The Truth About Herbs... "Dangerous" to Your Health... —or the Medical Monopoly's Bank Account...?

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 The Truth About Herbs...

"Dangerous" to Your Health...

—or the Medical Monopoly's Bank Account...?


[Below is a letter I wrote in response to an article on a web page I stumbled across, by some mainstream preacher who was condemning all herbs as "dangerous" and warning that people stay away from herbs and herb doctors, also saying that herbs are associated with the occult. He never replied.]


Disclaimer: Nothing below is intended to be misconstrued as medical advise. Nothing below is intended to be anything other than another point of view or opinion, based upon tens of thousands of pages of carefully researched material presented by true experts in this field.


Brother D_____, I respectfully submit that you truly know little about that which you are speaking; (having done your research with one eye closed in a poorly lit environment) namely, your article on herbs "Garlic, Ginko, & God." It is replete with error, half-truths, and shallow thinking. You read a book written by proponents of the drug establishment, and hold them up as "experts."

[That’s like reading a book on sheep raising that proports that sheep don’t need to be fenced in or guarded by sheep dogs—when this book is written by the wolves!]

Obviously, they will tout the party line. You mention that herbs are a "$4 billion" a year industry, yet you do not mention the gross annual income of the Pharmecuetical companies, AMA, CDC, nor surgery markets, which combined surpass $1 TRILLION/year.

[This can be compared to the difference between the distance between Washington DC and Philadephia, and the distance between earth and the moon!]

You also do not mention the fact that the medicines produced by pharmaceutical companies are primarily made from petroleum (which goes right into David Rockefeller or some other similar person’s pocket); nor that most all prescription (and even over the counter) drugs cause 10 times more contraindications, than the correction of the problem itself

—not to mention the fact that they cost 10-50 times more than herbs (which all goes into the pocket of one exclusive, powerful group of people), and that quite often, doctors just "guess" at which flavor to prescribe.

—nor the long-term problems caused by drugs, even relatively simple and safe ones such as antibiotics, that of depressing the immune system, causing the gross overgrowth of candida albicans systemically (which then depresses the immune system more, and then mimics many other problems, which doctors misdiagnose as something else and then misprescribe more antibiotics, making the whole problem cyclical and exponentially worse);

—nor have you shared that the AMA itself has confessed that they have no cure for the common cold, and that irresponsible prescribing of antibiotics by doctors has resulted in new mutant killer germs; that antibiotics are useless in treating the common cold, upper respiratory tract infections or Bronchitis; that well over 50% of people that go to doctors with the common cold, upper respiratory tract infections or Bronchitis were prescribed antibiotics by their doctor (12,000,000 presciptions/year wrongly prescribed) even though these drugs are ineffective, as well as harmful for reasons already stated above.

—nor do you mention that investigations and studies prove that a large percentage of medical operations (especially by-pass surgery) are not needed, do little good, and are often done for the wrong reasons, because it is a multi-billion dollar a year surgery.

[See the book By Passing By Pass, by Dr. Elmer Cranton, MD.].

—By-pass surgery according to 1986 (14-year old) statistics was a $6 billion dollar a year industry; 25,000 that were done were unneccessary (in one year study in 1983). A (10-year $24 million) study by the National Blood, Lung and Heart Institute showed that in the 16,000 patients they screened from 11 leading medical centers—0% showed any greater survival rate than those who did not receive the surgery and did nothing at all. $20-$40,000/operation, and no greater prolongment of life. That is quakery and theft! (not to mention the % of people who do not even survive the operation). Further, the chances of needing ANOTHER bypass surgery increase by 5% EVERY YEAR after a by-pass: a $20-$40,000 band-aid that will need several replacements. 10 years after bypass surgery 40% of patients will have those grafted arteries completed clogged, and the other 60% will again develop significant arteriel narrowing.

The AMA publicly admitted in its journal JAMA that 44% of by-pass surgeries are done for inappropriate reasons. Even when baloon angioplasty was developed as a "safe" alternative to by-pass, by-passes still INCREASED from 200,000 a year to 230,000 a year (in a 4 year period) while angioplasties themselves were also being performed 200,000 times a year—even though angioplasty itself often fails within a year, requiring another angioplasty or a bypass.

Nor do you mention that each year in the US 1,000,000 people die from Iatrogenic causes. Iatrogenic death is a fancy word for being killed by the doctor or the hospital. Iatros (physician) genic (beginning, source, cause. etc.) Therefore, Doctor related, caused, induced death. If they had stayed home and not gone to the doctor or hospital, chances are they would not have died.

[And this in great part is separate from the pharmaceutical drug induced deaths.]

Nor do you mention that before 1950 or so (before the rise of the petroleum-pharmeceutical industry), that is, before antibiotics—for 5,500 years of history, people have taken herbs (plants) for every physical problem known to man.

—nor do you mention that around 1900 only about 1 out of 25 people got cancer, whereas today it is about 1 out of 2.5, with some experts projecting that in a year or two 100% of people will get cancer in their lifetime—EVEN THOUGH THE CDC, AMA, AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVING BILLIONS OF DOLLARS EACH YEAR TO SUPPOSEDLY FIND A CURE FOR CANCER (which they will never do because that will then cut off the flow of all that money to them). When people ate the right foods (which included herbs) few people developed cancer or other such diseases.

[NOTE: "herb" is just another word for vegetables greens, plants: food!]

—nor do you mention that God created "every green herb, bearing its seed after itself" (that is, not genetically engineered, doctored up, or cross-bred by scientists—that is, doctors) for our use. God did not invent pharmeceutical companies.

—nor do you mention the fact that doctors try and play God by attempting to circumvent God’s Law of the harvest (you reap what you sow) by "healing people" (something only God can do) with their drugs and surgeries, and attempting to get out of paying the wages of sin that resulted from their years of wrong living and breaking God’s laws with some magic bullet. God created herbs. When we eat and live right, we injest those herbs. When we get sick from lack of the vital nutrients He created for us, we must return to extra consumption of those herbs. (most disease is simply "malnutrition"!)

You mention herbs are dangerous; yet you do not offer a comparison between the number of people who die every year from pharmaceutic (both over and under the counter) drugs each year, with the number of people who die from herbs each year. While the number who die from pharmaceuticals is probably in the millions, those who die from herbs (if any) will probably be in the single digits. Most all herbs, if too much herb is consumed, induce vomiting. Not so with drugs.

[Do you know how many people die from ASPIRIN every year?, however, no one has died from white willow bark—from which the oil industry took the idea to create aspirin (which is merely the artificial, laboratory-created, synthetic, unnatural form of white willow bark). Valium is likewise, the patented, highly lucrative (for a certain few) synthetic unnatural addictive form of Valerian root.]

—nor do you mention that many drug companies today are returning to herbs, since the synthetic drugs they are making are not working—yet they still manufacture them unnaturally BECAUSE THEY CANNOT PATENT AND SELL AT A HIGH PRICE, THOSE NATURAL HERBS THAT ANYONE CAN SIMPLY GROW FOR THEMSELVES!

—nor do you mention that scientific evidence each day shows that herbs do work, and more and more drug companies are returning to studying herbs and making products from herbs, since herbs work and since they then will be able to get a piece of the pie.

—nor do you mention that Europe does not have as great a monopoly on the drug industry, and for over a hundred years, europeans have used ginko, echinacea, garlic, kava kava, st. john’s wort, ginseng, golden seal, etc. with no dangerous side effects and remain happy and healthy.

—nor do you mention that many "herb" companies are owned by pharmaceutical companies, because they see a slice of the $4 billion/year pie that is passing their plate. While it is true that much of what is being sold on the market as herbs and vitamins, are poor quality, weak, tainted, and do little good, it is completely untrue that herbs do not work, that they are involved in New Age spiritism or other such nonesense! Herbs grown and prepared by the individual work best of all. There are also many reputable brands that can be bought. You get what you invest (whether you invest your time and energy to grow your own, or spend your money to buy those grown and prepared by someone else) and if you do not do your homework, you make a bad investment.

No doubt, many, many New Age freaks and pagan, antichrist religions incorporate their philosphy and false religion in with their herbal teachings and practices. This does not invalidate herbs any more than cults that incorporate the Bible into their false doctrine invalidate the Bible.

Herbs have nothing to do with voodoo, cutting the heads off of chickens, pyramid crystals, the chanting of mantras, yoga, spiritism, eastern mysticism, Transendental meditation, hypnotism, shamanism, mind reading, levitation, astral projection, channeling, or whoopie cushions! However, those satanic or severely deceived people who practice such false religion often incorporate herbs into their sin (except for the last example given). Many of these also incorporate music into their pagan practices—this does not make music itself wrong!

You state, "nearly ALL of these New Age treatments, remedies and potions are prescribed as workable on the basis of EASTERN RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHIES AND BELIEFS. They claim their healing power, or beneficial treatment comes from the fact that they are able to harness the supernatural powers inherent in the human body."

This is nonesense. The only reason herbs work is because God designed herbs to have the nutritional constituents that the human body needs. It is the same thing as eating food. If you stop eating food, you will get weak and eventually die. One you start eating again, you will regain your strength and health—not because of any Kung-fu Zen energy released within your CHI spot resulting in the glowing of your aura and the redirection of your kharma—but because of the natural nutrients God placed within the food He created to keep us strong and healthy.

You also state using herbs can be dangerous. Hogwash. Few people ever die from herbs—and if they rarely do, it is as a result of some other factor in conjunction with the herbs, such as your own confession that KAVA can be dangerous and cause those also taking the prescription drug valium. Can’t you see that the danger here is VALIUM??!!

You also do not tell people that most all herbs are NONADDICTIVE! Drugs (like the VALIUM you mentioned) are very addictive and eventually cause deterioration and degenerative health problems themselves. Have you ever read the "tiny little" cautions or contraindications of pharmaceuticals (or listened carefully to the quickly whispered ones on tv or radio commercials) for all the popular fad pharaceuticals the drug comanies are pushing?

"...May cause heart palpitations, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal distress, internal bleeding, headaches, migrane, dizziness, liver damage, anal leakage, diarrhea, shortness of breath, heart problems, sexual disfunction, sleepiness, depression, listlessness, lethargy, anxiety, mania, liver or kidney disfunction, etc..."

—and many of these new drugs advertised on tv in just the past 4 years have killed more people than have ever died from herbs in the history of civilization!

You talk as though you know the many herbs have you yourself grown, prepared, and taken to see whether or not they work?

Any disease in the world can be cured with herbs...why? because most dieases are caused by the lack of these herbs in the diet over a period of many years.

Why do most people not heal themselves with herbs?—because they foolishly believe the disinformation they read from people such as yourself—and because they are too lazy and undisciplined to do what is right. They want an quick fix (liberty without responsibility)—to be able to then go on living their degenerative, unbiblical lifestyle. Most people are too lazy to get some fresh herbs, grow or prepare them themselves, and take a few minutes to read about the herbs to know how to use them.

People worship doctors as gods. What is the proof of this? Who do they trust more, the Doctor or God? Who do they obey, the doctor or God? Who do they run to first, the doctor or God? Whose will do they accept, the doctors or God’s? God says we reap what we sow, and we are sick because we disobey His laws, sin against Him, refuse to repent of and confess sin and stop sinning; to strengthen us, to teach us, to discipline us, and for God’s own glory when He receives the praise after one is healed through seeking obedience. When people get sick, do they pray first, search their own heart for sin, go to their pastor, have the elders pray for and annoint them—or do they run to the doctor or take an aspirin?

Most physical problems are caused by breaking God’s laws and eating wrong. This is corrected by asking for forgiveness, and repenting and demonstrating that resultant conversion (stopping sinful behaviour, turning around and then doing that which one should have been doing).

Your claim that herbs are simply "alternative drugs" is both dishonest and ludicrous. Sugar, chocolate, coffee, and tea are drugs too, if you apply them in a narrow, general definition meaning anything that produces a noticeable reaction when ingested (and thus dairy products, bread, grains, legumes, and nuts are "drugs" since most all people have slight allergies to such foods, since these foods are hard for the human body to digest, thus causing slight allergic reactions, such as increased pulse rate, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, mental fatigue and foggy head, anxiety, irritability, temporary memory problems, listlessness, lethargy, nausea, etc.).

Don’t confuse herbs with New Age/pagan religious practices. They are not one and the same. Don’t preach against herbs (the herbs God made)—preach against New Age paganism. Tell people to educate themselves, not hang on every word of some AMA physician—doctors know less about herbs than they know about prayer! The medical establishment is antichristian and unbiblical; yet you encourage people to go to a "licensed" doctor educated in evolutionistic, socialistic, humanistic "wisdom" (as you call it). Doctors are not taught about herbs, most doctors have never tried herbs, and a doctor who makes his money practicing the "slash, burn, and poison" method of medicine, is certainly not going to suggest you look into the matter and try some herbs any more than a Buick salesman is going to suggest you test drive a Ford.

Please forgive me for unloading all of this on you. I do not mean to be arrogant or attack you. I simply dumped out a lot of information and ideas matter of factly. I know what I am talking about. My dad has been a medical doctor for 30 years. He knows how corrupt and evil and unethical it is. He has also studied equally from the "alternative" side of the medical road. Drugs and surgery often do more damage than they do good.

Again, does anyone ever stop and ask himself; God says sickness and disease often come from sin, or because God is using it to teach me a lesson, or God is using this to bring glory to Himself...? Does anyone ever stop and ask himself, does God want me to have a baboon or a pig’s heart put in my chest to prolong my life another year...? Does anyone ever ask God what HE wants them to do...? When exactly is the time that God has decreed for a person to die and meet Him--When God decides, or after ever single attempt to keep the person alive has been exhausted...? Does God only get the left-overs...? Who is in control: God or the doctors...? Who do people consult: God or the doctors...?

I highly recommend you read Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins.  I’ve taken herbs for years. I grow my own. I incorporate no eastern mysticism. I grow the herbs; I read the Bible. That’s it. It’s amazing that civilization lasted long enough for the Medical monopoly to be established in the mid 1950s (a mere 50 years)—how ever did enough people survive for 5450 years? How cruel of God to make man pass through millenia of uncertainty and herbal quackery, disease, plague, and death until this time in history in which we are fortunate to have medical doctors outright kill over 1,000,000 people a year, while they rape and pillage and torture tens of millions more.

God bless you as you seek the truth and spread it to others. Robert



Check out my foundational work, a very important book (though it is not health related, I mention it here for those who might not view the other pages at this site):

Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance



Copyright 2012 © by Sacred Truth Publishing.  All rights reserved.

Water, Milk, and Cultured-Milk Products

Important Health Information and Books

 Copyright 2012 © by Sacred Truth Publishing.  All rights reserved.


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Water, Milk, and Cultured-Milk Products



Most people are dehydrated and do not know it.  Most all living things are well over 50% water.  Most fruits and vegetables are between 80% and 92% water.  The human body is over 60% water.  Water is the essence of life.  3 things we cannot live without: air, water, nutrition.  Water is essential for every single cell in the body.  Water is essential as the medium by which nutrients are brought into each cell, as well as the medium by which waste products are removed from each cell.  Water is the medium that allows inter-cellular communication and provides the environment for the body's electro-magnetic impulses.  Without water all life ceases.  It is important to merely to drink fluids, but to drink several glasses of water each day (and a few of these should be drunk by themselves, on an empty stomach).  Water is very cleansing.  Certain food and drink can be dehydrating.  When the body is dehydrated, nutrients are not brought in, waste is not removed, and electromagnetic activity becomes abnormal—and none of those things are conducive for good health.  Fluids need to be replenished if certain food, drink, or medications are taken. 

[Of course, certain people with serious health conditions are on certain medications to prevent water retention, and therefore, drinking more water may be contra-indicated.  The answer then is for the person to hopefully achieve health to the point he no longer needs such medication, and therefore, can live a healthier life, properly hydrated.] 

Dehydration may result in constipation, which is not healthy either.  Constipation not only can cause one to be uncomfortable, it can also cause pain and damage tissue while attempting to evacuate the bowels.  Further, the colon and intestine are the largest sewage drain in the body.  When dehydrated and constipated, waste materials does not flow as quickly and the body then begins to reabsorb toxins it was trying to expel.  Hemorrhoids can also result from constipation (as well as other bowel troubles).  With constipation or hemorrhoids, the chance of rectal bleeding is great, and open blood vessels can then transport waste material (feces, toxins, bateria, virus) into the bloodstream.

However, a person does not have to be constipated to be dehydrated.  Constipation is possibly one of the final warning signs, like Level 10 high alert; but levels 1 through 9 of constiption are unhealthy and often go unnoticed.

The human body sweats and exhales an incredible amount of water each day.  Someone working or playing a sport very strenuously in hot weather can sweat 10 lbs of water (over a gallon) a day.  Water is very important for kidney health.  Under normal circumstance, humans can only live 4 or 5 days without water; though humans can live for many months without food (and it is actually very healing to fast for 1 to 2 months, though it takes discipline and the right mind-set).  Without water, renal failure occurs: the kidneys shut down; the individual dies, painfully.

When such large amounts of water is sweated, the body also loses precious minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, and electrolytes (specific molecules of certain minerals that have electrical charges).  The most important electrolytes in the human body are potassium, sodium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, hydrogen phosphate, and hydrogen carbonate.

