you will understand what I mean as the story unfolds.

Borax is a naturally occurring mineral commonly mined from dried salt lakes, and is the source of other manufactured boron compounds. The main deposits are in California and Turkey. Chemical names are sodium tetraborate decahydrate, disodium tetraborate decahydrate, or simply sodium borate. This means it contains four atoms of boron as its central feature combined with two sodium atoms and ten molecules (or sometimes less) of crystallisation water. All borax is naturally mined, there is no synthetic borax, the difference is only how much crystallisation water it contains - decahydrate means 10 water molecules, pentahydrate means 5, and anhydrite means 0 water; chemically it is all the same.

Borax is commonly sold as technical or agricultural grade with 99 to 99.5% minimum purity. Potential impurities consist of sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, bicarbonate, carbonate, sulphate and phosphate but not toxic or heavy metals. This grade includes the borax commonly used as household cleaner. Pharmaceutical grade is not noticeably purer or better.

Borax is the sodium salt of the weak boric acid. Because sodium is more strongly alkaline, this makes a solution of borax strongly alkaline with a pH between 9 and 10 (pH 7 is neutral). When ingested, it reacts with hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form boric acid and sodium chloride. The boron content of Borax is 11.3% while for boric acid it is 17.5% or about 50% higher. Ingested boron compounds are rapidly and nearly completely excreted with the urine. Formerly boric acid was widely used as a preservative in foods but is now banned for this purpose in most countries, and is also banned from public sale in Australia.

According to conventional medicine it is not known if boron is essential for humans but research shows that we do need it. The reason why it was difficult to answer this question is the presence of boron in all plants and unprocessed foods. Diets with a fair amount of fruit and vegetables provide about 2 to 5 mg of boron per day, but this also depends on the region where the food was grown and how it was grown.

In reality the average intake in developed countries is 1-2 mg of boron per day. Institutionalized patients may receive only 0.25 mg of daily boron. Chemical fertilizers inhibit the uptake of boron from the soil: an organic apple grown in good soil may have 20 mg boron, but if grown with fertilizer it may have only 1 mg of boron. Fertilizers combined with poor food choices have greatly reduced our boron intake compared to 50 or 100 years ago.

Further, unhealthy cooking methods greatly reduce the availability of boron from food. The cooking water of vegetables containing most of the minerals may be discarded during home cooking or commercial processing; phytic acid in baked goods, cereals and cooked legumes may greatly reduce availability, while gluten sensitivity and Candida overgrowth inhibit the absorption of minerals. All this makes health problems due to boron deficiency now very common.

Health Effects of Boron

Due to their content of boron, borax and boric acid have basically the same health effects, with good antiseptic, antifungal, and antiviral properties but only mild antibacterial action. In plants as well as animals boron is essential for the integrity and function of cell walls, and the way signals are transmitted across membranes.

Boron is distributed throughout the body with the highest concentration in the parathyroid glands, followed by bones and dental enamel. It is essential for healthy bone and joint function, regulating the absorption and metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus through its influence on the parathyroid glands. With this boron is for the parathyroids what iodine is for the thyroid.

Boron deficiency causes the parathyroids to become overactive, releasing too much parathyroid hormone which raises the blood level of calcium by releasing calcium from bones and teeth. This then leads to osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis, osteoporosis and tooth decay. With advancing age high blood levels of calcium lead to calcification of soft tissues causing muscle contractions and stiffness; calcification of endocrine glands, especially the pineal gland and the ovaries; arteriosclerosis, kidney stones, and calcification of the kidneys ultimately leading to kidney failure. Boron deficiency combined with magnesium deficiency is especially damaging to the bones and teeth.

Boron affects the metabolism of steroid hormones, and especially of sex hormones. It increases low testosterone levels in men and oestrogen levels in menopausal women. It also has a role in converting vitamin D to its active form, thus increasing calcium uptake and deposition into bone and teeth rather than causing soft tissue to calcify. Also other beneficial effects have been reported such as improvement of heart problems, vision, psoriasis, balance, memory and cognition.

The German cancer researcher Dr Paul-Gerhard Seeger has shown that cancer commonly starts with the deterioration of cell membranes. As boron is essential for cell membranes and boron deficiency widespread, this may be an important cause for the initiation of tumour growth. Boron compounds have anti-tumour properties and are "potent anti-osteoporotic, anti-inflammatory, hypolipemic, anti-coagulant and anti-neoplastic agents" (1).

This overview shows the wide-ranging influence of boron on our health. In the following I want to describe some of these health effects in greater detail.

The Arthritis Cure of Rex Newnham

In the 1960's Rex Newnham, Ph.D., D.O., N.D, developed arthritis. At that time he was a soil and plant scientist in Perth, Western Australia. Conventional drugs did not help, so he looked for the cause into the chemistry of plants. He realized that plants in that area were rather mineral deficient. Knowing that boron aids calcium metabolism in plants he decided to try it. He started taking 30 mg of borax a day, and in three weeks all pain, swelling and stiffness had disappeared.

He told public health and medical school authorities about his discovery but they were not interested. However, some people with arthritis were delighted as they improved. Others were scared to take something with a poison label on the container and meant to kill cockroaches and ants. Eventually he had tablets made with a safe and effective quantity of borax.

Within five years and only by word of mouth he sold 10,000 bottles a month. He could no longer cope and asked a drug company to market it. That was a major mistake. They indicated that this would replace more expensive drugs and reduce their profits. It so happened that they had representatives on government health committees and arranged that in 1981 Australia instituted a regulation that declared boron and its compounds to be poisons in any concentration. He was fined $1000 for selling a poison, and this successfully stopped his arthritis cure from spreading in Australia. (2)

Subsequently he published several scientific papers on borax and arthritis. One was a double-blind trial in the mid 1980's at the Royal Melbourne Hospital which showed that 70% of those who completed the trial were greatly improved. Only 12% improved when on placebo. There were no negative side-effects, but some reported that their heart ailment had also improved, and there was better general health and less tiredness. (3)

Most of his later research was devoted to the relationship between soil boron levels and arthritis. He found, for instance that the traditional sugarcane islands, due to long-term heavy use of fertilizers, have very low soil-boron levels. Jamaica has the lowest level and arthritis rates are about 70%. He noted that even most dogs were limping. Next comes Mauritius with very low boron levels and 50% arthritis. The daily boron intake in these countries is less than 1 mg/day. An interesting comparison is between Indian and native Fijians. The Indians are estimated to have an arthritis rate of about 40% and eat much rice grown with fertilizer while the native Fijians with an estimated arthritis rate of 10% eat mainly starchy root vegetables grown privately without fertilizer.

The US, England, Australia and New Zealand generally have average soil-boron levels with an estimated intake of 1 to 2 mg of boron and arthritis rates of about 20%. But Carnarvon in Western Australia has high boron levels in soil and water, and the arthritis rate is only 1%. It is similar in a place called Ngawha Springs in New Zealand with very high boron levels in the spa water which is curative for arthritis. Actually all spas reputedly curing arthritis have very high boron levels. These are also high in Israel with an estimated daily boron intake of 5 to 8 mg and only 0.5 - 1% arthritis.

Bone analysis showed that arthritic joints and nearby bones had only half the boron content of healthy joints. Equally, synovial fluid that lubricates joints and provides nutrients to the cartilage is boron deficient in arthritic joints. After boron supplementation bones were much harder than normal and surgeons found them more difficult to saw through. With additional boron bone fractures heal in about half the normal time in both man and animal. Horses and dogs with broken legs, or even a broken pelvis, have fully recovered.

Borax is also effective with other forms of arthritis, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile Arthritis, and Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus). For instance Dr Newnham saw a young girl aged 9 months with juvenile arthritis. He was able to cure her in 2 weeks.

He wrote that commonly people can get rid of their pain, swelling and stiffness in about 1 to 3 months. Then they can reduce treatment from 3 to 1 boron tablet (each 3 mg) per day as a maintenance dose so that they can avoid any future arthritis. He also stated that patients with rheumatoid arthritis commonly experienced a Herxheimer reaction and that this is always a good prognostic sign. They must persevere and in another 2 or 3 weeks the pain, swelling and stiffness will be gone. (4,5)

I found this statement not only interesting but also surprising. The Herxheimer reaction is an early aggravation of symptoms with increased pain. It is commonly due to toxins released by killed Candida and mycoplasma. This is very common with antimicrobial therapy, and borax definitely is an exceptionally good and strong fungicide. What surprises me, however, is that this fungicidal effect is already present at this rather low dose of 75 to 90 mg of borax. Equally surprising is the finding that also up to 30% of those with osteoarthritis experienced a Herxheimer reaction, suggesting that the border between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is rather fluid. I believe that in long-standing and especially resistant cases it will be advisable to use other antimicrobials in addition. For co-factors in arthritis treatment also see my article Arthritis and Rheumatism or the booklet OVERCOMING ARTHRITIS.

Osteoporosis and Sex Hormones

Boron deficiency causes greatly increased amounts of calcium and magnesium to be lost with the urine. A borax supplement will reduce the daily loss of calcium by nearly 50%. As this calcium comes mainly from resorbed bone and teeth, boron deficiency may be the most important factor in causing osteoporosis and tooth decay.

It has been estimated that 55% of Americans over 50 have osteoporosis and of these about 80% are women. Worldwide 1 in 3 women and 1 in 12 men over the age of 50 may have osteoporosis, and this is responsible for millions of fractures each year. Rats with osteoporosis were given a boron supplement for 30 days with the result that their bone quality was now comparable with that of the healthy control group and of a group supplemented with oestradiol (6).

The beneficial effect of borax on bones seems to be due to two interrelated effects: a higher boron content of the bones which makes them harder, and a normalisation of sex hormones which stimulates the growth of new bone. Low oestrogen levels after menopause are thought to be the main reason why so many older women develop osteoporosis. In men testosterone levels decline more gradually which seems to be reflected in their later onset of osteoporosis as a group.

Research has now shown that boron supplementation in postmenopausal women doubles the blood level of the most active form of oestrogen, 17-beta oestradiol, to the level found in women on oestrogen replacement therapy. Equally, the blood levels of testosterone more than doubled (7). With HRT there is a higher risk of breast or endometrial cancer which is not known to happen with hormones produced by the body as with borax supplementation.

Some women get premenstrual problems because oestrogen levels are too high and progesterone too low, and therefore may be afraid of using boron. However, I found no evidence that boron raises oestrogen above normal healthy levels. Boron may balance levels of sex hormones similar to the action of maca root powder. Maca acts on the pituitary gland not only to increase but also to balance our sex hormones and seems to stimulate our own progesterone production as needed.

A recent study in younger men (29 - 50) showed that the level of free testosterone (the form that matters most) had risen by one third after a daily supplementation of about 100 mg of borax for one week (8). This is of special interest for bodybuilders.

Contrary to the medical preference of chemically castrating men with prostate cancer, research with boron has shown that elevated testosterone levels are beneficial by shrinking prostate tumours and PSA levels, PSA being a marker for tumours and inflammation in the prostate. Also significantly improved memory and cognition in elderly individuals may be partly due to increased levels of sex hormones and partly to improved membrane functions of brain cells (9).

I have been asked about boron supplementation for women with oestrogen-sensitive breast cancer. Breast cancer is related to calcifications in the breast. In my opinion it is more important to normalize the calcium-magnesium metabolism and cellular membrane functions rather than feel restricted by a possibly faulty medical concept, especially as I believe that cancer can usually be controlled with long-term antimicrobial therapy. Therefore I would use boron as well as maca in this case.

Fungi and Fluoride

Being such an excellent fungicide it is not surprising that borax is being successfully used to treat Candida. There is much interesting information on an Earth Clinic forum called Borax Cures (10). With low to medium-weight people use 1/8 teaspoon of borax powder and with heavier weight 1/4 teaspoon per litre of water. One drinks the water spaced out during the day, and does this for 4 or 5 days a week as long as required.

Many contributors wrote that it cured or greatly helped them. So for instance this post: "I also have psoriasis, so maybe the soreness in my joints is the psoriatic arthritis creeping in. I thought, after reading about borax here on this forum, I would give it a try. OMG! In one day, the soreness in my knees has vanished! .... Also, my psoriasis seems a lot better after 2 days drinking 1/4 tsp borax in 1 litre of water per day."

Another one about toe fungus: "He wet his feet and then took a handful (of borax) and rubbed it all over his feet. He said it stopped itching immediately! He was stunned. A few weeks later I asked him how his athletes foot was and he said: oh wow! it hasn't come back! that stuff totally cured it !!!"

Other enthusiastic posts were about vaginal thrush. Borax appeared to be more effective than other remedies. Commonly one large gelatine capsule filled with borax or boric acid was inserted at bedtime for several nights or up to 2 weeks. Alternatively the powder can be mixed with cool solidified coconut oil as a bolus or suppository.

A recent scientific study (11) confirms these positive observations with vaginal thrush. Boric acid at the dose of a filled capsule worked even in cases of drug-resistant Candida and against all the tested pathogenic bacteria. Because of the greater dilution, a douche may not be strong enough for bacteria and drug-resistant Candida but it should work for normal Candida. Borax, due to its alkalinity, was more effective than boric acid.

In normal healthy conditions Candida exists as harmless oval yeast cells. When challenged, chains of elongated cells called pseudohyphae develop, and finally strongly invasive long, narrow and tube-like filaments called hyphae. These damage the intestinal wall, and cause inflammation and Leaky Gut Syndrome. Pseudohyphae and hyphae can be seen in the blood of individuals with cancer and autoimmune diseases. Candida can also form tough layers of biofilm. This same study shows that boric acid/borax inhibits the formation of biofilms and also the transformation of harmless yeast cells into invasive hyphal form. In other articles I have shown that this process, commonly initiated by antibiotics, is a basic cause of most of our modern diseases, and this makes borax and boric acid primary health remedies. But this article shows that there are many more reasons to give them a top rating.

A scientific review in 2011 concluded: "... boric acid is a safe, alternative, economic option for women with recurrent and chronic symptoms of vaginitis when conventional treatment fails..." (12). But as it is so much better than drugs why not use it as a first option, or use the even more effective borax?

Another study from Turkey (13) shows the protective effect of boric acid on food contaminated with mycotoxins, especially fungal aflatoxins. Among these, Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) causes extensive DNA damage and is the most potent carcinogen ever tested, especially affecting liver and lungs, also causing birth defects, immunotoxicity and even death in farm animals and humans. Boric acid treatment was protective and led to increased resistance of DNA to oxidative damage induced by AFB1. The strong antifungal action of boric acid is, of course, the reason why it has traditionally been used as a food preservative.

I received numerous appreciative communications ranging from cancelling surgery for hip replacement to removing brain fog, and curing autoimmune diseases. One woman wrote in a recent Nexus Magazine of curing her Lupus and serious kidney disease in 4 month with half a teaspoon of daily borax powder.

Borax, similar to the equally endangered Lugol's iodine solution, can also be used to remove accumulated fluoride and heavy metals from the body (14). Fluoride not only causes bones to deteriorate, but also the pineal gland to calcify and the thyroid to become underactive. Borax reacts with fluoride ions to form boron fluorides which are then excreted in the urine.

In a Chinese study borax was used to treat 31 patients with skeletal fluorosis. The amount was gradually increased from 300 to 1100 mg/day during a three month period, with one week off each month. The treatment was effective with 50 to 80% improvement.

One forum contributor suffered with Fibromyalgia/Rosacea, chronic fatigue and TMJ for over 10 years which she believed were caused by fluoride. She used 1/8 tsp of borax and 1/8 tsp of sea salt in a litre of de-chlorinated water, and drank this for 5 days each week. Within two weeks her face cleared, the redness faded, body temperature normalized, energy level increased, and she steadily lost excess weight. The only side-effect was an initial aggravation of her Rosacea symptoms.

Another post: "7 years ago thyroid cancer, the next year adrenal fatigue, then early menopause, the following year uterine prolapse followed by hysterectomy - the following year fibromyalgia and neuropathy. Early Childhood was fluorinated water along with fluoride tablets. Fall of 2008 I was looking at total disability. I could barely walk and couldn't sleep because of the pain and was throwing up daily from the pain in my back. ... After reading about fluoride I came to understand where all of my problems originated. ... I began the borax detox of 1/8 tsp in a litre of water and within 3 days my symptoms were almost gone."

Calcium-Magnesium Metabolism

There is antagonism as well as cooperation between calcium and magnesium. About half of the total body magnesium is found in bones and the other half inside the cells of tissues and organs. Only 1% is in the blood, and the kidneys try to keep this levels constant by excreting more or less with the urine.

In contrast, 99% of calcium is in bones, and the rest in the fluid outside of cells. Muscles contract when calcium moves into the cells, and they relax when calcium is again pumped out and magnesium moves in. This cellular pump requires much energy to pump calcium out, and if cells are low in energy, then calcium may accumulate inside cells. Low cellular energy may be due to Candida, faulty sugar or fat metabolism, deficiencies, or accumulating metabolic wastes and toxins.

This then leads to only partial relaxation of the muscles with stiffness, a tendency to cramps, and poor blood and lymph circulation. The problem gets worse the more calcium moves from bones into soft tissue. Nerve cells can also accumulate calcium, leading to faulty nerve transmission, in the lens it causes cataracts, hormonal output keeps reducing as endocrine glands increasingly calcify, and all other cells become handicapped in their normal functions. In addition it causes intracellular magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is needed to activate countless enzymes, and a deficiency leads to inefficient and blocked energy production.

A further problem is that excess calcium damages the cell membrane and makes it difficult for nutrients to move in and wastes to move out. When the intracellular calcium level gets too high the cell will die.

Here we can see the importance of boron as a regulator of cell membrane functions, especially in regard to movements of calcium and magnesium. With boron deficiency too much calcium moves into the cell while magnesium cannot move inside to displace it. This is the condition of old age and of the boron-deficiency diseases leading up to it.

While in good health and especially in younger years a calcium - magnesium ratio of 2 : 1 is normal and beneficial and supplied with a good diet. But with increasing age, boron deficiency and resulting disease conditions we need progressively less calcium and more magnesium.

For boron to be fully effective in reversing tissue calcification ample magnesium is required. For elderly individuals I recommend 400 to 600 mg of magnesium together with the daily borax supplementation spaced out during the day, and with protracted joint problems additional trans-dermal magnesium. However, oral magnesium may need to be adjusted according to its laxative effect. I am doubtful whether calcium supplements are needed and beneficial, even in case of osteoporosis. In my view these individuals have plenty of calcium stored in soft tissues where it does not belong, and supplementing boron and magnesium is expected to redeposit this misplaced calcium into bones. I regard the medical focus on a high calcium intake as a prescription for accelerated aging.

What and How Much to Use

In some countries (e.g. Australia, NZ, USA) borax can still be found in the laundry and cleaning sections of supermarkets. There is no "food-grade" borax available or necessary. All borax is the same and "natural", and usually mined in California or Turkey, whether it has been packed in China or any other country. The label usually states that it is 99% pure (or 990g/kg borax) which is safe to use, and is the legal standard for agricultural grade borax. Up to 1% mining and refining residues are permitted. Boric acid, if available, may be used at about ⅔ the dose of borax, it is not for public sale in Australia.

Firstly dissolve a lightly rounded teaspoonful (5-6 grams) of borax in 1 litre of good quality water. This is your concentrated solution, keep it out of reach of small children.

Standard dose = 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of concentrate. This has 25 to 30 mg of borax and provides about 3 mg of boron. Take 1 dose per day mixed with drink or food. If that feels right then take a second dose with another meal. If there is no specific health problem or for maintenance you may continue indefinitely with 1 or 2 doses daily.

If you do have a problem, such as arthritis, osteoporosis and related conditions, cramps or spasms, stiffness due to advancing years, menopause, and also to improve low sex hormone production, increase intake to 3 or more spaced-out standard doses for several months or longer until you feel that your problem has sufficiently improved. Then drop back to 1 or 2 doses per day.

For treating Candida, other fungi and mycoplasmas, or for removing fluoride from the body - using your bottle of concentrated solution:

Lower dose for low to normal weight - 100 ml (= 1/8 teaspoon of borax powder or 500 mg); drink spaced out during the day.

Higher dose for heavier individuals - 200 ml (= 1/4 teaspoon of borax powder or 1000 mg); drink spaced out during the day.

Always start with a lower dose and increase gradually to the intended maximum. Take the maximum amounts for 4 or 5 days a week as long as required, or reduce the maximum dose for one week each month to a minimum dose, or alternatively periodically alternate between a low dose and your maximum dose in a different rhythm.

For vaginal thrush fill a large size gelatine capsule with borax and insert it at bedtime for one to two weeks. With toe fungus or athlete's foot wet the feet and rub them with borax powder.

You may take borax mixed with food or in drinks. It is rather alkaline and in higher concentrations has a soapy taste. You may disguise this with lemon juice, vinegar or ascorbic acid.

In Europe borax and boric acid have been classified as reproductive poisons, and since December 2010 are no longer available to the public within the EU. Presently borax is still available in Switzerland (15), but shipment to Germany is not permitted. In Germany a small amount (20 - 50 grams) may be ordered through a pharmacy as ant poison, it will be registered. Borax is presently still available from www.ebay.co.uk and can be shipped to other EU countries.

Boron tablets can be bought from health shops or the Internet, commonly with 3 mg of boron. In some European countries, such as The Netherlands, these may still contain borax, but not in others, such as Germany, where boron is not allowed in ionic form as with borax or boric acid. While suitable as a general boron supplement, I do not know if or how well they work against Candida and mycoplasmas. Most scientific studies and individual experiences in regard to arthritis, osteoporosis, or sexual hormones and menopause were with borax or boric acid. It is not yet known if non-ionic boron is as effective as borax. To improve effectiveness I recommend 3 or more spaced-out boron tablets daily for an extended period combined with sufficient magnesium and a suitable antimicrobial program (16).

Possible Side-Effects

While side-effects from pharmaceutical drugs tend to be negative and often dangerous, with natural medicine such as borax therapy these are usually healing reactions with beneficial long-term effects. Most common is the Herxheimer reaction from eliminating Candida. This is the main cause of pain or discomfort in the digestive system when starting with borax supplementation.

In some of the above forum posts rapid improvement was experienced within days. This is always a functional response. High cellular calcium levels cause muscle contraction with cramps or spasms as a common cause of pain. Boron, especially together with magnesium, can rapidly relax these muscles and take away the pain.

However, with long-standing severe calcifications a large amount of calcium cannot be redistributed in a short time. This leads to increased calcium levels in the affected area, especially the hips and shoulders, and can cause problems for a considerable time, such as a tendency to severe cramping and pain, or problems with the blood circulation, or nerve transmission. Nerve-related effects in hands and feet may be numbness, or reduced sensitivity or feeling in the skin. Higher amounts of calcium and fluoride passing through the kidneys may cause temporary kidney pain. Further, kidney pain appears to be mainly due to kidney stones being released. After a few days the stones are usually cleared and the pain stops.

Such healing reactions cannot be avoided when aiming for a higher level of health, but they can be minimized by increasing borax levels only gradually. Whenever you experience an unpleasant effect reduce or temporarily stop borax intake until the problem subsides. Then gradually start increasing again. Helpful additional measures are a greatly increased fluid intake, using more organic acids such as lemon juice or vinegar, and improving lymph flow as with rebounding, walking or inverted positions.

Toxicity Issues

Government health agencies are concerned about boron toxicity. You might be concerned as well if you read the following, pertaining to sodium chloride or table salt (17): 'Acute oral toxicity (LD50 - the dose at which half of the tested animals die): 3,000 mg/kg [Rat]. Chronic Effects on Humans: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact, ingestion or inhalation. Lowest Published Lethal Oral Dose in Man: 1000 mg/kg. Causes adverse reproductive effects in humans (fetotoxicity, abortion) by intraplacental route, may increase risk of Toxemia of Pregnancy in susceptible women. May cause adverse reproductive effects and birth defects in animals, particularly rats and mice - fetotoxicity, abortion, musculoskeletal abnormalities, and maternal effects (on ovaries, fallopian tubes). May affect genetic material (mutagenic). Ingestion of large quantities can irritate the stomach with nausea and vomiting. May affect behavior (muscle spasicity/contraction, somnolence), sense organs, metabolism, and cardiovascular system. Continued exposure may produce dehydration, internal organ congestion, and coma.'

Now compare the sodium chloride toxicity with the Material Safety Data Sheet or MSDS for borax (18): 'Low acute oral toxicity; LD50 in rats 4,500 to 6,000 mg/kg of body weight. Reproductive/developmental toxicity: Animal feeding studies in rat, mouse and dog, at high doses, have demonstrated effects on fertility and testes. Studies with boric acid in the rat, mouse and rabbit, at high doses, demonstrate developmental effects on the fetus, including fetal weight loss and minor skeletal variations. The doses administered were many times in excess of those to which humans would normally be exposed. No evidence of carcinogenicity in mice. No mutagenic activity was observed in a battery of short-term mutagenicity assays. Human epidemiological studies show no increase in pulmonary disease in occupational populations with chronic exposures to borate dust and no effect on fertility.'

Here you see that table salt is 50 to 100% more toxic than borax, it changes the genetic material and is mutagenic, while borax is harmless in this regard. Infants are most at risk from high borax ingestion. It has been estimated that 5 to 10 grams can cause severe vomiting, diarrhoea, shock and even death, but it also says that lethal doses are not well documented in the literature.

The following toxicity data are from documents of the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control(19, 20).

A review of 784 accidental human poisonings from 10 - 88 grams of boric acid reported no fatalities, with 88% of cases being asymptomatic, meaning they did not notice anything. However, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, hepatic, renal, and central nervous system effects, dermatitis, erythema, and death have occasionally been observed in some infants, children and adults exposed to more than 84 mg boron/kg, corresponding to more than 40 grams of borax for 60 kg of body weight.

Animal studies have identified reproductive toxicity as the most sensitive effects of boron ingestion. Exposure of rats, mice, and dogs for several weeks showed some damage to the testes and sperm at doses of more than 26 mg boron/kg which corresponds to 15 grams of borax/day for 60 kg body weight.

Most at risk is the developing foetus, and in the studied animals rats were most affected. In one study slight reductions in the foetal body weight were already found at 13.7 mg boron/kg/day used during pregnancy. The no effect dose during pregnancy was set at less than 13.7 mg/kg/day corresponding to about 7 grams of borax per day for 60 kg body weight. With an added safety factor a no effect value of 9.6 mg boron/kg/day was calculated corresponding to 5 grams of borax for 60 kg.

However, a rat study lasting for 3 generations found no reproductive toxicity or effect on the parents or offspring at 30 mg boron/kg/day. This dose corresponds to 17 grams of borax for 60 kg ingested for 3 generations! In another 3-generation study no problem was found at 17.5 mg boron/kg/day, corresponding to 9 grams of borax/60 kg, while the next higher tested borax dose of 58.5 mg/kg/day, corresponding to 30 grams of borax/60 kg, resulted in infertility. Therefore we can assume that the safe reproductive dose is about 20 grams/60 kg/day.

