Kellogg’s PORN Flakes? — modern Cereal Killers?

It is one thing to sell your soul to make a sale—especially to a tiny percentage of the population whose business would not affect your profit margin in the slightest.  It is another matter entirely to champion perversity and go trolling for new victims.  It is bad enough that foods are laced with disease-causing GMOs, denuded white sugar, artificial colors, flavors, texturizers, preservatives, aluminum, anti-freeze (propylene glycol), HFCS, MSG (and its evil step-sisters disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate

—The Revolution that Ain't Gonna Be — UPDATED: From My Cold Dead Fingers... It Can't Happen Here

A few people replied about the “Breaking News” email yesterday (see attachment) about the resistance of U.S. Patriots to being disarmed... when clothed in the context of 1775.

Some commented, “Bring on the Revolution”.  However, one more-astute person replied,