— Makers of Civilization in Race & History: Showing the Rise of the Aryans or Sumerians... etc.


Makers of Civilization in Race & History




Prof. L. A. Waddell,

646pp. of text, 778pp., counting graphics which were printed on pages not numbered with the text, Introduction, detailed table of contents, etc.,

Biography and photo of the author added by modern publisher.

6.25 x 9.25, pb.,

40.00 + P&H. 

— Ten Commandments For You(th) —For Everyone! For Youth and Young-minded Adults An Explanation of the Ten Commandments and A Memory System using Bible Numerics

Ten Commandments For You(th) —For Everyone!
For Youth and  Young-minded Adults An Explanation of the Ten Commandments and A Memory System using Bible Numerics;

Note: The title "for youth" does not imply that it is ONLY geared toward young people... it is written to be readable by youth and adults; however, the intent is: for YOU (everyone) and for youthfulness.  Obedience to God is a "fountain of youth" of sorts.  This has nothing to do with salvation.  It has to do with blessing, health, prosperity, and long life in this this life (and added honor in the next) because God blesses obedience.Balaicius-Ten-Commandments


ISBN 1-58840-485-4
Robert Alan Balaicius

440 pages, 6.25 x 9.25, pb.,

25.00 + P&H.

not on a child's level, but for older youth and adults

[young minded, of course, refers to the opposite of "you can't teach an old dog a new trick" and also Christ taught that if one wanted to see/enter the Kingdom he had to become as a little child, that is child-like faith and obedience.]

    My exposition on the 10 commandments, shows that the 10 commandments are not 10 individual laws, but 10 categories of law under which the entire law of God is organized.  I show how other laws are so categorized and also show how breaking any one is tantamount to breaking all; and that all 10 categories if violated are sins against God and all 10 categories if violated are sins against our kinsmen.  Very detailed, enlightening, instructional; profound new thought and clear teaching that will be hard for antinomians to refute, if they will read.
    Also a detailed exposition of Matthew 5:38-40 concerning loving our enemies, turning the other cheek, giving thy coat and cloak, etc.  These were not general, broad based, universal statements, but only referred to accepting just punishment in court if one had truly sinned and damaged a kinsman and thus to accept the punishment gracefully, showing your true remorse for having damaged a brother and "going the extra mile" likewise had specific (not universal) application; but modern Christianity has perverted this Sermon on the mount teaching to mean we should just bend over and accept abuse and lie down and die.  Christ taught Occupy till I come, and Paul wrote, have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but REBUKE them... this is not consonant with "turning the other cheek" to God's enemies, the enemies of Christendom, immoral people, criminals, etc., which is not what  Christ was teaching.

— 11 New Charts / Posters

11 New Charts / Posters

P&H in a protective tube is 5.50.

A tube will hold several posters; so if ordering multiple posters, whether the same one or different ones

P&H of 5.50 total will cover up to 5 or 6 posters; 11 will fit, but be tighter.


The Perseverance of the Saints - The Lord is our Banner - 12" x 18" - heavy glossy 80# poster stock - 11.50 + P&H.

Perseverance of the Saints


The Ten Commandments - 14" x 20" - heavy glossy 80# poster stock - 12.50 + P&H.





The Peoples of the Bible - 14" x 20" - heavy glossy 80# poster stock - 12.50 + P&H.




Migrations and Languages of Israel after the Captivity - 14" x 20" - heavy glossy 80# poster stock - 12.50 + P&H.





Prayer / Daily Bread - 12" x 18" - heavy glossy 80# poster stock - 11.50 + P&H.



Fruit of the Spirit / Full Armor / Think on These Things - 12" x 18" - heavy glossy 80# poster stock - 11.50 + P&H.



Blessedness (Psalm 1 / 23) - 14" x 20" - heavy glossy 80# poster stock - 12.50 + P&H.



Faith (Hebrews 11) - 14" x 20" - heavy glossy 80# poster stock - 12.50 + P&H.

 Faith-Hebrews 11-48percent-thumbnail-14x20



Hope (Matthew 5 / Beatitudes) - 14" x 20" - heavy glossy 80# poster stock - 12.50 + P&H.




Love (I Corinthians 13) - 14" x 20" - heavy glossy 80# poster stock - 12.50 + P&H.

 Love-I-Corinthians 13-48percent-thumbnail-14x20



Lord's Prayer & Soldier's Psalm (Matthew 6 & Psalm 91) - 14" x 20" - heavy glossy 80# poster stock - 12.50 + P&H.