Human studies of the possible association between impaired fertility and high boron levels in water, soil and dust in a Turkish populations, and boron mining and processing workers, found no effect. One study even reported elevated fertility rates in borax production workers as compared to the U.S. national average.

All this is important because possible reproductive toxicity is the official reason for the present assault on borax. The sodium chloride MSDS mentioned above also states: "While sodium chloride has been used as a negative control in some reproductive studies, it has also been used as an example that almost any chemical can cause birth defects in experimental animals if studied under the right conditions." Keep this in mind when you read the following.

The Assault on Borax

Arthritis in its various forms and its close relative osteoporosis affect about 30% of the population in developed countries. Osteoporosis is responsible for more long term hospital care than any other individual disease. This is due to the very high incidence of fractures, and especially the protracted nature of hip fractures. This is a main source of income for the medical-pharmaceutical system. If the boron-magnesium cure for these diseases should become widely known, this vital income stream would dry up and the system collapse. As this is the biggest and most profitable industry in the world, this cannot be allowed to happen.

When Dr Newnham discovered the boron-arthritis cure it was not a big problem for the pharmaceuticals because news travelled slowly and was easily suppressed. This is very different now with Internet communication. Most research funding comes from the pharmaceutical industry, and nothing has come forward to duplicate Dr Newnham's findings and other positive osteoporosis studies. Instead, funding goes into the development of patentable boron drugs for limited application as in chemotherapy, or even to discredit boron. A test-tube experiment found that a relatively low dose of about 4 grams of borax can damage lymphocytes, just like an earlier test-tube study showed that vitamin C supplements are toxic. Most positive borax studies now come from China, Japan and Turkey.

Furthermore, PubMed is a publicly funded search facility for bio-medical research publications. While other articles for Newnham R.E. and Zhou L.Y. are still listed, the two important borax publications mentioned earlier - about the arthritis trial at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and the treatment of skeletal fluorosis in China - are no longer listed, but they belong there and obviously had been there originally. I suspect that they have been deliberately removed to prevent them from being quoted in other research.

In addition, increasing effort goes into publicly demonizing borax for its alleged reproductive and infant toxicity. As an example I recently read an article by a 'senior scientist' of the supposedly 'green' Environmental Working Group. In it the perceived dangers of borax were so exaggerated that most comments in effect said: "Thank you for opening my eyes. I did not know how poisonous and dangerous borax is, I certainly will not use it anymore in my laundry, or for cleaning my toilet and kitchen" .

This is obviously a deliberate campaign to make people grateful for banning borax from public sale. For laundry and cleaning purposes Borax Substitute now replaces the product previously sold as Borax. The EU has spearheaded this campaign. In June 2010 borax and boric acid were reclassified as “Reprotoxic Category 2“, suggesting that they may be harmful to the reproductive functions of humans in high doses, and the product package must display the skull and crossbones symbol. From December 2010 these products were no longer available for public sale within the EU. While this classification now applies for all of Europe, non-EU countries still have some leeway in regard to public sales. This initiative is part of a Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) which is to be implemented as soon as possible. Australia is well-advanced on preparing regulations to implement the GHS for industrial chemicals, with new regulations expected in 2012 (21).

The European Chemicals Agency gave as reason for their reclassification of boron products (paraphrased):

'The available data do not indicate major differences between laboratory animals and humans, therefore it must be assumed that the effects seen in animals could occur in humans as epidemiological studies in humans are insufficient to demonstrate the absence of an adverse effect of inorganic borates on fertility. 17.5 mg boron/kg/day was derived as a NOAEL (no event level) for male and female fertility. For the rat decreased foetal weight occurred at 13.7 mg boron/kg/day, and a safe limit of 9.6 mg/kg/day has been derived.' (22)

What they are really saying is this: 'While we have no human data, animal studies suggest that for adult reproductive functions a daily ingestion of about 2 teaspoons of borax is safe. But to be absolutely sure that no-one is harmed, we will ban it totally.' Importantly, this ruling is not related to borax in foods or supplements where it is already banned, but only for general use as in laundry or cleaning products or as insecticides. Because borax is not readily inhaled or absorbed through intact skin, it is difficult to see how even a few milligrams daily could get into the body with the conventional use. If the same standard would apply to other chemicals there would be none left.

The key study in this assessment was published in 1972. Why is this being dug up now to justify banning borax when it was of no concern for the past 40 years? It does not make any scientific sense, especially if you consider that the main chemical in the new borax substitute, sodium percarbonate, is about three times more toxic than borax. Acute oral LD50 values for animals are from 1034 to 2200 mg/kg/day (23). Even the commonly used sodium bicarbonate, with an animal LD50 of 3360 mg/kg, is nearly twice as toxic as borax (24). Both of these chemicals have not been tested for long-term reproductive toxicity at the high doses that caused fertility problems in rats and mice.

The same applies to washing powders, it has been stated that no toxicity is expected if used in the approved way, or that reproductive tests have not been done. Ingredients in these products are more toxic than borax, why can they be used in the approved way but not borax? And how about really toxic items such as caustic soda and hydrochloric acid? Why do they remain available to the public when one of the safest household chemicals is banned despite the fact that it is absolutely impossible to cause any reproductive harm with the approved use?

Regardless of the lack of any scientific credibility, the stage has been set for borax and boric acid to be globally removed from public sale at short or no notice. Even low-level and less effective boron tablets are now tightly controlled by the pharmaceutical industry, and may be restricted at any time through Codex Alimentarius regulations. With this the medical-pharmaceutical system has safely defused any potential danger that borax may have posed to its profitability and survival.


This article is not about curing arthritis. Boron is essential for healthy bones and joints, and supplements may be able to help with arthritis, but chronic conditions often are associated with additional other deficiencies, allergies, microbial infestations and inflammation. All of these factors may need to be addressed. For further information see Arthritis and Rheumatism or the more detailed Overcoming Arthritis.


(1) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9638606

(2) http://www.whale.to/w/boron.html

(3) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1566627/pdf/envhper00403-0084.pdf (4) http://nah.sagepub.com/content/7/2/89.full.pdf

(5) http://www.arthritistrust.org/Articles/Boron and Arthritis.pdf

(6) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/172591209

(7) http://www.ithyroid.com/boron.htm

(8) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21129941

(9) http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2006/aug2006_aas_01.htm

(10) http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/borax.html

(11) http://jac.oxfordjournals.org/content/63/2/325.long

(12) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21774671

(13) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2873987/

(14) http://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/fluoride.html

(15) http://www.supergenial.ch/pi1/pd2.html

(16) http://www.health-science-spirit.com/ultimatecleanse.html

(17) http:/www.sciencelab.com/msds.php?msdsId=9927593

(18) http://www.hillbrothers.com/msds/pdf/n/borax-decahydrate.pdf

(19) http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp26-c2.pdf

(20) http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2005-0062-0004

(21) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globally_Harmonized_System_of_Classification_and_Labelling_of_Chemicals

(22) http://echa.europa.eu/documents/10162/17230/supdoc_boric_acid_20100609_en.pdf

(23) http://www.inchem.org/documents/sids/sids/15630894.pdf

(24) http://www.sciencelab.com/msds.php?msdsId=9927258


Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods in the treatment of illness and health improvement.  The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods and does not recommend using borax to treat any disease in countries where this is illegal.  For any serious disease, or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

— Very Best Poison Ivy Remedy, The — based on my experience, not "theory" or something I read in a book

The Very Best Poison Ivy Remedy

— based on my experience, not "theory" or something I read in a book

If the reader has never had a severe case of poison ivy then he cannot comprehend the depths of this suffering.  Poison ivy, when it is bad, is not merely itching, but pustules develop and they ooze yellow fluid continually, often as fast as you can wipe it up... and the poison ivy spreads wherever the fluid touches, even to different parts of your body, and the tiniest little spot of poison ivy, even the size of the head of a pin, can feel like a needle sticking into you, as well as the itching.  I

I have had poison ivy on nearly half my body and it is torture.  The whole plant is toxic but the roots contain even more concentrated poison—in fact, poison ivy and its relatives are some of the most toxic and dangerous poisons on earth!  Urushiol, the poison in poison ivy, is so potent, the amount that can fit on the head of a pin is enough to bother 500 people!  Extreme care should be undertaken whenever around it and you should always inspect any area your children may play and also educate them with pictures of poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, and even Virginia creeper (which though not as nasty, can be nearly as bad—and all 4 turn a lovely shade of red in the Fall; but are still deadly; the vine is still deadly even in the middle of winter).  It would also be a good idea to show them pictures off the internet of severe cases of poison ivy and describe how the pain is.  A plant identification guide or weed guide would be a great thing with which to educate the family.  Prevention is the best cure.  Of course children need to be taught and constantly reminded that they should never touch any plant if they do not know what it is (or any insect, or any animal unless it is their own pet or someone else's pet, if the owner has properly introduced them). 

If poison ivy gets in your eyes or if even a significant about of smoke gets in your eyes if you are burning it you can go blind; and if you are burning it and inhale the smoke you can get the same rash, itching, oozing pustules on the inside of your lungs.  The same can happen if you eat it.  It is a nasty, nasty weed.  Some rare individuals are immune to it; I've known several people who in t-shirt and shorts would just rip off bare-handed entire thick vines growing up the side of a barn and not be affected.  Rare individuals.  They should allow tests to be done on their bodies to see what is in their skin or blood.  I have never noticed poison ivy on my palms of my feet or hands (though it will terribly itch the webbing between your fingers and toes); some say that it is because the skin is thicker, but I suspect it is because of the oils in the hands and feet that counter-act it.  I also knew one individual who said he built up his immunity to it by just going out and pulling it up bare handed whenever he saw it.  I guess he liked to suffer; but he said he became immune to it.

Poison ivy does not seem to bother most animals (though if your pets get into it and you pet them it will transfer to you through their fur; this may account for some people getting it at times and not knowing how they got it; I believe it is also possible for gnats or flies to have been on the plant where the fluid was exposed and then land on you and you get it in a tiny spot).  Deer and rabbits and other animals eat the berries and leaves and do not appear to be affected by it (if they were, they would learn not to eat it; young goats will eat rhododendrun and laurel leaves like they are their new favorite food; and more than a handful is enough to kill them; but older goats who have gotten sick from eating the leaves have learned to refuse the leaves); birds also eat the fruit and the seeds pass through their digestive tract viable and account for why poison ivy pops up in unlikely places.

I have also read that if you drink goat's milk from goats who have eaten it, if will build up your immunity to it; though I have never seen any real documentation for this (and of course if the goat was eating it you certainly don't want the goat rubbing up on you or licking you and you have to be careful about touching the goat or its collar).

I had poison ivy, oak, and sumac consecutively once, in a 3 week period.  However, the worst time was when I had an old large apple tree fall over on my hayfield one winter and I was cutting it up with a chain saw (and being hot natured, though it was freezing out, since it was sunny I stripped off even my shirt) and as I was cutting through a hairy vine as thick as my arm I was [like an idiot] wondering, "gosh, I wonder what that is...?")... all the while the wind was blowing strong and blowing sawdust all over my neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen, and arms... and it eventually spread about everywhere... I suffered for 3 weeks before I finally went to the doctor and even then the shot of cortisone did not do a thing (steroids depress the immune system, so I avoid them; however, I guess suffering for 3 weeks also depresses the immune system; but I don't care to spend $100 for a doctor visit and $16 for a shot that "may or may not" do anything—my first bad experience with poison ivy about 30 years ago, I paid for such "professional care" and the shot did nothing and the "professional" information that the doctor, in a very affluent neighborhood in Philadelphia, gave me was that "poison ivy does not spread, you only get it from direct contact with the plant"—what comic book / box of Cracker Jack did he get his medical degree out of...?).  They also say you cannot get poison ivy from someone else's blisters, only from the poison ivy itself.  However, this last case I got, the ooze that travelled down my forearm from the current blisters turned into a patch of blisters in the exact same path and shape that the ooze oozed, even though I tried to keep it constantly wiped—and it transferred to my thigh in the exact spot that I rested my forearm on my thigh when reading a book once the poison ivy already erupted and my arm was oozing; though the shorts I was wearing when I was working in the poison ivy extended down to my knee.

However, though it covered about half my body, it did not have the oozing as bad as I had most recently (a month ago, and I still have a touch of it); the vine in the Winter probably does not have as much deadly poison in it as the fresh roots do in the Spring.  However, the poison in poison ivy remains active and dangerous even for up to 5 years on a dead plant!  I was carefully digging out a pile of rocks and mud in which I knew there was poison ivy roots (which of course had not yet sprouted above ground, as it was still Spring); but I screwed up somehow and really did a number on myself.  As often, it started out very mild, and while I knew what it was, I thought, "well, that's not too bad, no problem"—but then it came to life.

It became worse because I think a rose thorn or two had penetrated my forearm (possibly even the day before) and the poison I believe got down the tiny wound opening into my muscle tissue.  Where the thorns had stuck in me it eventually looked like I had been shot by a .45 and the dark purple wound started spreading out and I feared a flesh-eating bacteria.  It got so bad and the poison ivy just kept oozing and spreading (in half a dozen places, though the arm was the worst—and I had rested my arm on my thigh once and it transferred to my thigh almost as bad) and even the arm itself was swelling up from my elbow to wrist, which also was rather uncomfortable (like someone took a bicycle pump and needle and inserted it into my arm and pumped it up beyond the normally recommended PSI). 

I finally had to go to the after-hours clinic at the hospital and the friendly intern there said that it was just a normal infection.  She wanted to give me a shot of cortisone, but since it had already been about 2 weeks I doubted it would help, and she said it would not affect the inflammation (swelling), rather, the infection would affect the inflammation, so I declined the shot.  After 2 weeks the inexpensive antibiotic she prescribed (Cephalexin, 2 a day for 10 days) cleared it up (and the swelling went away, though sitting at my desk resting my arm on the chair would cause it to swell up so I had to rest it frequently in a different position when taking a break from typing). 

However, the poison ivy I think may have gotten into my bloodstream, or at least affected my nervous system and aggravated an old chronic battle that I have with hives (see my article herein on hives / uricaria) or something, because I continued to have itching all over in many other places that would come and go... and a week later I even got into a little more poison ivy (or Virginia creeper) but it was not as bad.  Even now, 2 months later, it is not 100% cleared up, and the infection in my arm, though gone, must have caused some nerve damage that will take longer to heal, and some scar tissue; as it is still a bit swollen and still bothers me, although there is no noticeable poison ivy or infection.

I will now list what I discovered to be the best course of action for the poison ivy, for anyone who may suffer. 

First of all, if ever you suspect that you have gotten into poison ivy or such, stop what you are doing immediately (warn anyone else to stay away from the area), and go in and take a COLD shower (a hot shower while the poison resin / sap is still on you will cause your pores to open wider and invite the poison deeper into your skin; so take a COLD shower when you think you have been exposed)  with a lot of soap (some sources say that soap may spread it; but that lye soap may help wash it off); several washings... NOW is the time to be paranoid and obsessive-compulsive. It only takes 3 minutes for urushiol (the poison in poison ivy) to penetrate your skin and begin its foul deed.  The same cold-shower and soap ritual is recommended for anyone who was working with or playing around fiberglass.  Some people may suggest bleach or ammonia if you think you were exposed to poison ivy or such, but you will need to research that yourself before trying it.  Bleach (Chlorine) is one of the most deadly chemicals/elements, so its use on the body (internally or externally) even diluted should be very minimal (regardless of dilution).  Straight ammonia was the remedy of choice for poisonous jelly-fish or Portuguese man-o-war stings when I was growing up in Florida; but I would research it before using ammonia either.  There is also a product you can buy and keep in the medicine chest or bathroom cabinet, Technu.  You are supposed to wash with it anywhere you think you were infected.  However, it is a bit of a poison itself, since one of the main ingredients is propylene glycol (main ingredient in antifreeze); so I would not suggest keeping it on your body too long (though most roll on anti-perspirants contain it, which is not good to let the soft skin under your arm absorb all day long) and you would need to make sure the Technu is kept safe from where children could get into it.  Then, the tools and gloves you were working with should be carefully washed down with bleach, or left in the sun / rain for a few weeks (and turning them over a few times) so the sun's UV and ozone and the rain can disinfect them.  Then the best course of action is to fight fire with fire: poison with poison (using caution and care); a product that kills poisonous plants or a general purpose Round-up type herbicide used conscientiously (if around other plants you don't want to die or in your organic garden, you would want to be certain you get it only on the poisonous plant you want to eradicate, not the soil and be careful of overspray by the wind (wear gloves and goggles); or to prevent overspray, a small artist's paint brush and a small amount of the Round-up in a disposable cup could be used and carefully paint only the poison ivy leaves themselves, to protect other plants and the soil from overspray; then be certain that no child or pet is playing in the area until the chemical dries and until the plant is irradicated.  Some natural products are also available, but more expensive and may work a little slower.  I received an email that you can make a natural form of Round-up by mixing 1/2 gallon of Apple Cider Vinegar (I don't think the "apple" part is really essential), 1/4 cup of table salt, and 1/2 teaspoon of Dawn liquid dish soap.  Pour into a spray bottle and use after mixed well.  However, I have not yet tried this, so I don't know how well if works and if it actually kills to the roots, or merely kills aerial parts that it touches.  Weeds are resiliant and will usually come back from the roots unless the product kills to the roots.

Later, when you in fact have been infected with poison ivy or its nasy step-sisters, when the suffering gets bad, a long hot bath (or shower, if you have no tub) as hot an as long as you can stand it (the same thing helps hives) with 2-4 cups of epsom salt (or more if you don't mind what is costs; it is fairly inexpensive at the Dollar Store or Wal-mart or other discount store, but you will go through it fast if you have a bad case of poison ivy); it will help temporarily, but the relief may only last for an hour or two (but sometimes less).  Taking a long bath or shower will make your palms wrinkly; this occurs because your skin absorbs water.  This will also help "water down" the irritant, to some degree; and anything you can add to the water will also help (bentonite clay to help absorb the poison; if you have an ozone machine, ozone may help neutralize it--stupid me: I have a water ozonator but did not think of it until right now).  One source said that taking a hot shower or bath as hot as you can stand it will cause your body to deplete its current supply of histamine (which is what reacts to irritant) and will give you possibly 8 hours of relief.  Based on experience (with terrible chronic and acute hives as well as poison ivy), relief that long is a dream from La-La Land.  While the histamine may be spent (an no new irritation develop until new histamine is made), it does not turn all the nerves in your body off, so the damaged tissue will still be there and painful.  After a good long hot, hot bath (over an hour; which can be exhausting and will get your pulse moving, so if you have heart problems, keep this in mind and monitor it).  Possibly an hour relief after such a bath is a realistic possibility with very severe cases (of hives or poison ivy).  Once the itch starts to return, pursue the options I describe below (apple cider vinegar, peppermint oil, etc.).  Also, herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze explains how hot and cold therapy helps many conditions (and I used it to get relief with hives and with poison ivy; it works similar to the long hot bath, but in a different way; it is both invigorating and exhausting and a little harder for the average wimp to handle).  It reportedly helps activate the lymphatic system, trigger the body's natural healing, and give temporary relief.  You need to be on well water to have really cold water; otherwise, you need one bath tub filled with cold water and ice; and another tub or shower with hot water.  You start with hot, get it as hot as you can stand it and count to 30 or 60 minutes.  If using a shower, move all around and get it everywhere (head, chest, back, etc.).  Then turn the shower water straight to full cold, or carefully (as to not slip) move to the ice tub.  Wait for the water to get fully cold (it will take longer if you have copper pipes).  After 30-60 seconds (count slowly) on the cold, carefully move back to the hot shower/tub and slowly turn the water back to as hot as you can stand it; then start counting.  Do this for 7 full cycles (more if you are feeling inspired/self-masochistic) ending on cold.

[Nothing herein should be considered medical advice, but merely instructions on what I did that works for me.  You need to be intelligent and make your own decisions and if you are not intelligent, find someone who is and invest in them power of attorney to make intelligent decisions for you.]

Then after you are dried off, take some epsom salt and put it in a container with just enough water so that it dissolves (if it won't all disolve, the solution is too saturated and you need just a little more water).  When dissolved, apply it with your hand to wherever you have poison ivy and let it dry.  It will help dry the poison ivy out better than anything to stop both oozing and itching.  Keep that cup handy and use as often as you need it (or fill a small misting spray bottle, and that will also help prevent the evaporation from the cup).  Don't use a cotton swab or tissue as they will absorb most of it and you won't get much on your skin which is where you want it. Slather it on wet and let it dry and then slather some more on.  Your skin will turn whitish; that will be a clue that it is there and working.  It will dry out the pustules from oozing faster than anything else I tried; and also be soothing--and magnesium is THE MOST IMPORTANT mineral in the body and most people are deficient in it anyway and not a whole lot of magnesium is absorbed when supplements are taken--but taking them is important anyway, on a regular basis, since your body needs it and you rarely will get as much as your body needs.  Taking epsom salt baths is a good idea FREQUENTLY, even if your muscles are not sore or you don't have poison ivy... it absorbs through the skin (and epsom salt baths and oral Magnesium citrate—at least 225 mg. at bed-time—will also help with insomnia).  Also, taking frequent baths with epsom salt is good for general health to help supply the much-needed magnesium (and you can even buy various magnesium gels and such online, but they will be far more expensive and any increased efficacy may be dubious); but understand that magnesium sulfate (epsom salt) is a salt and if you have dry skin, it will probably dry your skin out; don't let that deter you from using it; just be certain to rinse it off after soaking and use a moisturizer.  Also, if you get your hair wet in the tub while soaking, you will want to rinse it out, otherwise your hair will feel like it does after coming back from a day at the beach... it will feel like sweaty, sticky straw (and your skin may too; so unless battling poison ivy, you will probably want to take a quick shower and shampoo your hair after soaking for a good hour in the hot epsom water).  Epsom salt is a good thing to keep several pounds of in the medicine cabinet or closet; it has many uses, even internally, and directions for these various uses are on the label. 

Baking soda also works in some of the same ways (internally and externally), and is also a very good thing to keep several pounds of in the medicine cabinet or closet (making sure it is aluminum free would be very wise, call the 800 number on the package before buying it if you have a cell phone while at the store)... it also can be added to the bath or mixed into a paste or liquid and applied directly to poison ivy to help take the itch out and help dry out the ooze.  Try both and see which works best for you.  Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is also very important for health and a person should research the issue for its many uses: see also: Sodium Bicarbonate: Nature's Unique First Aid Remedy (Using the Healing Power of Baking Soda), by Dr. Mark Sircus, 199pp., pb., 17.00 + 4.00 P&H (available from me).  Also, see my information on cancer here at my Health Bulletin Board, for more information about baking soda.

Also raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar applied again by hand (a piece of paper towel can be used, if you don't mind wasting it, and you will have to apply several times, letting it dry each time) and left on to dry will take the itching out in about 15 minutes and also help dry the poison ivy out (but don’t apply the apple cider to a cloth and leave on the affected area (like rubber banding it to your forearm)--though it may seem like a good idea (as I thought it was), it is too much acid over too long a period of time and it will burn you (it took some time to kick in, but when it did I knew immediately what it was, from my time as a carpenter doing wood floors)--it may be fine to do for a few minutes, like maybe 5 minutes, but set an egg timer or your watch... the burn will not be severe, but you are already suffering enough and you don't want extra misery; it is similar to but not nearly as bad as a mild mineral spirits topical burn; if you ever worked with glue down wood floors in which you keep a rag with mineral spirits handy to wipe up any glue that gets on the surface of the wood, it is easy by force of habit to stick the rag in your back pocket, but you only make that mistake once, because after about 10 minutes it feels like somone has lit up your butt with a blowtorch...! and it will last for hours; but the apple cider vinegar is not nearly as powerful and will not last as long; but it is unpleasant on top of the poison ivy; so remember). 

Essential oil of peppermint applied directly to each spot will also take the itch out in about 15 minutes, and also be very cooling and will last for an hour or more... apply as often as you need to ... it and the vinegar and the epsom salt concentrate solution are pretty much the only thing that will help you get a little sleep during the night (as well as help you endure the days until it begins to clear up).  Every hour or so you may have to put more on, but it will give relief, so use it frequently; the cooling effect of the peppermint is very soothing (initially, like Ben-gay or wintergreen / birch oil, it will have a warming effect, but not as strong—but keep away from your eyes, nose, and your privates...!) and it will make your room or house smell like a confectionary; but it is ESSENTIAL for the medicine cabinet.  Lavender essential oil and tea tree oil help a TINY bit (and should also be in the medicine cabinet and are excellent all-purpose aids), but peppermint oil is a LIFESAVER in the case of poison ivy.

Jewel weed, if you can find any growing locally (ironically, it often grows in the very same places as poison ivy does), is one of the best natural sources to take out the itch; find it and juice it up.  Even freeze the juice in ice cube trays and rub a cube on the effected area (but label the bag, you don't want someone making lemonade with these; you need them).  You can also mix the jewel weed with apple cider vinegar or with witch hazel (but label every bottle) which will help preserve the jewel weed and help stretch it to last longer and give it a chance to work synergistically with the other products.  You can also find some poison ivy preparations in the health food store with jewel weed in them, but they are usually costly and in my opinion don't have enough jewel weed in them.  Go online and research jewel weed, look at various pictures so you can recognize it.  It can grow 8 feet tall or higher in the right conditions; it has small (pea sized) orchid-like flowers, that are either orange or yellow with redish spots, and the stalk is sort of segmented like bamboo, but is more succulent; the jointed segments will be green and red.  Look online for pictures (and be careful gathering it that you do not get into any more poison--and of course be alert for snakes, insects, etc.).  Collect as much as you can carry.  If you have a juicer, cut into appropriate sections so the fibers do not clog the juicer.  If you don't have a juicer, cut into inch long pieces and put in a blender with apple cider vinegar or witch hazel and puree it up and then you can strain it after a few weeks (while also slathering it all strained or unstrained as needed) and label it and of course storing it in the fridge or freezer will help make certain it lasts and does not go bad.  The freezer would probably be ideal.  You can also freeze it in a styro-foam cup; when frozen, you can then peel the top pieces of the cup back so you can apply frozen as and where needed without getting it all over your hands and without it being too cold to handle or slipping and dropping it; and then when done (rinse quickly under the water to clean it) just put the whole cup in a larger cup with a lid and label it; or put in a zip-lock bag and burp as much air out as you can and put back in the freezer.  If you collect more jewel weed than you care to process all at once, just wash off the rest and freeze it until you feel like processing it.

Witch hazel is also a good base that helps alleviate the itching a little (and of course Calamine type lotions may help, but can also be messy; and likewise, an antihistamine can also help a little, but will probably make you drowsy, which is good if you are going to bed, but not if you are working); but the other products I mentioned are FAR more effective.

You can also make a preparation in a spray bottle of witch hazel, jewel weed, epsom salt, apple cider vinegar, and essential oil of peppermint and spray on the affected area as needed.

