The U.S. was NOT founded by “Rebels” and a brief refutation of alleged “rebellion” and “violence”

Contrary to common ignorance our nation was NOT founded by “rebels”... that notion has leaked out from the minds of those who cannot think (and thus it is quite popular!) and who do not have a clear understanding of the meaning of English words, the history of the Founding of our nation, or the Law and Principles taught in the Holy Scriptures.

Truth or Consequences — Real Pandemics Suicide and Rape — only valid role of "government"

Truth or Consequences was a name of a t.v. game show in the U.S.*.  It's not a game any more—BUT IT IS QUITE A SHOW! 

[* originally hosted on NBC radio by Ralph Edwards (1940–1957) and later on television by Edwards (1950–1954), Jack Bailey (1954–1956), Bob Barker (1956–1975), Steve Dunne (1957–58), Bob Hilton (1977–1978) and Larry Anderson (1987–1988)]