Cramping of muscles and other health problems often results due to mineral depletion and / or dehydration.  That is why sports drinks were invented (however, most of them are more ladened with sugar, salt, artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives and are not that healthy at all).  Coconut water itself is a great natural sports drink.  You can also make your own natural healthy sports drinks:  You can also add any of the following ingredients to a half-gallon of water (start with a few and develop it to your own taste preference): natural coconut water, 1/2 teaspoon of potassium chloridesalt (a much healthier salt than table salt) or 1/2 teaspoon of unrefined sea salt(but not table salt, sodium chloride); juice of 1 fresh lemon, juice of 2 fresh oranges, 8 ounces of juiced watermellon, 1 teaspoon of food grade (aluminum-free) baking soda, 2 tablespoons of honey (raw is always best), 2 tablespoons of unrefined, raw, apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses, 2 tablespoons of liquid chlorophyll.  Those in bold face are the most important.

Psyllium powder (mentioned above) is also important to take daily (with 12-14 ouces of pure water) to help combat dehydration and constipation, for the fiber helps retain moisture in the stool, which keeps it softer and moving along as it should.



If you do not have access to raw milk, an alternative to jug milk from the grocery store is canned evaporated milk.  This is not to be confused with sweetened condensed milk (which is a sugary milk syrup, which, when slowly heated and stirred in a pan on the stove, will turn into carmel or dulce de leche).  Evaporated milk is not homogenized, so it is easier to digest.  It can be quite pricey depending on store and brand and it comes in several different can sizes, so you will hae to pay attention when you compare price.  The dollar store has a 12-oz can for $1.00.  Food Country (a lower-end grocery store) here in town has a brand called "Better Valu," which they have had on sale (12-oz. cans) for 79 cents.  The milk is evaporated or condensed, and needs to be mixed with equal amounts of water (or it can be used as is as a rich, though thinner cream).  I have actually found out that I can add 3-4x the amount of water if I am trying to stretch it longer.  It has such a rich flavor I actually like it better than regular milk.  I imagine it has a good storage shelf life, so if you have a cool dry basement, you may want to stock up.  If you can find the less expensive brands and add 3-4 times the amount of water to it, it is actually less expensive than jug milk.

Another good source for milk, is one of the only only whole milk, powdered milks I have found... and it is the best-tasting of all powdered milks.  I am not sure about its shelf life, but realistically, I would imagine at least several years in a cool, dry place.  When on sale at Amazon, free shipping/subscribe and sage, it is cheaper than jug milk.  Currently, it is not available for subscribe and save or free shipping, but follow this link to see the product, then do your own search at Amazon for this product and maybe it will again be available subscribe and save/free shipping; there are various other offerings at times, some in different size containers.  A 3.52 lb. can makes 53 cups of milk or 3.3 gallons.  Once you follow this link, do a search for other forms of the same product (also, put in your shopping cart and monitor it for a few days/weeks, sometimes the price will drop), but note that this link is not one for free shipping:

However, those who do not trust Nestle brands due to genetic testing and GMOs, may wish to contact the manufacturer to ask specific questions concerning any genetic material/GMOs that may be in this milk.  Sometimes the label says Peru, other times Mexico.  You may also ask them the shelf life. 

[If anyone does contact the company, please email me with the questions/answers so I can post here.  Thanks.]


Raw milk contains healthy live cultures.  Humans existed on it quite well for 5,950 years before the advent of the FDA.  Raw milk is still consumed in many other countries.  (See books at the end of this page which may deal with this topic).

Part of the reason of disease and poor health is that not only are live foods (live enzymes, lacto-fermented, cultured, etc.) no longer made/raised and consumed by each family or the local community, but the vast majority of foods are dead, over processed, and laced with all sorts of harmful ingredients (hybrids, preservatives, artificial flavors, colors, stabilizers, texturizers, excessive and the wrong types of sugars and salts, over-use of yeast as a flavoring, additional of aluminum and other harmful ingredients, etc., as well as pesticides, antibiotics, herbicides, fungicides, and now even irradiation and GMO.).  And people wonder why the majority of people are not healthy, sickly, and diseased (not to mention obese).  Why...? because it is big business (for both the growers, manufacturers, and the pharmaceutical industry and doctors).


  Kefir, Yogurt, and Buttermilk   

These milk products all have excellent beneficial bacteria/flora...

—more information will be forthcoming. 


Note: Some of the best prices on many healthy products mentioned at this site are available online from
use code  QIP222 for $5 off your first order
[and a limited-time special ... through Tuesday May 22nd, $10 off first order...]
a great list of products (vitamins, minerals, energy drinks, healthy sugars, oils, grains, organic pastas from Eden, Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted grains, and much more... with:
- free shipping on orders $20 and over;
- free expedited shipping on orders $45 and over;
- an additional 5% discount off orders $60 and over.
- additional discounts on certain items for 4 of a given item and 12 of a given item.

- also, one free trial-size sample with each order (see "freebies" link at the top of the page)... they have pea protein and green foods drinks, as well as a sample of the expensive ubiquinol (next generation CoQ10) and dozens of other products.

Also: Use the link below for $10 off your first order from, which has many of the same products:

Shipping is free for orders $49 - or for orders of Vitacost brand products $25.;ReferralCode=3194897


Check out my foundational work, a very important book (though it is not health related, I mention it here for those who might not view the other pages at this site):

Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance



Copyright 2012 © by Sacred Truth Publishing.  All rights reserved.

—Other Healthy Foods / Supplements — Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup & MSG & Artificial Sweeteners & Propylene Glycol & Aluminum / Take Psyllium Powder / Whole Grains, Legumes, Seeds / Lecithin / Food Powders / Diatomaceous Earth

Important Health Information and Books

 Copyright 2012 © by Sacred Truth Publishing.  All rights reserved.


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Other Healthy Foods / Supplements


Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup




Artificial Sweeteners


Propylene Glycol






Take Psyllium Powder

High fructose corn syrup(which is now put in most all foods) should be avoided at all costs ... it does not trigger the brain, telling it that you have eaten anything and thus you are never satiated, and this is one of the leading causes of obesity—food manufacturers cram all sorts of food full of it. Also, if a person who struggles with or wants to watch his wieght is going to eat any food with fat or sugar near bedtime, he should take some supplemental Chromium, as fat and sugar leach chromium from the bloodstream and chromium is needed at night while you sleep to produce HGH (Human Growth Hormone), which helps burn fat and build muscle.

MSG is death in a bottle.  TOO much food is laced with MSG (Monosodium Glutamate).  It was once popularly sold and used (chiefly among "soul food" genres) as the brand name "Accent" once (and maybe still) available in the local grocery.  MSG can also be hidden in a product under the ingredients: "Natural Flavoring, Casein, or Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein."  MSG also has various evil step-sisters, such as disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate—expensive flavor potentiaters that work synergistically with processed free glutamic acid.  Body-builders using whey protein (not the same as the baker's or cheese making by-product) or other protein powders with glutamic acid receive an equivelant of this same toxin.  Bee Pollen or the pure amino acid L-Glutamine, spirulina, and other natural sources of proteins and aminos would be far better. 

MSG (as well as Artificial Sweeteners like Nutrasweet, Aspartame, etc.) have been linked to MANY serious health problems (heart attack, stroke, kidney disorders, holes in the brain, memory loss, central nervous dysfunction, etc.

For more detailed information and to see just HOW DANGEROUS these products are, see the book, Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, and the DVDs, Sweet Misery and Sweet Remedy, available from STM.

For healthy sweeteners, see:

Blackstrap Molasses (incredible source of minerals), Raw Honey, Xylitol and Other Healthy Sweeteners-

Propylene Glycol (the main ingredient in ANTIFREEZE!) is toxic poison that is  laced in many  food products (particularly things that are creamy: Ice cream, creamy salad dressings) and it is also a main ingredient in most all underarm anti-perspirants (at least, the roll-on or stick kind).  These should all be avoided at all costs.  They destroy the kidneys.  Dogs or cats that lick antifreeze (because propylene glycol is SWEET) dehydrate and die in a few days of renal failure when their kidneys shut down and they stop eating and drinking.  It is a horrible thing to see.

Aluminum—incomprehensibly—is added to MOST ALL baked goods (even those in the freezer section or those in the refrigerated section, the ready-to-bake doughs).  Aluminim is toxic poison, heavy metals that collect in the organs of the body (including the brain) and lead to a host of health problems (auto-immune dysfunction, early senility, Alzheimer's, cancer, etc.) and should be avoided at all costs.  Aluminum cookware should also be avoided at all costs, even for merely boiling water, especially when any acidic food (tomatoes, sugar, protein, oils, etc.) comes into contact with the aluminum, which leaches out the aluminum even quicker.  Aluminum is also laced in most anti-perspirants (at least, the roll-on or stick type, but maybe the spray too, read the labels).  The underarm is very soft tissue and easily absorbs things and you don't want your body absorbing aluminum or propylene glycol. 

Make your own powerful mouthwash and underarm deodorant, using Listerine, Dr. Titcherner's (a concentrated mouthwash with peppermint, very strong, a few ounces added to a large bottle of Equate brand original (not the sugary/colored types, which are full of chemicals) mouthwash, some Botanic Gold (originally called Planet Solutions), some Xylitol, and a few drops of essential oils (oregano, thyme, tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary, peppermint, etc.) and 1/3 to 1/4 H2O2 makes a good mouthwash as well as a great underarm deodorant to kill bacteria.  An underarm powder can be made also, using a powder that is 100% talc-free (talc causes cancer, it is contaminated with asbestos) powder, to which you can add a few drops of essential oil of peppermint or other essential oils).  The main talc-free powder is corn starch, which may be a problem if it is GMO corn.  The answer is diligence and vigilance; otherwise, just give up and let yourself be poisoned and pay for it dearly down the road.


Artificial flavorings, colorings, preservatives, and pesticides for the most part, have also been linked to disease (auto-immune dysfunction, cancer, etc.) and are also poison and should also be avoided.


WHAT is the solution? 

1. READ ALL LABELS AND UNDERSTAND THEM.  If you can't pronounce the ingredients and don't know what they are, 95% chance, they are harmful and you should not be ingesting them.

2. AVOID most all processed food; make it yourself; it will take a few minutes more, but is a few minutes more of preparation time not worth extra years on the end of your life and less suffering and doctor's bills, trips to the hospital for expensive surgeries and medications that also have risks and side effects?

3. Form awareness groups and even protest groups to demand Congress to order food companies to STOP LACING THE FOOD SUPPLY WITH POISON... or contact the companies themselves and tell them you will be forming nation-wide groups to boycott them and even file lawsuits against them for terrorism in poisoning the food supply of the nation.


Also, whenever eating any meal or snack with fat, starch, or sugar, I make it a habit to take a proper amount of psyllium seed fiber powder (one or two tablespoons or 8-12 capsules) which will help absorb part of the sugar, starch, or fat (or any other harmful ingredient in the food, to some degree, but it is best to eat only natural, healthy food) so my body does not assimilate it.


 Also pure olive oil will slow digestion and help slow the absorption of fats, sugars, and starches, and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar will also help in with digestion and help so you do not absorb sugars as much.


Most people don’t drink enough water* (a minimum of 8 glasses a day) and don’t get enough fiber in their diets (and the majority of Americans are dehydrated and constipated—and don’t know it).

[See our link here on water:

Water is essential to life.  Without it, life stops.  All cells need to be properly hydrated for the in-flow of nutrients, the out-flow of waste, and for the medium of the electromagnetic charge of minerals to be properly conductive.]


With each meal you should take a tablespoon of psyllium fiber or a handful of psyllium capsules (Equate brand of capsules is about $4 at Wal-mart and it is a lot easier to take 8-12 capsules after a meal, snack, or desert, than to drink down a full glass of the powdered fiber: Konsyl is a good brand of inexpensive powdered fiber, and without all the artificial color or sugar). Food manufactureers take all of the fiber out of most foods. It is not just old people who need fiber. Everyone does. Fiber absorbs toxins, fat, sugar, etc. and keep the contents of the colon fluid and moving, and thus helps to keep the colon clean (by scouring it and absorbing toxins) and free of residue which will develop like the layer of sludge inside the pipes from the kitchen sink (most disease begins in the colon; constipation leads to re-absorption of toxins and disease). However, take any medications or vitamin supplements at least an hour before or after you take psyllium because you will not get the full benefit from them and you will be wasting your money since the psyllium will absorb part of the medicines or supplements.


Whole Grains, Legumes, and Seeds 

Whole grains, legumes, and seeds (or grain substitutes) are so important and add incredible variety to meals.  

[Beans can be used in dishes to substitute for meat, they can substitute for noodles, they can be used to make breads and pastas themselves, they can be used to make milks (like soymilk) and they can be pickled, powdered (if dry, in which case they will also cook much more quickly) or mashed (if hydrated) for a thick soup/stew broth, and much more.  Their use is nearly endless (and there are many recipe books available; inquire).]


They are important, not only for their fiber, but also for the amino acids, proteins, and other nutrients they provide.  

[Beans and rice should always be eaten together, if watching your weight: each contains some amino acids the others lack, and when combined, they form a protein, rather than mere carbohydrate.  This can also help cut down on the gas they produce in the GI tract; as can also adding ginger.] 


The average person would not believe all the different types of beans, lentils, rices, seeds, and grains there are.  I recommend the following site for their amazing color pictures and variety, as well as giving info on nutrient quality and even recipes.  Check out all the incredible varieties:



Lecithin from the Greek lekithos(λεκιθος, "egg yolk")  is brain food and needed for nourishment of every cell of the body.  Originally made from eggs (egg yolk phosphatidylcholine) it is now made from soybeans (and the product Stakich carries they told me is GMO free).  It has a taste a little blander than sunflower seeds, and a little more gummy.  It could be sprinkled over top of a salad (and when mixed in with salad oil and vinegar, it keeps them from separating; thus it is used as an emulsifier in many food products, including chocolate).  It is reportedly important to aid in or prevent memory loss (and thus ginko, gota kola, rosemary, lemon balm, and hawthorne berry would be good to combine with it, along with cayenne to get it moving) as well as helping prevent or treat Alzheimer's, cancer, mental/mood disorders, liver disease, and even help lower blood cholesterol.  While the body makes some of its own choline, it does not make enough and thus it has to be supplemented by food sources which contain choline/lecithin.  Choline is important for the body's processing of cholesterol, the maintenance of cell membranes, the transmission of nerve impulses, the development of the brain in fetuses (which may help establish memory and intelligence as the human develops), and many other processes.

[Incidentally, all the hoo-ha about eggs and cholesterol was based on botched studies.  Cholesterol is not a problem with eggs (according to more valid studies) when the yolk is not broken in the cooking process (thus, scrambled/omelettes/quiche are more of a cholesterol problem than poached, soft- or hard-boiled, or fried (in a healthy oil, of course.]

 Note: nonGMO soybeans are healthy, but in normal amounts, and very small amounts for children until after puberty... soybeans have estrogen-like hormones and some claim that soybeans and most soybean products (which are in far more foods than the average person realizes, such as hydrolized vegetable protein); the list of soybean products is large: soymilk, soy yogurt, soy ice cream, some hotdogs and hamburgers (sometimes mixed with real meat and sold as beef or chicken), of course outright soydogs and soyburgers, as well as vegetarian dogs and burgers, soybean oil is in so many products and many salad dressings and other products).  Soybeans, according to some studies can make boys predisposed to being effiminate/homo later with hormones screwed up in formative years.  Too many soybeans are not good for adults either, which can screw up the delicate hormone balance.  However, miso and tempeh are fine, but tofu still has those hormones... See article By Jim Rutz © 2010; the original title was: "Soy is Making Kids ‘Gay’ " — then after a huge backlash in response he re-titled it: "The Trouble with Soy".  Here is the link to this very important article:


Lecithin and Bee Pollen contain a health of nutrients for every cell in the body.  Hemp seed hearts also taste very similar to sunflower seeds, with similar texture, and are also very high energy and full of many nutritious properties, as are chia seeds.

For a good source for Lecithin, Bee Pollen, Propolis, Royal Jelly, and Raw Honey, see:

Remember to use coupon code QIP222 for $5 off your first order.


Food Powders

Here is another incredible site:

They have an incredible assortment of herb, spice, vegetable, fruit & berry, and green food powders, that can be added to soups, stews, breads, smoothies, or simply mixed with water to drink.  They have some products you probably have never heard of (such as Camu Camu, the fruit with the highest source of vitamin C; even more than Amla/Himalayan gooseberry).  They also have many powders you probably did not realize existed: avocado, asparagus, leek, shallot, sweet potato, and artichoke (though the artichoke is Jerusalem artichoke (the underground tuber of a species of sunflower; not the green thistly immature flower of the globe artichoke most commonly seen in the grocery store; though I have seen them before also in the produce section of larger grocery stores with a diverse product line.  They have straight powders as well as fortified ones (ones with a ratio of 4:1 or a percentage such as 20% indicate higher levels of the main ingredient has been added to make these powders more potent).  They have fruit and berry powders and green food powders (kelp, spirulina, dulse, barley and wheat grass, alfalfa, etc.).  They have free shipping on orders $75 and up, and they have bulk quantity and extra discounts for multiple boxed/bags of mixed products.  Check the site out and you will be amazed at all their products.


Diatomaceous Earth 

DE (as it is also known) is the skeletal remains of prehistoric diatoms (single-celled marine organism).  Dusted directly on plants or ground around plants.  It will kill any insect that ingests it and cut the body up of any soft-bodied insect that crawls through it.  To them, it is like fine shards of glass.  However, to people and pets/livestock, it is safe to ingest and/or use topically.  Sprinkle over dog/cat/livestock feed to kill internal parasites or dust them with it (avoid eyes) to help kill lice or other pests.  Also safe to put in your own drink for similar purposes.  Food grade quality available from Amazon: See:;;;;qid=1335550485&sr=8-7

$52.90 and only $3.99 shipping for 50lb. bag.


only $23.00 + free shipping for 10lb. bag.