A bath with oatmeal can also be soothing and helpful, but each person will have to experiment based on his own desperation.  You can take a sock, put a cup of dry oatmeal in it (unflavored, unsweetened, unless you plan on getting hungry when you are in the tub--but I would not recommend it), and gently tie (so it is easier to untie) a knot in the open end of the sock;  then as you take the bath, use the sock gently as a wash cloth, and after soaking it, squeeze the sock over the affected areas and the "milk" of the oatmeal will filter out and eventually the bathwater will become milky from the oatmeal and it can be soothing and may also help dry out the poison ivy (or it may not, I tried the oatmeal sock for hives, but the oils in the oatmeal may keep the skin oily, which you DON'T want; so experiment and see what helps). 


I have also been just informed that if you can find an herb / weed growing in your area called "sweet fern" (though not a fern; it is a shrub in the bayberry family), botanical name being, "comptonia peregrina" - I have no experience with this, but I have been told that a person can boil it up in water, let it cool some, and then apply to the affected area while the preparation is as hot as you can handle it.  Look online for photos and descriptions of this plant.  However, most sources online indicate that a cold infusion in water is the method (thus, heating it may destroy some of its properties); therefore, if you have some locally (and it found is from Canada to North Georgia to Ohio), get some and try it both ways and see which helps more.  One older herbalist (Howard) recorded it that it makes a very delightful tea, especially with cream and sugar and that children rarely refused it.  Other sources indicate: The Native Americans used it to to relieve diarrhea, poison ivy, as a beverage, [confusingly, it is stated that they used it as a poison, but no further explanation was given]; to stop (presumably internal) bleeding; and a strong decoction was used externally for rheumatism and bruises.  In folk remedy it was used for vomiting of blood, leukorrhea, rheumatism.  It is native to North America; Europeans were unfamiliar with it.  Its other common names are: Fern Gale, Spleenwort Bush, Sweet Ferry, Meadow Fern.  It is usually found in sandy, gravelly soil on hill sides and where pine trees are common.  It is rather hardy (down to zone 2) and will be long-lived when established; but some plant diseases (blister rust) may effect certain pines.  It improves the soil by fixing nitrogen and some species of butterfly larvae will feed on it, as will deer and some birds (and some species like grouse and killdeer will nest under it).  It makes a good ground cover for poor sandy soils.  It is a perennial and spreads via its rhizomes.  Another source says that it is an anti-inflammatory, astringent, emollient, stimulant, and a tonic and that the leaves and nutlets are tasty and edible and the leaves are good to season poultry and fish.

Skinner's vaporizing salve (or similar products that are petroleum or natural oil based) can also be very soothing; however, not only  can they be annoying due to the caution you need to take not to  get the grease everywhere, if you have poison ivy that has pustules it will keep it oily and it will not dry out and will make it worse.


Also, taking MSM internally is a good idea, to help cleanse the body's cells from within.  MSM does not last long in the body, so it would need to be taken several times a day (but not near bed time, since it will keep you awake; and not within 20 min. of taking any medication, since it works like a chelating agent and will bind to and remove nearly any other chemical in your GI tract, bloodstream, cells.  Most brands of MSM are processed at too high a heat and are therefore practically inert.  Most encapsulated versions are laced with silicon dioxide as a free-flowing agent so it will not get clogged up in the machinery and so the capsules fill completely, and the MSM will then bind to the silicon dioxide and remove it from your body, which defeats the purpose of the MSM, you want the MSM to remove toxins already in your body, and waste matter from the cells.  By way of example, you don't place around mouse traps that already have dead mice in them; the point is to place down empty, live traps to catch live mice.  I am a distributor for what I believe is the best, most pure and potent brand of MSM, processed at very low heat, and organic (made from pine lingens from the coast of Louisianna); contact me for more info.


And while anyone who may have been unfortunate enough to have been kissed or caressed by this wicked weed, while you are exercising all of your will power to keep from scratching yourself raw, while waiting for the essential oil of peppermint or raw apple cider vinegar to kick in, meditate upon my benediction:

May the great God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Creator of all, have mercy on His wayward sheep, and deliver us from our distresses and trials which are many, including the destructive and torturous effects of poison ivy and other related evil.  Though God created the world in perfection and beauty, sin entered the world by man listening to a voice other than God's own, and evil and suffering and vileness and disease and death commandeered many things God created for our comfort and our good.  The torture and disfigurement of poison ivy is a perfect picture illustration of the hideousness of sin.  While on the outside, it appears to be a pretty leaf and vine, inside it is filled with evil, corruption, and death.  So it is with all sin.  "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."  Christ, the personification of Wisdom cries out, "He that wrongeth me sinneth against his own soul; all those who hate me love death."  God's Word reverberates throughout eternity, an altar call to all who are His and heed His Voice, "I have set before thee life and death, choose life that thou and thy seed may live."  May all those reading this truly stop and consider.  Despite the wickedness of poison ivy and a plethora of other evils in the world, evil is a choice.  True, our ancestors (all the way back to Adam) may have chosen wrongly, and chosen evil for us, over which we had no choice or control; but the fact is that each of us often choose evil every single day; often it is very subtle, wrapped in a flashy, attractive, nice appearing facade; but it is evil nonetheless.  Evil is the opposite of what God declared, commanded, and established.  The fact is, if any one of us had been Adam or Eve, we would have done the same.  Those of us descended from their genetic stream are no different than they.  We sinned and chose evil in them; whether we can comprehend it or not.  Any time anyone is ready to stop choosing evil and discover the truth and embrace it and sell it not and allow that truth to free them, they cycle can be broken and God can do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think.  It is all a matter of faith and obedience.  Those who hear His Voice, hearken to it; don't delay; don't harden your heart.  Seek Him while He may be found.  If you think a REALLY nasty case of poison ivy is torturous, believe me, you don't want to wake up in Hell without any hope of deliverance or healing.  While anti-intellectuals who have been brainwashed into pooh-poohing such ideas (having never even truly studied the facts that they have attempted to destroy), only one question remains: Is it wise to play Russian Roulette with your soul...?  Some anti-intellectuals say that if Hell is real, they can "handle it."  Really...?  If Hell is exactly as God said that it is, how well could they handle being in a car accident in which the gasoline tank has ruptured and saturated them and they are burning to death in unspeakable agony—how well could they "handle that" for all Eternity.  Those who scoff at such a notion are fools to refuse to believe reality simply because it is something they don't want to be true.  If there is the slightest chance that the Bible is true and Hell is exactly what God said it is, does it not behoove you to cry out to the God of the universe: "God, if You exist please reveal Yourself to me.  If You exist, I would be a fool to oppose you.  Please forgive me of my sins.  Save me.  Please apply the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross for my sins and change my life and cause me to live in newness of life in a manner pleasing to you and in grattitude of so great a salvation given freely.  Please reveal Yourself to me and place within me the desire to study Your Word, learn of You, and be transformed into conformity with Your Will.  Amen."

I hope these ideas have been helpful and can help alleviate someone's suffering.  This took a couple hours to write so if anyone appreciates the info and if you benefit from it (and I KNOW this information is a life-saver; I suffered over a month and without this I would have suffered 10x more)... please show your appreciation.

— Disinformation and Military War against Raw Milk, The

very good synopsis with a few exceptions.

raw milk was consumed by the whole population of earth for about 5900 years of our history... over half the world still consumes raw milk.  Raw milk is full of healthy bacteria, enzymes, vitamins and minerals destroyed in the heating process... the entire modern diet is likewise, not only over processed and rendered dead/inert, but it is then laced with chemicals and even High Fructose Corn Syrup to make people addicted and obese (HFCS is not only unhealthy, it does not signal the brain that it is satisfied or full) and even yeast (which contributes to candida albicans, which can mimic up to 85% of disease doctors misdiagnose) and aluminium--nearly all baked good/mixes have aluminum in them (and aluminum leads to cancer, alzheimer's and early senility) as well as propylene glycol (antifreeze) and MSG and its evil stepsisters disodiums guanylate and inosinate and artificial sweeteners such as equal and nutrasweet (which are poison, can cause a whole host of serious health problems, and including holes in the brain and tumors and cancers).

No, many of the so-called sages and experts of the past century WERE NOT intelligent... what makes the modern world go around is nepotism and cronyism... having a degree from a certain university does not make a person intelligent (and having a degree does not mean he even made a passing grade, since some degrees are BOUGHT by powerful people)... the purpose of government agencies has not been the dissemination of truth, but control... it has not been to keep people healthy, but control (and increase of taxes to pay for all these over priced and over-manned agencies).  The FDA and health inspectors are not needed.  They are strong arm groups to control... I know someone who worked at a Wendy's and Hardees in the ghetto in a northern state, and informed me that the health inspector would routinely call, say, on a Monday, and say, "We are going to have a surprise inspection on Thursday" --had they not received the call, there is no way they would have ever passed.  Bribes and kickbacks are rampant, and the FDA and health inspectors are like the mob, they can ruin any business they want and invent whatever violations they choose, and there is no recourse.

The other point is the nonsense of evolution and that man evolved and only discovered fire after 400,000 years of eating raw meat.  This is foolishness.  The problem is not eating cooked meat, but that modernly, there is not enough raw vegetables and grains and real fiber in the diet, and man does not exercise enough... scripture refers to a fool who catches fowl and is too lazy to build a fire to cook it.  Nowhere does God inform us in His Word that we are supposed to eat raw meat.  Everywhere it is cooked.  The blood must be drained, and if that practice is not followed it is not that cooked meat is the problem, but meat that has retained any pathogens in the meat because the blood has not been drained.  The problem is also the high ratio of meat consumed (and meat pumped up full of hormones and antibiotics) in ratio to the raw vegetables and grains/fiber.  Meat is acidic.  raw vegetables are alkaline and balance... if there is not enough raw vegetables to help balance, the body then robs the bones of calcium to neutralize the acidity of the meat.  Too much meat without the balancing raw vegs is also a strain on the kidneys.  Too much meat and fats without grains/fiber lead to too much fat being assimilated and stored; fiber is the sponge that soaks up the grease spill (fats and oils, likewise, are acidic).  Too much protein that the body does not convert to muscle (which it won't do if you don't get enough exercise) is itself stored in the body as fat.  Too much meat in the diet without fiber, will also lead to constipation (whether people recognize it as such or not) and the longer food is in the colon the greater the chance for bacteria to grow, and for the body to reabsorb it, and that is how a lot of disease begins.

Further, the problem is chiefly due to corrupt politicians (the communist manifesto has CONTROL of the population in every area; control movement, control property ownership, tax tax tax, deflate value of money, the state indoctrinates the children in public schools, control communication, and control the food supply)... in addition to that BIG BUSINESS cares only about one thing: making money, not producing a healthy product; food is laced with poisons, fake color, flavor, preservatives and the people are fed crap so the big food companies can make more profit.  The Big milk companies (as the big livestock and poultry raisers) are FILTHY (that is why laws have been passed making it illegal for anyone to film or report what actually goes on in these animal lots) and they cannot compete with the cleanliness of the small, organic, private farms... and the reason storm troopers are sent in to shut down WITH AUTOMATIC WEAPONS peaceful farmers producing raw organic milk is because the BIG business is threatened, as is the fairy tales the FDA has concocted.

Finally, the reason vegetables have e-coli problems (so my local veterinarian tells me) is because the filthy Mexicans who pick our food, while they are in the field, do their business when nature calls and go right back to picking without washing their hands with soap and water.  This is partly the fault of the farms for not providing portable outhouses and warm water and soap so they can properly clean up--or oversight to make sure they do... and there is no oversight to prevent white-hating Mexicans from PURPOSELY infecting the food, even as is common among jews and puerto ricans and blacks and dirty italians in New York city or other major cities, where there have been some news reports leak out (and I know some people who worked and saw first hand) of some spitting on the food of people they don't like, urinating in the pickle-barrels (and worse...!), working around food when they have the flu, and other things which are, in reality, felonies of mayhem, terrorism, and hate crimes and in some cases, attempted murder (such as sodomites who have AIDS and whose reprobate minds are given over to 'homosexual rage' and they purposely infect food so others will get AIDS).

It's not a pretty world.  Problems won't be solved by ignoring them.  Like John Wayne said, "Life is tough; it's even tougher if you are stupid."

so, while some good history here, I believe it is nearsighted and wrong in some points, as I have explained above.  RAB

-------- Original Message ----


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The War on Raw Milk

Nelson Hultberg

Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) and a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers have recently introduced legislation to allow for the sale of raw milk, i.e., unpasteurized milk. Their Milk Freedom Act of 2014 would make it legal for "certified dairy farmers" to sell unpasteurized milk products without harassment and criminal prosecution on the part of the FDA. If enacted, this would be a major victory for those who are health conscious and understand the grievous misperception by our medical establishment regarding the safety of raw milk. 
The distribution of raw milk has been banned in the U.S. since inception of the pasteurization laws in the 1920s. The American Medical Association together with the FDA brought about this ban of raw milk because of its susceptibility to being a carrier for certain infectious microbes such as salmonella.
The error here is that it was never "raw milk" that was a problem. It was "warm raw milk" produced in crowded, unsanitary conditions from grain-fed cows instead of grass-fed that was prone to an unhealthy level of microbes. Grass-fed cows produce a milk with natural "inhibins," anti-microbial agents that keep pathogens low, while grain-fed cows do not produce high "inhibin" levels in their milk.
Therefore if milk is produced in clean, uncrowded conditions from grass-fed cows, and kept cold, it remains as safe as any other food. The farmers of America produced milk under these conditions for their own consumption throughout the nineteenth century. They stored the milk from their grass-fed cows in metal cans immersed in cold water in shaded "milk houses" to keep it cool. It was relatively clean and safe and did not lead to outbreaks of disease.
It was when our economy became urbanized and industrialized after the turn of the century that milk became a problem. This was because it was now produced in large, crowded, unsanitary, dairy farms and transported into city areas for sale in warm trucks.
So there was a need for legislation to prohibit the sale and distribution of "raw" milk products between 1920 and 1960. But by the mid-1960s, the transport industry had developed refrigerated trucks to keep milk cold while in transit. Dairy farms now had refrigerated storage vats that were superior to the traditional "milk houses" of private farmers giving the milk up to 14 days before souring. The need for grass-fed cows in spatial pastures instead of grain-fed cows in crowded quarters was now understood. Cleanliness of conditions was mandated and prevalent. When the milk was delivered to retail stores, it was now placed in refrigerators for sale. Consequently pathogens did not build up in the milk from the time it left the cow to when the consumer drank it. Thus it was no longer necessary to prohibit the sale of raw milk.
Unfortunately the FDA and the consumer protection bureaucracies of Washington had grown to monstrous size by then; and they were not about to relinquish the power they wielded over dairy farmers, transporters, and retailers. They remained oblivious to the real issue involved: Raw milk is not dangerous as long as it comes from clean, disease-free, grass-fed cows and is properly refrigerated throughout the production and sale process. This creates what is termed today "certified raw milk," i.e., safe milk.
So the legislation being introduced by Congressman Massie and his colleagues is great news to those of us in the freedom movement who are aware of the spectacular health properties of raw milk and its superiority over pasteurized milk. We see the problem from a much different perspective than the medical establishment and its henchmen at the FDA. We understand that degenerative diseases (such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, etc.) are, to a large degree, brought about because of our modern corrupted diet with its low nutrient value. Raw milk is the summum bonum of nutrition and it can help man achieve a far superior level of health to what he presently experiences.
But in order to bring about this improvement of mankind's health, the ignorance that prevails in today's medical establishment must be overcome. Our medical doctors and scientists are certainly very smart people. But they are ignorant of the truth.
As comparison consider our former Fed chief, Ben Bernanke. He is a brilliant intellect. But unfortunately he is ignorant of the truth in the field of economics. He doesn't grasp the immense fallacies in the Keynesian paradigm he has espoused throughout his career. As a consequence our country suffers greatly.
This is the intellectual history of man. Brilliance in our intellectual class does not guarantee possession of the truth. The sages of every era are so often wracked with ignorance of the truth that one wonders how did we ever climb from the cave and produce a free civilization. The priests of the Middle Ages, the political thinkers of monarchical Europe, the bloodletters of the nineteenth century were all brilliant minds, but "ignorant of the truth." Our era today is equally wracked with brilliant economists, political philosophers, and medical scientists who are ignorant of the truth.
Why Raw Milk Is Superior

The reason why raw milk is so superior lies in what happens to the protein molecule when it is cooked, i.e., pasteurized in the case of milk. The famous scientist, Dr. Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., showed the danger of cooking protein in his experiments in the 1930s. Over a ten year period between 1932 and 1942, he and his colleagues conducted clinical studies on over 600 cats. [1] The cats remained in excellent health on a diet of raw protein alone. All the feeding was supervised by Pottenger's medical group, and all experiments were carefully controlled. The results, writes a contemporary, Dr. Henry G. Bieler, "proved beyond question the unhealthy nature of cooked animal protein....No cats in the entire experiment - often siblings of the same litter - developed disease as long as they remained on a raw protein diet. In fact, they lived to a ripe old age." [2]


But those cats fed on cooked protein all contracted diseases commonly seen in man: arthritis, heart trouble, cancer, liver and kidney degeneration, lung diseases, meningitis, osteoporosis, immune system collapse, pyorrhea, loss of teeth and hair, gastritis, nearsightedness, degenerative processes of the brain, extreme irritability, pneumonia, lack of sexual interest, sterility, infertility, ovarian atrophy, physiological exhaustion, skin disorders, allergies of all kinds, and hypothyroidism, etc. [3]

Dr. Pottenger's nutritional / pathological findings were supervised in consultation with Alvin G. Foord, M.D., professor of pathology at the University of Southern California and pathologist at the Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena. [4] Their work met the most rigorous scientific standards of the day. Their results are so convincingly obvious that there is no room for doubt of their accuracy. The fact that the world chooses to ignore the Pottenger-Foord findings is attributable to humanity's desire to flee from reality and avoid facing the tough truths of life.

Man has been on this planet for approximately 5 million years. But he discovered fire only about 400,000 years ago. So the bulk of his evolutionary development (4.6 million years) took place on raw protein. This is why he needs it. Milk is a perfect source for it. The fact that our government prohibits us from purchasing raw milk is inexcusable.
Detractors to the Pottenger-Bieler thesis on raw protein and its connection to health claim that cats are not humans, and that it is wrong to extrapolate from one to the other. But their claim is in error, for it ignores the fundamental premise that certain natural laws of existence are applicable to all forms of life. For instance, the law of gravity affects cats and humans equally. And the same goes for certain physiological laws such as the necessity of raw protein for long term, disease-free health among mammals. Both cats and humans are mammals.

Cooking protein alters it molecularly. The protein molecules are changed from the "hydrophile colloid" form to the "hydrophobe colloid" form. According to Bieler, they then cannot fulfill protein's role adequately, which is to produce growth, rebuild tissue, and restore the body's integrity every 24 hours from the wear and tear of stressful life. [5]

The Safety of Raw Milk

How does raw milk compare safety-wise to other foods we eat? In a study between 1971 and 1982, figures from the California Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta show that there were 3.6 million cases of illness from salmonella in the state of California. The sources of the infections were: meat - 468,000; poultry - 612,000; restaurants - 1,486,000; human to human - 360,000; certified raw milk - 103. [6]

Raw milk consumers represent only 3 percent of the population, so its 103 figure has to be multiplied by a factor of 33.3 to make it statistically meaningful. When this is done, the illnesses from raw certified milk are 3,430 as compared to 468,000 from meat and 612,000 from poultry.

The FDA estimates that in the ten year period between 1996 and 2005, fresh produce was responsible for over 8,000 E. coli infections in the U.S, and eggs were responsible for over 6,500 infections. The FDA also cites several outbreaks of E. coli traceable to raw milk over a five year period that produced less than 50 infections. [7] To make these figures statistically comparable, we need to multiply raw milk's five year figure by 2 and also by 33.3. The total for raw milk becomes 3,330. Certified raw milk is, thus, safer than the fresh produce and eggs that we eat every day. There is no need to prohibit its sale.

Life is filled with various degrees of risk that free men and women are willing to take. We don't stop eating produce and eggs because occasionally illness results. We don't stop flying in airplanes because crashes occur. Things must be kept in perspective, which is not something that government wants to do.
It is quite exasperating to be aware of all this and try to convey it to the public. The demonizing of raw milk by the FDA and the medical establishment overpower even strong, independent people who have no problem challenging establishment fallacies in the fields of economics and politics. But when health and medicine are involved, they suspend their power of judgment and obediently agree to whatever their doctor says no matter how much in conflict it is with reason and science. They think of doctors as some kind of gods, when they're nothing but smart humans just as capable of being corrupted by a false paradigm as our economists and political philosophers. Today's doctors are "ignorant of the truth," but sadly their patients continue to obey them with an undeserved reverence for irrational prescriptive advice regarding the consumption of raw milk. 
The Tough Truth
The scientific work of Francis M. Pottenger, M.D. and Alvin G. Foord, M.D. can be found in their book, Pottenger's Cats: A Study in Nutrition. The work of Henry G. Bieler, M.D. on health and nutritional issues can be found in his book, Food Is Your Best Medicine. In addition, Dr. Ron Schmid's magisterial work, The Untold Story of Milk: The History, Politics and Science of Nature's Perfect Food, brilliantly sums up the the case for raw milk. All three of these books are in print at Amazon. For more information on this controversial issue, hundreds of questions are answered at: www.realmilk.com.
The experiments of Pottenger, Foord, and Bieler are irrefutable. They demonstrate to any objective person that cooked protein will not maintain a healthy or long-lived existence. The fact that such a monumental truth is not common knowledge today in medical schools is a testament to the ignorance and dogma that control so much of the scientific endeavors of man. Only when our medical / nutritional experts begin to apply this truth to the human diet will we start to achieve the true level of health that is our birthright.
1. Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., M.D., Pottenger's Cats: A Study in Nutrition (La Mesa, CA:     Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, 1983), p. 1 and p. 6. 2. Henry G. Bieler, M.D., Food Is Your Best Medicine (New York: Random House, 1965),     p.191.  3. Pottenger, op.cit., pp. 10-11, 22, 31-32, 40-41. 4. Pottenger, Ibid., p. 2. 5. Bieler, op.cit., p. 191. 6. California Department of Health, Werner, Humphrey, Chin; and the Center for Disease     Control, Atlanta, GA, from a study done by Alta-Dena Dairy, Los Angeles, CA, 1983. 7. Rebuttal to the FDA's article: "Raw Milk Misconceptions and the Danger of Raw     Milk Consumption," www.realmilk.com.
---------------- Nelson Hultberg is a freelance writer in Dallas, Texas and the Director of Americans for a Free Republic www.afr.org. His articles have appeared over the past 20 years in such publications as The Dallas Morning News, American Conservative, Insight, Liberty, The Freeman, and The Social Critic, as well as on numerous Internet sites such as Capitol Hill Outsider, Conservative Action Alerts, Daily Paul, Canada Free Press, and The Daily Bell. He is the author of The Golden Mean: Libertarian Politics, Conservative Values. Email him at: hultberg@afr.org" moz-do-not-send="true">hultberg@afr.org


Americans For a Free Republic | P.O. Box 801213 | Dallas | TX | 75380

—Interesting egg and other ideas, storage and cooking - easiest way to peel a Hard-boiled egg - even farm raised eggs — and should you wash farm fresh eggs right away? UPDATED

[most recent updates at the end]

something interesting I thought I would share...

I tried something new

I got a chicken egg this morning that was laid either very early this morning, or late last night (it's in the 20s outside).  I brought it in and an hour later had an idea, I washed it then put it in the freezer.  now, about 6 hours later I got a pot of water boiling, took the egg out, it must have frozen solid because it had a long crack lengthways.  I put it directly into the pot and boiled for 10 min.  I took it out and with a spoon and my fingernail attempted to pry it open and one whole side of the shell came off completely clean (only the tiniest bit of white egg residue apparently stuck to the thin embryo sac.  I then took the spoon and gingerly pushed inside close to the shell and the whole egg popped out and the other half of the shell was completely intact, same, hardly any egg stuck.  2 clean egg shell halves that look like they were manufactured.  I cut the egg open.  The center of the yoke was still runny, soft boiled; maybe another 2-3 min. would have made it hard boiled?  Tasted perfect, no mess or shelling.  maybe the outside of the egg was a tiny bit chewier, but no gritty consistency.  Will have to experiment and leave one in for several months to see if the taste changes on long term storage.  Since it cracks the egg would be exposed a tiny bit to the air in the fridge, so I will store in a zip lock bag and burp all the air out.

makes for an easy hard boiled egg, no mess, no shelling... just need to have some frozen and then add cook time (I used a small pot and only 1 egg, so I guess experiments will need to be done because the more frozen eggs you add, the more it will cool down the boiling water and thus the longer the cook time you will need).  Also, I imagine not every egg will crack perfectly along one side lengthways, but regardless of how it cracks, the shell should lift right off when pried.

no pieces of egg shell, I'll have to try that again.  Poached is my favorite.

Also, I got tired of shelling fresh eggs to make my own pickled eggs, with some great recipies I just made up and most were great (one with beets, raw onion, and cloves and other spices, another with raw onion, curry, etc.).  fresh eggs you lose so much trying to peel, and in pickling eggs you really need to have the entire white uncompromised; any exposed yolk will cloud the brine and also will not last as long (but under refrigeration, they will last years).  I tried poaching, instead, with a traditional egg poacher, main care is to crack the eggs into each cup without breaking the yolk; those that break I save and scramble later.  However, you need to cook them fully or the yolk will not be firm, and that is a bit gross in a pickled egg.  However, I also wanted to try that, not only to save on peeling, but because the flat poached eggs fit much more easily in the mason jars; you just have to be very careful spooning and positioning them in not to break the thin surface over the yolk.  The only other drawback to pickling a poached egg... the little bit of olive oil spray used in each cup causes the outside of the egg to take on a slightly different texture after pickled.

just thought I would share these ideas in case any others might find it interesting; want to try it.  If you have too many eggs the question of what to do with them arises.  I've read numerous things about freezing eggs.  After a period of time, the taste changes, a bit freezer burn taste; that does not affect safety, only taste quality.  However, I did one time scramble up a few eggs and filled a small tupperware about a 1/2 from the top, put lid on and froze.  Then, after it was frozen, I covered it with 1/4 inch of cold water and replaced lid and froze.  A year later I took it out to thaw, rescrambled, and it made a perfect omelet, eggs tasted like they had just been cracked.

Also, I have found to avoid freezer burn with fruit, vegetables, even meat (except hamburger, though possible if you make into firm patties or meatballs), put vegetables, fruit, meat in a tupperware (having same size makes for easy stacking in freezer; i like the clear plastic ones the local chinese restaurant uses for egg drop soup takeout), then fill to the top with cold water, make sure all air pocket are out, then freeze.  Will last for many years without freezer burn, the water protects from the air, all that is required is to run under hot water and melt the ice off... or, if you have spare cans of chicken/turkey/beef/vegetable broth use that instead of water to freeze over the vegetables and then you just add the whole block of frozen vegetables/stock (running the tupperware under hot water for a minute will loosen so it pops right out) to the pot of soup and it will melt as you cook... and no worries about freezer burn... at least, I have never experienced any with this method for years... even if you open a few different cans of beans and don't use them all (or cook up your own), pour into tupperware, top with water or broth and freeze... then its ready in a few minutes next time you want them.

maybe others have already discovered these things; but thought I would share.  Robert



I have recently frozen about 8 eggs in a small bowl in the freezer (hint, if you don't freeze them all at the same time, do not attempt to put another egg gingerly into the same bowl if your fingers are wet from having recently washed it (if you have your own chickens that lay eggs that need to be cleaned)... when you try to set one down, your fingers will touch the others and will freeze to your fingertips... out... but they loosen quickly under cold water.


