Modern College “Education” — the REAL “process”

Rarely do people go to college any more to learn—they go to receive a degree; that is, an official piece of paper declaring them to be an “expert” (in fluid “truth” that is continually changing based upon “public opinion” that is INJECTED into the imported “majority”, they being too dull minded to think of it on their own)...

Man of Sorrows and Acquainted with Grief: "Smitten Sonnet"

[Illustration: Descent from the Cross by French painter and engraver Paul Gustave Louis Christophe Dore (1832-1883).]

I've written a dozen or so new poems in the last week... they and other newer poems will eventually be printed in a second paperback volume of such works; until then, the first volume of my poetic works is available:

What Are the Most-Important Health Nutrients? Can You Really Prevent or Reverse Disease? AND THE CORONA Covid HYSTERIA - UPDATE

[Update at the end]

Two of the most-important youtubes that I believe that you could watch / listen to, are these (and they are highly recommended: listen to them twice and take notes):


These 3 inexpensive supplements are possibly the most-important vitamins and minerals