See also: Natural Insect Repellents for Pets, People, and Plants, at this link:

Important Health Books and Other Information and Links


Note: Some of the best prices on many healthy products mentioned at this site are available online from
use code  QIP222 for $5 off your first order
[and a limited-time special ... through Tuesday May 22nd, $10 off first order...]
a great list of products (vitamins, minerals, energy drinks, healthy sugars, oils, grains, organic pastas from Eden, Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted grains, and much more... with:
- free shipping on orders $20 and over;
- free expedited shipping on orders $45 and over;
- an additional 5% discount off orders $60 and over.
- additional discounts on certain items for 4 of a given item and 12 of a given item.

- also, one free trial-size sample with each order (see "freebies" link at the top of the page)... they have pea protein and green foods drinks, as well as a sample of the expensive ubiquinol (next generation CoQ10) and dozens of other products.

Also: Use the link below for $10 off your first order from, which has many of the same products:

Shipping is free for orders $49 - or for orders of Vitacost brand products $25.;ReferralCode=3194897


Check out my foundational work, a very important book (though it is not health related, I mention it here for those who might not view the other pages at this site):

Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance

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—Pickled and Lacto-Fermented Live-Food Vegetables and Vegetable Products - Miso / Tamari / Tempeh / Tofu / Fermented Black Beans / Soy Sauce / Olives / Capers / Pickles / Sauerkraut

Important Health Information and Books

 Copyright 2012 © by Sacred Truth Publishing.  All rights reserved.


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Pickled and Lacto-Fermented Live-Food Vegetables and Vegetable Products



Miso paste is a great fermented product (soybean and other ingredients).  Studies show someone who consumes a cup of miso broth (or a teaspoon or tablespoon of miso paste a day) has 40% less chance of cancer.  Miso is a live-food, fermented product.  It does not need to be refrigerated, but is usually recommended after opening (especially in warm weather).  I had a 5-lb. tub in the fridge that I was using for over 10 years and it never went bad.  Any miso sold in a sealed bag is most likely dead in active cultures; live fermented foods continue to ferment and give off gas and a sealed bag would explode if it had live culture, so I imagine such are pasturized ("dead").  Unopened jars (like South River Miso's jars that are not sealed, but are only finger tightened, like making your own fermented vegetables, to allow gas to escape but the outside air not to re-enter) do not really need to be refrigerated (though most manufacturers will recommend it as a "disclaimer") if they have never been opened, but storing in a cool, dry, dark place, like a basement is ideal (I found when the basement temperature got to 65F or above, even the unopened jars started to form some sort of mold on the top; but just like cheese, that can just be scraped off; the rest of the jar is fine).  The very best source I have found for Miso, is a company that produces an incredible product: Southriver Miso:

Their 3-year barley, adzuki bean, brown rice, and their chickpea, are the best (in my opinion); and the darker, the more flavor and more nutrient.  However, though light, their chickpea has an incredibly rich, even corn-like flavor.

Miso can be used in soups and stews (however, added after cooking is done so live cultures are not killed; it is best added directly to eat bowl, and mixing well to dissolve, and then eating). 

Miso is also great to add to dressings (such as an italian dressing) and dips and gravies or adding to a brine in which you will pickle vegetables in the refrigerator.  Here is one of my favorites:

Raw refrigerated marinated / pickled vegetable Salad: There is no real measuring, just add what feels right, but the main ingredients are the brine from green olives, and the green olives, red cabbage, and cucumbers. 

[Note: the brine from black olives should never be consumed; it contains oxylates / oxalic acid which is not healthy and contributes to kidney / gall stones.  Many things have oxylates, such as the green parts of the potato plant, pepper and tomato plants, horseradish leaves, and even cranberries and turmeric.  However, magnesium prevents the formation of stones from oxylates.  Magnesium is THE most-important mineral in the body and most people are deficient in it (as well as the second-most important mineral, chromium) because the soils are depleted from over farming and from the use of petro-chemical fertilizers instead of rebuilding the soil naturally.  Minerals are rocks / metals and hard for the body to assimilate; that is why minerals must be in a "chelated" form; that is, other chemical forms are combined to make them more assimilable by the body.  Also, taking digestive enzymes such as Country Life's Betaine HCL (Hydrochloric Acid) with Pepsin (which also has papain, bromelain, and calcium and a little vanilla flavor) or with vitamin C (another acid) will help with the assimilation of any mineral you take, if taken at the same time.  For more information about Betaine HCL / digestive enzymes see: - Why Stomach Acid Is Good for You: Natural Relief from Heartburn, Indigestion, Reflux and Gerd, Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, MD), 285pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H.  [Also good for chronic hives, and other conditions, if I recall, like arthritis, asthmas, etc.]  Most people have too little stomach acid, even often those who think they have too much.  Acid reducers are often the problem, and have a host of contraindications and can destroy the brain and other organs.

Magnesium is harder than most for your body to get enough of and to assimilate, because not only does your body not absorb it well, but if you take too much or too frequently it will shoot through you like a firehose and it will give you very little warning to get in the starter blocks to race for the bathroom, so pay attention.  HOWEVER, thankfully, there is a WONDERFUL newer form of magnesium which I have been using for several years now, and it is THE BEST ABSORBED and it is NON-LAXATIVE and it WORKS.  It can clear up problems within a few weeks, even if you have been plagued by them for years.  You can take it frequently throughout the day and night.  Magnesium is needed for nearly every bodily process.  NOW brand sells it as "Magtein"; Life Extension sells it as "Neuro-Mag"; and it is known more generically as Magnesium L-Threonate.

Therefore, those taking cranberry or turmeric in therapeutic doses, or those who eat a lot of raw cabbage family or other foods with oxylates, would do well to consider taking Magtein WITH such supplementation or consumption if you have a predisposition to stones, or if you just want to prevent them anyway.  Many sites say that any cabbage family vegetable (cabbage, brussels, kohlrabi, turnips, rutabega, cauliflower, broccoli, mustard greens, radishes, etc.) should only be eaten cooked, and the water should be discarded once or twice when cooking.  The sites that I read said that they are uncertain if lacto-fermenting / pickling of foods neutralizes the oxylates and some claim nothing in the cabbage family should be eaten raw and the water changes should be employed in cooking.  It seems doubtful if health-conscious people will stop eating raw vegetables in the cabbage family, or LIVE (not anything in a sealed container) lacto-fermented sauerkraut... so supplementing with Magnesium L-Threonate with such foods is a wise idea.]

In a bowl or tupperware (or even a mason jar) add the green olive brine and green olives, add cut up cucumbers, red and white cabbage, sliced carrots, or any other veg, a little red wine, vinegar, garlic granules, dill, oregano, olive oil,

[And also add miso to suit your taste; but I would recommend trying making this without the miso first, to see how wonderful it is; then you can also make it with the miso and see which you like better; or of course, you can always alternate the recipe.  However, remember, miso paste is HIGHLY salty, so don't add any salt in any recipe in which you will be using miso; and the olive brine itself is salty, so start with a little miso so you don't overdue it.

Also, concerning the long-touted danger of too much salt and blood pressure and heart health, see: ]


Once all the ingredients are added, stir well, cover and keep in the fridge; stir every now and then.  It is ready after a few hours, but best after a day; and will last a week or more (but most likely you will eat it all before it has a chance to go bad and you will be wishing you had more).  If when you make it and you make a larger batch, and you stuff it tightly into glass jars to get out the air and keep in the fridge, those unopened jars will last for months; that is the nature of pickled vegs.  Keep out the oxygen; keep out bacteria (use a clean spoon each time; if you eat out of the jar directly, it will introduce bacteria that will cut down on the shelf life; but if you are the only one eating out of that specific jar and you eat it within a week or so, there should be no problem; that's why salt and vinegar are used to preserve / pickle).


Two other fermented soy products are Tempeh and Tofu.  Most people are probably familiar with Tofu (and most probably don't like it), but are probably less familar with Tempeh.  More on these 2 products will be added later.


Interesting Soybean Facts

Most people do not know that Henry Ford’s greatest obcession was not the automobile, but the lowly soybean. No meal was ever served in the Ford home, in which Soybeans were not present in one form or another. At the 1934 Century of Progress Fair in Chicago, his company served a 16-course meal made entirely of soybeans: green soybeans, puree, coffee, croquettes, cookies, milk, etc. Ford once showed up at a convention wearing a suit and tie made of soybean flax. Ford often dreamed of making quality cars and beautiful furniture—entirely from soybeans. Ford had his motor company build three processing plants which extracted oil from the soybeans, which were then used to make paints and plastics for his automobiles. Ford was so obcessed with the soybean, at his zenith, his company was growing more than fifty varieties of soybeans on over 8,000 acres. As if that was not sufficient, Ford bought an additional 500,000 bushels from Michigan farmers each year. Ford was not only interested in the possiblities of the soybean, but he experimented with other plants too: cornstalks, cantaloupe seeds, and milkweed.

[Information drawn from Significa (1983) Irving Wallace, David Wallechinsky and Amy Wallace; pp.204-205.]


Dangers of Soy


However, more recent research has revealed that soy contains estrogen-like, hormone-like substances that are not good for anyone in large quantity, especially women and children (and especially children who have not reached the age of puberty). It should be noted, however, that the fermentation process of Miso and Tempeh and Natto (as well as Fermented Black Beans, which are actually Black Soybeans) renders harmless the estrogen-like, hormone-like substances in soybeans; but, the fermentation process of Tofu does not render these hormone like substances harmless. Because of these substances soybeans, soymilk, soymeats, and other soy products, as well as Tofu should be eaten in limited quantities, and not consumed at all by younger children.


Note: nonGMO soybeans are healthy, but in normal amounts (a small serving per meal), and very small amounts for children and none at all for young children until after puberty. Soybeans have estrogen-like hormones. Soybeans are stuffed into the American consumer in huge quantities—and in many products even without his awareness: hydrolized vegetable protein, soymilk, soy yogurt, soy ice cream, soy hotdogs and hamburgers (sometimes mixed with some real meat but sold as "beef," "chicken," "pork," or any combination; but only listed in the fine print of the ingredients, not in the name-catching label), of course outright soydogs and soyburgers, as well as vegetarian dogs and burgers, soybean oil is in so many products and many salad dressings and other products), soy nuts,TVP (texurized vegetable protein), tofu, tofutti (ice-cream-like product), tofurky, etc.


Soybeans, according to some studies can make boys predisposed to being effeminate / homosexual with their hormones being screwed up in their formative years. Too many soybeans are not good for adults either, which can screw up the delicate hormone balance (and even lead to cancer or other problems, in men or women).


See the article By Jim Rutz © 2010; the original title was: "Soy is Making Kids ‘Gay’ " — then after a huge backlash in response he re-titled it: "The Trouble with Soy."


Here is the link to this very important article:


Soy has also become an important crop for the production of biodiesel oil / fuel. Soybeans are also the major source now for Lecithen (a very important health supplement for the brain and all cells, which is also a common food additive since it is a good emulsifier, originally extracted from eggs). However, the soybean crop has been greatly contaminated by Genetically Engineered soybeans (as has the potato, corn, beet, and alfalfa crops). The soybeans Worth talks about in his book are the natural, non-GMO, non-hybrid, open-pollinated soybeans. Caution should be used purchasing soybeans or soybean food products to be certain they are GMO-free.


Fermented Black Beans

 Fermented Black Beans are actually fermented, salted black soy beans (unattractively called "Douchi" in Chinese).  They are used as and have similar health benefits (to a lesser extent) as Miso.  They are fermented and then dried and have a shelf-life of probably forever (if kept in a clean air-tight container).

[—but as with anything, it is best to store in several smaller containers to preserve freshness and keep out excessive moisture / air / airborn contaminants.  If you store any product in a 40-ounce jar, by the time the jar is half empty of product, it is now half full of air, moisture, bateria or mold spores, etc., that are in the air.  Unless it is a product that you use up quickly, say, in a few weeks, then the smaller the jar the better.  If you have a vacuum sealer, and can seal a large jar (like 1/2 gallon mason jar); you can then refill the smaller jar as needed, and re-vacuum seal the large jar for long term storage.  However, fermented black beans, like miso, contain a high salt content; however, unlike miso, they are dried.  Therefore, their shelf-life is much longer.]

 Since they have a high-salt content, the soup or stew or sauce you are making with them does not need any salt or soy or tamari.  Soy sauce is actually fermented soy beans (however, the majority on the market today is not fermented and contains no life probiotics—unless so stated on the label—but is processed by a different method and is probably also pasturized).  Tamari sauce is actually the excess liquid pressed from Miso (however, again, most Tamari is pasturized and dead; no live cultures; real Tamari is expensive because there is relatively little excess moisture from Miso production, so the amount harvested is very small). 

[South River Miso (see link under "Miso" above) has a real, live culture Tamari sauce. 

Concerning store-bought tamari and soy sauces, if it is in a thoroughly sealed, unrefrigerated container (bottle, can, bag), most probably it is 100% dead; i.e. no live culture: for the live culture (like vinting wine or brewing beer or fermenting sauerkraut) gives off CO2 and therefore, the bags or cans or bottles would most likely explode if they had live culture.]

Fermented Black Beans are, like Miso (or live tamari or live soy sauce) added at the very end of the cooking process, so as to not destroy the probiotics, live cultures.  Black beans (only a small amount is needed per serving; maybe only a dozen or two or enough to fit in your fist completely closed without exposing or crushing them) are soaked for maybe 5 or 10 minutes (in water, wine, or even vinegar, depending on what you are making and how you like it).  Once the soup or sauce or gravy is done cooking, the fermented black beans are then added (with the heat reduced or turned off entirely) for about 2 minutes.  If you do not mince or mash or puree, the beans will give quite a powerful flavor to an individual bite.  Some people discard the water they were soaking in (if they don't want the food to be too salty; but if you don't add salt or soy, then the saltiness is usually just enough for the food).  It would probably be best for most people to blend up the beans and the liquid and then add.  Also, like Miso, if you are cooking a large pot of something, it is best to add the blended black beans, to each individual taste, to each bowl, rather than the entire pot.  Since a large pot of food will probably not be eaten all at once, and will need to be refrigerated and reheated (destroying many probiotics) adding to each bowl is best.  Also, if you use fermented black beans on a regular basis, you could also soak and blend up a larger quantity, and store in the refrigerator in a jar, for ready use. 

Like Miso, fermented black beans, have by the fermentation process, neutralized the unhealthy properties of soybeans, such as the estrogen-like hormone-like substances. 

Fermented black beans are not really too appealing to look like; they look like dried rotted beans that somehow went terribly wrong.  If you like the taste of Miso and fermented black beans, you can even snack on one or two, or eat a teaspoon or tablespoon by itself, as salty and powerful as it is.  Another product similar to fermented black beans is fermented black garlic.  It too looks like something that went wrong; but fermented black garlic has a more subtle garlic flavor, some of the more pungent properties (less garlic odor) having been neutralized, while it also contains twice the amount of antioxidants as regular raw garlic.  It usually comes completely fermented by the whole bulb of cloves, and peels very easily, and likewise, is minced or mashed and added when the cooking is complete.  It does not have to be refrigerated either; and is also available in a powder; though both are a bit pricey.  The powder is usually around $65/lb. (contact me for better pricing) and the whole unpeeled bulb usually around $36/lb., (contact me for better pricing).  Fermented Black Beans are usually around $8/lb.


Olives (Black/ripe, green/unripe, Kalamata/Greek, Sicilian, etc.) are a great snack, addition to most any meal, and an important food. Although they do not contain any great amount of nutrients (protein, vitamins, etc.) they are rich in oils and are an important part of the diet (as is olive oil itself, which should be the primary oil used in the diet, whether raw or cooked)—and have been in much of the world for millennia. Green olives are often too salty for me. When I open a new jar, I pour 1/3 - 1/2 of the brine out and replace it with water. In a few days the olives are perfect. Also, green olive brine makes an excellent addition to salad dressings and pickling brines; so it does not have to go to waste. However, black olive brine should not be consumed because black olives contain a toxic chemical, calcium oxalate (much of which leaches into the brine), about the same amount as sweet potatoes or whole wheat bread contain. Calcium oxalate is also found in rhubarb leaves (which should not be eaten nor fed to livestock). Okra and chocolate contain about 2.5 - 3x the amount of calcium oxalate that black olives have. Calcium oxalate stones account for 90% of kidney stones. Cranberry, lemon, and black cherry juice help dissolve kidney stones. Sicilian and Greek olives (of which there are numerous varieties) are even more bitter than regular green Spanish olives and contain many other nutrients. Larger grocery stores in larger cities often have a good selection.caperberries




Capers (unopened flower buds) and the much-larger caperberries (fully formed fruit) of the caperbush are also very tasty condiments and they also aid digestion. Great prices can be found for these on Amazon (Roland or other brands) often with free shipping, subsribe and save (and extra discounts when Roland is having a special sale several times a year); often at prices a fraction of what you would pay in the grocery store.  Capers have a much more subtle flavor and are more tender.  The caperberries have a much stronger flavor (since they are about the size of a grape, not small pea, and thus have a lot more brine, whether salt or vinegar)... also the caperberries, depending upon how ripe or over-ripe they are, vary in texture; the over-ripe ones, the seeds are gritty and crunchy, not really as nice... I like both, but I think the capers are more of a refined taste, though a lot smaller; they are more tender and are an excellent accompaniment to hard boiled egg halves and a dolop of mayo, and a sprinkle of salt, cayenne, and black pepper.