I then put the 8 eggs into a chinese soup clear plastic take out container, filled with cold water, leaving a little room for expansion, and made sure the eggs at the top were turned crackside down so they are not exposed to any air.  I believe this will extend the life of the frozen eggs against freezer burn.  I will have to let you know in a year at which time I will hardboil some and then thaw some in the fridge in a bowl to see how they fry up.  Or you can also experiment on your own.  Water I believe prevents freezer burn... some crazy explorers/scientists ate frozen woolley mammoth that had been frozen for millennia in a glacier.  While I would not advise eating an elephant (woolley or otherwise), I don't recall them saying it tasted freezer burned (maybe they did not have freezers back then).  Regardless, I have never experienced freezer burn of anything submerged in water or other liquid.


Update: even after 2 years, the eggs can be used to fry, scramble, or hardboil.  Place unfrozen eggs (run under hot water to remove the ice) into a pot that has already boiling water; a little learning curve is needed to know how long to cook, depending on how many eggs and how large the pot is and how quickly it returns to a rolling boil after adding the frozen eggs.  15 min. is a baseline time to test.

No change in egg flavor; very little change in consistency.



Recently, I decided to try putting fresh eggs into the tupperware, filling with water (to about 1/2 inch of the top) and then freezing.  It worked as I thought, for the most part, the eggs entirely below the surface of the water cracked less, since the water froze first and then held the eggs firmer as the eggs themselves froze.  Far less cracks, if any, occurred, and those cracks that do exist may not even be all the way through.  Of course, the few eggs that slightly were above the top of the water have a few cracks.


[Eggs in photo below— Left: fresh eggs frozen in the water at the same time.  Right: eggs frozen first, then submersed in water in tupperware and then frozen.  This size tupperware from the local Chinese takeout holds around 8 eggs.  I've had these containers for many years, and have frozen and rethawed soups and vegetables dozens of times.  They are great containers.]


I believe sometime soon I will put the tupperware of uncracked eggs in the fridge and let it de-thaw slowly.  Then, after a few days I will put a couple of the eggs on the counter for 30 minutes just in case they are not fully thawed.  Then I will try frying and see how it works and report back here.


In a year I will take out the partially cracked, frozen eggs, and after I have water at a rolling boil, I will run hot tap water over the outside of the tupperware with it upside down in the sink, then, when loose, the frozen contents will slide out.  Then I will run tap water over the eggs to remove the ice as quickly as possible and once all ice is off I will add to the boiling water for 15 min.  I am fairly certain there will be no change in taste as no oxygen will have compromised the inside of the egg.







I put 4 eggs in the freezer then went out to do some yardwork.

I put them in a small plastic bowl, as when they freeze and crack, they may leak the tiniest bit.

I came back in 3 hours later.  Only 1 egg had cracked.  So I would guess that maybe freezing for 2 1/2 hours none would crack?  Anyway... This time I got the water to a rolling boil FIRST and THEN put the eggs in.  I cooked for 13-15 minutes.  I then took the one that had cracked and peeled it; while I poured out the hot water and added cold tap water (I have a well so the water is cold) to cool them down.

The cracked one did not peel as easily, separating into halves, as fully frozen eggs have in the past.

(normally I freeze them for at least 5 hours and they all crack, then which I put in the water WHILE bringing to a boil, and then boil for 13 minutes.  I have not tried cooling the water down, but just use 2 spoons or a spoon and thumb nail--careful, it can be hot) to pop each halve off).

Also, there was no egg white leakage this way. 


I tried peeling one of the uncracked ones after cooling them down.  It did not peel that great, but was better than had I not frozen them.


I put the other 2 in the fridge.  This morning I peeled them... the easiest peeling egg ever...


I have my own chickens and peeling farm eggs that are hard-boiled is nearly impossible.  The white membrane between the egg white and the shell will not separate from the egg white.  I have heard using eggs that are a few weeks old, rather than fresh, will help...  Regardless, the eggs I used were laid that day.  The freezing did not effect the egg white or yolk (maybe it makes them just the tiniest bit tougher); however, it did cause the egg white, it seems, to "sweat" after refrigerating, and the entire shell peeled off easily. 

This seems to be the best method.  I think 2 1/2 hours freezing will do it; bring water to rolling boil, then put in eggs and boil for 13-15 min.  Then pour out hot water and add cold water from the tap to cool them down.


 hope this helps.  Feel free to email your comments / experiments.  I wonder if I will go down in history as the man to invent the frozen hard-boiled egg...?  I can only hope. 


Someone recently told me that she heard someone say you should not wash a farm egg until you are going to use it and asked what I thought.  Below are my thoughts. 

I heard one person say that, but I don't believe it and I am not putting eggs with shit on them in my refrigerator...!  (I don't mean to be crude or vulgar, but I thought that word necessary so people realize what they are putting in their refrigerator if the egg is unwashed.)  A chicken coop and henhouse is filled with, let me now refine it to POOP, whether wet or dry and the majority of "dust" is POOP DUST.  You should hold your breath or pull your shirt up over your nose and mouth if when you are in the henhouse the chickens all flap their wings, such as if you just threw them some scratch)... you don't want to breath regular dust, let alone poop dust.  This dust covers the eggs because it covers the feathers of the chicken who laid the egg and sat on it till she felt like getting up.  Chickens dust themselves in their own poop dust.  Further, after they lay the egg, sometimes they just hang out and then poop on the eggs.  In rainy or snowy weather, their feathers and feet are filthy and wet and so are the eggs.  To put unwashed eggs in the refrigerator is just STUPID.  Air circulates in a refrigerator.  Whatever is on the eggs will circulate and contaminate everything. 

Such people who mindlessly say not to wash the eggs (because they mindlessly heard someone else mindlessly say it) claim that the egg is coated with some protective layer when the hen lays it, which keeps oxygen from penetrating and when you wash the egg that removes that coating and the egg won't last as long.  It is really a moot point.  Eggs will last MONTHS in the fridge... HOW MUCH LONGER do you need to keep them...? 

Further, the fact is, that if you do not wash the poop off an egg in a timely fashion, the poop will STAIN the egg shell; and this shows that this "alleged protective layer" really does not help much... and more important is POOP penetrating a permeable shell. 

Maybe in ideal circumstances (in which the chickens will not poop on their own eggs, and in which the chickens are clean and dry--of course, rainy days, the eggs are wet and filthy), in which there is no poop dust in the henhouse or chicken coop at all, and maybe before the era of refrigeration it was something to think about, but I think anyone who suggests it modernly is both ignorant and anti-intellectual (and quite possibly never even had chickens of their own to have ANY clue what they are talking about, and have simply passed on to you someone else's ignorance they incorporated into their own). 

Just my opinion. 

Egg shells are permeable.  watch how quickly the water will dry on an egg shell after washing it... that is because some of it is absorbed by the shell.  To leave wet poop on and egg shell will cause the shell to absorb poop.  If the feces stain the egg with color, then clearly poop itself has penetrated to some degree also.  Poop is where the salmonella or e-coli or whatever bacteria comes from.  Anyone who puts that in their refrigerator is asking to get sick.

It is foolish.  If someone is so concerned about it, wash the eggs, let them dry, then give them a nice coat of oil or paint or shellac or polyurethane. 

Kind of senseless. 

How long do you need to keep an egg before you use it?  If you are not going to use it in a few months, you probably don't even need them so why have them?

or do like I do, freeze them if you don't plan on eating them for a year.


I discovered another excellent easy peel hardboiled egg techique, for my farm raised eggs.

boil the hardboiled egg however you normally would... then, rinse in cold water... put into the freezer... I am guessing any amount of time that it takes for the eggs to freeze and crack is sufficient.  I only planned on doing it for an hour, but forgot about them--until the next day.  Then, a lightbulb came on and I remember.  I retrieved them, left them on the counter to thaw (or you can thaw in the fridge, but it will take longer).  I've done this twice now, with a dozen eggs, every single one a perfect peel, the egg falls right out of the shell.  Usually the egg will crack while freezing, so you don't even need to crack it, just tug at the crack that is there and the egg will slip out easily once you pull the shell apart.

A few tips concerning health/survival/budget/food/pets

I have found that if I pressure cook a chicken (or other fowl), it
leaches most all the gelatin and many nutrients out of the bones into
the broth, and the bones are actually so soft they have the consistency
of a bean that has been cooked, just a little short of completely.
Since calcium mineral supplements cost money and you already have the
bones (they came in the bird), in times of need the bones could be
eaten.  While they are not as flavorful or nicely textured as the
chicken meat, they are nutritious, and are very easy to chew, they crumble, don't splinter; but may be
more palatable to mash or blend into a drink (with some tomato juice or
something) and simply drank down.  In lieu of that, this is a perfectly
safe way to feed chicken or other poultry bones to your dogs or cats.
[Though I would advise against feeding any chickn scraps or bones back to your chickens,
though no doubt they would eat and enjoy them, it just seems like
cannibalism to me; and though some birds (birds of prey) eat other
birds, they don't really eat their own species except in extreme
situations (the same goes for fish I guess, except for the smallest of fry,
I guess anything bite size is free game).  
It will also save a tiny bit
on the cat/dog food bill, given them extra nutrients, and they love
It will be one less thing to pay to be disposed of and dumped in a landfill (or one less thing to burn) and will be one less thing some varmint
will want to rummage through your garbage for.

I have found after having eaten all the meat I care to dissect off a
roasted (or otherwise fully cooked) chicken carcase, about an hour to an
hour and half or so in the pressure cooker will extract the majority
of gelatin/nutrients (the broth will turn to jello in the fridge, but
quickly melts back to the original broth when heated; I explain this for those who have
never done so: some people don't know these things.  I was amused and saddened by a few reviews I read of people who had ordered some Amish canned meats, the hamburger one especially, some ignorant reviewers said something to the effect, "this hamburger meat had some strange gooey stuff in it, it was gross, I threw it out without eating it.  What he threw away was real meat that had been cooked with some bones and the gooey stuff was beef gelatin; some people are so stupid, they throw away perfectly good food instead of dialing the 800# and asking a question).  
Many people don't know that after eating a roasted (or
cooked in anyway) chicken or especially turkey after the holidays, the entire
carcase makes the nicest soup.  If cooking the left-over carcase in a pressure cooker cut or
break the carcase up as well as you can so it fits most compactly in the
pot, then fill above the carcase with water; and since in pressure
cooking you lose a significant percentage of water in steam, add maybe
an extra inch of water for about an hour of cook time (cook time starts once the clacker is going or steam pressure built up).  Of course, if you don't
pull off all the meat, once you have finished pressure cooking, you will
have to fish the bits and pieces of good meat out from all the bones and
"gunk"; and the dogs and cats will love whatever you don't.  Since it is
harder to fish anything out from among all the bones and gunk, I don't
add any vegetables or herbs or spices to the pressure cooker, I will
then drain the broth and add the herbs and spices (basil, parsley, dill, celery leaves and seed, marjoram, rosemary, sage, savory, thyme, etc., salt pepper, garlic granules, cayenne) and vegs (celery, onion, garlic,
carrot, bell peppers, hot peppers, etc.) and simmer it for another 1/2 hour or hour. Adding a
little vinegar also does wonders for soup broth; add a little at a time
until you learn how much; you can always add more but you can't take it
back out.

I realize many people may already know most of this, but just for those
who may not.  
Also, in case you did not realize it, if you buy poultry from unnatural sources, that use antibiotics, chemicals, fluoridated water (or even worse--from China, 

with who knows what in it, all sorts of chemicals too dangerous that the corrupt US has banned, maybe even lead)... fluoride concentrates in the bones, and most all chemicals also in the organs (if you are one who eats organ meat, I am not).  Buy only natural poultry (or raise your own).
Also, do not use aluminum pressure cookers (or any cooking instrument) that comes into direct contact with the food (especially acids, like meat, milk, tomatoes, which leach even more aluminum out of the pot or utensil and into the food; aluminum is poison, its sister flouride is a by product of the aluminum industry, and corrupt big business, instead of paying high dollar to dispose of fluoride as toxic waste, bribed corrupt officials in govt to declare it safe and needed, and instead they govt BUYS the toxic waste to put in our water supply, even though not even 1% is used for drinking; but communist nations historically put fluoride in the community water, and farmers traditionally put it in the water of especially aggressive bulls, since fluoride dumbs down and makes one docile, just what is needed for control).
However, Presto and several other companies make stainless steel pressure cookers.  They are usually on sale at Amazon.  Aluminum ones are fine if using as a bath for canning, since the aluminum does not come into touch with your canned food in the mason jar (and aluminum ones are less expensive, so a large one for canning mason jars would be fine if aluminum, but don't use the water from the bath for anything; pour it down the drain.  Cooking should not be done in aluminum.  I've had a Presto Stainless steel pressure cooker for about 15 years, smaller size, not sure how many quarts, 6, 8, 10?  Check out Amazon.  I think some are half off by Presto.  But you need to check around because sometimes they inflate the "retail" price and what you think is a bargain often isn't as good as you think; I imagine Presto has their own site, not sure if they retail, but somewhere, like Sears or Wal-mart should have retail price to compare prices; and there is (currently) no tax or shipping charge from Amazon.

—UPDATED - Chronic Sleep Troubles? Apnea? Insomnia? Racing Mind? - Try GABA - also 5-HTP, Magnesium, Phenibut, Valerian + L-Tryptophan, Fat loss, Stem Cells, Athletic Performance, Mood, Pain Management, Nicotine Addiction

I saw on a prayer chain email that I received that someone has had decades of trouble sleeping, I typed out the below for the person, whom I don't even know.  Then I thought to "share with the class."  I have since re-written and updated it.  If you have trouble sleeping and you decide to try this and it works, let me know. 

Some persons may want to try GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid) for any of the conditions mentioned in the title of this article.

("Now" brand is good and the company operates on Christian-based principles, but I have noticed no difference in quality between them and Swanson or Vitacost or any other brand.  I think that there are only one or two manufacturers for the majority of supplements and all the other companies slap their own labels on them as if they manufactured the product themselves; so buying a more expensive brand does not necessarily assure a better product, only a more-prestigious label and a higher price.)

What I do, when I learn of a product I had not known about, I will buy one bottle at a reasonable price, then if I notice that it produces a benefit or consider it worth taking on a regular basis, I will buy whatever quantity that I need to in order to get the very best price per mg.  Expiration dates on most products seem to be meaningless as most things will not go bad if the seal is good and especially if stored in a cool, dry, dark place. 

I then do the math to find the best price per mg., whether 500, 750, or 1,000. 

Also read the label carefully, some companies are unethical and though the front of the bottle may say 1,000 mg., unless you scrutinize the "serving size" on the back of the label, you won't realize that you need to take TWO capsules to equal that "1,000" mg., advertiseed on the front of the bottle; which in reality should say "500mg" on the front of the bottle.  But, this unethical practice is not perpetrated against the public on every product, so you have to be on your toes and read carefully.  Then, with a little experimentation, find what dose works best for you. 

However, as I explain below the KEY is taking ENOUGH GABA along with the PROPER DOSAGE OF WATER.

I have had apnea / insomnia since at least age 15, though I did not know what it was and it only affected me slightly (that I noticed) after a day of strenuous work or exercise.  I was an athlete / weight lifter / muscular and a person who enjoyed good, hard work for the first half of my life and I was not overweight; especially when in college and when I worked as a carpenter, up to about the age of 28.  However, anyone in college who was a roommate from when I was 19 to 28 years old, said that I slept worse than anyone they knew... though I did not notice it at that time.  It was only after the age of 28 that reality seemed to kick in.

I gained some weight over 2-3 decades of sitting behind my desk instead of being carpenter and playing sports, and I continually battle it; lose it, gain some back. 

However, weight has never effected my apnea (even when I lost every ounce of body fat, my sleep did not improve at all); my brother, dad, grandfather all had apnea. 

I would be inclined to say that it is not necessarily heretidary, but that our family genes were susceptible to developing the same condition as a result of the the same type of vaccines pawned off on us in southeastern Pennsylvania during those decades.  I also received the added bonus gift from the doctors / AMA / FDA / and drug companies, of developing juvenile rheumatory arthritis and fibromyalgia (though that condition I believe was not even known at the time) at the age of 5.

I have not had a good night's sleep in 28 years; have not slept through the night once in 28 years; have not awoken refreshed once in 28 years (I wake up feeling like I have a hangover and the day just gets worse from there on out).  I normally have over 22 years slept only few hours a night, intermittently.

One natural product (produced by a Christian who was an aquaintence of mine, who is now deceased), Renewtrient, helped me some, and it was very strong; but it was taken off the market due to teen age / college criminals using it as date rape drug. 

[This is merely more sad proof of political corruption in our nation: Millions of law-abiding citizens are the ones who suffer and pay the price for a handful criminals (who often merely get a slap on the wrist) and politicians and judges illegally rob the people of not only power and money, but their Constitutional, God-given, inalienable rights, in addition to their very health and freedom itself.]

Understand, some sites, like this one— https://nootriment.com/gaba-supplements/ , in an article titled, "Why GABA Supplements Do Not Work"— claim that GABA (an important brain neurotransmitter) is ineffective for mood, anxiety, or sleep disorders because it cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, and only GABA that the body itself produces in the brain (from Glutamate and B6) does.  The jury may be out in regard to everything in that statement and the article title itself.

This site also has this other very interesting information about the non-sleep / non-mood benefits of GABA

"If you have been trying to find an easy to take supplement to help increase your strength and muscle gains in the gym, than [sic, then] you might be interested in using GABA supplements.

It has been used by weight lifters for a long time due to its ability to improve athletic performance and help with fat loss. There is even evidence suggesting that GABA plays a key role in the regulation and growth of embryonic and neural stem cells."  [brackets mine.  R.A.B.]

The whole article is well worth reading (including all the comments there listed).

This other link also has some very good information:


HOWEVER, science and studies (valid or invalid) aside, I have 28 years experience of grossly severe sleep disorders (compounded by other conditions) and 6 years of experience taking GABA.  Whether or not GABA can actually cross the blood-brain barrier may or may not be relevant, if that declaration is even is true.  The article itself indicates that though it cannot cross the barrier, it does circulate in the brain. 

Regardless, I know how it puts me into deep sleep usually within 20 minutes, when nothing else other than Renewtrient would (I have never tried any over-the-counter or prescription sleep medication; I avoid all pharmaceuticals as I believe they generally cause a dozen other more serious problems than the one they may control or "mask"). 

Whether or not Renewtrient crossed the blood brain barrier or not, I cannot say (I would guess, "yes"); but it was powerful enough (the body converting it into GHB) that the FDA or whomever outlawed it

[It also helped drug addicts to get through withdraw symptoms while trying to shake the addition, and that cut into a very big, profitable monopoly, and some have suggested that is the REAL reason that Renewtrient was taken off the market—its manufacturer being arrested and thrown in jail to persecute him into compliance, if I remember correctly what he told me. As I will mention below, another link also shows that a similar product, 5-HTP can possibly help kick a nicotine habit (I have never smoked or done any drugs in my life, so I cannot vouch for Renewtrient or 5-HTP's effectiveness in this regard).  If this is true, that may also show a relation between the effectiveness of this entire family of products (Renewtrient, GABA, GHB, Phenibut, and 5-HTP; though the latter does not contain any "buter" compound).]

All I can say is that GABA has a very similar effect on me as Renewtrient did, though in normal doses GABA is not as powerful. 

GHB and its chemical family created a stir a few decades ago, because it put most people who took it into such a deep state of sleep they could not be woken up (which is why a handful of immoral degenerates used it as a date-rape drug, putting it in an unsuspecting woman's drink) and some who took the product to have effective sleep were on rare ocassion rushed by family members or friends to the hospital as if they were dying or in a coma (their pulse and breath being reduced to levels as if they were hibernating), who then casually woke up feeling refreshed only to be shocked to find themselves in the ER...! I imagine that had they known how well GHB worked, they would have left a note: "I'm not dying or in a coma, just having a good sleep; don't call the paramedics unless I don't wake up in 24-hours".

Of course, anything that helps circumvent the medical establishment will come under fire, both by scare propaganda laced with disinformation, as well as police state tactics. 

Rennewtrient was reportedly not as powerful as GHB itself (which I never tried), but the effects were similar, though not as profound.  I do know that Renewtrient (a bitter yellow liquid) had a similar effect like taking a few tablespoons of a strong tincture of Loebelia inflata (Indian Tobacco, "pukeweed", one of the nastiest herbs you will ever taste; imagine the spit bottle that tobacco chewers fill).  Loebelia is an antispasmatic and nervine / sedative, much stronger than Valerian root (the pharma drug Valium takes one or a few main constituents of Valerian root which are synthesized (developed in the laboratory from petroleum), but without the full natural herbal complex, it of course has contradications, including being addictive, possibly fatal if overdosed, euphoria / hallucenations, or such). 

If you take Loebeila in a large enough dose (once you get the nasty taste out of your mouth, which may caue nausea, especially on an empty stomach), it will feel like you have several wet mattresses laying on top of you.  Renewtrient had this same effect, but it would quickly put you to sleep (whereas, Loebelia may not)—and you really could not fight Renewtrient, by attempting to stay away: you would lose hands down. 

So it is with GABA at the right dosage, though not as powerful. 

So, regardless of whether GABA passes the blood-brain barrier or not, it works in a very similar manner as Renewtrient (which is closely related to GHB). 

Combine all that information with my 6 years experience and I believe my comments are more significant than any article that says that it is not effective for sleep. 

[Experts are often "expert guessers" (like anthropologists, paleontologists, sociologists, and even psychologists, who are often elaborate story tellers rather than scientists).  Similarly, I have very rarely bought any garden plant, though advertised that it is "deer safe" (meaning deer won't eat it), that turned out to be true.  I guess the deer only won't eat it if they are low dominance and have read the book or nursery advertisement that deer won't eat it.  My deer (I can read the "thought bubbles above their heads, that show what they are thinking) chow down and think, "GOOD HEAVENS THIS IS DELICIOUS!  WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING ALL MY LIFE...?"  So I think it is, also, with a percentage of what passes for "science" (or more properly, what is called science, but "falsely so called", I Timothy 6:20).  Much of science is guessing, mis-interpretation, and discovering mere "approximations" mistakenly thought to be "scientific law".]

However, each person's body chemistry is a little different, and it is possible that what works for one may not work for another—or more properly, may not work without a tailor-suited dosage or "stacking" of other supplements with it. 

Where the rubber meets the road and all that is significant is whether GABA will work for you, after you try it by itself (with the proper amount of water) in various doses, on an empty stomach, with food, and then also in addition to other products mentioned below, and various combinations thereof. 

All the theory in the world is relatively meaningless if it contradicts practice in your specific case; and just because something works in a laboratory (or even in a human, controlled experiment—which usually cannot control or even comprehend every possible factor) does not necessarily mean that its results will be replicated 100% of the time in 100% of the population in 100% of situations.  A simple example: Some people can drink more than others before showing signs of inebriation.  One person may get drunk after a small drink; whereas others can pound it back.  Of course, like many things, practice / experience can raise the threshold, but that does not change the example that results and circumstances are different for different individuals and their different situations.

Be that as it may...

I have found that GABA helps me greatly (I may only get 1/3 of the sleep that a normal human gets, but I will take what benefit that I can because it is 50% better than what I have had to live with for over a quarter of a century). 

I had tried GABA in the past, but I guess I did not take a large enough dose and the instructions on the bottles really are not helpful.  I discovered by my own self-experimentation the importance of the right dosage and the right frequency of subsequent doses in the same night—and the important factor of the correct water dosage with each dosage (all without a million-dollar grant, multi-million dollar laboratory, a team of scientists, or even a pat on the back... how about that...!).

I have tried everything (valerian, kava kava, Loebelia, melatonin, St. John's Wort, nutmeg in warm milk, blackstrap molasses in warm milk, hops, flander's poppy, passionflower, etc.—often making my own saturated tinctures from the fresh herbs that I grew myself).

Here is what I take:

I take 2 - 750mg. GABA caps with 1 cup of water.

Proper water dosage that I have learned works for me to prevent any side effects, is about small plastic medicine-chest type cup [like the kind that comes free with a bottle of Nyquil or Pepto-bismol].  This is roughly 1/3 of a cup of water PER 500mg. of GABA.

I will usually sleep well for 1.5 - 2 hours after the first dose. 

I then take 1 or 2 more capsules of GABA (when I get up to relieve my bladder / when the GABA wears off) and another 1/3 cup of water per 500 mg. (and a third and even a fourth dose if needed).

However, I have found that the GABA will not work toward dawn if my bowels are getting ready to move after the whole night (water and fiber are IMPORTANT, but they can make life a little inconvenient); the bowel pressure must interfere with the GABA helping the brain to relax, as the brain knows a little secret that if the bladder or bowels relax too much it would create a situation even-less "convenient").  However, most often if I get up and relieve my bowels, I can then get right back to sleep and sleep for a few more hours.  I don't use an alarm clock, so I really cannot testify as to whether the soundness of sleep will prevent one from hearing the alarm or being woken by someone.  However, it does produce a deep state of sleep, as I shall explain shortly.

I have also found that after taking GABA regularly for a week or so, even if I skip a night or two, I still sleep better than I used to.  I don't have any apnea machine; never have and have never been on any medication (other than over-the-counter anti-histamines and nose spray, or a short course of anti-biotics after a serious wound infection) for anything since childhood.  I have sinus problems and to use apnea machines a person needs to have open nasal passages; unfortunately, I must use nose-spray frequently.  Regardless, I don't want to be dependent on a machine, and due to fibromyalgia I could not stand to have a mask strapped on my face, or be bothered with the hose, as I have to change position every few minutes until I am finally asleep, briefly—in a continual cycle all night long, like a scene from the movie "Groundhog Day", and my attempting to sleep I compare to attempting to row across the Atlantic ocean all night.

GABA basically has the brain synapses slow down and fire less rapidly and less frequently.  It is ideal for a racing mind to just relax.  I have noticed NO side effects or residual grogginess when I awake, whether at night or in the morning.

[Reports do say NOT to take GABA with protein; but I have never seen any explanation WHY (which is annoying)—which I consider to be irresponsible!  Yes, it is important to point out WHY.  Will it simply cause the GABA to be less effective or will it cause projectile vomiting.  The difference between the two, to me anyway, is well worth sharing with the consumer.

