What if...? THINK ABOUT IT...!

Read the below illustration and tell answer the questions.  Who then is friend and who is foe? What Law of God or what Law of the U.S. Constitution / Common Law requires you to submit to your foes or to your public servants?  How are foes to be treated who labor for your demise, impoverishment, rape, and murder?  You reap what you sow.  French-Savoyard Joseph Marie, Comte de Maistre, philosopher, writer, lawyer, and diplomat expressed,&nb

Solution for the Corrupt Elections in the U.S. and the hamstringing of the Communist-Demoncrap-Republishams

Solution for the Corrupt Elections in the U.S. and the hamstringing of the Communist-Demoncrap-Republishams

There are approximately 600 cities, counties, and states that are considered to be “sanctuaries” in the United States.  The phrase “Sanctuary City” is actually blasphemy against the Bible.