You can also make your own Nasturtium capers.  You can salt-brine pickle the freshly formed nasturtium seeds after the flowers are spent.  The seeds look like caperbuds or like peas, and grow in a cluster of three.  It will take a little experience to recognize the size and color of the nasturtium "fruit" to know when they are just right.  I would call them "fruit" or "berries" when fresh and "seeds" when they are mature.  When they are fresh and a tender green color, they are very tender and juicy and they are like biting into a whole chunk of horseradish.  Rarely can I eat even a single nasturtium fruit, fully chewing it to savor it, that the volatile oils do not shoot up the back of my throat and up my nose like a rocket and cause a sneeze.  However, once the fruit matures into seeds, they turn whiter, tannish, and develop more of a texture, and they become dry, woody, and flavorless, so those should be saved for planting and not pickling.

The Nasturtium flowers (either the unopened buds or the fully opened flowers) themselves make great additions to a salad and the unopened flower buds can also be pickled, as can the entire stem of the plant, if they are tender and not woody.  Like okra, you will just have to sample to see if it has become too woody to eat.

The Nasturtium leaves, which look like lily pads, are also great in a salad or on a sandwich (as are the flowers and the stems, if they are not woody).  All parts have a radishy flavor, and the flowers are also sweet and colorful.  They are easy to grow, and can be grown in a hanging basket and will trail down 4 to 5 feet or more; and growing in a hanging basket makes it easy to see and harvest the buds, flowers, and fruit.


Pickled and other Fresh Lacto-Fermented Vegetables






Sauerkraut, fermented pickles, and other lacto-fermented vegetables can be easily prepared (in crocks or mason jars), stored in a cellar and will be ready within a few days to a few weeks (though around 6 weeks is best for the nutrient value and flavor). 

You can use practically any vegetable... no cooking or canning involved... if you do it in the mason jars and keep in the basement or a fridge they will last for years. But keep your eye on them... the salt will literally eat holes through the top of the metal lids, even if using a plastic ring/cap over the flat canning cap lid.

Tthe salt terribly corrodes the metal rings (since you only finger tighten the lids, excess CO2 and brine will squeeze out (so you need a plastic bowl underneath, disposable takeout or rice bowls or frozen dinner trays work great)... thus, they seal themselves; the finger tightening allows gas to escape as pressure builds, but no air can get back in... they will last years like this, and only improve in flavor; though the longer they age the less crunchy the veggies will be; but the flavor is out of this world and the flora is excellent for you.  So I have found that the plastic lids work best, but I put the regular metal mason jar cap inside the plastic lid because the plastic lids don't have the rubber gasket / seal, which is essential. 


All you need are mason jars, a little sea salt, your veggies, and liquid whey.  Liquid whey contains the active cultures.  To get the whey, you buy a container of plain unflavored, unsweetened yogurt with live culture (or make your own).  Put all or half the yogurt in a fine mesh strainer or metal coffee filter and place that inside another countainer (I have found the yogurt container itself works well... then rubber band a piece of celophane over the top and put in the fridge for 12 hours; the liquid that drips is whey (you will have some useable in a short time, but will take half a day for most all of it to drain).  Pour the whey into a glass jar, label it and keep in fridge.  It will last about 6 months unused.  The solids are called farmer's cheese and can be used like cream cheese, though not as creamy.  You can add any jelly/jam to it or raisins, cinnamon, brown sugar or honey powder for a sweet spread; or add spices, like garlic/onion powder, dill, thyme, rosemary, black pepper, sea salt, for a savory spread. However, because it has a high moisture content, you should eat it within 5 days or so (though you can freeze it).  You add about a Tablespoon or two of the liquid whey to each mason jar of veggies, with about a half teaspoon of sea salt.  You can do it without the salt, and just whey, but the salt helps keep bad bacteria from growing until the whey begins to colonize.  You can also do it without the whey, and just use sea salt; but you need a little more salt.  The salt again keeps bad bacteria from growing until the good bacteria/culture present in all veggies begins to colonize.  Veggies lacto-fermented with whey will not stay crisp as long, but will be much more flavorful.  You can make several mason jars in a matter of minutes.  The tighter you can pack the veggies the better... a clean 1 inch wooden oak dowel about a foot long is ideal to help pack, and wide mouth jars work best unless you really shred the veggies fine.  Again, I can post more detailed instructions and some suggestions / recipes  if there is any interest and anyone emails requesting me to post this info.


(You can use a fermenting crock, but they are expensive, plus if one crock goes bad you lose the entire batch; and opening the crock each time you use some is opportunity for bacteria to get in; mason jars are perfect as you can open each jar as desired.  Plus, if you use a crock, you need to cut up a whole batch of veggies; whereas, you can practically fill a mason jar with a handful of fresh veggies that are left overs.)


See the book, Nourishing Traditions, in book list linked below.

[One story therefrom: during the days of exploration on sail ships, Captain Cook took sauerkraut—60 barrels—on board, which helped keep the crews healthy, since the fermented sauerkraut preserved its vitamin C content. In meeting with some Portuguese nobles who came on board, they English broke open a barrel of sauerkraut after 27 months for the Portuguese to try. Despite its age and the constant changes in humidity, temperature, and the rocking of the ship—it was fresh as the day it came of age. The Portuguese loved it and traded for several barrels of it. See also the books (below): Preserving Food... and Wild Fermentation....]


Such fermented vegetables contain a wealth of healthy flora similar to that found in yogurt, as well as many vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Of course, heating sauerkraut or any lacto-fermented vegetable before you eat it destroys most of the nutrients, so eating it cold and raw is best. Before refridgeration, people used to consume large amounts of these foods, and many people in parts of Europe still do and are healthier for it. I was born in the northeastern U.S., in a suburb in northwest Philadelphia. I remember large fermented pickle barrels in grocery stores, deli shops, and convenient stores with the best pickles.


See the many good books in the book section on lacto-fermentation and fermenting your own produce which does not need to be canned or refrigerated or frozen and last for years... full of healthy flora:

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Check out my foundational work, a very important book (though it is not health related, I mention it here for those who might not view the other pages at this site):

Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance

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—Blackstrap Molasses (incredible source of minerals), Raw Honey, Xylitol and Other Healthy Sweeteners-

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Blackstrap Molasses (incredible source of minerals),

Raw Honey, and Other Healthy Sweeteners


Blackstrap Molasses

(incredible source of minerals)

For a nice coffee substitute, add a teaspoon or so to a cup of warm milk and stir until dissolved.  It will taste a bit like Ovaltine (if that is even still on the market).  However, note well.  If you add TOO MUCH Blackstrap to the warm milk, it will cause the fat and milk to separate, and you will have a nasty cup of warm brownish water and globby mocha curdles.  So start with a little and keep track of how much you add to find the optimal amount for flavor, but not to the point that it turns into a chemistry experiment that has gone terribly awry.

Blackstrap is not the same as regular molasses.  Not all blackstrap molasseses are processed the same and have greatly varying mineral contents (iron varies from 10 - 25% USDA) due not only to processing, but also the source/quality of the sugar cane.  Note also, Sorghum molasses is not sugar cane molasses, but sorghum (the grain milo) molasses and it, even as regular molasses, is more sugar than it is mineral content.  The brands of blackstrap that are highest in potassium are: Wholesome Sweeteners (over 720mg./Tablespoon), Plantation (600mg.), Tree of Life (500mg.).

For the very best price on blackstrap (Wholesome Sweeteners) order online from iherb

Note: Some of the best prices on many healthy products mentioned at this site are available online from
use code  QIP222 for $5 off your first order
[and a limited-time special ... through Tuesday May 22nd, $10 off first order...]
a great list of products (vitamins, minerals, energy drinks, healthy sugars, oils, grains, organic pastas from Eden, Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted grains, and much more... with:
- free shipping on orders $20 and over;
- free expedited shipping on orders $45 and over;
- an additional 5% discount off orders $60 and over.
- additional discounts on certain items for 4 of a given item and 12 of a given item.

- also, one free trial-size sample with each order (see "freebies" link at the top of the page)... they have pea protein and green foods drinks, as well as a sample of the expensive ubiquinol (next generation CoQ10) and dozens of other products.


Follow this link for their Wholesome Sweetener (Blackstrap) molasses:

For some reason Wholesome Sweeteners does not label their blackstrap as "blackstrap"; but it is blackstrap.  In most all other cases, if it does not say Blackstrap, it most likely is not.  Also, if they list the mineral content and the content is high as I have shown above, most probably it is blackstrap.  Don't confuse "light, medium, dark, mild, bold" Molasses, "Barbados" Molasses, or even Sorghum molasses with Blackstrap.  They are not.


Blackstrap has up to 10x the amount of mineral content of regular molasses, and can eliminate a host of health issues.   Potassium is a very important mineral; even switching to unrefined sea salt or even Potassium chloride (rather than Sodium chloride) should be considered.   Some minerals (like sodium) in the diet deplete/rob the body’s store of other minerals / electrolytes and cause other health issues; even reducing the body’s secretion of pepsin (which digests meat) by 50%.  Blackstrap is also alkaline(being all the "good stuff" extracted from white sugar—which is acidic—to "refine" it) and blackstrap is also a good source of other important minerals such as magnesium (the most important mineral in the body). also has very good prices on Tree of Life Blackstrap, with $4.95 flat fee shipping regardless of order size: often has good prices on Plantation Blackstrap, which can be combined with other products for free shipping:

Use the link below for $10 off your first order.  Shipping is free for orders $49 or over or if you get $25 of vitacost brand products, shipping is free.  They also have a great selection of healthy cooking/salad oils, vitamins, minerals, some foodstuffs, etc.;;ReferralCode=3194897


See also my chart in

Crude Black Molasses: A Natural “Wonder Food” (1949), Cyril Scott, 48pp., 500 + P&H. (+ my own chart comparing mineral/nutrient contents of 7 major brands); growths, stroke, arthritis, ulcers, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, high blood pressure, etc.

Someone recently emailed me this data:

Just wanted to let you know I did some nutrient checking on the sweeteners using the FDA database of tested foods. The Wholesome Sweetener molasses IS high in potassium. But Holiday Blackstrap which is a little cheaper and readily available is 82% higher in calcium and about 40% higher in iron. House of herbs molasses is lower in calcium but almost seven times as high in iron.


See below. I have a full excel spreadsheet:



MOLASSES Unsulphured HOLIDAY, BLACKSTRAP,  45035055 UPC: 070258026169

Molasses Organic 45012638, WHOLESOME SWEETENERS, UPC: 012511600006

Molasses,Blackstrap 45112163, HOUSE OF HERBS, UPC: 073060002109



per 100 g

per 100 g

per 100 g











Total lipid (fat)





Carbohydrate, by difference





Fiber, total dietary





Sugars, total







Calcium, Ca





Iron, Fe





Magnesium, Mg





Potassium, K





Sodium, Na








Vitamin B-6





Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid





Vitamin A, IU





Makuka Honey

Manuka honey is not a mild, good tasting honey (to the average palate*), but something taken daily as a nutrient and to use topically on wounds. 

[* It would take a little getting used to.  The flavor is not overpowering, but would be an acquired taste that one could eventually even like on a biscuit or such.  If one did not know it was from the tea tree plant, they may think the honey has a bit of a thymol or eucalyptol flavor.  In fact, the flavor is mildly reminiscent of that bactine spray, which, as a child, one's parent would spritz on a cut or abrasion.  That may turn people off, but it is not that pronounced; subtle, but definitely noticeable.  However, due to the very high price of the honey, I cannot see it being used as regular honey, more as a "treat" every now and then or a teaspoon a day, swished aroud the mouth to coat it well, and not drink or eat anything for 15 minutes or so to let it do its thing.]

Some claim there is no bacteria / virus which has been found that is resistant to it.  It it supposed to kill bacteria and disease in the mouth, good for colds/virus, and some reports claim that topically it is more effective than the leading medication for herpes outbreaks.  It is made exclusively from the pollen of the tee tree (or slang in Australian lingo, the "jelly bush") from New Zealand and Australia.  Thus, is it far more expensive due to import cost.  It may also be high priced because it is newer to the American market and has not caught on that fast, so price may come down as demand increases.  However, it also depends how much of it is actually produced each year.  Since there are a lot of tea trees, I imagine there is potential for a lot of product, but it also depends where those tea trees are and if it is possible to have the bee colonies nearby a tee tree plantation. 

Consider Manuka and its price as a supplement, not a food or a sweetener; for I doubt the average person would put it on his biscuit, but take a teaspoon a day for prevention; or use it as a cure. 

Some sources pay more for official analysis and certification and thus their brands are more costly; however, just because a smaller farm does not pay for certification does not mean their product is not just as good or potent; just that they cannot claim it to be so under certification. 

I am curious to know if the bees that collect the tea tree pollen to produce this honey, are any healthier than any other bees, and whether they say, "G-day mate!" to the person who comes to collect their honey.

Here is the link to for a good brand: Wedderspoon Manuka Honey; it is the best price I have found (even better when you factor in free shipping / 5% extra discount for orders $60 or over; and $5 off your first order if you use the coupon code: " QIP222 " ):

Not all Manuka honeys have the same active ingredients.

Some sources indicate that you should not get any Manuka honey without a minimum of 16+ UMF (old method) which is the same as 250+ MGO (new method).  See these sites for more information on Manuka:


Raw Honey 

Raw honey is better tasting and far more healthy than store-bought honey (which is often cut with corn syrup and not listed in the ingredients).  Raw honey is also good for the medicine cabinet and for topical applications.

Last year, I had a cat, "Calie"(so named because she is a calico) apparently attacked by a coyote, which took a bite the size of a billiard-ball out of cat's lower chest/upper abdomen—when I noticed her a day later, the hollow wound was gray and stunk, she was in great pain, could barely walk, and I could see organs, ribs, and the chest and abdominal cavity. I had just received the day before the best raw honey I have ever tasted (wildflower, from I mixed cayenne pepper (stops bleeding—even though the cat's wound was not bleeding, and it also increases circulation) with some raw honey and dribbled it on thickly with a spoon 2-3 times a day... she always licked most of it off (after a week I also thought to add cinnamon powder to it (another powerful antibiotic). I continued to coat the entire wound and opening 2-3 times a day. After a few treatments, she would try to escape when she saw me coming with the small honey/cayenne jar. Initially she was in such pain she could only walk gingerly away. After one day, the wound began to look better, after 4 days she was able to run slowly when she saw me coming with the honey jar (for the first few days I kept her on the porch in small cat kennel). After 6 days the wound was pink, no longer any gray/dead tissue, no smell, and appeared that the abdominal/chest cavity gaping wound was closing off. The wound healed completely in about 3 weeks, no infection, no medicine, never went to vet—and never even a scab!

I recommened this as the best source for honey; the raw honey has such an incredible flavor you will never want any other honey; if you order a 5 gallon bucket the savings is around $60 over ordering 6 5-pound cannisters; an excellent source I recommend:

[They also have antioxidant buckwheat/goldenrod honey (the darker the honey, the more antioxidant properties) and they have bulk lecithin and bee pollen, as well as bee propolis and royal jelly.]

Stakich Honeyhas a consistency of apple sauce (that is, under the inch of more fluid honey at the top).  If you order the 5-gallon bucket, you will need to transfer into your own glass jars, for honey, over time, will crystalize and a 5-gallon chuck of honey "rock candy" will be problematic; whereas, individual mason jars can be slowly heated on the stove, in a pan of water, to slowly reconstitute.

Another good brand is YS Echo  Bee Farms Organic Honey, and a good source for it is:;;;ss=1&Ntt=ys%20honey

Use the link below for $10 off your first order.  Shipping is free for orders $49 or over or if you get $25 of vitacost brand products, shipping is free.  They also have a great selection of healthy cooking/salad oils, vitamins, minerals, some foodstuffs, etc.;;;ReferralCode=3194897

YS (pronounced "wise"...?) honey has the consistency of hard carmel.  I don't know how they achieve this consistency.  They claim it is due to its purity and call it "intense crystalization."  However, it is creamy, buttery, with a very nice flavor (and they have buckwheat, mixed antioxidant, and other honeys infused with various antioxidants such as pomegranate).  Maybe after it crystalizes they grind it up really smooth...? I don't know, it is not gritty, but creamy, even though very hard.  I recommend it, and when different sizes/products are on sale, the price can be cheaper than store-bought honey; so compare the price per ounce.


Other Good Sugars

Agave Nectar and Cococut Blossom Nectar

Two other great low glycemic index sugars are organic raw Agave nectar or Agave syrup (from the heart/root of the large, blue agave succulent, a desert plant in Mexico and the s.w. U.S.) and organic raw Cococut sugar or more properly, Coconut blossom nectar crystals (which is the crystalized nectar of the tapped flower blossom of the coconut palm).  Agave has a subtle maple syrup flavor, while  coconut blossom nectar crystals has a very subtle coconut flavor with a full-bodied flavor like roasted barley or toast.