I would venture a guess that it may be that the protein may interfere with GABA being able to successfully cross the blood-brain barrier (not completely, but probably only partly)—if indeed, it does.  Single amino acids, taken on an empty stomach, often have the best chance of crossing the BBB.  Some Amino acids, amino acid compounds / proteins (such as type-II chicken sternum collagen) are unstable and will easily bond with other amino acids / compounds in the G-I tract or bloodstream, and instead of going to where they need to be utilized for the reason they are being taken, they will be "over-ruled" due to "the chain of command" and be order to appear elsewhere for duty.  It may also be, if I understand the science, that proteins are involved in the receptors of neuron transmitters, so it may be that extra protein in the G-I tract / bloodstream will interfere with the slowing down of the neuron firing that the GABA is supposed to achieve.

Regardless, it does not seem to matter whether I take GABA with or without food; but I imagine an empty stomach would be most effective and it is better not to go to sleep with full stomach anyway, and especially not with a lot of complex protein, which takes longer to digest (though not always possible). However, I have not kept notes of what I eat and how I sleep, so it is quite possible that on nights that I do not sleep as well, even if I have taken GABA, that it could very well be due to too much free protein circulating in my body.

Regardless, it might be a good idea to research WHY you should not take GABA with protein, just in case you have already eaten protein and then realize you need the GABA to get to sleep.  Protein takes several hours to digest.]

I have even at times taken 3 and 4 - 750mg. GABA capsules at a time, which in extreme cases may help you finally get to sleep; but again, MORE WATER is necessary to prevent side effects. 

If you don't drink enough water with GABA, from my experience, you may experience transitory side effects such as:

1. arms and legs, but more often, chest and face tingle like pins and needles; anywhere to merely annoying to being very unpleasant, but once you fall asleep you don't feel it (or it stops once you are asleep, one or the other);

2. limbs feeling excessively heavy;

3. nausea.  However, the nausea I only experienced if I took too large a dose without enough water, or if I took too large of a subsequent dose or if the subsequent dose was too close to the previous dose.  So this is easily remedied with either the proper amount of water with each 500mg. or if I take 3 capsules the first time, if I am going to take a second dose I then take 2; and if I am going to take a 3rd dose I take 1.

There is one other very mild and brief side effect:

4. I will notice a very mild metalic taste in my mouth shortly before I fall asleep (maybe 10-15 min. after taking it).  With the right amount of water it may not even be noticeable.  With not enough water, it will be more pronounced.

Regardless of what the side effects above may be, they are all easily and quickly remedied by simply getting up and drinking some more water.

[It should be understood that city tap water full of chlorine, fluoride, etc., is never healthy or a good idea, and drinking it with supplements may quite well render those supplements ineffective.  Bottled spring water or ozonated water from a trusted source / company, if you don't have your own well / spring, is really a must in our polluted / chemical age. 

Also, while on the topic, if you are trying to sleep, you need to realize that some natural supplements, while very healthy for you, are not good to take too close to bedtime (6 hours), because many are blood oxygenators... more oxygen in the blood means more oxygen to the brain, while means a more active mind, which means less sleep.  Some vitamin supplements or herbs have caffeine.  Freshly ozonated water (if you have your own ozone machine) or water with H2O2 is of course richly oxygenated and thus should not be taken too close to bed (or on a full stomach, since the oxygen may perioxidise the fats in your G-I tract).  Other supplements that are blood oxygenators to avoid too close to bed: iron, Co-Q10, Ubiquinol, Gineng, MSM, Gota Kola, Ginkgo Biloba, adrenal glandulars, cacao (and chocolate), etc.  These and other factors will certain interplay in trying to sleep, so they need to be factored into the equation.

Also, it is important to realize that while fiber (psyllium husk powder or any other form) is important, it needs to be taken 1/2 hour on either side of any medication or supplement or it will absorb a percentage of the supplement, which is both a waste of money and it inhibits your body obtaining the full benefit of any medication or supplement that you are taking.  Similarly, MSM works like EDTA chelation, in that it will bind to metals / minerals, other substances, as well as toxins in the body and remove them through urination; thus, MSM should not be taken 1/2 hour on either side of any medication or supplement, but also not too close to bedtime or it will keep you up as it is a blood oxygenator.  It only stays in the bloodstream for 12 hours, and a recommended dose for maximum health benefit is 1/2 teaspoon for every 50 lbs. of body weight - twice a day.  However, the time period in which it is taken will have to overlap (and not be the full 12 hours) or it will keep you up.  As with anything else, each person can learn by experimentation, how close they can take certain supplements and it not interfere with sleep.  I have found I need about 6 hours off all such substances, including regular tea.  I like a strong Irish Breakfast (Twining is the best), so I switch to their decaffinated after 6:00 pm, though it still has a little caffeine, it does not interfere, even with a few cups.]

The side effects of GABA of heaviness and even nausea, in too large a dose or in a subsequent dose taken in too close proximity to the previous dose (which was also an issue with Renewtrient) may be the same for many other similar products (5-HTP, Phenibut,* etc.).  GABA and the obsolete product, Renewtrient are in the same bio-chemical family (being converted by the body to GHB and then HGH, if I understand correctly).

[* However, as I explain below, Phenibut should not be taken more than once a night, and not more than 3 days in a row, or it could become addictive.]

Drinking more water will make you have to get up to urinate during the night; but that is a "good thing" rather than dehydration (and most people are dehydrated and don't know it; especially the elderly or those who have mobility troubles, who don't want to be bothered with having to get up and go to the bathroom frequently while awake or while asleep; and for the same reason such people are irregular / constipated and don't take a fiber supplement or drink enough water, so they retain more toxins and are semi-dehydrated which prevents the inflow of nutrients to cells, and the removal of waste and toxins).  Reportedly when a person sleeps, the water from the lower part of the body which has settled to the lower extremities while you have been upright all day, will then equalize / settle out, which is one reason for having to urinate during night (and possibly one reason why a person sometimes drools on the pillow during early stages of sleep: just a theory I have).  

Further, drinking 16-oz glasses of water immediately upon rising in the morning reportedly revitalizes the organs that have been semi-dehydrating during the night due to normal respiration as well as getting up and voiding the bladder (unless like me you are up getting a glass of water or milk several times a night, which, in my case, I am always fully hydrated).

Also, since GABA only works for about 1.5 - 2 hours on me (and that is as long as Renewtrient would work on me also, even though the manufacturer said it should knock anyone out for 8 hours), then the urge to urinate some time after having drank 8 ounces of water with 1,500mg. of GABA and going to bed is not really any great inconvenience, because around the time that I will have to empty my bladder is around the same time when the GABA wears off (for me) anyway and I will need to get up and get another dose.  I guess it is possible that the GABA would last longer for me if I did not have the urge to urinate possibly interfere with sleep; however, that is an inconvenience that I have to live with, since 8 ounces of water is the minimum needed with 1,500mg. of GABA to prevent any side effects.  Also, understand, when you take a medication or supplement, the little parts of the pill do not hop on a commuter subway for transport throughout the body, they are carried in a solution of fluid after dissolving in your G-I tract and thus drinking enough water is essential for dissolving as well as metabolizing and transport.  You might even compare not drinking enough water with GABA to commuters at a bus stop or train station in which the bus / train is late or does not show up.  They get cranky, irritable, complain, tempers flare.  Thus, water keeps the bio-chemical G-I tract bus / train moving to prevent problems and to make sure everyone gets to where they need to go as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

GABA in the proper dose is the only product that has given any normalcy to my sleep for the 6 years or so that I have been taking it; but for 22 years, nothing I tried helped. 

I also have sinus problems which also keep me from sleeping, having to use nose spray continually, waking up because my nose is completely blocked.

[Understand, I DON'T want to have to use nose spray because it and oral antihistamines are not good for the brain (and I take a dozen or two natural products to feed the brain and possibly help counteract the deleterious effects).  I've had to use nose spray for about 28 years (though I've had apnea / insomnia for 40 and arthritis / fibromyalgia for 50).  I have tried everything natural and even tried to just ignore it and bear through it—but unless you know what it is like to not be able to breathe at all through your nose, you don't know how exhausting it is.  It also dries the throat and mouth out and causes a sore throat.  Mouth breathing is also linked to greater possibility of Alzheimer's, Parkinsons, etc., according to some studies.  Also due to hives, in the past, my throat has closed up, not 100%, but to a significant degree that it is a cause of concern.  And since I can't breathe through my ears, it really is a good idea to keep both throat and sinuses as fully open as possible.]

For about 22 years I normally only got 2 or maybe 3 hours of sleep per 7 - 10 hours in bed, in 15 min. increments — on a "good" night — and during bad times, 1 to .5 hours sleep per night.  Now with GABA I may get double the amount of sleep, and though it is good deep stage sleep, unfortunately, it is in several short cycles (in between waking up from not breathing from apnea, or not being able to breathe through my nose and needing a shot of nose spray, or having to get up to relieve my bladder and take more GABA).

GABA helps the  mind to rest and gets you into deep sleep.  If like me and it only lasts 2 hours, you may even think that you were not even asleep, or that you were only asleep for a few minutes; but if you check the clock when you lay down each time after taking a dose, and then check the time when you wake up (possibly to relieve your bladder and to take another dose) you will see how long you slept and you will be able to determine how long a dose works for you.

Also: It may also take a little while for the body to build up a good supply of GABA (GABA is actually found in significant quantities in the eyes and the brain and the amount of sunlight coming through the eye striking the pineal gland in the brain is what helps regulate sleep to some degree, so they may be related). 

Though a person who first tries GABA may not notice any significant improvement immediately, do not give up.   I started out with small doses and I did not seem to sleep much better; then I vamped up to 3 to 4 - 750mg. but like I said, it can cause a little discomfort until you do fall asleep if you do not drink enough water. 


Proper water dosage that I have learned works for me to prevent any side effects, is about small plastic medicine chest cup [like the kind that comes free with a bottle of Niquil or Peptobismal].  This is roughly 1/3 of a cup of water PER 500mg. of GABA.


If I were trying GABA (or any of the other below-mentioned products) for the first time, I would start with 1 - capsule (starting with the 500 mg. size) and each night work my way up, 2, 3, 4 (but prob. not past 4); if 4 caused too much discomfort even with more water, I would back down to 3.  If 3 does not cause discomfort I would then continue to take 3 as my first dose for a week or two; when I wake up, I would take 2 for subsequent dose; if that caused discomfort even with more water, I would only take 1 for subsequent dose.  But like many things, it sometimes takes a few weeks for things to really stabilize; so I would not give up after 1 or two nights; but continue to take it to help the body build up its reserves and also learn how to process it in greater quantity (and it is also good for the brain and eyes; as are L-Taurine (which can also help mood, but it needs to be taken on an empty stomach, and too high a dose may upset the stomach, so again, drink more water) and Lecithin (see my short discussion on Lecithin in another article).  After taking GABA on a regular basis, you may find that you don't need to take it every night.  While not taking it every night will save money (and possibly prevent trips to the bathroom), since the body needs it for many things, it may be a good idea to take it all the time).

Other similar products that are helpful either by themselves or by "stacking" (combining).

 5-HTP, another substance found naturally in the body, also works similarly, but I have found better results with GABA.  Everyones body chemistry (and pathology) is a little different; while GABA may work best for one person, 5-HTP may work better for another (or alternating between them each night / week, or combining them).  Larger doses are probably also best taken with adequate water.

The article concerning GABA that I first mentioned (https://nootriment.com/gaba-supplements/), also helpfully points out:

"5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is Serotonin-boosting supplement.  Like GABA, Serotonin is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that is involved in mood regulation.

In the body, the amino acid Tryptophan is broken down in the body into 5-HTP and other metabolites. 5-HTP, either from Tryptophan in food, Tryptophan supplements, or 5-HTP supplements, travels through the bloodstream, crosses over the blood-brain barrier, and enters the brain. "

The second link that I mentioned above (https://www.naturalstacks.com/blogs/news/gaba-supplement-benefits-dosag…) also points out:

"A recent study on humans showed that a supplement combining both GABA and 5-HTP reduced the time it took to fall asleep, increased the duration of sleep, and improved sleep quality."

 Also, Magnesium is THE* most important mineral in the body (being involved in almost every bodily function) and most people are magnesium deficient.  Magnesium deficiency is silently behind a whole host of ailments, including sleep and many other health issues.  Cancer patients are usually deficient in Magnesium and Zinc, because these two minerals are depleted by stress.  Most everyone is deficient in magnesium because the soils are depleted  and because most forms of Magnesium are hard for the body to digest and if you take too much it is laxative—sometimes powerfully!

[* Chromium is probably the second, and chromium polynicotinate is a good chelated form.  Minerals are metals and thus hard for the body to digest.  A chelating agent helps keep them in a state the body can more easily assimilate.  Taking some Vitamin C and / or the digestive enzyme Betaine HCL can also help with the body's assimilation of minerals.  However, GTF Chromium is a special form (Glucose Tolerance Factor) with benefits for diabetics, and it works a bit differently, so for normal use chromium polynicotinate is probably preferred.]

However, Magtein / Magnesium L-Threonate is a newer form of Magnesium and it is fantastic.  THE MOST easily and fully absorbed form of Magnesium for the body; it is nonlaxative, and it feeds the brain.  All forms of magnesium help with sleep (but those that are better absorbed will help more and will be more cost effective—and you don't have to worry about forgetting that you took it and accidentally taking another, and then 20 minutes later you have to make a bee-line for the bathroom like a rocket blasing off)—and you can mix and match all the products mentioned here.  I take 8 - 10 Magtein capsules a day.  It is the only thing that cleared up years of very, very, very (did I say 'very'?) annoying eye twitching (which I think was caused by antihistamines and even the antihistamines in nose spray, which may deplete the body's stores of magnesium?).

See also: http://alignlife.com/articles/magnesium-deficiency-is-behind-many-disease-states/

Phenibut is another product related to GABA [you can tell by the "-but"] and others (LiftMode has a good brand / prices: https://liftmode.com/calming/phenibut.html ); however, it can become addictive if you take it too often, so it is recommended you only take it 3 nights in a row.  It also can be "stacked" (taken with other products mentioned here; at least, that is what I have read and I have never had any problem with it).  The capsules in the bottle smell a bit like Elmer's glue.  I noticed a tiny bit of residual grogginess in the morning sometimes.  Phenibut can take 2 hours to kick in, and GABA usually kicks in within 20 minutes, so if taken together, one may kick in around when the other is about to wear off.

Valerian root + Tryptophan 

Recent research has shown that taking these two products together is more effective than taking them separately.  I have tried it and it works fairly well, but no greater than others.  I will take 4 - 500mg. of Valerian and 2 - 500mg. of Swanson's L-Tryptophan (veg. caps, Trypropure, which is reportedly a higher or purer quality, though more expensive).  One thing that I did notice is that it may cause residual grogginess in the morning if it has not worn off or if you have to get up in the middle of the night... AND... one time I had drunk too much herbal tea before bedtime, and had to get up during the night LONG BEFORE the Valerian and Tryptophan had become depleted in my body, and I experienced the most painful brain fog ever... it was like I could feel both hemispheres of my brain separately being squeezed in a vice and the pain was something akin to my brain as it would be to an engine if you were driving a vehicle 80 mph and then downshifted to first gear.  Not pleasant.  But the effect did not last that long because I went right back to sleep.


I hope this helps someone.


(as always, no medical advice given, just sharing my experience)


Freedom From the Crime of Forced Vaccinations

Freedom From the Crime of Forced Vaccinations

Vaccine-revolver   masked doctor = Skull-bones

Vaccinated persons (from newborn to age 19) are 5 times more likely than nonvaccinated persons to have disease and illness.  See this report:

[You may wish to print it out and attach as documentation to any paperwork you submit.  Forced vaccinations—especially since they are proved to be ineffective, amounts to racketeering and fraud, in addition to violation of ones person.]



...a person may be able to establish religious grounds for freedom from forced vaccinations with use of this letter, either by itself or in conjunction with other material. 

The church member, an R.N. for whom I compiled the original 3-page letter was granted freedom from vaccinations.  I rewrote and significantly augmented the original letter and the new 10-page letter should view above.

Those who may wish to become members of this church may email with your inquiry and we can begin the manditory Biblical review process.  Only bonafide Christians who qualify will be granted membership.  After that, if needed, a personalized copy of this letter with signature can be provided.  If you are already a member of a Christian church, those who wish to use this document, may have their pastor affix your church’s letterhead to it and sign it for you, and he may use it “as is,” or adapt it to suit your needs and permission to do so is granted if proper credit is given.

It would also be beneficial if churches and pastors would network with me to develop a portfolio of other pastors and churches and other organizations who also agree to the tenets laid out herein, so that our influence grows and the rights of our people are not irreperably violated.

Pastor Robert Alan Balaicius,

Free Reformed Church of our Ancient Christian Faith and Heritage 



Direct inquiries to:










In case the email goes to my spam folder the first time, title the subject of your email (copy and paste) "Inquiry - Church membership."

A lot of time went into the writing of this document (3 entire days or more), any small donation by anyone benefitting from it would be greatly appreciated.

Also, Scripture tells us that "the life of the flesh is in the blood" (Deuteronomy 17:11).  Whatever we eat gets into our bloodstream eventually, so the laws concerning what God said we can eat also apply to what we slather on our skin (which is absorbed and enters the bloodstream) or inject into our bloodstream.  God instituted the dietary laws and laws of cleanliness to keep us healthy.  Violation of these laws leads to sickness and death.  Violating God's Dietary Laws won't keep you out of Heaven (but it may get you there sooner).  God's Law was never abolished; that is the great lie of Satan which keeps God's people in sin (and therefore, God cannot hear our prayers or deliver us until we repent; and how can people repent if they don't think they are sinning, having believed the lie the Law was abolished...?).  See my books, So, You Call Yourself A Christian... (a short primer on God's Law not being abolished in general and then a specific study on the dietary laws in the New Testament and the meaning of Peter's Vision), Are We Keeping God's Law Yet?, and What's Keeping God From Delivering America, Britain, and Europe From Destruction?

 See also my book,

The Liberty Document: The National Debt: Does It Exist & If So Who Owes It? & Some Thoughts On The Hidden Agenda Behind Immigration, Gun Control & The Health sCARE Monopoly (2020) Full of statistics, common law citations, court rulings, clear thought, powerful information; 350pp., pb., 20.00 + P&H.  Order books directly.  Email for order instructions.  Please don't order through Amazon or give $ to antichrist censoring organizations (like amazon, paypal) that discriminate and then donate part of that money to leftist causes to destroy Christendom.  Order from the author/publisher.

which has FAR-MORE information.


Check out also this very informative link concerning what vile ingredients vaccines contain and what God's Law says about those vile ingredients and our body:



See also:


Freedom...? In General and Freedom From Obama / Communist Health Care --WHICH IS PROVEN ILLEGAL AND EXTORTION






People don't appreciate what they have... —until they no longer have it...!: Freedom...

How many people today (under the age of 50) even know what that means...? what TRUE freedom is...? —before our nation devolved into a corrupt, abusive, controlling bureaucratic "social-democro-ism".  The extent of the average person's concept of "freedom" is their ability to choose McDonald's or Burger King for dinner.


See also another page herein (which contains very important information concerning freedom—and our God-given, inalienable rights secured to us by the Constitution and the Common Law):



One thing that separates a free country from a communist country is the right to property (which is also defined by the Framers as "the pursuit of happiness")—and property that others can forcefully tax you on (Plank #2 of the Communist Manifesto) or take away from you at their whim or if you don't perform to their demands (Plank #3 and #4), is not really yours.... (abolition of private property, Plank #1).... People in the U.S. do not own their property, land or houses or otherwise... taxed when you buy it, told how you can use it, taxed every year you own it, taxed when you sell it.  That is not ownership.  It is an illusion of ownership.  The State owns it.

HOWEVER, the PRIMARY differing element from a free country and a communist country is that in the communist country the State believes that it OWNS the very lives, bodies, and souls of the people.  People are slaves; they may be given some degree of "freedom" like a dog on a chain may have 12 feet of slack... but if a person steps over the line or does anything that offends the "powers that be," his leash is yanked and he is taught a lesson with the business end of whatever is in the tyrant's hand.  [—though all persons are declared to be "equal"—those who have assumed power obviously consider themselves to be "a little more than equal", "more equaller", "above equal".]

In a free society, man own his own body, and in a free Christian society (which we used to be), man realizes that GOD owns his body and that man is a steward of that body with full rights.  In a free society when crimes are committed, they are viewed as crimes against citizens and in a free Christian society man realizes that all sin is ultimately against God, in whose Image man was made, while at the same time crimes committed are also against the individual—and punishment of the criminal and restitution to the victim is required.  In the communist society, all crime is against the State under whose image all people are bound; the only one wronged is the State (for slaves cannot be wronged, only their master; the self-aggrandizing, totalitarian State views itself as the only victim).

Draconian, KGB-, Mafia-like assaults against the freedom of owning our own bodies have waxed more and more invasive, abusive, and totalitarian over the past several decades. 

- Peaceful farmers offering raw milk (which, by the way, humans drank for 5,970 years of man's history—and the peoples of many nations of the world still do drink raw milk, it is healthier) are attacked by SWAT teams with automatic weapons. 
- Many alternative health products and procedures have been outlawed; some clinics / manufacturers a few decades ago crossed the border into Mexico and operated for many years, until the U.S. Stormtroopers crossed the border and arrested them and shut down the clinics on foreign soil.
- Vile, deadly vaccines are forced on children and adults alike. 
- Corrupt politicians are even trying to outlaw vitamins, minerals, and other supplements (as has been done in Australia) and even outlaw natural seeds and forbidding people to grow their own health fruit, vegetables, or poultry and livestock.  Full-blown communism is about to erupt. 

The corrupt government wants people to be sick (as well as in a constant state of unrest, turmoil, terrorism, chaos, fear, fragmented, non-homogeneous society)—because they are then easier to control. 

We are one of the wealthiest nations in the world, but one of the sickliest.  Out of 17 wealthy nations, the U.S. comes in last in general health, disease, and life span.  See also his link (at the below site) on obesity.  The U.S. is the third fattest nation in the world.  Why?  Because the U.S. encourages laziness with welfare, allows food companies to lace their foods with GMOS (and the government subsidizes the growing of the most unhealthy crops), nutrasweet, High Fructose Corn Syrup, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors, pestacides, etc.—while at the same time restricting or outlawing natural and healthy foods.  Why?  Because the U.S. is owned and run by Big Business, Big Pharma, and Big Agra-business (how...? they are paid bribes or they all own stock in these companies).  See also Dr. Mercola's report at the below link, concerning the government subsidizing these unhealthy, dangerous foods.

See this report by Dr. Mercola:




In it Dr. Mercola also points out that the U.S. spends about double per person on health care than do the U.K., France, or Sweden.  My added comments to the possible reason for this are:

[This point needs to be studied... do Americans spend nearly twice because they are more sickly or because the medical prices are absurdly inflated so that no one without insurance can afford most healthcare... also, it must be factored in all the illegals and welfarites that are on the public dole abuse health care and go to the hospital for every single sniffle or sore throat, and thus waste taxpayer money for $150 office visits to tell them to buy a pack of throat lozenges.  Doctors used to make house calls.  Doctor's visits (or more properly, "visits to the doctor"—doctors rarely visit any more) used to be affordable by the average person.  Now you go to a doctor and it is like you have a taxi outside waiting for you... as you know the price starts at the basic office visit price and only goes up exponentially from there.  Now doctors scandalously overcharge—and charge about 5 patients for the same billable hour for 10 min. of their time, after making them wait an hour.  And many times, the doctor then tells you he cannot help, and "refers you" to a "specialist," so you end up paying 2 or 3 different doctors and their prices are all inflated, since insurance covers it, they crank it as high as they can get away with, whereas in the true free market, they would have to lower their prices to be competitive and charge realistically what people could afford. 

In my small town, the "hospital" serves (it seems to me) as a multi-million dollar shuttle facility.  For many things, they merely refer you to a doctor in the next town and thus you pay the hospital fee and then you also pay the fee of the doctor to whom they "refer" you (and without the hospital's "referral" or if you don't have a "regular doctor" of your own to give you a referral" these other doctors most often won't even see you, because they don't see new-patients without "referrals" and they claim they are so busy that they cannot take on "new patients").  This is a fraud and a scam.

If someone needs an operation nowadays, he has to sell his house to be able to pay for it, if he does not have insurance.  Operations used to be affordable (costly, but not something in which you had to sell everything you own to pay for)... and with 700,000 doctors in the U.S., you would think competition would drive the price within the realm of reason, but insurance and so-called "specialization" prevents it from doing that.  The purpose is to control the people, keep them sickly, think only doctors can heal and provide good health, so people will then sell their souls and their freedom so they can "afford" health care. 

The average person sees a doctor once a week, because the majority of the population is comprised of people who are on welfare (including all the illegals and "legal" immigrants), those who have a government job, or those who work for companies that provide health care.  Thus, such people, have full, free health care (paid for by the government or the majority of it paid for by their employer), so they go to a doctor as freely as you or I would pick up the phone to ask a friend a question, they don't worry about the $150-200 office visit fee (or the price beyond it*).  They don't pay for it, nor for the $15,000-$200,000 operation.  Most people who don't have insurance and can't afford health care (like me) are blessed, and will probably live longer... even though we don't even see a doctor once every 10 years.  Oh yeah, by the way, my dad was an MD and a psychiatrist and he knew 90% or more of both industries were a racket and he did not participate in their fraud.  R.A.B.

* This would be like having to pay $150 per person just to get into a restaurant, then having high price menu brought out in which you pay for everything else.  Further, even if you decide there is nothing on the menu for you that day and are you not going to eat there, that $150 cover charge is not refundable.  What a scam.  Any other field, if the person is unable to fix your problem, there is no charge.  You will rarely go to a mechanic, who, after examining your car says, "I don't know what the problem is..." or "I can't fix it..." —but that will be $300 please.  Likewise with a carpenter, a painter, a chef.  Never will you hear: "Well, we tried to fix your leaky roof... we tried to paint that wall... we tried to cook that steak, but we just couldn't... that will be $100."  Only ]


Foundational to the claim that the State owns the people, body and soul, is the unBiblical "marriage license"; through which the State (the one who claims to be the one who authorized the union and therefore holds all power over the other "lesser" parties to the contract) claims ownership of all that the marriage produces (even as a slavemaster on a plantation may have given a slave-wife to an honorable male-slave, since the slavemaster owns both of the slaves, he also owns all children born to them)...

- this is one of the foundational supports of taxation itself (the State claims it owns all property produced by its slaves), and further this is the foundational support of the fact that
- the STATE claims to own the children—this is why they claim the right to then force vaccinate them and brainwash them in the public schools (Plank #10), and can claim the right to take children away from their parents for any reason they deem warranting, temporarily or permanently. 

Anyone who thinks that the 13th Amendment (ironically, the number that represents "rebellion") abolished slavery believes a fairy tale concocted by the State propaganda mills. The 13th Amendment did not free the slaves... —it enslaved everyone equally.  Some people can be fooled by semantics, and by having a skewed perspective.  A similar thing occurred in the "dumbing down" of children in the public schools.  It is outside the realm of possibility to artificially raise someone beyond his ability—so to alter perception, everyone is turned into a dunce to make the dunce "feel better about himself"... —and after a few generations, those who were turned into dunces don't even know what it means to think.  When everyone is reduced to slavery, it gives the illusion of everyone having freedom; even as when everyone is reduced to being a dunce it gives the illusion of everyone being intelligent.

