Minority Report

In response to a comment that someone else made in reference to the email of Boeing’s disaster being due to “outsourcing” engineering software jobs to INDIA!, someone else sent a list of some of the wonderous achievements of Third-world peoples.  

Impotent Emotion-Oriented “Christianity” IS STERILE and Just as bad as the APOSTATE Church — James Dobson Wake Up!

Christ said, “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of My Mouth” (Revelation 3:16), meaning, “you shall have NO PART IN ME”.  Morality never changes.  Jesus never included everyone.  He had no intentions of doing so.  The Apostate / Antichrist church is the one with that communist, world-pleasing, nation and faith destroying philosophy.

Curious Minds Want to Know... My Sarcasm and Reflection in Response to Yet-another Email Attempt at Humor

[Understand, I do not actually intend malice in my comments; but humor, including sarcasm, is often an effective medium for teaching, as well as catharsis.]

- Why do peanuts float in a regular coke and sink in a diet coke?  Go ahead and try it.