Madhava brand manufactures both.  Currently, the best deals on both seem to be through with subscribe and save.  Madhava has many flavored agave (hazelnut and amaretto are excellent in coffee) and though plain agave nectar has a subtle flavor similar to maple syrup, they also make a "maple syrup-flavored agave" that is nearly identical to maple syrup—and yet is cheaper per ounce and is lower glycemic index that maple syrup.  Also Agave nectar will not crystalize over time, like honey or maple syrup will.

However, Vitacost and iherb also carry agave nectar and coconut sugar, and their sale prices are often competitive.  See below for discounts on first order from Vitacost or iherb.

However, be certain that the agave you buy (if you buy it) is raw agave.  See this important link, in which Dr. Mercola even suggests that no agave is healthy, not merely processed agave nectars:



Stevia is also a natural sweetener with health benefits, made from the leaf of the semi-tropical South American Stevia rebaudiana plant (a memeber of the sunflower/aster family).  It is much sweeter than sugar.  However, it has zero carbohydrates, zero calories, and zero glycemic index.  However, it seems to be lacking in depth of flavor, and can be unsatisfying, and even a bit bitter.  See this link for more info on Stevia: 

Stevia is also available from Vitacost and iherb.  See below for discounts off first order.


Monk Fruit

The Monk fruit (a.k.a. Buddha fruit or in Chinese lo han guo / luóhàn guǒ or in Vietnamese la hán quả) is about the size of an orange from sub-tropical Asia.  It grows on the Siraitia grosvenorii vine (a.k.a. Mormordica grosvenorii); it is actually in the cucumber or gourd family.  An extract is made from the fruit and is about 200-250 times sweeter than sugar and has zero calories.

Swanson vitamins has it at this link
Vitacost has it at this link:
Also, use the link below for $10 off your first order from;ReferralCode=3194897

or you can order from iherb:

use code  QIP222 for $5 off your first order



The book, The Secret Miracle of Xylitol, Fran Gore, 84pp., pb., 6.00 donation + P&H is highly recommended.

If Interested in a bulk source for 100% birch, GMO-free, non-Chinese Xylitol, e-mail for more information.

Xylitol is the Perfect Sugar - 100% natural (though produced by a complex chemical process). It was invented by a German chemist in the 1800s and it was used by the Finns during WWII; the sugar is Made from Corn cobs and Birch trees. Xylitol is alkaline, not acidic like other sugars.

- Tastes like regular sugar

- No Aftertaste

- 40% less Calories

- 75% less Carbs

- Low Glycemic Index Sugar

- Cannot ferment (because of its antibacterial properties and because of its molecular structure)

- Cannot carmelize

- Produces no increase in blood sugar or insulin (thus, diabetic safe)

- a truly healthy sugar:

- helps remineralize bones (thus good for those with osteoporosis) and teeth (many toothpastes and chewing gums are starting to use it);

- helps keep the mouth moiste (useful for people on medications that dry the mouth out);

- does not cause cavities—it actually prevents and can even heal small ones, killing bacteria in mouth that causes tooth decay;

- kills bacteria;

[A nose spray is even made from it (or you can make it yourself) and in addition to killing sinus bacteria, it clears up 95% of inner ear infections in children.]

More expensive than regular sugar, the price is coming down now that more people are starting to use it. On average, you can get it for about $6/pound in 5 pound bags; it is about $4.50/lb. by the 50-lb. bag; e-mail for info). It can be used 1:1 to replace regular sugar in any recipe (except, it cannot carmelize or ferment).


PLEASE NOTE: Though the body produces small amounts of xylitol each day, the GI-tract does not know how to process it efficiently, right away, and a period of acclimating your system to it is important.  Some people try xylitol, eat too much at first, and think, "My body can't handle it.  It upsets my stomach..." and thus, they think they have an allergy to it and never eat it again— and thus rob themselves of the benefit of this amazing sugar, because of ignorance. 

Since it will be a new substance to the digestive system of the person who has never eaten it before on a regular basis, it will take a week or two for your body to adjust to it

What I did, was use only 1/2 a teaspoon in my coffee or tea and only drank 1 cup of tea or coffee with it in it every few hours to start with... or sometimes I would simply take 1/2 teaspoon and eat it straight.  If my stomach grumbled too much (pay attention to your body)... I took less, maybe 1/4 teaspoon, or I took it less frequently (every 4 hours instead of every 2).  Your body will let you know.  Pay attention to it.  Once your body learns how to process it efficiently, rarely will you notice any discomfort, unless you consume way too much—and if you do, the xylitol is not the problem... the problem is consuming too many sweets... and you should thank God for those who discovered xylitol, for xylitol can act like the nagging "good angel" on your shoulder to remind you not too eat so many empty calories that will only cause you to gain weight and pave the way for a whole host of serious health problems.

Understand, sweets are not my thing.  I like them every now and then, but do not like things sweet all the time, and do not like things overly sweet.  However, I do not consider xylitol as a candy or a treat, I consider it a health supplement and when I use it, I use it with that in mind, not because I want something sweet.  It is not that a person should not use xylitol if they want something sweet... to the contrary, it is one of the best sweets you can consume.  However, also remember to think of it as a health supplement, good for your teeth, bones, and something that kills bacteria and possibly other harmful microbials.

Also, you can put the sugar directly into your mouth, by itself, and let it dissolve and hold in the mouth, this will help kill bacteria in the mouth even better than brushing... in fact, if you make your own candy/mints or cookies, desserts, etc. with xylitol, or if you have an after-meal coffee or tea and use xylitol, you don't even need to brush afterwards.  Small cavities in the teeth, according to some dental authorities, can be healed by the teeth.  This was known even before the modern advent of Xylitol.  Thus, xylitol used regularly, should be able to help the body even greater to heal bones and teeth.


However, do note:

Xylitol can be fatal to dogs, depending on how much they ingest, since their bodies cannot deal with it for some reason... so do not feed it to your dog and don't leave it or anything made with it lying around somewhere that your dog can help himself to it.



Testimonial: For many years my teeth were ultra sensitive. I had to use Sensidyne toothpaste, I could not drink anything too hot or too cold, certain amounts of sugar or certain spices hurt my teeth. I started using the Xylitol, for the health benefits, in my decaff coffee/herbal tea (which I normally do not sweeten)—my teeth are no longer sensitive to hot or cold.



Also, there is another product similar to Xylitol, called Erythritol; it is another sugar alcohol and it seems to have many of the same properties and benefits. It is produced by fermenting glucose with the yeast Moniliella pollinis.  It was discovered in 1848 by the British chemist, John Stenhouse.  One benefit of Erythritol over Xylitol is that it is less likely to cause gastric disturbance, due to how the body digests it (only 10% enters the colon; the other 90% is absorbed in the small intestine).  It is also much harder for bacteria to digest, so there is less chance of bloating, gas, and does not contribute to yeast or candida growth.

Erythritol is naturally occurring in a wide variety of plants (such as pears, melons, and grapes, but also in mushrooms, wine, cheese, and soy sauce) and animals and even the human body. 

It is about 70% as sweet as table sugar and is free-flowing since it is non-hygroscopic.

It has zero calories; is safe for diabetics since it does not change blood serum glucose or insulin levels; it has a zero glycemic index.

It does not contribute to tooth decay (oral bacteria cannot digest it), but actually helps inhibits plaque formation and cavities (controls S. Mutan bacteria); but it is not as powerfully anti-bacterial a Xylitol is.  But like Xylitol, Erythritol helps to remineralize tooth enamel.

For a good source for bulk Xylitol and Erythritol (Natural, GMO-free), email me.


Both Pepsi (PureVia) and Coke (Truvia) have developed their own "Natural sugar" blends.  Purevia is a dextrose, stevia blend (with other sweeteners and flavors) and Truvia is stevia,* Erythritol, and other natural flavors.

* Wikipedia reports: "In fact, Coca Cola's patent describes a 42-step procedure to derive Rebiana from the stevia leaves, using such country chemicals as acetone, methanol, acetonitrile, isopropanol, tert-butanol and "mixtures thereof".  Whether Truvia can truly be classed "natural" seems, at the least, semantic."


Check out my foundational work, a very important book (though it is not health related, I mention it here for those who might not view the other pages at this site):

Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance

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—Arthritis / Joint Pain / Omega Fish Oils & Celery Seed / Heart Attack / Stroke / Circulation / Cayenne Pepper / Peppercorns / Ginger

Important Health Information and Books

 Copyright 2012 © by Sacred Truth Publishing.  All rights reserved.


If you appreciate the info contained herein, email us and let us know.

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Note: If you have a health problem and believe in doctors, consult your doctor.

Also, if on medication, such as Coumadin, cayenne and fish oil and many other natural foods which are mild blood thinners can be dangerous, so consult your doctor; see also:




Arthritis / Joint Pain

Omega Fish Oils & Celery Seed

From my personal experience, something that works...! 

One of the very best things for arthritis is Omega Fish Oils. Go to Walmart and buy the largest bottle for the best price. You can usually buy a large bottle of 1,000-1,200 mg., 400-500 caps for about $9-12. Watch the prices and when there is a good sale, buy numerous bottles and keep in a cool, dark, dry place (like a cellar). My arthritis was really bad a few years ago. It hurt to tie my shoe laces; my wrists, ankles, knuckles, and toes hurt—it felt as if I had sprained them. I started taking 20-25 capsules of the Omega fish oils each day (I took 5-6 every 3-4 hours). In about a month or so my arthritis cleared up by 98%. After I got the arthritis under control, I cut back to half to a third of that amount for daily maintenance. Of course, the oils are also good for the heart and if taken with meals also helps slow digestion so that other fats are not assimilated too quickly. Of course, drinking enough fluid and especially pure water is also very important for arthritis or any health problem. Older people especially do not drink much because they don’t want to have to get up to go to the bathroom all the time... but it is the only way to stay healthy... and getting up to go to the bathroom 8 times a day may be the most exercise some people get—so they should drink up... you should urinate once an hour or you are not drinking enough. [Omega 3s / fish oil can act as blood thinners.]  

Also see this link on bone spurs, which can be conditions aggravated by arthritis, joint deterioration, etc.

Also, Type-II Chicken Sternum Collagen will rebuild the spongy connective tissue where needed.  Start with 1 capsule and work your way up to 6 or 8 at a time, once or more a day.  HOWEVER, NOTE carefully, it must be taken on a completely empty stomach (upon first rising in the morning is best) with just a little vitamin c or orange juice.  It is an unstable protein, which means if there are any other amino acids in your G-I tract / blood stream, the collagen will bond with them and be used elsewhere in the body, not at the joints that need repair.  Proteins such as meat can take up to 6 hours to completely digest... so in the morning upon waking is the very best time, then maybe a half hour before dinner / supper (last meal of the day; what some people call dinner, the middle meal of the day, I call "lunch").  Inquire for the best brand of Type-II Chicken Sternum Collagen.  If the product is processed at too high a temperature, it will be ineffective or useless.

I used to have a terrible lower back problem, deteriorated discs? deteriorated connective tissue.  It was often debilitating.  If I felt a sneeze coming on I would have to lay flat on the ground, or push my lower back firmly into the chair or a doorway / wall or the sneeze would cause pain as if I was hit by a sledge hammer in the lower spine.  After 1-2 months of taking the best brand (the inventor of the product) Type-II Chicken Sternum Collagen, 4 capsules 1 or 2 times a day, my lower back has improved by 95%.  At times I stop taking the product for several months and I notice no new problem with the back.  However, I have been suffering greatly in heels/rear soles and shoulders for a year, and I am thinking possibly bone spurs, so I will begin taking the product again to see if it will help with that condition.

Also, True CMO (Cetyl Myristoleate) is reported to help arthritis; Jarrow Formulas seems to be a good, pure form.



Whole celery seed is also very helpful with arthritis (it helps eliminate uric acid crystals in the joints). I find the celery seed helps with a different type of joint pain, that which is more environmental or stress related (such as, if I have to take too many anti-histimines in a short period of time due to allergies, or if I drink drink a glass of red wine with sulfites, my joints become very irritable, uncomfortable, and edgy.. A palm-full (or a heaping tablespoon) of celery seed washed down with a glass of water usually clears this up in 20 minutes. I can supply celery seed if interested (culinary celery seed in the grocery store is expensive; I can supply 1-pound bag of whole celery seed for 6.00 + P&H).

Arthritis and other problems are also often mitigated by doing some internal cleanses. Inflammation is also a major factor in all disease and I offer a book or two on how to reduce inflammation (see below).


Heart Attack / Stroke / Circulation

Cayenne Pepper

Peppercorns /Ginger

Cayenne pepper can help prevent, stop, and help recover from heart attack and stroke (Black pepper, is in an entirely different family, but will work if no cayenne is available, but it is nowhere as effective). Most all hot peppers (at least, most all on the American market) are in the Cayenne family. The hotter the better. Cayenne pepper should be eaten with each meal. Start with a little bit of a mild pepper (fresh, dried, or pickled) and work your way up. The more you eat, the more accustomed you will become and you will want more and hotter. It also acts as a mild endorphin-releaser, which can help with certain types of pain and give a feeling of euphorbia such as joggers experience. A bottle of cayenne should be carried at all times to use whenever eating out, as well as in cases of emergency. It increases circulation and doubles the efficacy of any herb/vitamin taken with it. It also stops bleeding internally and externally (whether taken internally or applied externally), including ulcers.

If you are having a heart attack or stroke, Dr. John Christopher recommended taking a minimum of 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in 4 oz of warm water, stirring it and drinking it straight down. This will stop bleeding internally or externally in about 20 seconds, and help stop heart attack and stroke. Reportedly, if having a heart attack, it will not burn, but taste sweet.

I have used large amounts of cayenne in all my meals for 12 years and I have grown, dried, and ground my own. I have taken the 1/4 teaspoon in water as suggested simply to try it and it is quite tolerable (in life or death situation, a little burning sensation should not even be a factor to someone who does not want to die). It will cause your blood vessles to dilate, your face will turn red, you will start to sweat, your pulse will accelerate, you will feel warm, and you may even get the hiccups for a minute. Cayenne pepper may also be a mild blood thinner, so consult your doctor (if you believe in the gods of medicine) whether taking it would be harmful (not, "should I?" or "would it help?" but "will it have an adverse reaction with my medication?"), due to any medications you may be on.

This is not medical advice.  This is herbal information based on expert herbalists.

Peppercorns (white, black, red/pink, or green) can all be substituted, these are in a different pepper family and are not nearly as powerful. Ginger root (fresh is best, but powder is also powerful if you use enough) can also be used, and it is also soothing to the stomach and is best remedy for motion sickness/nausea. Check out these links for more info on cayenne:

 Dr. Richard Schulze (herbalist):

[In my opinion Schulze is a bit sensationalistic / melodramatic in some of the things I believe he says for shock value to get people's attention, make a point, make a sale, etc., however, while I believe he may exaggerate some things (like "throw all your herb books in the garbage," or the time that he claimedthat he chopped up his desk and book cases and threw the pieces out the window with his diplomas)... he has a lot of good information on herbs and cayenne in general.] 

Dr. Alan Sears, M.D.:;;ch=35312C1986F2390674C415BE4CD4761D&h=394a3227b631ae4f07ddd1a956c6ab98&ei=Jya8PXQNt 

[Dr. Sears has some good information here on cayenne, and his other newsletters have good info on many other topics.]

Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.O.:

[Dr. Mercola has even greater information on a whole host of health topics and I highly recommend his reports.]



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 — #1 - Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance [The Foundational Work, this is the book to start with]

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—Oil Pulling Therapy and Chelation Therapy and Mercury Amalgam Dental Fillings

Important Health Information and Books

 Copyright 2012 © by Sacred Truth Publishing.  All rights reserved.


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Oil Pulling Therapy

Oil Pulling... why does everyone need to do it daily...?:

—bad breath, bleeding gums, cavities, gingivitis, plaque, tooth pain, loose teeth, asthma, diabetes, atherosclerosis, arthritis and other joint pain, fibromialgia, migraine headaches, allergies, cancer, heart and cardio-vascular disease, stroke, immuno-suppression, and more... bascially any chronic illness or degenerative disease.

All disease starts in and spreads from the mouth! Good-looking teeth is not necessarily the same thing as healthyteeth. Much dentistry is "cosmetic surgery" (like giving a termite-riddled house another coat of paint).  People who have poor dental health, invariably, will have other serious health problems (whether they realize it or not: even as termites will continue to do their silent work until they are discovered or the house falls apart).

However, most people do not realize that they have dental problems.

Further, even those people who do not have dental problems (which is a very small percentage of the population, due to our modern, western, unhealthy, sugar-ladened, highly processed, artificial diet) are at great health risk due to the fact that the human mouth is saturated with billions of bacteria, as well as other single-celled organisms (like protozoa), and all the toxins that they produce—and people do not realize the seriousness of the situation.

Even though many people religiously brush, floss, use mouthwash, and regularly see a dental hygenist for cleaning and a check-up, 98% of the population has some degree of gum disease or tooth decay.  Most people don’t even realize they have dental infections until the infection gets so bad they feel pain and go to a dentist (but until that time, deadly bacteria and toxins will have been leaching into their bloodstream, even for years).  Quite often, after visiting a dentist (many of which are incompetent) the dental problem is not really cured (even by many of the competent ones*), it is merely cosmetically repaired and though the pain may disappear, the problem continues sinisterly with serious health ramifications and the majority of people don’t even realize it (like drums of toxic waste secretly buried under a park which has a children’s playground, slow leaching into the soul has gravely hazardous health risks).