That's where we are. 

Once those elected officials who are guilty of treason have the power they need, the renegade-public-servants-become-dictators become more and more bold and mince their words less and less, letting us know that they consider us their slaves and denigrating not merely the 13th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but the Constitution itself, scrapping it as antiquated history with no valid legal force. 

This simple fact should cause people to wake up: Criminal politicians are (illegally and unconstitutionally) trying to shove socialist (and inferior) health care down our throats at gun point (raped by taxes to provide for it, as they already rape us to provide free health care and living expenses for all illegals living here, and for all those unproductive, immoral people who choose to live a life of ease on welfare, rather than work).  However, these traitorous, elite politicians themselves will not receive the same health care plan as the common citizen—but a superior health care plan; without paying a penny for it themselves: the tax-payers will pay for their elite, state-of-the-art, royal health care.


Once the enemies of the U.S. (the majority of all politicians who are guilty of High Treason) gain more power and numbers, they will begin the liquidation of all "opposition" (as every other communist nation has done): former freemen who refuse to roll over, allow themselves to be enslaved, and die quietly. 


All would do well to watch Mel Gibson's Braveheart and The Patriot again (or for the first time)—and recognize the movies not merely as "entertainment," but reality and history, and that history repeats itself, most often for evil, unless people take fate into their own hands and change it for good.


See also Chuck Baldwin's web-site: 



and specifically this article: 



...which spurred my thoughts to write the above few thoughts.


Robert Alan Balaicius


Post-Script on The Communist Obama Health Care


 "Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to the Arch of the Socialist State."  Vladimir Lenin
Every single day... every single Christian needs to pray IMPRECATORY PRAYERS on the rulers of wickedness in high places.  EVERY SINGLE DAY WE EACH NEED TO PRAY that if these corrupt politicians are truly of His people, that God gives them the spirit of conviction and repentance... but if they are not His people and they refuse to repent, that God destroy them and their entire families swiftly and blot out even the memory of them from among the land of the living...!  God will not deliver His people FROM WHAT THEY ARE WILLING TO TOLERATE.  Scripture tells us: 
"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: He preserveth the souls of His saints; He delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked." (Psalm 97:10)
[God will only deliver those of His saints if they love Him—and that love is shown by obedience, holiness and hating what God hates.  King David (a man after the Lord's Own Heart, declared:
"21 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate Thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against Thee?

22 I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:

24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139)]

"The fear of the LORD is to hate evil..." (Proverbs 8:13)


A renegade, traitorous Supreme Court just made an unconstitutional ruling on forced Obama-care (in which they could not even  lawfullyrule, since it is a conflict of interests, since they themselves will not be subject to it, they will have state-of-the-art medical care paid for by the taxpayers)... 

This is communism:

- a violation of the right to privacy;

 - a violation of the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness/property (which includes ones own body);

 - a violation of the right to be secure in ones person, houses, and effects;

 - a violation of the right to conscience and religion;

 - a violation of the right to contract (and not to contract);


Further, since it was "back-doored" and passed as a tax, it also violates:

- the equal protection clause;

- taxation without representation and unconstitutional taxation: Even if there is representation, which there is no—congressmen and senators no longer represent the people, they represent Big Business and special interest groups who "own them" since they are bought and paid for with campaign money to get them elected, and through continual bribes—and even if there were actual representation, it is illegal for any representative to pass an unconstitutional law.  People cannot vote and say "yes, we want our neighbors to give us half their money."  This is communism.

- due process: You cannot "fine" a person or penalize him in advance of any crime or alleged crime and you cannot "make it a crime" to do something that is not illegal and which has never been illegal for millennia.  You cannot penalize, convict, or take a person's property from him, without his first having had a trial and the free exercise of a constitutional right cannot be "converted" into a "crime."


However, their ruling is irrelevant, unconstitutional, and invalid:

“We find it intolerable that one Constitutional Right should have to be surrendered in order to assert another.” (Simons vs. U.S. 390, US 398 (1968)


“All laws [rules & practices] which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” (Marbury vs. Madison, 5 U.S. 137, 180)


“There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of his exercise of his Constitutional rights.” (Sherar vs. Cullen, 481 F. 2d 946)


“No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law, and no courts are bound to enforce it.” (Sixteenth American Jurisprudence, 2nd Ed., Section 177)


“All human laws which contradict His Laws [Bible], we are bound by conscience to disobey.” [George Mason (1725-1792); one of the major framers of the U.S. Constitution, member of the Constitutional Convention 1776, Federal Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia 1787, author of the Declaration of Rights (after which most States drew their respective State Constitutions).]


“By virtue of his profession, he [a judge] is presumed to know the Constitutional Rights of citizens, as well as written statutes. He is prohibited from making any decision or applying any rule against any party when that ruling is unconstitutional. When there is a question or any conflict between the two, the Constitution prevails.” (Marbury, Supra)


“An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.” (Norton vs. Shelby County, U.S. p. 442)


“The claim and exercise of a Constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime.” (Miller vs. U.S. 230 F 486 at 489)


“An unconstitutional law is void, and is as no law. Any offense created by it is no crime.  A conviction under it is not merely erroneous, but is illegal or void, and cannot be a legal cause of imprisonment.” (Ex-parte Siebold, U.S. p. 376)


“Where there is no authority to establish, there is no necessity to obey.” (Davies’ Irish Reports 69; Bouvier’s Law Dictionary (1880) Vol II, (Maxims) 160)


“Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no law making or legislation which would abrogate them.” (Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 p. 491)


“Where there is no authority for establishing a rule, there is no necessity of obeying it.” (Black’s Law Dictionary (1910) 2d. 1181; Davie’s Irish Reports K.B. 69)


“Whenever the interpretation of liberty is doubtful, the answer should be on the side of liberty.” (Digest of Justinian 50, 17, 20; Coke on Littleton, 116)


“Natural liberty is the power of acting as one thinks fit without any restraint or control, unless by the law of nature.” (Sir William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Law, vol. 1, 125)


“In the presence of the superior power, the inferior power ceases.” (Jenkins’ Eight Centuries of Reports, English Exchequer 214, c. 53; 13 How. (54 U.S.) 142) [That is, all unconstitutional laws or powers wither in the presence of the Constitutional and Common Law.]


“The People have given to their Governors no Power to do an unjust thing, such as to make an unjust War, for they never had such a Power themselves.” (Locke, Two Treatises of Government, 2, 16, 179)


“The derivative power cannot be greater than the original from which it is derived.” (Noy’s Maxims; Wingate’s Maxims of Law, 66; Finch, English Chancery Reports tempore Finch b.1, c.3.) [that is, the servant (government) cannot be greater than its master (the people).]





PS, if you agree with the sentiments in this brief article (copy and send the link to others you know who also share the same sentiments) and if you want to learn more, see my books on these and other important topics: 






[Bulala: A True Story of South Africa] http://stm.christogenea.org/ (history repeats itself, it will happen here too) 




Note: I recently (Oct. 2013) the below; I see no website or email address of the originators, but assume their intention was to have it distributed far and wide for American freedom, thus I list below:


NOTE: All information contained herein was researched and written by a
professional team at The North American Law Center. All legal points are
quoted directly from the Supreme Court ruling on the subject, and all legal
claims and remedies have been carefully vetted by a team of Constitutional
Lawyers and Scholars at The North American Law Center. The North American
Law Center is prepared to stand behind everything presented in this document
in its original form and context.


*ObamaCare declared unconstitutional
by US Supreme Court*

The Basis for this Brief
The current budget battle between the US House of Representatives and the US
Senate is over the funding or defunding of ObamaCare, which was in fact
declared unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court in
its ruling dated June 28, 2012 has resulted in an impasse and a partial
shut down of the Federal Government starting on October 1, 2013.

Despite numerous efforts by the House of Representatives to pass a budget
funding everything except ObamaCare, the Senate under the command and
control of Democrat Senator Harry Reid (Nevada) has rejected every effort to
reopen all federal agencies on grounds that they intend to extort money
illegally and unconstitutionally from the American people under their
Affordable Health Care Act in which the Federal Government is attempting to
seize control of the health care industry, namely ALL related revenue.

This document is prepared for the American people and the several States
because Republicans currently in control of the House of Representatives are
almost certain to cave to the extortion underway, led by Senate Leader Harry
Reid of Nevada, unless the States and the people directly engage. The people
must prepare to take appropriate measures in that event.

Before discussing the criminal nature of events surround the forced
acceptance of ObamaCare, we must first state that ObamaCare originated in
the US Senate. As the Constitution rests all congressional power to lay and
collect taxes in the House of Representatives, from which all tax revenue
related bills must originate, the Senate bill known as ObamaCare denied that
it was a tax, therefore allowing the bill to originate from the Senate.

As you will see here, the courts then attempt to re-write ObamaCare, making
it a tax in order to make it appear constitutional. However, the bill in
its current form is NOT a tax and if it is a tax, it could only exist if
originated in the House.

*ObamaCare is in fact unconstitutional in its current form. But it
is much worse that unconstitutional, it is the greatest theft of
private property, freedom and liberty in the history of the United

The legal term<http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/extortion<http://mail.zianet.com/cgi-bin/sqwebmail?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Flegal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com%2Fextortion&;timestamp=1381290111&md5=yy9STIMo8DxyVm4V25cDOg%3D%3D>> 
extortion is defined in Common Law as a misdemeanor consisting of an
unlawful taking of money by a government officer. It is an oppressive misuse
of the power with which the law clothes a public officer.
Extortion<http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/extortion<http://mail.zianet.com/cgi-bin/sqwebmail?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Flegal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com%2Fextortion&;timestamp=1381290111&md5=yy9STIMo8DxyVm4V25cDOg%3D%3D>> is further defined as follows;
The essence of extortion by a public officer is the oppressive use of
official position to obtain a fee. The officer falsely claims authority to
take that to which he or she is not lawfully entitled. This is known as
acting under color of office. The victim, although consenting to payment, is
not doing so voluntarily, but is yielding to official authority.

[correction, it is not yielding to official authority, for authority has no authority to do something for which it is not authorized, and thus those in authority step out of their authority, out of their office, and out of their judicial immunity and perpetrate an individual, not an official act; it is not yielding to authority but cowering under abuse of POWER wielded by illegitimate authority (authority renders itself illegitimate when it steps beyond its jurisdiction and thus out of its office and immunity).    This myth of authority keeps people in subservience to their own servants. R.A.B.]

Extortion is generally punished by a fine or imprisonment, or both. When
the offense is committed by a public officer, the penalty may include
Forfeiture of office. Under some statutes, the victim of an extortion may
bring a civil action and recover pecuniary damages.

Not a Victimless Crime

In the case of the ObamaCare extortion, the victims are both the individual
States, which are threatened with the loss of federal funding if they refuse
to accept the unconstitutional expansion of Medicare and Medicaid within
their State, private businesses forced to comply with unconstitutional
ObamaCare employer mandates or face extreme financial penalty, and the
people of the United States, who are forced to opt-in to ObamaCare or face
extreme fines and penalties for opting-out. As every State, business
owner and citizen is a direct victim of this crime, each in and of
themselves, has legal standing to bring an action against the people
involved in committing the crime.

The Supreme Court Ruling of June 28, 2012

Key parts of the decision rendered on 28 June, 2012 regarding the
constitutionality of the ObamaCare racket are vital to the defeat and
defunding of the effort to extort revenue from the States, private
businesses and American citizens.

Specifically, the following parts of the 193 page decision written by Chief
Justice John Roberts are as follows.

1) Congress did NOT pass ObamaCare by constitutional legislative process,
but rather by a heavyhanded strictly partisan process which completely
eliminated half of the US Representatives from the process in the dark of
night. Further, it did NOT pass as a tax bill under the Direct Tax
authority of congress, which must initiate in the House.

Preamble to the Ruling;

In 2010, Congress enacted the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in
order to increase the number of Americans covered by health insurance and
decrease the cost of health care. One key provision is the individual
mandate, which requires most Americans to maintain minimum essential
health insurance coverage. 26 U. S. C. §5000A. For individuals who are not
exempt, and who do not receive health insurance through an employer or
government program, the means of satisfying the requirement is to purchase
insurance from a private company. Beginning in 2014, those who do not comply
with the mandate must make a [s]hared responsibility payment to the
Federal Government. §5000A(b)(1). The Act provides that this penalty will
be paid to the Internal Revenue Service with an individuals taxes, and
shall be assessed and collected in the same manner as tax penalties.
§§5000A(c), (g)(1). Another key provision of the Act is the Medicaid
expansion. The current Medicaid program offers federal funding to States to
assist pregnant women, children, needy families, the blind, the elderly, and
the disabled in obtaining medical care. 42 U. S. C. §1396d(a). The
Affordable Care Act expands the scope of the Medicaid program and increases
the number of individuals the States must cover.

The Act increases federal funding to cover the States costs in expanding
Medicaid coverage. §1396d(y)(1). But if a State does not comply with the
Acts new coverage requirements, it may lose not only the federal funding
for those requirements, but all of its federal Medicaid funds. §1396c.
Twenty-six States, several individuals, and the National Federation of
Independent Business brought suit in Federal District Court, challenging the
constitutionality of the individual mandate and the Medicaid expansion. The
Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit upheld the Medicaid expansion as a
valid exercise of Congress's spending power, but concluded that Congress
lacked authority to enact the individual mandate. Finding the mandate
severable from the Act's other provisions, the Eleventh Circuit left the
rest of the Act intact.

In short, as Democrats passed the Act through congress on pure partisan
lines as a fine and/or penalty, it was unconstitutional as written and
passed, as any such Act falls beyond the scope and power of congress and
falls under the definition of extortion.

Part 1 of the Ruling

CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS delivered the opinion of the Court with respect to
Part II, concluding that the Anti-Injunction Act does not bar this suit. The
Anti-Injunction Act provides that no suit for the purpose of restraining
the assessment or collection of any tax shall be maintained in any court by
any person, 26 U. S. C. §7421(a), so that those subject to a tax must first
pay it and then sue for a refund. The present challenge seeks to restrain
the collection of the shared responsibility payment from those who do not
comply with the individual mandate. But Congress did not intend the payment
to be treated as a tax for purposes of the Anti-Injunction Act. The
Affordable Care Act describes the payment as a penalty, not a tax. That
label cannot control whether the payment is a tax for purposes of the
Constitution, but it does determine the application of the Anti-Injunction
Act. The Anti-Injunction Act therefore does not bar this suit.

This is of critical importance because today, the House of Representatives,
States or the people could petition the court for an injunction blocking the
implementation and funding of ObamaCare on constitutional grounds, as
declared in Part 1 of the Supreme Court decision. In short, the text of
ObamaCare as passed by Democrats in congress is hereby deemed
unconstitutional as is.

Part 2 of the Ruling

CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS concluded in Part III that the individual mandate
is not a valid exercise of Congress's power under the Commerce Clause and
the Necessary and Proper Clause. Pp. 1630.

This part of the ruling establishes that the Act as passed in original form
by congressional Democrats is beyond the scope and authority of congress
under both the Commerce Clause (used by Democrats to pass the Act) and the
Necessary and Proper Clause, (used by Democrats to defend the Act). Once
again, as written and passed, the Act is ruled unconstitutional as-is
under the constitutional authority granted in these two clauses.

Part 3 of the Ruling

CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS concluded in Part IIIB that the individual mandate
must be construed as imposing a tax on those who do not have health
insurance, if such a construction is reasonable. The most straightforward
reading of the individual mandate is that it commands individuals to
purchase insurance. But, for the reasons explained, the Commerce Clause does
not give Congress that power. It is therefore necessary to turn to the
Government's alternative argument: that the mandate may be upheld as within
Congress's power to lay and collect Taxes. Art. I, §8, cl. 1.

The basis for passing the Act under the Commerce Clause failed the
constitutional challenge on its original foundations. Therefore, Democrats
used an alternate argument in the lower Federal Courts that even though
they denied the Act was a form of taxation during the passage of the Act,
they now claim that it is a tax because what they had passed was
unconstitutional on its face in its original form.

The alternate argument declaring the Act a form of taxation under
Congress's constitutional authority to lay and collect taxes also fails
the constitutional test however, as it violates numerous constitutional
protections for the States and the people, to include the General Welfare
Clause which requires congress to only pass laws that serve the best
interest of the general population without singling out any individual for
special treatment, taxation, fines, penalties or directives in which all
citizens are not treated equally.

The lower Federal Courts had already issued and upheld rulings separating
the individual mandate out from the balance of the Act, deeming that
particular clause unconstitutional. By the time the case reached the
Appellate Review of the US Supreme Court, the court was forced to review and
rule on the basis of the lower court rulings.

Original Jurisdiction

A purposeful judicial error was made when 26 states joined a suit in lower
Federal Court challenging the constitutionality of ObamaCare. Stated in
Article III  Section II  Clause II of the US Constitution is the original
jurisdiction clause, which reads as follows;

In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and
those in which a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original
jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court
shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such
exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make.

The US Supreme Court has two types of jurisdiction, a) appellate review over
lower court decisions; b) original jurisdiction; intended to bring cases
directly before the US Supreme Court for adjudication in case where a State
(in this case 26 states) and the Federal Government are in dispute over the
constitutional authority between the Federal Government and the State.

Original Jurisdiction is defined as court's power to hear and decide a
case before any appellate review. The original jurisdiction of the Court
is laid out by statute in 28 U.S.C. § 1251. Section 1251(a) provides that
with one type of dispute (disputes between states), the Court's jurisdiction
is not only original, it is exclusive.

This means that the lower Florida Federal Court in which the 26 States
originally filed their joint claim had NO legal jurisdiction over the matter
of constitutionality concerning ObamaCare. The case should have never been
filed anywhere but in the US Supreme Court, which holds original
jurisdiction on all cases involving a dispute between a State and the
Federal Government, especially when the case is based on the
constitutionality of a Federal act.

The Florida Federal Court should have dismissed the case filed by the 26
States on the grounds of*improper jurisdiction*  the US Supreme Court
holding original jurisdiction on the matter at hand. Instead, the Florida
court acted beyond its constitutional jurisdiction by hearing and ruling on
a case in which only the US Supreme Court has jurisdiction under Article

The Appeals Review also acted beyond its constitutional authority in its
review and upholding of the lower court's opinion in Florida. As a result,
by the time the case reached the US Supreme Court, precious time and
taxpayer resources had been wasted in courts with no jurisdiction, and the
judicial activism in both lower court rulings, essentially re-writing the
unconstitutional Act from the bench in an effort to make it constitutional
under Congress's power to lay and collect taxes, the US Supreme Court was
now playing an appellate review role as opposed to their constitutional
role under original jurisdiction.

Part 4 of the Ruling

CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS delivered the opinion of the Court with respect to
Part III C, concluding that the individual mandate may be upheld as within
Congress's power under the Taxing Clause. Pp. 33 44.

The Affordable Care Act describes the [s]hared responsibility payment as a
penalty, not a tax. That label is fatal to the application of the
Anti-Injunction Act. It does not, however, control whether an exaction is
within Congress's power to tax. In answering that constitutional question,
this Court follows a functional approach, [d]isregarding the designation of
the exaction, and viewing its substance and application. United States v.
Constantine, 296 U. S. 287, 294. Pp. 33 35.

(b) Such an analysis suggests that the shared responsibility payment may for
constitutional purposes be considered a tax.

The problem with what the courts are doing here is that they are re-writing
the Act from the bench to suit the Democrats who illegally passed an
unconstitutional Act. The court has no such constitutional authority, to
write or re-write legislation from the bench, making an Act which is
unconstitutional on its face constitutional by perverted judicial fiat.

Had Democrats tried to pass the Act as a tax it would have had to meet
conditions of the General Welfare Clause for starters, and it would NOT have
passed even by a strict party line vote. By altering the Act at the court,
the American people are misled into believing the Act in its true form is
constitutional when in fact all three courts ruled it unconstitutional
in its legislative form.

The courts then exceed their constitutional authority by issuing rulings
they have no constitutional authority to issue, and re-writing the
legislation from the bench to keep the effort to extort assets from the
States, businesses and the people intact.

Part 5 of the Ruling

concluded in Part IV that the Medicaid expansion violates the Constitution
by threatening States with the loss of their existing Medicaid funding if
they decline to comply with the expansion. Pp. 45 58.

Here the ruling declares that the effort to force Medicaid expansion on
the States through coercion and extortion is also unconstitutional,
stating in part;

The legitimacy of Spending Clause legislation, however, depends on whether
a State voluntarily and knowingly accepts the terms of such programs.

As 26 States immediately challenged the constitutionality of the terms of
the program, it is a fair assumption that at least 26 states do not
voluntarily accept those terms.

Part 6 of the Ruling

JUSTICE GINSBURG, joined by JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR, is of the view that the
Spending Clause does not preclude the Secretary from withholding Medicaid
funds based on a State's refusal to comply with the expanded Medicaid

But given the majority view, she agrees with THE CHIEF JUSTICE's conclusion
in Part IVB that the Medicaid Act's severability clause, 42 U. S. C. §1303,
determines the appropriate remedy. Because THE CHIEF JUSTICE finds the
withholding not the granting of federal funds incompatible with the Spending
Clause, Congress extension of Medicaid remains available to any State that
affirms its willingness to participate.

Again, the issue is booted to the States on a voluntary basis, and the
Supreme Court has ruled that it is unconstutional to penalize the State
by withdrawing federal Medicaid funds in retaliation for the State refusing
to participate in ObamaCare.

So far, the first six parts of the Ruling have established that ObamaCare is
indeed unconstitutional as it was written and passed on a party line vote
by congressional Democrats.

ROBERTS, C. J., announced the judgment of the Court and delivered the
opinion of the Court with respect to Parts I, II, and III C, in which
GINSBURG, BREYER, SOTOMAYOR, and KAGAN, JJ., joined; an opinion with respect
to Part IV, in which BREYER and KAGAN, JJ., joined; and an opinion with
respect to Parts IIIA, IIIB, and IIID. GINSBURG, J., filed an opinion
concurring in part, concurring in the judgment in part, and dissenting in
part, in which SOTOMAYOR, J., joined, and in which BREYER and KAGAN, JJ.,
joined as to Parts I, II, III, and IV. SCALIA, KENNEDY, THOMAS, and ALITO,
JJ, filed a dissenting opinion. THOMAS, J., filed a dissenting opinion.

The Dissenting Opinions of Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas and Alito

ALITO, dissenting; we find the followingÂ?>

The case is easy and straightforward, however, in another respect. What is
absolutely clear, affirmed by the text of the 1789 Constitution, by the
Tenth Amendment ratified in 1791, and by innumerable cases of ours in the
220 years since, is that there are structural limits upon federal power upon
what it can prescribe with respect to private conduct, and upon what it can
impose upon the sovereign States. Whatever may be the conceptual limits upon
the Commerce Clause and upon the power to tax and spend, they cannot be such
as will enable the Federal Government to regulate all private conduct and to
compel the States to function as administrators of federal programs.

From page 131;

We do not doubt that the buying and selling of health insurance contracts
is commerce generally subject to federal regulation. But when Congress
provides that (nearly) all citizens must buy an insurance contract, it goes
beyond adjust[ing] by rule or method, Johnson, supra, or direct[ing]
according to rule, Ash, supra; it directs the creation of commerce. In
response, the Government offers two theories as to why the Individual
Mandate is nevertheless constitutional. Neither theory suffices to sustain
its validity.

From page 134;

Congress has impressed into service third parties, healthy individuals who
could be but are not customers of the relevant industry, to offset the
undesirable consequences of the regulation. Congress desire to force these
individuals to purchase insurance is motivated by the fact that they are
further removed from the market than unhealthy individuals with pre-existing
conditions, because they are less likely to need extensive care in the near
future. If Congress can reach out and command even those furthest removed
>from an interstate market to participate in the market, then the Commerce
Clause becomes a font of unlimited power, or in Hamilton's words, the
hideous monster whose devouring jaws . . . spare neither sex nor age, nor
high nor low, nor sacred nor profane. The Federalist No. 33, p. 202 (C.
Rossiter ed. 1961).

From page 152, concerning the Anti-Injunction Act;

Whether jurisdiction over the challenges to the minimum-coverage provision
is precluded by the Anti-Injunction Act, which provides that no suit for
the purpose of restraining the assessment or collection of any tax shall be
maintained in any court by any person, 26 U. S. C. §7421(a) (2006 ed.). We
have left the question to this point because it seemed to us that the
dispositive question whether the minimum coverage provision is a tax is more
appropriately addressed in the significant constitutional context of whether
it is an exercise of Congress taxing power. Having found that it is not, we
have no difficulty in deciding that these suits do not have the purpose of
restraining the assessment or collection of any tax. 6

From page 162;

The question whether a law enacted under the spending power is coercive in
fact will sometimes be difficult, but where Congress has plainly crossed
the line distinguishing encouragement from coercion, New York, supra, at
175, a federal program that coopts the States political processes must be
declared unconstitutional. [T]he federal balance is too essential a part of
our constitutional structure and plays too vital a role in securing freedom
for us to admit inability to intervene. Lopez, 514 U. S., at 578 (KENNEDY,
J., concurring).

From page 188;

Such provisions validate the Senate Majority Leader's statement, I don't
know if there is a senator that doesn't have something in this bill that was
important to them. . . . [And] if they don't have something in it important
to them, then it doesn't speak well of them. That's what this legislation is
all about: It's the art of compromise.Pear, In Health Bill for Everyone,
Provisions for a Few, N. Y. Times, Jan. 4, 2010, p. A10 (quoting Sen.

From page 190;

This Court must not impose risks unintended by Congress or produce
legislation Congress may have lacked the support to enact. For those
reasons, the unconstitutionality of both the Individual Mandate and the
Medicaid Expansion requires the invalidation of the Affordable Care Act's
other provisions.

Dissenting Summation

The Court today decides to save a statute Congress did not write. It rules
that what the statute declares to be a requirement with a penalty is instead
an option subject to a tax. And it changes the intentionally coercive
sanction of a total cut-off of Medicaid funds to a supposedly noncoercive
cut-off of only the incremental funds that the Act makes available. The
Court regards its strained statutory interpretation as judicial modesty. It
is not. It amounts instead to a vast judicial overreaching. It creates a
debilitated, inoperable version of health-care regulation that Congress did
not enact and the public does not expect. It makes enactment of sensible
health-care regulation more difficult, since Congress cannot start afresh
but must take as its point of departure a jumble of now senseless
provisions, provisions that certain interests favored under the Court's new
design will struggle to retain. And it leaves the public and the States to
expend vast sums of money on requirements that may or may not survive the
necessary congressional revision.

