LGBQT Derangement Syndrome

IF LGBQT (or whatever the current rendition is of that acronystic perversion / mental derangement) is all about “inclusiveness” and “love”, “equality”, “acceptance”, etc... then why, o why is there no “S” in the name for “straight” people...?

What do Sabra hummus, the Superbowl, and Drag Queens have in common...? —they’re not getting ANY of my money, time, or support (in fact, they are getting imprecatory prayers)

I just signed the petition at the end of these comments of mine (or I am trying to, I may not be able to with dial up... it keeps failing in the security token); they have 17,700 names in their goal toward 20,000—they had 17,200 when I first attempted to sign it 10 min. ago.

“Anchor babies AWAY...!” —away from US...! & Southern Baptist Judases Who Steal from Christ's Moneybag

1. Anti-president / Imposter-in-chief Obama said we are not a Christian nation—and clearly, a "Constitutional expert" and "genius" and "honest" and "upright", "moral" person like himself knows better than our Founders... right...? so if we are not, WHY should we do the (alleged) "Christian thing"...?

Sometimes it’s a Sin to Pray

- “God, should I obey my parents and clean up my room?”

- “God, should I obey my husband or do what I want to do?  Should I do what I'm told but make him pay for it with a bitter, cold, resentful attitude? or should I actually submit my stubborn Jezebel spirit as You commanded and respect and obey even as I would You, since He is Your chosen authority over me...?”

The Sin of Deception and the Sin that it Breeds

The color of the below painting "Monkeys Feasting" by the combined efforts of Dutch painters, father and son Jan Brueghel "the elder" and "the younger" is amazing... it would be truly magnificent, were it not for (in real life) the stench, feces, vileness—reality... it is a picture of the modern "Christian" Church... different in form, but little different in nature to the eastern temples to the monkey or rats...