* For important information concerning dentistry by the pioneer in the field of digital x-rays and laser dentistry (the lasers are used to vaporize all bacteria in any dental work), see: Dr. Richard T. Hansen’s book, The Key To Ultimate Health, and his work, Laser Dental Wellness Center (Fullerton, California): 

Modern research is now just beginning to "catch up" with the research from nearly a century ago,which proves a direct link between oral health and chronic, degenerative illness.  Improving the environment in your mouth can cure many serious, chronic, even life-threatening health problems.  Bacteria can never be completely eliminated.  At best, they can only be controlled.  Like a garden, if you pull weeds for a few minutes each day things will be under control.  If you neglect that responsibility, the weeds will take over and choke the life out of all the good plants.  To regain control of the garden will then require an entire week's worth of hard work.  So it is with the "weeds" in the mouth.  A few minutes a day will keep the population down.  A daily vigil must be maintained.  It is not a matter of vanity, to merely have pearly whites everyone admires; if neglected, it is truly a matter of life and death, as well as a matter of grave suffering and exorbitant expense.

More brushing, flossing, and mouthwash won’t solve the problem.  Billions of bacteria and other micro-organisms inhabit the mouth (and brushing and flossing will dislodge only a small fraction of them and antibacterial mouthwashes don’t produce much greater results).  They and the toxins they produce find their way into the bloodstream (through even the slightest tissue damage or broken blood vessel) and lodge in their favorite places in the body where they cause disease.  Very minor, even-unnoticeable bleeding occurs after even the gentlest of brushing with even the softest bristles; likewise with flossing. These tiniest hemolization of the blood vessels in the mouth provide the entry-way of bacteria, and the toxins they produce, into the bloodstream. When bacteria and toxins find their way into the bloodstream, they then lodge in their species-specific "favorite places" and become the causal factor of many chronic and degenerative diseases (cancer, arthritis, stroke, heart and cardio-vascular disease, allergies, depressed immune system, etc.).

Often when a badly infected tooth is pulled from an individual’s mouth, certain serious diseases he had "go away."  Such health problems clear up because the body is able to fight off disease and heal itself (as God designed it to) when the source of infection is removed—when the "supply line" of continual streams of "reinforcements" is cut off,and they are no longer able to arrive at the diseased "war zone" area from the mouth via the bloodstream.

Dr. Fife’s excellent book, Oil Pulling Therapy (offered in book section at the end of this page) clearly shows the seriousness of the problem, which effects every single personwhether he realizes it or not.  See also the 3 other important books (highlighted in this green color in the book list).

Oil pullingis so named because the working action of the oil "pulls" bacteria and toxins out of their hiding places in the mouth, where fewer can then enter the bloodstream (or be ingested).  Oil pulling can bring relief in as little as a few days (though for some people/conditions it may take a few months or even a year).

[However, those who would try oil pulling (or any other regimen or remedy) should also be aware of 2 things:

1.Even as malnutrition does not occur from eating only 1 nutrient-depleted meal, so also recovery from malnutrition does not occur from eating 1 nutrient-riched meal.  Sometimes results (good or bad) can be drastic and immediate; sometimes they are barely noticeable and the condition continues with a cumulative effect.

For example: If you have not had a cup of coffee for a year, the first strong cup of caffeinated coffee will make you feel as high as a kite.  However, someone who regularly drinks caffeine does not experience this because his body has accumulated so much of the chemical in his body that he has developed a threshold tolerance and he requires more and more to achieve a noticeable effect.

Similarly, somone whose body is so ladened with such any addictive chemical, when he goes "cold turkey" (immediately stops all consumption of the substance) his body may rebel violently by giving him withdrawl symptoms as a result of not feeding his addiction.

Everyone’s body chemistry, health, resiliency, healing and recovery, disease, and addictions are different, and therefore, their reactions will be different.  Some people may notice immediate results from oil pulling.  Others may not.  What needs to be kept in mind is the illustration of malnutrition. Even as 1 nutrient-depleted meal does not cause malnutrition—but many months or years of nutrient-depleted meals, so too, the recovery from malnutrition will take a significant amount of time (though improvement may or may not be noticed immediately, depending upon the individual and the specific circumstances).  While some symptoms may clear up quickly, others may take much longer.

2. You can’t make an omlette without first breaking some eggs. Sometimes you have to make a bigger mess to clean up an existing mess. This can be compared to many areas of life.

To get a splinter out of a finger, you have to cause a little pain, tear a little tissue, create a bigger wound, cause a little bleeding, squeeze out a little pus, etc.  But that is the first stage of healing: getting the splinter out.

Similarly, a room in a house that has not been cleaned for many years (or even the water/gravel inside a fish tank) may look relatively clean until you actually start cleaning and all the dirt that is stirred up is like disturbing a hornet’s nest or opening Pandora’s Box.  It can be quite unpleasant cleaning such a room, with all the dust and mite feces, dander and dead skin cells, chemical micro-particles from deteriorating carpet and painted walls, etc.  It can really bother allergies and make life very unpleasant even for those who don't have allergies.  But making a bigger mess is the first step of cleaning it up.

So it is with the human body and detoxification.  This process has been called by some the Herxheimer Reaction / Response / Syndrome.  Dr. Fife and others refer to it as the "Healing Crisis" (in contradistinction to the "Disease Crisis" itself).  The unpleasant reaction is a combination of stirring up bacteria and toxins and the resultant die offof pathogens and the body’s inability to keep up with the rapdily accumulating toxic mess.  Will discuss this more below.

So, people may need to realize that when implementing any new health regimen or remedy, they may actually feel worse at first—maybe a few days, maybe a few weeks or more.  Some people may notice no difference; nounpleasant reaction at all.  Again, each person’s body is different, the circumstances are different, so the response will be different.


A. Those who notice no improvement should not"give up" thinking the therapy to be useless.  Remember, eating 1 nutrient-rich meal alone will not cure profound, chronic malnutrition.  If it took many months, even years of bad habits to develop a disease, it is unrealistic to expect them to clear up over night.  It is that irrational, lazy, and irresponsible attitude that causes the majority of people to cling with blind faith in doctors and their drugs, wanting the "magic bullet" that will cure everything overnight.  Well, it is not magic, but it is as damaging as a bullet; yet despite the fact most drugs have more serious health-threatening side effects than the cure they claim to offer, irrational and irresponsible people continue to buy into the poison-to-produce-health lie of modern allopathic medicine. 

B. Those who experience an unpleasant reaction to oil pulling (or any other regimen or remedy) should realize that they are feeling the effects of detoxification (like digging out a splinter or cleaning a terribly neglected room, things will look and feel worse to start with)—but such people need to realize that detoxification (the body dumping toxins every way possible) is part of the healing process.

It is not the oil pulling (or any other therapy) that is "causing" some new illness in them; any such "new symptoms" are a sign that the therapy is attacking their existing illness, infection, bacterial colony, toxin dump site, mircro-organism colony—and those micro-organisms in their body are violently rebelling (like someone trying to go "cold turkey" off an addictive substance, caffeine, sugar, alcohol, drugs*).  The Herxheimer response has been initiated and most (if not all) of the new symptoms are the result of the "die off" of bacteria and micro-organisms and the temporary increase of dead pathogens and their toxins creates a backlog or bottle-neck problem in which the body’s clean up crew cannot keep up with the toxin dump.

For some people the Herxheimer response may never be noticed; for some it may be very unpleasant for a few days or even a few weeks or longer.  However, such individuals need to not give up, but possibly do more oil pulling sessions each day and drink more pure water each hour, which will help the detoxification process to run its course more quickly. 

The splinter has to come out, or the wound will continue to fester (and gangrene could eventually result).


Understand also, drugs are anything that causes a chemical change in the body,and many things are actually drugs that people consider to merely be food.  See below in the book section, From Chocolate To Morphine.

Therefore, even though we all like to see results (and we all like to see favorable results quickly), do not get discouraged if you don’t see good results immediately and likewise, do not get discouraged if you experience unfavorable results.

Oil Pulling Therapy process is very simple.  Take 1-3 teaspoons of any healthy vegetable oil, at least once a day, and most importanty in the morning immediately upon rising, on an empty stomach, before eating.

[Coconut oil is the best, since it is full of anti-microbial properties.  See The Coconut Oil Miracle, by the same author as Oil Pulling Therapy, Dr. Bruce Fife (both available at the book list at the end of this page).  Coconut oil is a semi-solid at temperatures aroud 75° F or below.  Dr. Fife says he slowly heats a small amount of his coconut oil in a pan on the stove before oil pulling, if the room temperature is below 76° F and the oil is solid).  I don’t know why: that just creates an oily pan that will need to be cleaned (and you lose a little oil that sticks to the pan each time).  The human body is 98.6° F and a teaspoon to a tablespoon of solid coconut oil will melt in the mouth in a very short amount of time; and in just a few seconds if you masticate (chew*) it and begin to swish it around.

* Speaking about chewing coconut oil reminds me of a great snack. Toast a slice of healthy bread, then quickly butter it with coconut oil, then also quickly (while the toast is still warm) butter it with your favorite (high fructose corn syrup-free) peanut butter.  It is also great to sprinkle a small amount of cacao nibs on top of this open-face sandwich.

* A good source for cacao nibs is:

Remember to use coupon code QIP222 for $5 off your first order.]

There are 2 reasons for doing oil pulling at least once a day, and why it is imperative to do it first thing in the morning before eating:

1.Those not accustomed to the feel and taste of oil in the mouth may become nauseous and vomit, and thus, an empty stomach is best.  However, only a very small fraction of the population may have this problem.  I myself have a very sensitive gag reflex and my earliest oil pulling sessions never presented any problem... even for 40 minutes (changing oils every 10-15 minutes). 

I have found that Grapeseed oil is the cleanest tasting, after that, Rice Bran oil, Avocado oil, then Coconut oil. I have also noticed that coconut oil seems to be the least viscous and relatively watery; but coconut oil contains the best anti-bacterial and healing properties (see Coconut Oil Miracle, by the same author, as Oil Pulling Therapy, Bruce Fife; see the book list at the bottom of this page).  Nut oils (and virgin olive oil) have the some of the strongest flavors of cooking oils (and those with nut allergies should probably avoid nut oils); but after only a few minutes even stronger tasting nut oils (like walnut) lose their flavor as the oil is emulsified and mixed with saliva.  Red Palm oil I would not think to be the best for oil pulling; it is not only very strongly flavored, but it also seems a bit gritty and also may even stain the teeth (due to the very high caratenoid content) if held in the mouth long enough or that frequently.  If coffee can stain teeth, then I imagine so could Red Palm oil.

2. Even after one is accustomed to oil pulling, it is still recommended to oil pull in the morning before having breakfast.  

Bacteria count is highest in the morning before breakfast.  

Our mouths do not secrete saliva when we sleep* (saliva helps kill bacteria and helps to rebuild the teeth).

* Another good reason to use Xylitol, is that one of its other benefits is that it helps the mouth stay moiste(which is good for people who whose mouths are chronically dry, especially from medications that may dry it out).  Therefore, maybe the Xylitol, 1/2 teaspoon dissolved in the mouth before going to bed, will help the mouth stay moiste (with saliva) and the Xylitol itself is antibacterial, which should help fight bacteria as you sleep.

In the process of eating, a certain amount of bacteria / toxins are washed down the G.I. tract with the food.  After having slept for 8 hours and not eaten, bacteria and micro-organisms have had the time to re-establish their colony.  The fewer bacteria / toxins / micro-organisms ingested, the better, since they can also enter the bloodstream via any opening in the bloodstream  anywhere in the G.I. tract (an ulcer, etc.).  If all the bacteria / micro-organisms are not digested / killed in stomach acid then it is possible for them to enter the bloodstream after being ingested.  What makes this a greater possibility is the fact that as we age, our bodies produce less stomach acid.  Therefore, digestive enzymes—[as I explain here in this article on hives]—are also recommended for most people over the age of 35 and which also help with many other chronic problems such as arthritis, hives, asthma, etc.). 

[See the book, Why Stomach Acid Is Good For You, in the book list at the bottom of this page.]  

Ideally, oil pulling could be done before every meal (3x a day), if it is possible; but it is most important before breakfast when bacteria levels are at their highest.


To perfom an oil pulling session, swish the oil in your mouth and squeeze it through your teeth, around in your mouth from every possible angle for 15-20 minutes.  If you have to sneeze or the phone rings or you feel the oil after time has become too watery during "pulling" (or for any other reason you feel the need to), feel free to spit it out and start with fresh oil.  If you start again right away, there would be no reason to reset the clock of your 20-minute session.  However, if you are distracted for more than a minute (on the phone, or someone at the door, etc., any interruption), I would think it best to start the time over.  

The viscosity of the oil may be a factor that helps remove the bacteria and toxins; but also, the emulsification of the oil with saliva may be the efficacious factor.  Studies have not really determined why it works; only that it works.

It may seem hard at first, but like new exercise with any muscle, after a little time and practice, it grows easier.  Also, it is not essential to pull or swish or squeeze the oil around in your mouth vigorously or even the entire time.  The important thing is that the oil is in the mouth coating every possible surface... so if your muscles get tired, just hold the oil in your mouth for a little while and then resume activity.  However, it is also important that the oil be squeezed into every possible crevace in the gums, between the teeth and gums, etc., so activity is also important.

After the time is up, spit the oil out.  The mixing of the oils with saliva works like a soap / emulsifier (giving greater surface area to each oil molecule) to flush out bacteria, germs, protozoa, etc., before they can find / continue to find their way into the bloodstream.  Don’t swallow the oil, since you don’t want extra toxins / bacteria / micro-organisms in your body.  Also, the outer membrane of bacteria (its "skin") is oily, so oil itself may help to dislodge them from their hiding / breeding place.  Oil soluble vitamins dissolve in oil, not readily in water.  Therefore, oil-based membranes, similarly, may be loosened, washed away (even partially dissolved) in an oil solution.

Spitting the spent oil down the drain may eventually clog the pipes with gunk; though hot water and soap may help wash it down the first few feet of your house's plumbing, once the oils travel a short distance, the cooler pipes under the house or in the basement will cool down the water and the oils (especially oils that solidify at moderate temperatures, like coconut or red palm oil) will turn solid rather quickly in your pipes and could present a problem rather quickly.

You probably don’t want oil in your trash cans inside the house which might leak or attract insects.  It would probably be best to spit the spent oil outside somewhere that you will not be walking.  That may not always be convenient (due to season or weather conditions).  It may be most practical to keep an empty plastic container (like from yogurt or cottage cheese or sour cream) or a "throw away" glass or plastic bottle or jar (mark it well so no one is mistaken concerning the contents), and then pour it somewhere on the garden or grass once it becomes full.  This may seem "gross" (and people who chew tobacco carry around "spit cups" or empty plastic soda bottles to spit in, which itself is gross, but you will not be carrying it around with you in public); but it would save your pipes getting clogged up with additional oil and bacteria.

If you have a solid waste basket in the house, lined with a plastic garbage bag, it may be more convenient to spit the spent oil in there, onto a piece of old newspaper, or used tissue or paper towel, to absorb it.  However, as I explained under "Flax seed oil", unstable oils when soaked into cellulose (like old rags, newspapers, etc.) have a chance of spontaneous combustion.  I don't know if the oil/saliva mixture (the saliva will eventually dry out) will have degraded the oil to where it is less stabile, or if the mixing of the oil with saliva will have rendered the spent oil/saliva more of a soap than an oil.  A chemist would have to answer that.  I mention this just in case there is any degree of risk, some people may wish to find another way of disposing of the used oil.

After spitting the oil out, rinse your mouth a few times with water, even warm water, to help rinse out any remaining oil with bacteria/toxins.  Also, clearing ones throat as best one can to get any oil out of the back of the throat so it is not swallowed, is also a good idea.  After that, you can eat or drink as you like (or oil pull for another session).

Profound proof of the focal infection theory of disease (i.e. all disease begins in the mouth):

Studies done over half a century ago by highly reputed doctors showed certain bacteria from the mouth cause specific illnesses in other parts of the body when oral germs get into the bloodstream and then lodge in those organs / places for which the bacteria individually have a preference: the heart, liver, arteries, brain, etc.  

Infected teeth were pulled from people with known health ailments and those infected teeth (after being cleaned) were surgically implanted under the skin of rabbits (and later the bacteria itself was alone harvested and injected subcutaneously in rabbits).  Sometimes within 3 days the rabbits developed the exact same symptom / disease as the person with the infected tooth.  Within a matter of days, rabbits developed the same disease as the person from whom the tooth was extracted: chronic diarrhea, brain tumor, eye problems, crippling arthritis, liver disease, etc.  It sounds like some crazy science-fiction thriller story line, but it is documented laboratory fact.

People with infected teeth (and many people do not even realize they have an infected tooth until it becomes so serious that it becomes painful) have far greater amounts of bacteria / germs / toxins invading their bloodstream. 

However, people with no infected teeth still have bacteria / germs / protozoa / toxins from their mouth enter the bloodstream via the mouth, from even minor receding of the gums or even the minor-est (even unnoticeable) bleeding after brushing, flossing, using a toothpick, accidentally biting their tongue, gums, cold sores, swollen taste buds, any cut or abrasion in the mouth, a blister from eating or drinking something too hot, mild abrasions from eating a piece of toast or hard tostilla corn chips, etc., no matter how small.