The Court's disposition, invented and atextual as it is, does not even have
the merit of avoiding constitutional difficulties. It creates them. The
holding that the Individual Mandate is a tax raises a difficult
constitutional question (what is a direct tax?) that the Court resolves with
inadequate deliberation. And the judgment on the Medicaid Expansion issue
ushers in new federalism concerns and places an unaccustomed strain upon the
Union. Those States that decline the Medicaid Expansion must subsidize, by
the federal tax dollars taken from their citizens, vast grants to the States
that accept the Medicaid Expansion. If that destabilizing political dynamic,
so antagonistic to a harmonious Union, is to be introduced at all, it should
be by Congress, not by the Judiciary. The values that should have determined
our course today are caution, minimalism, and the understanding that the
Federal Government is one of limited powers. But the Court's ruling
undermines those values at every turn. In the name of restraint, it
overreaches. In the name of constitutional avoidance, it creates new
constitutional questions. In the name of cooperative federalism, it
undermines state sovereignty.

The Constitution, though it dates from the founding of the Republic, has
powerful meaning and vital relevance to our own times. The constitutional
protections that this case involves are protections of structure. Structural
protections notably, the restraints imposed by federalism and separation of
powers are less romantic and have less obvious a connection to personal
freedom than the provisions of the Bill of Rights or the Civil War
Amendments. Hence they tend to be undervalued or even forgotten by our
citizens. It should be the responsibility of the Court to teach otherwise,
to remind our people that the Framers considered structural protections of
freedom the most important ones, for which reason they alone were embodied
in the original Constitution and not left to later amendment. The
fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our Government is
central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty at peril.
Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth;
instead, our judgment today has disregarded it. For the reasons here stated,
we would find the Act invalid in its entirety. We respectfully dissent.
NOTE: You can review the entire 193 page ruling here
<http://hastings.house.gov/uploadedfiles/supreme_court_decision_6.28.12.pdf<http://mail.zianet.com/cgi-bin/sqwebmail?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fhastings.house.gov%2Fuploadedfiles%2Fsupreme_court_decision_6.28.12.pdf&;timestamp=1381290111&md5=yy9STIMo8DxyVm4V25cDOg%3D%3D>> ; http://hastings.house.gov/uploadedfiles/supreme_court_decision_6.28.12.pdf<http://mail.zianet.com/cgi-bin/sqwebmail?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fhastings.house.gov%2Fuploadedfiles%2Fsupreme_court_decision_6.28.12.pdf&;timestamp=1381290111&md5=yy9STIMo8DxyVm4V25cDOg%3D%3D>

The US Supreme Court finds that the Affordable HealthCare Act is
unconstitutional in its current form. According to the US Supreme Court
ruling, the Act must be a tax in order to hold legal authority under the
constitutional power of the House of Representatives to lay and collect

However, as the Act was not written or passed into law as a tax
originating in the US Senate which has no constitutional authority to lay
and collect taxes, it is not a tax and therefore, it remains
unconstitutional in its current form.

To be clear, ObamaCare is unconstitutional as passed by congressional
Democrats. To become constitutional, it would have to be a tax and as a
tax it would have to initiate in the House or Representatives under the
authority to lay and collect taxes.

As an unconstitutional piece of legislation, it has no legal force or
effect. It is therefore unconstitutional for the House of Representatives
to fund an unconstitutional act of the Senate and Executive Branch.

A Federal Extortion Scheme

The 113th Congress must now decide what to do with ObamaCare, knowing
full-well that the Act is unconstitutional as written and passed on a
strict party line vote in the dark of night, admittedly, before any member
of congress had even read the Act in its entirety.

Because the House of Representatives has the power of the checkbook within
its sole constitutional authority, the current House effort to derail
unconstitutional ObamaCare via defunding it is a viable strategy, in a
broad sense.

However, to defund it (rather than delay it), the House need only eliminate
all funding related to ObamaCare from its final budget entirely. Due to the
judicial activism on the subject, ObamaCare cannot be funded as a standalone
item. It can only be funded via the general revenue fund of the Federal
Government via Congress's authority to lay and collect taxes.

This explains why Senate Democrats are stonewalling the House on every
effort to separate the ObamaCare funding from the general revenue budget of
the Federal Government. As a standalone item, ObamaCare has already been
ruled unconstitutional.

The Role of the Government Shut Down

Democrat Senate leader Harry Reid (NV) is personally responsible for
stonewalling the House effort to fund all provisions of the Federal
Government, except the unconstitutional ObamaCare Act. The shut down of
portions of the Federal Government is intended to threaten the peace and
tranquility of every American citizen and business, going so far as to close
off access to open air sections of public lands (belonging to the American
people) upon which sits the War Memorials of those who have offered their
very lives in defense of Freedom and Liberty.

As public lands belong to the people of the United States, not the
Federal Government, the Obama Administration and Harry Reid have no legal
authority to close public access to those areas. But in their need to cause
harm to as many citizens as possible, and a public display, creating fear
and pressure upon the citizenry and therefore a forced compliance with an
Act deemed unconstitutional, the shut down is a hammer used to coerce
and complete the intent to extort private property from the citizenry under
extreme duress.

Federal cuts, areas of Federal spending deemed non-essential by the Obama
Administration, are used to target areas most likely to impact citizens in
such a manner as to force them to comply with the unconstitutional whims
of the Federal Administration. It is classic extortion and nothing less.

*Why it is Extortion*

As the current Congress is made up of legislators in which only 6.8% of
House members and 3% of Senate members have any experience in the profession
of Health Care, the goal is NOT as stated, to provide quality health care to
Americans who are otherwise without coverage today.

*The goal is to seize control of 1/7th of the total U.S. economy*, the Health
Care industry, and all of that revenue, taking it away from the private
sector under the management of Health Care professionals and placing it
under the command and control of the Federal Government.

Because a majority of States, businesses and citizens oppose ObamaCare and
the gross expansion of Federal intrusions into the highly specialized field
of health care, where matters of life and death are beyond the
constitutional authority of the Federal Government, ObamaCare was
established as a means to illegally force States, businesses and citizens to
comply with the Federal seizing of 1/7th of the U.S. economy, or face stiff
penalties from the I.R.S. which are already ruled unconstitutional by
the Supreme Court.

Further, to coerce the American people to comply, the Obama Administration
is using well-known tactics to threaten, intimidate, coerce and otherwise
force an unwilling society to accept socialized medicine or face the
consequences from an increasingly tyrannical government. It is a blatant
extortion racket>  It is against the law>. It is unconstitutional on its face
and the people simply must deny the Obama Administration its will to destroy
not only Health Care in America, but freedom and liberty itself.

Every American is a Victim with Standing

Although the following post once found on the Affordable Healthcare Act
Facebook page is not confirmed with the author, who remains unknown at this
moment, we believe that the post nonetheless represents a real and accurate
depiction of how ObamaCare is intended to work for the government, and
against the people of the United States.

I actually made it through this morning at 8:00 A.M. I have a preexisting
condition (Type 1 Diabetes) and my income base was 45K-55K annually I chose
tier 2 Silver Plan and my monthly premiums came out to $597.00 with
$13,988 yearly deductible!!! There is NO POSSIBLE way that I can afford this
so I opt-out and chose to continue along with no insurance._I received an
email tonight at 5:00 P.M.__informing me that my fine would be $4,037 and
could be attached to my yearly income tax return. Then you make it to the
REPERCUSSIONS PORTION for non-payment of yearly fine_._First, your
drivers license will be suspended until paid, and if you go 24 consecutive
months with Non-Payment and you happen to be a home owner, you will have a
federal tax lien placed on your home._  You can agree to give your bank
information so that they can easy Automatically withdraw your penalties
weekly, bi-weekly or monthly! This by no means is Free or even
Affordable. (as posted on the Facebook page without edit)

Because every American, every State and every business is negatively
affected by the unconstitutional ObamaCare Act, each has legal standing
to bring charges against the perpetrators, including criminal charges
related to extortion and fraud via the unconstitutional process used to
place the Act in effect.

Under 1946 Rules of Procedure, both Criminal and Civil, the critical
portions on legal standing follow;

*	The Supreme Court has developed an elaborate body of principles
defining the nature and scope of standing. Basically, a plaintiff must have
suffered some direct or substantial injury or be likely to suffer such an
injury if a particular wrong is not redressed. A defendant must be the party
responsible for perpetrating the alleged legal wrong.
*	Most standing issues arise over the enforcement of an allegedly
unconstitutional statute, ordinance, or policy. One may challenge a law or
policy on constitutional grounds if he can show that enforcement of the law
or implementation of the policy infringes on an individual constitutional
right, such as Freedom of Speech.
*	significant economic injury or burden is sufficient to provide
standing to sue, but in most situations a taxpayer does not have standing to
challenge policies or programs that she is forced to support.

As every State, individual and business is penalized, threatened and/or
fined by the terms present in ObamaCare, declared by the US Supreme Court as
unconstitutional in its current form, every legal American has proper
legal standing for a cause of action against the perpetrators of a blatant
intent to coerce and extort private property under a massive abuse of
government power.
*Further, the courts effort to re-write the Act as a constitutional effort
to lay and collect taxes is itself unconstitutional and the courts have
no legislative authority whatsoever under Article III
<http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/articleiii<http://mail.zianet.com/cgi-bin/sqwebmail?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.law.cornell.edu%2Fconstitution%2Farticleiii&;timestamp=1381290111&md5=yy9STIMo8DxyVm4V25cDOg%3D%3D>> of the US Constitution.*


Violations of the Bill of Rights

ObamaCare violations of specific protections in the Bill of Rights are
simply too numerous to list here. However, most critical is the direct
violations related to States Rights under Amendment X, individual Rights
under Amendment IX, the Right of the people to be secure in their property
under Amendment IV and the Right to due process under Amendment V, before
being deprived of any Life, Liberty or Property.

*ObamaCare is a punitive Act intended to coerce Americans into complying
with a government seizure of 1/7th of the US economy*, resulting in
government control over life and death decisions concerning the private
health interest of individuals. As such, it is an Act of extortion and every
Citizen has the Right and the Duty to rise up against it.

In the following remedy section of this document, we must begin with the
general understanding that in a Constitutional Republic such as ours, the
States and the people are under no legal, moral or ethical obligation to
adhere to laws or government policies and mandates which are in themselves,
unconstitutional and at odds with the public interest as stated in our
Charters of Freedom.

Remedy 1 The House of Representatives

Because ALL bills pertaining to revenue via Congress's power to lay and
collect taxes must originate in the House, ObamaCare originated in the US
Senate as NOT a tax bill, ObamaCare was passed via unconstitutional
process and is VOID (without legal force) in its current form.

The current shut down of the Federal Government resulting from the Senate
strategy to simply stonewall the House, just as they did during the
unconstitutional passage of ObamaCare, presents a momentary window of
opportunity to remedy the entire situation and hold people accountable for
their blatant effort to extort private property from the States, businesses
and the American people.

To capitalize on this window of opportunity, House Republicans must be
convinced to keep the Federal Government shut down until such time that
the Senate is forced to pass a budget which does not include any funding for
HOUSE DIRECTORY HERE -http://www.house.gov/representatives/  <http://mail.zianet.com/cgi-bin/sqwebmail?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.house.gov%2Frepresentatives%2F&;timestamp=1381290111&md5=yy9STIMo8DxyVm4V25cDOg%3D%3D> <http://www.house.gov/representatives/<http://mail.zianet.com/cgi-bin/sqwebmail?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.house.gov%2Frepresentatives%2F&;timestamp=1381290111&md5=yy9STIMo8DxyVm4V25cDOg%3D%3D>>
The debt ceiling battle will have to take place by or before October 17,
2013. It is the intention of the Obama Administration and the Democrat led
Senate to continue to stonewall the House on ObamaCare until the House is up
against the wall on the debt ceiling on the 17th.

House Republicans simply cannot fold like a cheap lawn chair this time. They
must hold the line for the American people and completely defund ObamaCare,
not delay it.



Mainstream media/medicine on the cutting edge... finally catching up with reality and alternative medicine. 

[Oh, by the way, what is now called "alternative" medicine—NATURAL medicine—used to be the only medicine for nearly 6,000 years.  The "new-fangled" cures (which made the seller of such cures rich) were what was called "quackery".  Modern pharmeceutical medicine and such has been around only for about 60 years—and since then the disease rate has increased, even though they spend billions of dollars a year on "finding a cure."  They don't want a cure.  Then they would lose a multi-billion dollar a year industry, and they would have to get real, honest, jobs.]  



Governments/government agencies have NO RIGHT to tell people what they can and cannot use to try to save their lives.  As long as the patient signs a waiver realizing it is not "approved" or "fully tested" then there should be no issue.   The presumed purpose is that it is the government's job to prevent men from injuring one another but that injury has to be REAL, not imagined and not falsely construed. Furthermore, government is the SERVANT of the people, and the servant cannot have greater authority than the master.

A person owns his body and it is his right to attempt to treat disease as he deems appropriate.

yet the some corrupt government approves drugs that kill hundreds of thousands of people a year... but as long as the doctors drug companies and government get their money, that's all that matters.

Government also allows a slew of additives added to food that cause cancer, disease, and obesity.

This looks promising as long as government / government agencies can be kept out of it.


see this link for  wealth of helpful info.







Newest Thought:

It is important for people who are battling cancer to realize that they need to eat a proper, wholesome diet, with unprocessed food, fresh chemical-free vegetables--as much raw vegetables as possible--WHOLE grains, and vitamin/mineral supplementation (NATURAL form, not synthetic).   Also consider the book "The Cancer Killers," by Ji Sayer, Dr. Ben Learner, Dr. Charles Majors, and Raymond Hilu.  Dr. Majors overcame a nasty  brain tumor with nutrition and alternative therapies--no surgery.

Too many of God's children try to circumvent the law of the harvest.  "The curse causeless shall not come."   DECADES of wrong eating, eating poison (processed food, foods with artificial preservatives, flavorings, colorings, and other artificial ingredients, aluminum, MSG (and its step sisters), artificial sweeteners, sugar, antifreeze (propylene glycol), etc.); not exercising, not drinking enough pure water daily, not eating enough or supplementing the diet with fiber, not supplementing with natural vitamins since our soils are depleted from violating God's Land Sabbath; and having an acidic environment created in the body by pharmaceuticals and the MASSIVE overcomsumption of white sugar (which cancer thrives on, and which is acidic) all create the "perfect storm" that WILL NOT be cured overnight like a Catholic going to confession then going right back out to sin some more. 

There are many routes that claim to be able to reverse and cure and prevent cancer (carrot/garlic juice, colonics, baking soda/with a little maple sugar, and Dr. Kelly Eidem's book "The Doctor Who Cures Cancer," who cured himself of numerous aggressive tumors that appeared almost overnight all over his body... he used buttered bread with chopped up garlic and habanero peppers and ate it straight down and ate several of those a day and in a few weeks the tumors disappeared; he has refined the technique and explains it)... there are many reported routes... --but the person has to actually DO ONE OF THEM and STOP all the behaviour that led to the cancer...  the problem is, most people are lazy and look to the doctors as "gods" rather than looking into their own life to see what they did wrong and correct it.   In some ways, in many cases, trying to be delivered from cancer by going to the doctor is like trying to be delivered from sin without repenting.   In most cases, it didn't just happen and in most cases it didn't just happen overnight.   When people view themselves as a victim they develop an aura of entitlement, rather than responsibility.   Just some thoughts.

I stock Kelly Eidem's book; you will have to get Major's book through Amazon or elsewhere.




Check out the below links: 



Oleander is highly poisonous, even the smoke from the burning plant can blind I believe.  It grows wild all over South Florida, and presumably the sw U.S.  It is what would be called a "low dose" botanical, which should only be taken following precise guidelines.



—The little-known tropical fruit, Soursop or Guanábana (which looks like a cross between an avocado or chayote and a cactus) is reportedly 10,000 times more powerful than chemotherapy.  But the AMA, FDA, CDC, cancer foundation, pharmeceutical companies, and doctors can't make any money selling fruit!  See the amazing information at this link:



Some sources claim that excessive soursop can lead to Parkinson's, but that has not been confirmed, only inferred; due to there being high levels of one compound found in soursop present in certain atypical Parkinson's sufferers.

One email circulating offers the following information (I don't know who the author is, to give proper credit):


CANCER KILLER – Natural Cancer Cell Killer 10,000 Times Stronger Than Chemo!


The Sour Sop or the fruit from the graviola tree is a miraculous natural cancer cell killer 10,000 times stronger than Chemo.


Why are we not aware of this? Its because some big corporation want to make back their money spent on years of research by trying to make a synthetic version of it for sale.


So, since you know it now you can help a friend in need by letting him know or just drink some sour sop juice yourself as prevention from time to time. The taste is not bad after all. It’s completely natural and definitely has no side effects. If you have the space, plant one in your garden.


The other parts of the tree are also useful.


The next time you have a fruit juice, ask for a sour sop.

How many people died in vain while this billion-dollar drug maker concealed the secret of the miraculous Graviola tree?

This tree is low and is called graviola in Brazil, guanabana in Spanish and has the uninspiring name "soursop" in English. The fruit is very large and the subacid sweet white pulp is eaten out of hand or, more commonly, used to make fruit drinks, sherbets and such.


The principal interest in this plant is because of its strong anti-cancer effects. Although it is effective for a number of medical conditions, it is its anti tumor effect that is of most interest. This plant is a proven cancer remedy for cancers of all types.


Besides being a cancer remedy, graviola is a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent for both bacterial and fungal infections, is effective against internal parasites and worms, lowers high blood pressure and is used for depression, stress and nervous disorders.


If there ever was a single example that makes it dramatically clear why the existence of Health Sciences Institute is so vital to Americans like you, it’s the incredible story behind the Graviola tree..


The truth is stunningly simple: Deep within the Amazon Rainforest grows a tree that could literally revolutionize what you, your doctor, and the rest of the world thinks about cancer treatment and chances of survival. The future has never looked more promising.

Research shows that with extracts from this miraculous tree it now may be possible to:
* Attack cancer safely and effectively with an all-natural therapy that does not cause extreme nausea, weight loss and hair loss
* Protect your immune system and avoid deadly infections
* Feel stronger and healthier throughout the course of the treatment
* Boost your energy and improve your outlook on life

The source of this information is just as stunning: It comes from one of America ‘s largest drug manufacturers, the fruit of over 20 laboratory tests conducted since the 1970's! What those tests revealed was nothing short of mind numbing… Extracts from the tree were shown to:

* Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.
* The tree compounds proved to be up to 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug!
* What’s more, unlike chemotherapy, the compound extracted from the Graviola tree selectively hunts down and kills only cancer cells.. It does not harm healthy cells!


The amazing anti-cancer properties of the Graviola tree have been extensively researched — so why haven’t you heard anything about it?


One of America‘s biggest billion-dollar drug makers began a search for a cancer cure and their research centered on Graviola, a legendary healing tree from the Amazon Rainforest.

Various parts of the Graviola tree — including the bark, leaves, roots, fruit and fruit-seeds — have been used for centuries by medicine men and native Indians in South America to treat heart disease, asthma, liver problems and arthritis. Going on very little documented scientific evidence, the company poured money and resources into testing the tree’s anti-cancerous properties — and were shocked by the results. Graviola proved itself to be a cancer-killing dynamo.


But that’s where the Graviola story nearly ended.


The company had one huge problem with the Graviola tree — it’s completely natural, and so, under federal law, not patentable. There’s no way to make serious profits from it.


It turns out the drug company invested nearly seven years trying to synthesize two of the Graviola tree's most powerful anti-cancer ingredients. If they could isolate and produce man-made clones of what makes the Graviola so potent, they’d be able to patent it and make their money back. Alas, they hit a brick wall. The original simply could not be replicated. There was no way the company could protect its profits — or even make back the millions it poured into research.


As the dream of huge profits evaporated, their testing on Graviola came to a screeching halt. Even worse, the company shelved the entire project and chose not to publish the findings of its research!

Luckily, however, there was one scientist from the Graviola research team whose conscience wouldn’t let him see such atrocity committed. Risking his career, he contacted a company that’s dedicated to harvesting medical plants from the Amazon Rainforest and blew the whistle.

When researchers at the Health Sciences Institute were alerted to the news of Graviola, they began tracking the research done on the cancer-killing tree. Evidence of the astounding effectiveness of Graviola — and its shockingcover-up — came in fast and furious….

….The National Cancer Institute performed the first scientific research in 1976. The results showed that Graviola’s "leaves and stems were found effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells." Inexplicably, the results were published in an internal report and never released to the public…

….Since 1976, Graviola has proven to be an immensely potent cancer killer in 20 independent laboratory tests, yet no double-blind clinical trials–the typical benchmark mainstream doctors and journals use to judge a treatment's value — were ever initiated….

….A study published in the Journal of Natural Products, following a recent study conducted at Catholic University of South Korea stated that one chemical in Graviola was found to selectively kill colon cancer cells at "10,000 times the potency of (the commonly used chemotherapy drug) Adriamycin…"

….The most significant part of the Catholic University of South Korea report is that Graviola was shown to selectively target the cancer cells, leaving healthy cells untouched. Unlike chemotherapy, which indiscriminately targets all actively reproducing cells (such as stomach and hair cells), causing the often devastating side effects of nausea and hair loss in cancer patients.

…A study at Purdue University recently found that leaves from the Graviola tree killed cancer cells among six human cell lines and were especially effective against prostate, pancreatic and lung cancers…. Seven years of silence broken — it's finally here!


—Bee Propolis and tumors


[Though the article above does not mention it, mixing DMSO with the propolis or with bromelain, Vitamin C, turmeric, garlic, etc., and gently dabbing it directly onto the affected area will take the powerful natural cancer killer elements directly through the skin into the cancer.  DSMO, in some studies, also shows to itself have cancer-curing properties, causing cancerous cells to produce hemoglobin and start to act like normal cells.]

Chemotherapy makes cancer worse:


Osage Orange fruit / Hedge Apples and cancer...?


[The fruit from a distance looks like large tennis balls.  Up close, it looks like a cross between a tennis ball and a brain.  Reportedly the fruit will repel insects and rodents, and can be placed in basements (or any room of house), barns, sheds, etc.  The tree is very versatile, fixing nitrogen to the soil, creating good hedges / wind breaks (hence the name "hedge-apple").  The wood is also good for fence posts.   The tree is also known as Bow-wood, Beau d'arc ("good arc or arch") or bois d'arc ("arc-wood" or thus, "bow wood") or bodark in colloquial English; since it is one of the best woods to make bows out of: here's a site of a family that has made and sold bows from this wood for 17 years and which offers a short history of the tree and its uses (read it, it is very informative and interesting):



Moracea family, Maclura pomifera; deciduous thorny tree, perfectly cold hardy, grows to 60 feet.  can be topped off to form dense hedge (which in the midwest was used as an alternative to expensive fencing to keep livestock in fields.  Avoid getting white sap in eyes.  The tree grows all over east of the Mississippi and well west of it in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, etc.  The trees are male and female, so you need to plant 4 or 5 to be assured of getting fruit.  Related to the mulberry, silk worms can survive on the tree and produce silk.  The wood is referred to as "ever lasting" because of its immunity to rot.  Great tree to plant.  Yellow-orange dye or tannin for leather curing can be made from the roots.]


Micro-waved food and Cancer



Mark Sircus., AC, OMD

May 16, 2012

http://www.imva.info/ http://publications.imva.info/



Patrick H. Bellringer

February 8, 2012



Allison Biggar

April 14, 2011


See also:

Death by Medicine

By Gary Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; and Dorothy Smith, PhD



Dr. Lorraine Day, M.D., who cured herself of cancer (a very knowledgable professional with a lot of great, important info in other areas at her site):



The Gerson Institute (60 years of results)



Rev. George Malkmus, Hallelujah Acres




On Refusing standard medical treatment:



73-minute you-tube video on cancer forbidden cures



Apricot kernels / B-17 / Laetrile


Another source for Apricot kernels is iherb: Use coupon code QIP222 for $5 off your first order, free shipping on orders $20 and over; extra 5% off orders $60 and over. http://www.iherb.com/Apricot-Power-Raw-Apricot-Kernels-1-lb/38340


Also, consider the Book: World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B-17, by G. Edward Griffin (author of The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve; also available, inquire).



 Important Books Available from Sacred Truth
P&H = 10% (4.00 minimum)
- Doctors Are More Harmful Than Germs: How Surgery Can Be Hazardous to Your Health - And What to Do about It, Harvey Bigelsen & Lisa Haller, 247pp., pb., 16.00 (reg. 18.00) + P&H;  
- The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, William Kelley Eidem, 402pp., pb., 25.00 (reg. 27.00) + P&H;
- Eat Right 4 Your Type, Peter D'Adamo,  392pp., Hb., 20.00 (reg. 25.00) +
- One Answer To Cancer with Cancer Cure Suppressed, William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S., 170pp,. 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound, 30.00 + P&H and its supplement, Self Test For the Different Metabolic Types, William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S., 216pp., 8.5x11, pb., 30.00 + P&H.
order the above books at this link:
- Cancer Is A Fungus: A Revolution in Tumor Therapy, Dr. T. Simoncelli (oncologist), 6x9 pb., 244pp., he cures cancer in Italy with baking soda.  Check out his book at his website:
- How To Cure Almost Any Cancer At Home For $5.15 a Day, Henderson & Scholberg, $27.00 - 8.5x11, 41pp., comb-bound, check out the description and testimonials/order from below link while it is still available.
Lemons more potent than Chemotherapy
Lemons and high doses of natural vitamin c (even intravenous C) also help fight cancer, as does garlic.  Outside the body vit. c and citrus are acidic, but inside they body they are alkaline forming.  I believe Dr. Linus Pauling (winner of 2 Nobel Prizes) recommended up to 70 grams of C a day for cancer.  It is hard to take because you have to spread it out throughout the day, if you take too much at one time diarrhea will result and you will just flush it down the toilet rather than absorb it.  Drinking freshly ozonated water in conjunction with baking soda or fresh squeezed lemon juice/natural vitamin c  therapy would prob. also be beneficial by supplier larger amounts of available oxygen when the body is in a state to be able to receive it.
Outside the body, lemons are acidic.  Inside the body, they are alkaline forming.  Lemon juice  creates an environment that alkalises the body (so does Baking Soda or even the all natural product "Botanic Gold"; formerly called "Planet Solutions").  Cancer cells can only live in an Acid environment.              



Leading German bio-chemist: cancer is a fungus, begins in the mouth...


[also see the information on "Oil Pulling Therapy" as well as alternative remedy using baking soda by Italian doctor T. Simoncelli (above):  



and is easily cured with cottage cheese and flax-seed oil: 

Medical Breakthrough: Is This Simple Recipe Really the Cure for 
Breast Cancer?

Even Cancer Doctors are Amazed at How Well This Medical Breakthrough Cancer Cure Works — Even on the Most Advanced Cancers!

The following special report from Medical Research Associates features the revolutionary “recipe” that has been scientifically proven to cure not just breast cancer — but all types of cancer. This is an excerpt from the popular, doctor-recommended Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments.

Dr. Johanna Budwig’s 
Flax Oil & Sulphur-Based Protein Therapy

German-born biochemist Johanna Budwig (1908-2003) dr-johanna-Budwigwas acknowledged as perhaps the world’s leading expert on lipid biochemistry — the field of study dealing with fats (lipids that are solid at room temperature) and oils (lipids that are liquid at room temperature), and their activity within biological systems.