This is powerful information and the hidden cause of a lot of disease... it was understood as fact over half century ago, but with the advent of antibiotics, doctors said there was no need to worry about it, since the drugs would prevent all disease... —but now virus / bacteria / micro-organisms and the diseases they cause have become resistant to many antibiotics (and most health practitioners, now well over half a century from the time of those studies are completely ignorant of the entire school of thought concerning the advent of disease in the mouth by bacteria / toxins / micro-organisms entering the bloodstream by even-mildly compromised blood vessels).

The answer is not "more poison," but cleaning out the micro-organisms and toxins they produce in the mouth beforethey enter the bloodstream and cause disease.  However, modern medicine does not care about prevention.  It wants people sick because it is a multi-billion dollar a year industry.  This is why they want all health supplements (vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, amino acids, probiotics, etc.) outlawed(as was already done in Australia and partially in Canada).  This is why they don’t want people raising their own food, their own fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, eggs, making their own cheese, etc.—because real food is healthier and circumvents disease and expensive trips to the doctor and the pharmacy!  It is criminal! —a crime against humanity! —genocide!

[This is also why they want freedom of speech curtailed (including the internet where you can read things like this, become informed, and take personal action), because the totalitarian elite maintain that THEY ownus, and that we have no right to decide what health measures we want to implement in our own bodies, because they claim we do not own our "own" bodies, minds, and souls—but that we are their slaves

Now, they will rarely come out and say this so boldy and directly, but they prove this is what they believe through all the unconstitutional (and thus, invalid) legislation that they pass and cram down our throats every single day (when, in reality, they are NOT our "masters" but our public servants and they are not to tell us what to do, we are to tell them what to do in order to protect our rights, and if they do not obey us, they should be prosecuted for High Treason).  Rarely will they make such truthful allocutions, admissions, or confessions about owning us (but that is what the marriage license and birth certificate are meant to achieve (even though a fraud is a fraud from its inception).  Their notion that they are our masters and we their slaves is the philosophy upon which their draconian, oppressive legislation and mafioso, storm-trooper tactics are based.  They think we are their slaves and slaves have no say about anything. 

Only when enough people stand up and say "I am not your slave, I will no longer accept any of your benefits because I reject your perceived jurisdiction and rule over me...!" —only then will anything change.  However, it is not quite that easy, because well-over 50% of people in the U.S. are either on welfare or public assistance of some type, or are on the government payroll itself—and such immoral people are content being slaves because it provides an easy living, with no work for some, with full benefits and empowerment and enrichment for the elite and their cronies.

As George Bernard Shaw said, Those who rob Peter to pay Paul, can always count {on the support of} Paul.]

The benefits of oil pulling sounds too good to be true, but get Dr. Fife's book Oil Pulling Therapy [see book list below] and read the incredible details.  In fact, do what I did, start oil pulling noweven while you are waiting for the book in the mail).  You can oil pull as many times a day as you like (in addition to regular brushing / mouthwash).  

Oil pulling is an age-old method of oral cleansing originating from Ayurvedic medicine (traditional natural medicine of India).  It is one of the most powerful, most effective methods of detoxification and healing in natural medicine.  Dr. Fife’s Oil Pulling Therapyis a revolutionary new treatment combining the wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine with modern science.  The science behind oil pulling is fully documented with references to medical studies and case histories.  Although incredibly powerful, oil pulling therapy is completely safe and simple enough for even a child; painless, easy, inexpensive, effective.

Many studies have been done with 85-95% of those who participated receiving some benefit. 

[Those whose benefits were slight or moderate, and the small percentage who noticed no benefit, were probably the result of lack of dedication in following the simple routine each and every day (and some people with more severe problems probably needed to do it 3-4 x a day, for 20 minutes or more each time).  Some individuals probably saidthat they oil pulled every single day for the alloted amount of time (though they did not) and some individuals probably did not watch the time (only "guessed" at how much time had passed) and in reality they only oil pulled for a few minutes.  This is just my guess.  Everyone knows that "self-reporting" is the least-trustworthy type of study. 

I should also point out that it is also quite possible a small percentage exaggerated the degree of their improvement (consciously or subconsciously) and that the "placebo effect" may also have been partially responsible in a fraction of the group that claimed improvement.]

Many cases are reported in which people received great benefit from 20-full minutes, but when they cut back to only 10 minutes it did not help them as much.  Those with serious and chronic health problems should probably oil pull for 20-30 minutes a day, 3 time a day... and not give up if they do not see immediate results.  Some people see results (almost miraculous) within a few days (some the very first session, which I imagine is very rare); while others it may take several months to even a year for some conditions to improve.

[As I also explain in my article on hives (see above), even taking digestive enzymes cures many of these same chronic, degenerative health problems; but it usually takes a minimum of 2-3 months of daily vigilant dedication (taking large amounts of the enzymes with each meal and even in between meals) before relief is noticed.  Who knows...? ...maybe the digestive enzymes digest the bacteria and micro-organisms (which are proteins) and it takes several months before the bloodstream and all organs are saturated with the enzymes...?]

I am in the process of reading Oil Pulling Therapy.  I highly recommend it to everyone. 

I personally would also theorize that it may be possible that part of the benefit of this therapy is increased circulationto the gums. 

Allow me to explain. 

In weight lifting, there is a technique to develop new capillaries in the muscles.  I read it in a weight-lifting / body-building magazine over 2 decades ago.  I call it a "capillary expansion routine."  

You choose a very light weight (whether doing curls, military, bench press, lat. pull downs, etc.) that you can complete 75-100 reps with and you do the reps very quickly.  This exercise is supposed to develop new capillaries (I have not done any recent research into this, I am just remembering what I read over 20 years ago). 

I performed a very thorough, vigorous session of this routine (probably far more than I should have starting out) one single time, decades ago, back when I lifted weights, and I really noticed something the next day—the worst muscle sorenessI ever had, even debilitating.  It lasted only a day or two; but it was extremely painful and I could not even use my arms for a day.  

Obviously (if such exercise does indeed develop new capillary pathways), more capillaries means more blood flow throughout the tissue, and more blood flow means more oxygen and nutrients, and increased capillary development brings more nutrients to the gums and to the teeth and to the jawbone.  Possibly this is part of what the pulling does...?  This is just an idea I have, which may be valid or not.   I just thought I would throw it out there.

Sometimes after I am done oil pulling, I take a teaspoon of Xylitol (see above in its own section) and pull with the xylitol for a few second (not to remove additional bacteria, but only so that the Xylitol will have completely coated the inside of the mouth).  Xylitol itself is not only antibacterial, but also supposed to help re-mineralize and re-calcify the bones and teeth; even heal minor cavities (which saliva itself is also reported to do).

Further, Manuka honey (mentioned in its own section above) also has incredible healing and anti-microbial properties.  A half teaspoon of it worked around inside the mouth after oil pulling, followed by xylitol, may provide a "triple whammy" on pathogens in the mouth.  Since Manuka honey is so expensive, I hold it in my mouth, even pull with it for a few seconds (again, not to remove additional bacteria, but only so that the Manuka honey will have completely coated the inside of the mouth).  I then don't drink or eat anything for 15 minutes to give the Manuka honey/Xylitol a chance to "do their thing."

Final thoughts about teeth and health.  Dr. Fife reveals that Dr. George E. Meinig, one of the founding members of the American Association of Endodontists (root canal specialists), after years of root canals, in his book, Root Canal Cover-Up, (see list at bottom of page), exposed the fact that in the vast majority of cases, teeth should be pulled instead of any root canal/cap... because it is impossible to get all the bacteria out and it will only continue to fester and leak into the bloodstream and cause poor health, disease, and even death.  Fife also reveals the cover-up concerning mercury amalgam fillings.  Mercury is one of the deadliest elements known to man, it gives off vapors / gas continually, simply over time, moreso after eating.  After chewing gum, mercury vapors are increased by 15-fold.  Many decades ago, hatters used a mercury solution to line the inside of hats to prevent the growth of mold or mildew.  Many hat makers later in life developed disease and mental problems (hence the term, "mad as a hatter").  Other books mentioned below in the book list also expose the dangers of mercury.  Like infected teeth, many of those who have mercury amalgams removed (properly, with vaccums to collect the mercury vapors and all residue) experienced the disappearance of many health problems that plagued them.  See also the books (highlighted in olive green) below: It's All in Your Head, The New Arthritis CureUninformed Consent, and Solving the MS Mystery.


  Chelation Therapy 


  Mercury Amalgam Dental Fillings 

The only effective and safe method of removing mercury and other heavy metals (aluminum, lead, cadmium, etc., as well as arterial plaque) is EDTA chelation.  Chelation is the Greek word for a crab's pincher; the chelate grabs and holds on to minerals in the blood stream (including the good ones, so remineralization and revitaminization is important after treatment) and then flush it out of the body via the kidneys in the urine.  The standard method is a slow intravenous drip (using smallest IV needle, it is practically painless) of EDTA chelation (an amino acid solution) over a period of 3 hours (during which you must eat and drink to keep kidneys flushing, and those with compromised kidneys usually cannot undergo Chelation Therapy).  Only one chelation can be done per day, but there are numerous clinics that have apartment rental or hotel facilities nearby, and someone can go on a weekend and have one Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  Usually maybe around 50 sessions is recommended for someone with serious health problems; maybe half that for those with less severe.  It also removes all arterial plaque from the lining of blood vessels and greatly helps to prevent heart attack, stroke, and other problems. 

Dr. Elmer Cranton* reported that years ago the American Medical Association (AMA) publicly admitted in its Journal (JAMA) that 44% of all heart by-pass surgeries were done for inappropriate reasons.  What reasons are those...? —financial reasons for doctors, hospitals, and medical companies: because it is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. The chances of needing another by-pass goes up every year after having had one.  It is an expensive, dangerous, short-term band-aid that doesn’t last.  While by-pass may be a risky, expensive "quick fix" (which also requires you to stay on expensive medicines for the rest of your life) it is like paying someone $50,000 to clean the cobwebs out of your house every few years, rather than getting rid of the spider.  Would it not be so much better to just get rid of the spider?  It should also be realized that chelation therapy itself can be reduced to being little more than a less expensive band-aid, if the person does not change his diet and exercise habits.  Excerise produces lactic acid, which is a natural chelating agent.  However, excercise alone will not clean out terribly clogged arteries impacted by decades of wrong diet.  However, proper diet (with proper oils**) and exercise can prevent the arteries from getting clogged, and can help clean out mildly compromised arteries.

* See, Bypassing Bypass, by Dr. Elmer Cranton, M.D. (see in book section below), the world expert on Chelation Therapy.  Available here:


** For information on healthy oils, see the two pages at this site:


Dr. Cranton also founded one of the best Chelation Therapy clinics (I've been there many times, my father at one time ran it): 

Mount Roger's Clinic - 799 Ripshin Road  Troutdale, VA 24378 - (276) 677-3631. . 

Troutdale, Virginia is about 30 minutes south of Marion, Virginia, in southwest Virginia, near Hungry Mother State Park, and near the border of Tennesse and North Carolina.  Phone # and address:  

They also have hypobaric oxygen therapy among other therapies and services.  They may be able to recommend a good Chelation clinic in your area if you are unable to travel to them.  My dad ran the clinic for half a decade and the clinic is top notch and competitively priced, though a little off the beaten path.


Also, a newer form of Oral Chelation—the only one that works; some studies reveal it is even more effective in some cases than traditional IV Chelation, is cardioprim. 

Contact Patricia Aiken at and mention you heard about the product from Robert/STM's website for a possible discount.


This form of chelation you can do at home (and reportedly, even those with nonperfect kidneys can do it), with the amino acid chelation solution in a glass of juice, taking the babiest of sips (just enough to wet your whistle) over a period of 2-5 hours on an empty stomach.  The point is to get absorption in the stomach, not in the intestines; thus, the longer you can stretch the time out, taking tiny, tiny sips, the more benefit you will get.  If you take too large a sip or too frequent, your stomach will rumble (a sign to take smaller sips, or add another few minutes in between).  If you sip too fast you will get stomach cramps (and you cannot eat an hour before or 20 minutes after or you will get terrible cramps).  However, I had no trouble, take your time, if your stomach grumbles, back off a little... but continue.

Chelation Therapy also helps rest the immune system, help recovery from other disease, and slows the aging process.

Dr. Fife records that the original American Society of Dental Surgeons kicked out any dentist using mercury-amalgam, if they violated the pledge they signed not to use them.  M-A fillings are a quick easy fix and many dentists continued to use them and they continued to be expelled from the society.  Eventually the numbers of those who were expelled was so great, the Society itself went under (1856) and a new one formed—the National Dental Association (one which approved of M-A fillings) and eventually changed its name to The American Dental Association (ADA). 

Consider trying to clean out all the bacteria and microbes from between the teeth and gums like trying to clean a tile swimming pool or a brick house with a power washer / sand blaster.  Obviously, this is quicker and easier than brushes (even wire brushes) or even a 3-foot long section of 2x4 with sandpaper attached to it.  Obviously, the wire brush, power washer, and sandblaster will reach more deeply into the cracks, nooks, and crannies than the 2x4 would.  However, while the more aggressive methods may remove most all of the mildew or algae, they are more abrasive.  Soft bristles may not remove all the older built up material, and harder brushing will do littel good and using a wire brush could damage the tiles, brick, and grout.
However, the spaces between teeth are far more intricate and convoluted.  Further, plaque and tartar develop around the bacteria, around where the teeth and gums meet, working as a suit of armor to protect the bacteria and germs.  More aggressive methods will damage the thin layer of enamel that protects the inner dentin of the tooth from bacteria, which would eat through it like a brush fire.  Likewise, bacteria and germs cause the gums to recede (Gingivitis, Periodontal Disease, Periodontitis) in which case the thinner, less hard cementum (beneath the gum line) that protects the dentin, is likewise compromised.

Consider also a very ornate piece of hand carved, even delicate woodwork, like a really fancy bannister and its spindles.  Obviously, aggressive sanding will damage the wood's delicate carving itself, and may even fracture or break the wood.  Sandblasting would pose the same risks, and fade the fine features of the detailed woodwork.  Another method in such a situation would be to emerge the entire woodwork in a non-water-based (water makes the grains of wood to open and wood to swell, and distort, become convoluted and even crack and damage the woodwork) liquid solution, that would then dissolve off all of the old dirt, wax, polyurethane, and stain.  Imagine also if this bath in which the woodwork was submerged had gentle jets like a hot tub, to gently wash the fluid over and around each intricate part.  Of course, the larger the piece of woodwork, the harder to use this method, because not only must the bath be large (and the amount of fluid great), but even then many parts of woodwork would have to be dismantled and taken apart to fit within the bath.  However, the mouth provides the perfectly sized bath for the teeth, with its own gentle power-washing mechanism.  No toxic fluid is needed, merely a simple, healthy vegetable oil that will not only effectively reach all the nooks and crannies with gentle propulsion, but we all know how things stick to oil.  Oil is used in a car's engine and the oils keeps the engine running smoothly, and collects rust, carbon, and other dirt (and that is why an oil filter is used).  Oil is thicker than water and provides not only this sticky environment, but a more significant washing than mere water.  Further, the outer membrane of bacteria and such is also an oil.  Since oil and water don't readily mix well, oil pulling also helps to dislodge such bacteria, washing them out of their hiding places so they can then be spit out.  The oil pulling reaches deep in between teeth and even between teeth and gums to some minor extent. 

I developed juvenile rheumatory arthritis at the age 5.  Obviously, I didn't have any mercury fillings at that age.  Where could I have gotten mercury...?  How about in vaccines.  My dad had us vaccinated when we were young before he realized that they are poison. 

[The mercury in vaccines has also been linked to being the causal factor in a large percentage of child autism.  See books on the dangers of vaccines, vaccinations, immunization, innoculations, in the health book section of this site:

It has been a long-standing practice of communist nations to put fluoride in the water supply to better be able to control the population.  Fluoride (a toxic by-product of the aluminum industry, which would normally cost billions of dollars to dispose of properly as "toxic waste"), aluminum (which is in all under-arm anti-perspirant, most baked goods, and leaches out of aluminum cookware especially when something acid is being cooked), chlorine, and mercury are all poison!  It is far easier to control a population that has been dumbed down in the schools, brainwashed by the media, and poisoned and kept sickly (and in debt due to the high cost of "health care"*) by their doctors and food producers; such people are lethargic, passive, docile, cannot think clearly, and are beset with all sorts of physical ailments which only exacerbates the problem.

* —back when medicine was honest, doctors made house calls (and did not bill 10 people for the same hour in which they were only seen for 5 minutes) and it was affordable (and did not cause more problems than the one it was supposed to cure).]


I also developed severe hay fever around the age 12 or so.  Rheumatoid arthritis and the development of allergies (among other things) are signs of autoimmune dysfunction / immuno-suppression and a sign of toxin build up.  Obviously, at the ages of 5 and 12, I would not have had such incredible immuno-suppression and toxin build up from a normal diet and environment.  I plan on having all my mercury-amalgam fillings (and one cracked lower molar I have had for about 10 years or more*) removed sometime in the near future. 

[* Mercury amalgams continue to expand over time, and thus, larger filling on larger teeth will probably all eventually crack.  Of course, how quickly this results also depends on the tooth, where the filling is, how large the filling is, general nutrition, general tooth health, and how often you bite down on a piece of bone, cherry or olive pit, etc.  I had a cracked lower molar on the other side of my mouth, that I nursed for about 15 years, removed about 10 years ago.  The dental assistant of course got a flow chart out showing me they could grind the tooth down to a peg and then cap it... 30 seconds into her presentation I politely, but emphatically said, "You can just put that away because that ain't gonna' happen."  I'd heard too many horror stories about caps and root canals.  I found a good oral surgeon, had the tooth extracted—after it had become abscessed and I was writhing on the ground all night in pain with no pain remedy giving any relief, and I have a high pain threshold.  Once antibiotics got the infection controlled, the tooth was extracted—and I never even had the pain prescription filled, pulled the gauze out of my mouth in the parking lot, never had any more bleeding and had a pizza 1/2 hour later.]