She held a Ph.D. in Natural Science, with emphasis in chemistry and physics, and was also formally trained as a physician, botanist, and biologist. On seven different occasions she was nominated by her peers to receive a Nobel Prize. 

Dr. Budwig was familiar with the work of 1931 Nobel laureate Otto Warburg who demonstrated that, unlike normal cells which receive their energy from oxygen gas, the energy that maintains cancer cells is derived principally from the fermentation of glucose. In Warburg’s words:

“Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar [glucose] … all cancer cells without exception must ferment, and no normal growing cell ought to exist that ferments in the body.” 78

Warburg’s work never fully postulated the cause(s) of this reversion of cancer cells to the more primitive anaerobic state. He did, however, theorize that he could raise the oxygen levels in anaerobic cells through the consumption of saturated fats. Pursuing this reasoning, he unsuccessfully attempted to increase oxygen transfer into cancer cells using the saturated fat butyric acid (which Budwig later determined was not sufficiently energetic to effect oxygen transport).

Building on Warburg’s work, 1937 Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi demonstrated that essential fatty acids (EFAs), combined with sulphur-rich proteins, are able to increase cellular oxygenation.79Budwig understood that cancer cells revert to the more primitive fermentation of glucose because they are deprived of oxygen to the extent they must find another source of energy in order to survive. One of her greatest contributions is the discovery of the reason this oxygen deprivation and subsequent reversion occurs. Simply stated, the anaerobic environment that spawns the proliferation of cancer is caused by the lack of sufficient omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids in the diet, as well as the overconsumption of modern foods containing unhealthy forms of fats and oils, according to Budwig.

Essential fatty acids are so labeled because they are essential for life and cannot be manufactured by the body. Consequently, they must be supplied through the diet. If these health-providing fatty acids aren’t consumed in sufficient amounts, physical processes within the cells degrade to the more primitive form of energy production — fermentation of glucose within a poorly oxygenated environment. Also, and equally important, is the fact that the modern-day overconsumption of unhealthy forms of fats and oils so prevalent in today’s processed foods, competes with the uptake and use of healthy EFAs, further limiting their availability. 

Although this is a simplified explanation of the physical/chemical processes involved, a more detailed explanation can be found in the references listed below.

Based on her own extensive research over many decades, as well as probable knowledge of Szent-Györgyi’s findings regarding the use of essential fatty acids combined with sulphur-rich proteins to raise cellular energy levels, Dr. Budwig pioneered a protocol for cancer prevention and treatment based on the use of small amounts of flaxseed (linseed) oil combined with a rich supply of sulphur-based proteins. She recommended the products Quark® (a German cottage cheeselike dairy product), and more commonly cottage cheese, as the best sources of sulphur-based protein.

cottage-cheese-300x225Flax oil is one of the richest sources of the EFAs omega-3s and -6s, and cottage cheese is perhaps the most convenient, richest source of sulphur-based protein.

Budwig found that neither ingredient alone is effective in either the prevention or treatment of disease. The flax oil must be “activated” by thoroughly mixing it with the cottage cheese in an electric blender at a ratio ranging from 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil per ¼ cup of (preferably organic) lowfat cottage cheese, to 3-4 tablespoons flax oil per ½ cup cottage cheese, depending on the severity of illness — taken on a daily basis. Other ingredients such as fruit and honey may be added to taste.

For those who are lactose intolerant or simply want to avoid animal-derived foods, alternatives to cottage cheese can be found in the references below. One possibility is the product Companion Nutrients® by Nature’s Distributors (800-624-7114), an Arizona-based company that claims one capsule of the dried, sulphurated protein in Companion Nutrients can activate the EFAs in one tablespoon of flaxseed oil. 

flax-seed-oil-300x246Because the precise treatment of cancer is so critical, Companion Nutrients might best be used in addition to but not as a substitute for cottage cheese.

As amazing as it may sound to some — especially to oncologists who practice traditional forms of cancer therapy, not to mention the unsuspecting and naive public who have observed for decades the many twists and turns of the War On Cancer — the use of these two inexpensive (and unpatentable) food substances provides a powerful and effective means of treating even the most advanced cancers. 

According to Dr. Budwig, “… 99% of the sick that come to see me … are cancer patients who have had operations and radiation sessions, and were diagnosed as being far too advanced for another operation to be of any help. Even in these cases health can be restored, usually within a few months, I would say in 90% of cases.”80

Writing in the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients in 1990, cancer researcher and physician Dan C. Roehm, M.D., F.A.C.P., states that, “What she [Dr. Budwig] has demonstrated to my initial disbelief but lately, to my complete satisfaction in my practice, is: CANCER IS EASILY CURABLE; the treatment is dietary/lifestyle, the response is immediate: the cancer cell is weak and vulnerable; the precise biochemical breakdown point was identified by her in 1951 and is specifically correctable …” 81

According to Robert E. Willner, M.D., Ph.D., writing in his book The Cancer Solution, “Numerous independent clinical studies published in major medical journals worldwide confirm Dr. Budwig’s findings … Over 40 years ago Dr. Budwig presented clear and convincing evidence, which has been confirmed by hundreds of other related scientific research papers since, that the essential fatty acids are at the core of the answer to the cancer problem.” You will come to your own conclusions as to why this simple, effective prevention and therapy has not only been ignored — it has been suppressed! 82

Dr. Budwig recommended the Flaxseed Oil & Cottage Cheese treatment protocol be followed precisely, according to her explicit directions. The caveat to this is that many people have successfully used only the flax oil and cottage cheese, without adhering to the other detailed food recommendations her works suggest.

78. Warburg, Otto. “The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer” (Revised Lindau Lecture), www/ whale.to/a/warburg.html


80. Budwig, J., “Der Tod des Tumors, Band II” (“The Death of Tumors, Vol. II”), Transcribed interview, broadcast Sept. 11, 1967 by SüddeutscherRundfunk Stuttgart (Germany).

81. Roehm, D.C., “The Bio Electron, Re-Examining the Work of Johanna Budwig”, Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, July 1990, p. 480.

82. Willner, R.E., The Cancer Solution, Peltec Publications: Boca Raton, FL, 1994.

The preceding special report is an excerpt from the popular, doctor-recommended Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments. encyclopedia-of-medical-breakthroughsThe content of this report is copyrighted material — © Copyright 2010 Medical Research Associates — but you may disseminate it freely with the following condition: The report must be forwarded to others in its entirety, including the copyright information and all the links embedded in this document. 

Dr. Johanna Budwig’s flax oil & sulphur-based protein therapy is just one of 12 scientifically validated cures for cancer featured in The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments.

The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments is a 380-page book (also available as an e-book) containing a definitive, never-before-published compilation of alternative medicine discoveries. It features cutting-edge, state-of-the-art health information, alternative treatment options and effective solutions for virtually any disease or health problem you or your loved ones might have.



Any below-mentioned books are available from STM (see list above or on the book list page)... the below information is from various sources and emails:


Institute of  Health Sciences, 819 N. L.L.C. Charles Street Baltimore  , MD 1201.
This is the latest in medicine, effective  for cancer!  
Read  carefully & you be the judge.  
Lemon  (Citrus) is a miraculous product to  kill  cancer cells.  It is 10,000 times stronger than  chemotherapy.  

Why  do we not know about that?
Because there are  laboratories interested in making a synthetic version  that will bring them huge profits.. You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease. Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy. How many people will die while this  closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize  the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations? As  you know, the lemon tree is known for its varieties of  lemons and limes. You can eat the fruit in different  ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks,  sorbets, pastries, etc... It is credited with many  virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it  produces on cysts and tumours. This plant is a proven  remedy against cancers of all types. Some say  it  is very useful in all variants of  cancer.  It is considered also as an anti  microbial  spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi,  effective against internal parasites and worms, it  regulates blood pressure which is too high and an  antidepressant, combats stress and nervous  disorders.The source of this information is  fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug  manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20  laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that:  It  destroys the malignant cells in 12  cancers,  including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas ...  The compounds of this tree showed 10,000 times better  than the product Adriamycin, a drug normally used  chemotherapeutic in the world, slowing the growth of  cancer cells. And what is even more astonishing: this  type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys  malignant cancer cells and it does not affect healthy  cells.  
Institute  of Health Sciences, 819 N. L.L.C. Cause Street ,  Baltimore , MD1201


Don't you wish that cancer treatments could be pain free? And that you'd
get well and be cancer free? You can have all that and more. For
instance, do you know which supplements shrink tumors and which ones
make tumors grow faster? You can find out which is which in Chapter 33.
Dr. Revici even makes the bones eaten away by cancer grow back. Yes,
bones eaten away by cancer return to normal on x-rays. This is the true
story of a physician who found himself in trouble for curing his
patients of cancer and inventing a new kind of chemotherapy that works
without making you sick. Yes, this is a true story....and it's a story
that could melt away your fear of cancer.

How I Got Rid Of My Stage 4 Cancer In Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost
Of A Night At The Movies
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By Kelley Eidem
Kelley Eidem, author The Doctor Who Cures Cancer
Can stage 4 cancer really be easy to cure?

I'm the author of the book The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, but today I'd
like to talk to you about my easy victory over my own Stage 4 cancer.

The truth is that I was only able to come up with a key part of this
extremely simple cure from what I learned from writing the book.

By the way, my vision is this: "Together we can help cure cancer - one
person at a time!" That means you play key part in conquering cancer.

You can do that by reporting your results here. By doing that, you'll
encourage others...in other words you could be saving a cancer victim's
life - maybe a new one every day!

So before we begin, if you feel that this article could help someone you
love, please take advantage of the email option that's located a few
inches to your right, and send it on.

I'm just one guy. So I need your help getting this fantastic news to
more victims of cancer.

It's a good idea to go ahead and send this to people who don't have
cancer...because there is no telling when your relatives or buddies will
need this lifesaving information...next year, five years, whenever.

And please bear with me if at times it looks like the discussion has
gone into areas that don't fit conventional wisdom. Going outside the
box of what we think we know might be the best way at this point to get
to a cure.

For several decades, modern medicine has tried a lot of toxic compounds,
hoping to 'out-toxic' the cancer.

And sure enough, the compounds did out-toxic cancer. Unfortunately, it
usually out-toxics the patient as well.

The result has been that cancer treatments are usually an expensive,
painful and scary proposition. But you already knew that.

I didn't go bald or get sick to my stomach!

Fortunately, my Stage 4 cancer was none of the above for me. My advanced
cancer treatment cost less than two tickets and popcorn at the movies.

My treatment wasn't painful. And I wasn't scared...I didn't lose a
minute's sleep...because I knew what to do.

If we've learned anything about treating cancer in the last 50 to 60
years it has to be this: half killing the patient isn't half way successful.

As I emphatically told a woman in my store recently, "You gotta be
healthy to get well!"

In my own case, I knew by the many lesions I had that I was already
sick. I didn't need someone to help make me sicker. I needed to get
healthy, so I could get well.

UCLA Researchers Confirm My Method!

Maybe the best place to start with this would be to let you know that
researchers at UCLA garnered lots of headlines two years ago because
they had done something pretty incredible. (1)

What had the UCLA researchers done? They shrank tumors by 80% with the
heat from habaneros peppers. That is quite extraordinary in terms of
what is usually accomplished with toxic drugs.

It's also worth noting that in the US the State of New Mexico has the
lowest cancer mortality rate of all 50 states. They probably eat more
peppers in New Mexico per capita than all the other states, too.

In other words, the researchers at UCLA made a great choice in examining
the anti-cancer properties of hot peppers.

My own success in curing myself with habaneros peppers preceded the UCLA
researchers by seven years. And I didn't shrink my many tumors by
80%...I shrank them 100%.

UCLA's research results did confirm that my own method was an extremely
powerful weapon against cancer. I'm eternally grateful for their

But then, I used habaneros peppers PLUS two more low tech
ingredients...running rings around the findings made by the UCLA guys
and gals.

(By the way, if you absolutely can't tolerate peppers, you can
substitute freshly grated ginger...grated daily...not from a jar!)

Research from the Universities of Michigan and Minnesota just scratch
the surface of ginger's power against cancer. Not only does ginger cause
cancer cell death, it also makes the cancer cells turn on themselves.
Speaking technically, that means the tumors go away. (2) (3)

I Had Lesions From Top To Toe

Well, almost.

Let me start from the beginning. One morning as I was about to step into
the shower, I noticed a couple of large round looking red splotches on
my thigh and calf. They were about the size of a half dollar.

I wasn't sure what to make of them, but they stood out like crazy. By
the next day, the two red lesions had turned brown. Only they were now
accompanied by several more large red splotches.

Some were on my upper back, lower back, hips, thighs and calves on both
sides of my body. Within 24 hours, they turned brown, too.

At this point, most people would probably have freaked out. I had a darn
good reason not to, however. I couple years earlier, I had written a
book entitled The Doctor Who Cures Cancer.

Gathering the research for the book gave me some critically important
information that helped me to develop my own method.

I figured, if what I had was cancer, that's not a problem because curing
cancer isn't as difficult as we've been led to believe.

No, I wasn't pregnant!

Many years earlier, I'd also learned that the common pregnancy tests
sold in drug stores will sometimes produce a positive result if the
person taking the test has cancer.

A call to the makers of one of the products confirmed that this is true:
pregnancy screening tests can sometimes pick up the presence of cancer.
It is well known among physicians that home pregnancy tests can show a
false positive for pregnancy when the person being tested has cancer.

The test isn't real accurate if the result is negative because the test
kit requires that a high threshold be met before the test will read

Pregnant women easily reach the threshold, but a person with cancer
doesn't necessarily produce enough of the hormone to register on the
test kit.

But if the kit does show "positive" in a non-pregnant person, it is
highly accurate for uncovering cancer.

It seemed to me that it was worth a shot as a screening mechanism. Since
I am a male, a positive test result would tell me what I needed to know.

I did the test, and sure enough, the 'pregnancy' test result came up
positive. You might be wondering why a pregnancy test would read positive.

I'm glad you asked. Pregnancy tests screen for the presence of a
hormone called HCGH (human chorionic gonaditrophin hormone.)

It's the same hormone that is elevated in cancer patients. But in most
cases the level in cancer patients aren't high enough to trigger a
positive test result.

Down below will be listed information on a more sophisticated pregnancy
test that's about 97% accurate for detecting cancer. I'll tell you more
about that test in a minute.

Pregnancy kit 'says' I'm pregnant!

In my case, my HCGH was high enough to score positive on the test. So
there I was, a man, with more than a dozen large lesions AND a positive
pregnancy test result!

There was no point for me to go to a physician at that point, because
(a) I had no insurance, and far more importantly, (b) chemo sucks in
treating solid mass tumors, and I had more than a dozen visible tumors!
There's no telling how many tumors there might have been hidden within
my body.

Then there was reason (C) for not going to see a physician!!! The first
thing the doctor would have wanted to do would be to cut out a portion
of one of the lesions to have it examined by a pathologist.

I had learned something profound when writing The Doctor Who Cures
Cancer which was later confirmed in a book about Judah Folkman, M.D.,
(inventor of Angiostatin) that the act of cutting out a portion of a
tumor activates more tumors to sprout wings.

(Continued in the next module below...)
Stage 4 cancer cure, Part 2

It seemed to me that there were too many tumors raging already to let
anyone cut on me spurring further growth.

Here's a real brief recipe list here.

(1) Grate one habaneros pepper each day, putting it on bread (2) Grate
two cloves of garlic each day, putting them on bread (3) 1-2 Tablespoons
of Emulsified cod liver oil each day.* TwinLabs makes some wonderfully
flavored cod liver oil.

I used the cod liver oil because I was not losing any weight or dealing
with fluid retention. If I had either of those conditions, I would have
used evening primrose oil or borage oil instead of the emulsified cod
liver oil.*

(4)Smother the grated garlic and habaneros peppers with real butter and
eat it. No margarines of any type, including Smart Balance, etc.

That's it!

* The best way to determine which oil I would use can be determined
easily if there is pain. In fact there are two ways. One way would be to
drink a cup of black coffee with two boiled eggs. (boiled only.) If that
made me feel worse, I'd take 1 or 2 tablespoons of emulsified cod liver
oil. If the coffee and eggs made me feel better, I'd take 6,000 mgs of
borage oil or evening primrose oil.

The potent active ingredients from the peppers and the garlic disperse
quickly. So they must be grated each day, and eaten immediately.

You're probably thinking, whoa that's gotta be hot!

Yes, it is. And it will make you breathe deeply! That's a good thing,
because heavy breathing pumps the lymph system. As you know, cancer
cells often gather there.

What I did was put the habaneros and the garlic on one side of the bread
and folded it over. Plus, it's handy to have another half slice at the
ready to cut the burning sensation in my mouth.

So let yourself breathe deeply for a minute or two and then eat the
extra half slice of bread.

Let me say a word or two about the bread. I used Ezekiel spouted bread.
You can get it in the freezer section of health food stores and at Publix.

Yes, it costs about $5.00. But keep in mind that all the ingredients
together won't cost you more than $20.

Can you use another bread? Maybe. Or maybe not. It is what I used, and I
don't like to mess with the success I had.

How well did this recipe of mine work?

All of my lesions went away in about four or five days. I had a dozen or
more, so that was pretty good, if you ask me.

Since I wasn't fond of the peppers and garlic (LOL!) I quit after the
fifth or sixth day.

A few days later, three or four lesions came back. So I went back on the
three part recipe. The lesions vanished once again in about four days.

After that, I continued to take the emulsified cod liver oil for about
six months. On occasion I take another bottle of the cod liver oil. And
I take fish oil sporadically.

This episode of my raging cancer took place around October of 1998 as
best that I can recall. No lesion has returned since that time.

It's working for others, too!

Here's a comment given below from a woman who has tried my cure for two

"I wanted to make sure and report back to you after having followed your
protocol for two weeks. I am SO PLEASED to say that the (stabbing, knife
piercing) pains in my right breast are completely gone, and so is the lump!"

When you look at the possibility of being cancer free in two weeks -
maybe sooner or maybe longer - you have nothing to lose and everything
to gain. This works...it really works.

You can pick up 2/3's of your cure at the grocery store.

In the first part of this two-part article I mentioned that researchers
from UCLA used peppers to shrink tumors 80%. Here's something to keep in
mind about that.

The researchers don't have a patent on peppers or garlic. The peppers
are available at many grocery stores. Garlic is available at every
grocery store in the United States, and probably the world over.

The point I'm making is that you have access to these ingredients, and
you don't need a lab coat or a university degree to buy them.

Here's the info on the more sophisticated HCGH test:

The sophisticated test was developed by a Philippine Dr. Manuel D.
Navarro in the late 1950's! His son, Dr. Efren Navarro, continues to
analyze the test results. The test is called the "HCG Urine Immunoassay."

This HCG test can find cancer 12 to 27 months before other kinds of
testing depending on the type of cancer.

When I checked into this two years ago, the test cost about $50. To find
out more, call Erlinda Suarez at (847) 359-3634.

The address is 631 Peregrine Dr., Palatine, IL 60067.

Please be aware that the turn around time for the test is about 10 days.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem

PS. Have you emailed this to your buddies yet? "Thumbs Up" and
comments also appreciated.

UPDATE: This article is starting to get "Stumbled Upon." If you know how
to do that, please go ahead and "Stumble" this, so that we can help more
people who have cancer. Thanks...you're the best!

UPDATE: Here are some exciting comments posted below from two cancer
patients who tried my recipe. It looks like they might be curing themselves!

#1 - "I wanted to make sure and report back to you after having followed
your protocol for two weeks. I am SO PLEASED to say that the (stabbing,
knife piercing) pains in my right breast are completely gone, and so is
the lump! Kelley, this is so exciting for me! God bless you and thank
you, thank you!"

#2 - "I was diagnosed with Stage 3 colorectal cancer (June 31) and a 10
inch (25cm) tumor. I felt terrible (painfully tired, bloody stool,
flatulence, etc.). I submitted to 3 days of chemo and 13 out of 28
radiation treatments before I stopped.

"I don't know what the tumor is doing, but for the last three days I
have been eating the buttered bread with habaneros pepper tincture. For
the last seven days I have been using a sodiuim bicarbonate enema as well.

"Since starting the pepper bread I have never felt better, at least not
in many months. The fatigue and pain are gone. I also started to crave
the pepper bread. I was also taking 10 adjuvant food supplements a
Harvard oncologist had recommended specifically for colorectal cancer,
but I never felt really good until the pepper bread.

"There is a definite positive difference from the pepper bread that no
other food, supplement, or treatment gave me. I will be continuing it


I look forward to adding your results here. Each new cure inspires more
cancer patients to save their own lives.

You've got questions!

1A - Can I email you?

Please don't email me with your questions about my recipe.

Ask your questions here. When you ask them here, it raises this webpage
in the Google rankings, so it makes it easier for others who are
searching for answers to find out about my recipe.

Also readers learn from your input. That can't happen if you email me.

#1 Can you subsitute "x" for one of the ingredients?

This is the recipe I used. It worked. Will your substitution work? Maybe
or maybe not. One subsitution that worked for one man was to substitute
drained yogurt for the butter.

Fermented yogurt might be catabolic because fermented cheeses are
catabolic. So I might substitute PLAIN yogurt (with live culture not
Yoplait or some other crappy yogurt.) if I were too anabolic. Columbo is
a good brand. Stoney Field is another.

#2 I can't find (or tolerate) habaneros peppers, what do you do then?

Ginger is a great alternative. some people with Type A blood should
probably avoid hot peppers of any type, according to the book Eat Right
4 Your Type.

If I could find habaneros. I would ask the grocer for the next hottest
pepper and add some ginger to the mix.

#3 How much do you take of each one?

I would grate 1 habaneros pepper and 2 cloves of garlic each day. If I
needed the emulsified cod liver oil, I would take 1 to 2 tablespoons a day.

If I needed the evening primrose oil instead of the cod liver oil, I'd
start with 3,000 mgs and build up to 6,000 mg in divided doses.

#4 How do you know which oil to take?

If I had weight loss and/or fluid retention, or sunken eyes due to my
illness, I would use the evening primrose oil. Otherwise, I'd take the
emulsified cod liver oil.

If I had pain, I'd eat 2 boiled eggs and drink a cup of black coffee
when I had the pain, and would observe if my pain lessend or worsened.
If it lessened, I'd use evening primrose oil. If it worsened, I'd use
the emuslified cod liver oil.

#5 Do you use both oils, maybe at different times of the day.

I would NOT do that. I took the oil to balance an imbalance. Taking both
won't do that. I would use only one oil or the other based on which one
I needed to balance by metabolism.

#6 Can you use non emulsified cod liver oil? Can I subsitute flax oil or
hemp oil for the cod liver oil?

I would only do that if I couldn't get the emulsified version. It is
widely available in the US. Every health food store has it.

The plant based oils are not good substitutes for the cod liver oil.

#7 Can you take this if you don't have cancer?

I sure don't. It's reserved for if I were to get sick. I don't have a
problem if someone wanted to do it for a few days as a preventative. I
used much milder peppers a few times a few as a preventative.

#8 Is this a Two Week recipe?

No, it's not. I ate my recipe for two weeks because that is how long it
took. If I had cancer again, I'd do it for as long as it took to get rid
of it, whether that is one week, or months. By the way, I continued with
the oil for six months to make sure my metabolism was balanced.

#9 If can't see your tumors how do you tell if it is working?

If I noticed I was feeling better, that would be a positive feedback
loop for me. One exception is what is called the Herxheimer Reaction.
That's a temporary reaction of the body sloughing off bad stuff. I'd go
slower using a smaller dose, if that happened to me.

#10 What if your bloodwork result is greatly elevated after starting
with the recipe?

I'd celebrate, if I was feeling better or observing tumor shrinkage.
Some blood tests measure for antigens in the blood. The bloodstream is
the main way the dead cells are going to be kicked out. That's going to
elevate the results for a while...just like chemo will elevate the
numbers for a while.

If my numbers were elevated and my tumor were growing or if i was
generally feeling worse, then I'd change the oil I was using IF I'd been
consistent in following the recipe.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!

November 15, 2010 Update: In the comments section you'll see me
referring to urine pH and to "anabolic" and "catabolic." I have since
learned that the urine pH test (not the pregnancy test discussed above)
in isolation isn't always an accurate measure of whether one is too
anabolic or too catabolic. It often is accurate on its own, but
sometimes you need other tests in combination to confirm it.

Because of this complicating factor, I would not longer use the urine pH
to determine which oil I'd want to use.

Every person with cancer has either an anabolic or a catabolic
imbalance, and the Urine pH will help to reveal its presence. It's just
not always indicative of which type of imbalance exists in the tumor
itself. Because of that, I would only use the urine pH test to tell me
when my metabolism is balanced once again, not to tell me which specific
imbalance I actually have.

Also please note that IF there are no complicating factors, it is a high
urine pH which is anabolic rather than low. Conversely, a constant low
urine pH is typically a sign of being too catabolic.

If I'm too anabolic, I would still want to use emulsified cod liver oil.
And if I were too catabolic, I'd still want to use borage oil or evening
primrose oil.

The Revici Clinic would be better able to distinguish the direction of
the imbalance in complicated cases. I'd rely on the coffee and boiled
eggs test to tell me whether my imbalance was too anabolic or catabolic
if I had pain.

Having one of the two imbalances is a precondition to getting cancer. If
one has one of the two imbalances, it does not mean you have cancer -
it's just a required precondition.

If you're reading this after November 15, 2010, just compute how many
months or years you're are out from that date to determine which
comments come after that date.

If you have any questions about this, please ask. I will subsequently
create a second FAQ here based on those questions in addition to
answering them individually.


see also the movie Lorenzo's Oil with Nick Nolte, while not the same health problem, it worked on some similar principles I think, someone (initially 8 years old when the doctors said he would die) with a rare nerve disease lived 22 years longer than the doctors thought was possible, with the simple healthy remedy, if I recall correctly, of cottage cheese and omega oils.

this is good, it is not new news, I've known it for decades...

but now they cannot claim it is merely "anecdotal"...

unfortunately, they don't tell what type (hot or sweet), how many, how often, cooked or raw; etc.

I would guess making your own lacto-fermented onions would be one great way (it is very simple) .


One email reported that a man had cancer, went to his doctor, doctor said there was no hope, he would die in a few months... the guy started taking 6 heaping tablespoons of baking soda a day (one can over-alkalinize which can be dangerous, so monitor your pH or at least look online to notice the signs of alkalinosis, which can be deadly.  Symptoms of alkalinosis may even mimic signs of the body's reaction to cancer cell die off, so it may be tricky).  After a few months he went back to the doctor who was surprised to see him alive.  Doctor checked him, said, you don't have cancer.  Man asked, Do you want to know how I did it?  Doctor replied, no, because then I would have to turn you in.  So much for the Hippocratic oath and modern medicine and doctors... they only care about the patients as long as their bank accounts hold out... then they dismiss them and bark, "Next..!"


 "Being in the right place at the right time isn't the key to success.
Realizing that you're there and doing something about it is the key."

—Robert Toru Kiyosaki (1947-) Japanese-American investor, businessman, self-help author, motivational speaker