Dr. Fife (referencing Hal Huggins, D.D.S.) indicates that other autoimmune diseases that may be caused by mercury (which some suspect to have been the culprit in Lou Gehrig's demise, from ALS or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (or Lou Gehrig's Disease, as it is referred to in the U.S.; or in Britain as Motor Neurone Disease or MND) are: Addison's Disease, Diabetes (insulin-dependent), Glomerulonephritis, Grave's Disease, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Myasthenia Gravis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis (among other autoimmune diseases).

According to Dr. Al Sears, one of the steps used to make high fructose corn syrup is to process with caustic soda, which is made using mercury. And when we test, we find that half of the HFCS samples have mercury. Mercury was also found in a third of the off-the-shelf commercial foods where HFCS is the first or second labeled ingredient.


As mentioned above, Chelation Therapy is the best to remove heavy metals.  However, lactic acid (which is produced when one works out physically) is also a chelating agent.  Though regular exercise would help with low levels of heavy metals, it would not help much with large levels, since you can only work out so much and the body needs to rest or the immune system is also run down from lack of sleep.

More people have toxic metals that they realize.  Mercury fillings slowly leach mercury your body absorbs.  Under-arm dedorant has aluminum, as do many, many (if not most) store-bought pastries and baked goods.  Other things we eat may be contaminated with mercury (like fish), or lead (some rice), and cadmium and other heavy metals. 

Dr. Al Sears also reports that antioxidants in food help prevent and remove heavy metals like mercury from the body, such as cruciferous vegetables (cabbage family) and berries (acai, blueberry, pomegranate, etc.), have the most.  However, our bodies produce one antioxidant, that helps detox the body from mercury: Glutathione.  It exists within each cell evacuates heavy metals, which we then eliminate when we sweat, exhale, void, or pass via the bowels.  The amino acids L-Glutamine (1,000 mg.) and N-acetyl cysteine (1,800 - 2,400 mg. a day) help your body produce larger amounts of glutathione. 

[Glutathione itself is offered as a direct supplement (and thus it skips a step of the body needing to produce it, but some may be lost in the stomach during digestion (I am not certain).]


See also this short report by Dr. Sears on Mercury Amalgam Dental Fillings;ch=4AD3A919779230BF14121D51DF624973&h=58a536faef609286820e22f5e439565c&ei=6ewasUQNS


Dr. Sears indicates that the trace mineral selenium is also a powerful antioxidant which the body needs.  Many foods have good amounts of selenium (organ meats such as chicken livers and giblets, turkey livers, eggs, walnuts and Brazil nuts); but supplementation is probably important to get as much as we need (55mcg. - 200 mcg. / day) if we don't have enough of these foods in our diet.

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Check out my foundational work, a very important book (though it is not health related, I mention it here for those who might not view the other pages at this site):

Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance


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—Healthy Oils / Fats — Comparison Chart

[Note: This above information should be considered and it may be that NO seed or nut oils should be consumed.

Dr. Mercola in the past several years has provided a lot of documentation that Omega-6 and Omega-9 oils are toxic in any amount (and that it has nothing to do with “ratio”) and that all seed oils are greatly responsible for a whole host of health problems, degenerative disease, and obesity in the U.S. and that all seed and nut oils should be avoided at all costs. 

See 2 PDF links by Mercola that should appear at the very bottom of this page.

Mercola's articles are very important for health.  I have known for years that omega 6 oils can be unhealthy, but I did not know the extent of it and its implication in many auto-immune diseases, cancer, alzheimers, diabetes, etc. This is well worth the read.

The flaw is that he did not clearly tell the reader what he means by "seed oils", which I believe would include all nut oils (macadamia, peanut, sesame, walnut, hazelnut, etc.) and grain oils (corn, rice bran, grapeseed, pumpkin seed, and of course canola which was the first GMO crop and only people who are ignorant or honest push their canola oil as "organic", which it cannot be since it is a GMO crop); which is truly a shame, so all such oils need to be used very sparingly or not at all.

Olive oil is in a class by itself, but contains some Omega 6 and the industry has been rife with corruption and using poor quality oil and also cutting it with other oils (seed oils).

Perilla oil (mexican mint) is supposed to have the perfect blend of 3, 6, and 9—however, according to this information, having the right balance does not stop the toxicity of the 6s and their destruction of key components in the body.

Presumably this would not includ avocado oil, which is not made from the seed (which only has 2% oil) of the avocado, but from the flesh (like the olive is from the pulp, not the pit); but again, many oils are unethically blended with unhealthy oils.

However, he is writing a book on the topic, which I imagine will have more detail; but though a long read, it is very important for all—and just imagine how it will be resisted, due to the fact that there will be large and powerful company who grow millions of acres of these crops and make billions off selling the oil.... and realize that unless the seeds are used to make oil, they are discarded at a loss as waste or used as fertilizer, so even companies that grow the crops for the fruit, will lose money in not being able to sell the seed for oil, if people stop buying such oils.

Coconut and red palm oil, presumably are fine, because though they are seeds, they are not polunsaturated acids (PUSA) but saturated; red palm is also full of healthy caratenoids, but it does have a strong flavor that you may not like in every mean, but is great for fries, meat to be used in chili or spaghetti, even eggs. Coconut oil, though it has a subtle coconut flavor, may take getting used to; but both oils solidify at about 74F, but will last almost forever in cool dry dark basement.  Coconut oil also heals and preserves the brain and is used in parkinsons and alzheimers in therapeutic doses (5 or 6 T a day) and can help stop or reverse; because it has been learned that each brain cell has all the information all the others do, so when some areas are damaged, it is like when storms knock down power lines and calls have to be rerouted, and coconut oil helps brain cells share information.

However, I certainly disagree with his telling people to fry in lard (pork fat) or tallow (beef fat), which God forbids.  God forbids pork entirely, and no fat or blood of clean animals; this does not mean that you have to be neurotic and dissect every bit of fat off your steak, but you should cut off huge chunks; the internal fat is usually in smaller amounts and melts; the outer huge chunks often will not even melt if boiled for hours; but the fact can be fed to your cat, dogs, chickens, and any that solidifies on the top of a soup or stew in the fridge in any huge amount, and grease from ocassional frying, can be poured into an old yogurt container, and a handful of birdseed put in, and put in the freezer until full, to save for the winter and give your birds homemade suet.  For hamburger, the amount of fat needed to hold the meat together would seem to be best; and if making yourself, the marbled inner fat far preferable to any outer fat.

Butter, and especially grass fed butter (I still have not figured out how to get the butter to eat the grass, but I am working on it) is what should be used (and not margarine, which clogs the arteries and is made from the bad oils, mostly).]

 [Note: All below information may be superceded by the above.]

Important Health Information and Books


 Copyright 2012 © by Sacred Truth Publishing.  All rights reserved.




Healthy Oils / Fats — Comparison Chart

Alpha-Linolenic acid [an Omega-3; an isomer of Gamma-Linolenic acid.]

Arachidic acid[a.k.a. eicosanoic acid; a saturated fatty acid; a minor constituent of peanut (1.5%) and corn (3%) oil (from the Latin name for peanut, arachis).  ]

Arachidonic acid [a poluunsaturated Omega-6 oil, counterpart to the Arachidic acid, found in peanuts.]

Behenic acid [a Saturated Fatty Acid; though poorly absorbed by the body it is a cholesterol-raising oil.]

Cholesterol = a waxy steroid of fat.

Fatty acids(long-chained molecules with an alkyl/methyl group at one end and a carboxylic acid group at the other end).  The viscosity (thickness) and melting temperature of fatty acids increases inversely to the number of double bonds (the fewer double bonds, the higher the viscosity/melting temp.).

HDL (high density lipo-proteins [lipo/lipids = fat]) are the good cholesterol.

[If HDL levels are high enough, a high LDL number is not as indicative of health risk.]

Gamma-Linoleic acid [an isomer of Alpha-Linoleic/Omega-3] vegetable oils.

Gamma-Linolenic acid [an Omega-6; first isolated from Evening Primrose oil].

Lauric acid (a saturated fatty acid) found most commonly in tropical oils, but also small amounts in human breast milk (6.2% of total fat), cow milk (2.9%), and goat milk (3.1%).

LDL (low density lipo-proteins [lipo/lipids = fat]) are the bad cholesterol.

Monounsaturated Fats[MUSF] (fatty acids with only 1 "double bond" in the fatty acid chain, with all the rest of the carbon atoms in the chain having on single bonds.  Monounsaturated fats have higher melting points than polyunsaturated fats and a lower melting point than saturatedfatty acids. Monounsaturated fatty acids are liquids at room temperature and semi-solid or solid when refrigerated.  MUSF tend to lower LDL.  MUSF also help lower allergic reactions.

Myristic acid (a saturated fatty acid); named after the Latin name for nutmeg, Myristica fragrans; its main sources are nutmeg butter, coconut and palm oils, butter fat (and also in animals fats in minor amounts).

Omega-3 oils/fatty acids [Alpha-Linoleic Acid] (essential* polyunsaturated), marine and plant oils.

Omega-6 oils/fatty acids [Linoleic-Acid] (essential* polyunsaturated), vegetable oils, poultry, eggs.

[* This means the body does not produce any (or enough) on its own and that it is "essential" that these oils being obtained directly through diet (foods with these oils, the oils themselves, or via supplements).  These oils protect against inflammation (the "silent killer"; see book list at bottom of page) and heart disease.  Dry skin and hair maybe a sign of deficiency of these oils.  Further, Omega-3 are less abundant and Omega-3 and -6 will compete for enzymes within the body, which are needed in order to be effective, and if there is more Omega-6 in the diet, they will "win" the enzymes (Omega-6 interferes with Omega-3 absorption).  Thus, it would be good to supplement Omega-3 by itself.  Essential fatty acids also help boost brain power and prevent degenerative disease.]

Omega-7 oils/fatty acids (monounsaturated) animal, marine, vegetable oil (highest in Macadamia nut oil [17%] and Sea Buckthorn seed oil [40%]).

Omega-9 oils/fatty acids [Oleic-Acid] (nonessential polyunsaturated and monounsaturated) animal and vegetable fats/oils.

Palmitic acid most commonly from palm fruit/kernel and coconut oil, but also found in meat, cheese, butter, dairy.

Palmitoleic acid [an Omega-7 monounsaturated fatty acid.]

Polyunsaturated Fats [PUSF] (fatty acids with 2 or more double bonds between carbon molecules in their long chains); they tend to remain liquid even when refrigerated; PUSF tend to lower HDL and LDL.

Saturated Fats [SF] (triglycerides that contain only saturated fatty acids; nodouble bonds between individual carbon atoms; thus naturally fully saturated with hydrogen atoms); they are usually solid even at room temperature.  SF tends to raise LDL and HDL.

Squalene;possibly an anti-cancer agent (the primary non-land source is shark liver oil, which is not a Biblically clean product); its main terrestrial sources are: Amaranth seed, rice bran, wheat germ, and olives.  All plants, animals, and humans produces squalene. 

Stearic acid (saturated fat) animal fat (30%) and vegetable fat (5%; but in cocoa and shea butter 28-45%).

Stearidonic acid (a.k.a., moroctic acid; an Omega-3 polyunsaturated fat).

Trans fat(unsaturated [sometimes mono-, sometimes poly-] fat with a trans-isomer fatty acid); rare in nature.  many companies advertise their vegetable oils or products as having "Zero Trans Fat" or "Zero Cholesterol" as if this was something special.  No natural oils (or even animal fat) has Trans Fat or Cholesterol.  In general, only oils that have been partially hydrogenated (most notorious, margarine and vegetable shortening—which should be avoided) contain trans fat.  Consumption of trans fat raises LDL and lowers HDL (thus increasing risk of coronary heart disease and stroke and other health problems). 

[Margarine (and presumably vegetable oil) manufacturers are allowed to omit "trans fat" information from their products' nutrient labels.  My question is, if they are allowed to omit them, I wonder if they are allowed to misrepresent them by playing them down.  I mean, if 1 T. has 30g. of trans fat and they label it that it has 15g. of trans fat per T., that is also true; though only half the truth.  Anything with "partially hydrogenated" oil in the ingredients has trans fat, but we don't know how much because manufacturers are not required to so disclose (can anyone say, "under-the-table bribe"...?  Trans fats interfere with metabolism of natural fats (and signaling the brain that it is satiated), interfere with the bodies utilization of essential fatty acids, and have been linked to cancer, immunodeficiency, and premature aging of the skin; they also raise blood cholesterol levels almost as much as saturated fats (but without the good benefits of natural saturated fats).]

Note: The nutritional profile for the below oils (gram/mg. amount) should be considered general, not exact.  Nutritional content will vary based upon a variety of factors (species of plant, area grown, fertility of soil, rainfall, sun, other seasonal variations, maturity of plant, maturity of crop, time of day/month harvested, processing method, etc.).

Key for the below chart

SF = Saturated Fat

PUSF = PolyUnSaturated Fat

MUF = MonoUnSaturated Fat

DV = Daily Value %

1 T. = 14g.


Cooking quality/application (with smoke points listed):

- Low heat oils: (under 374°): butter (302°), coconut (351°), hemp (329°), lard (280° - 394°), margarine (soft) (302° - 320°), (as well as those with higher heat smoke point, listed below).

- Medium heat oils: (374° - 446° F): almond (430°), brazil nut (408°), clarified butter/ghee (374°  - 482°), cottonseed (421°), grapeseed (399°), macadamia (410°), olive oil (REFINED) (437°), olive oil (VIRGIN) (419 °F), olive oil (EXTRA VIRGIN) (374 °F), walnut (399°), (as well as those with higher heat smoke point, listed below).

- High heat oils: (above 446° F): avocado (520°), canola (468°), corn (457°), mustard (489 °F), olive oil (EXTRA LIGHT) (468 °F), peanut (448°), red palm (446°), rice bran (489°), safflower (509°), sesame (unrefined) (351°), sesame (semi-refined) (450°), soybean (466°), sunflower (475°).


Almond oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 1-SF / 2.5-PUSF / 10-MUSF / 0mg. Om-3 / 2349mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 5.3mg. (26% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol). / 49% total oil content / 8% SF / 26% PUSF / 66% MUSF.]


Argan oil - [Its fatty acids contain: Palmitic 12.0% / Stearic 6.0% / Oleic 42.8% / Linoleic 36.8% / Linolenic <0.5%.  It also contains tocopherols (vitamin E), phenols, phenolic acid, carotenes, squalene, and fatty acids, (up to 80% unsaturated fatty acids).  It may also be more resistant to oxidation than olive oil; though the shelf life is considered 12-18 months.]


Avocado oil - 1T. / 124 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 1.5-SF / 2-PUSF / 10-MUSF / 124mg. Om-3 / 1754mg. Om-6.

[12% SF / 14% PUSF / 74% MUSF.]


Black Currant seed oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 12g. / 0g. - SF / 7.2g. - PUSF / 4.8g. - MUSF

[Alpha-Linoleic - 1.56g.; Gamma-Linoleic - 2.04g. /  Linoleic - 5.16g. / Oleic - 1.08g. / Palmitic - ?g. / Stearic - ?g. / Stearidonic - .24g.]


Borage seed oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 12g. / 0g. - SF / 12g. - PUSF / 0g. - MUSF

[Gamma-Linoleic-2.88g. /  Linoleic-3.55g. / Oleic-1.44g. / Palmitic-1.02g. / Stearic-.72g.]


Brazil nut oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: ?g. / g. - SF / g. - PUSF / g. - MUSF.

[68.6% total oil / 28.6% SF / 39.25% PUSF / 32% MUSF.]



[cow's milk] Butter- 1T. - 70 cal. / total fat: 3.7g. / 4.7g. - SF / .3 - PUSF / 2.3 - MUSF / 112mg. Om-3 / 170mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 475 I.U. (10%) vitamin A. / 66% SF / 4% PUSF / 30% MUSF.]


[clarified] Butter[a.k.a. "ghee" (India)] clarified butter has a longer shelf-life and higher smoke point.  Clarified butter/ghee also have extremely low traces of lactose.

[65% SF / 3% PUSF / 32% MUSF.]


Canola oil - 1T. / 119 cal. / total fat: 13g. / 1g. - SF / 3.6g. - PUSF / 8.3g. - MUSF (about 58%); 1031mg. Om.-3; 2532mg. Om.-6.

[Other info: 9.6mcg. or 12% DV of vitamin K. / 6% SF / 32% PUSF / 62% MUSF.

Canola oil would be a healthy oil if not for it being derived from a completely GE plant (GMO). 

Radio-active plywood will probably work just as good to build a house (and who knows, someone may sell it at a great price!), but what would be the health risks of living in such a house?]


Cashew oil - MUSF 58% /


Chia seed oil -


Cocoa butter - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. /  8.1g. - SF / .4g. - PUSF / 4.4g. - MUSF / 13.5mg. Om-3 / 375mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 3.3mcg. (4%) vitamin K.]


Coconut oil - 1T. / 116 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 11.7g. - SF / .2g. - PUSF / .8g. - MUSF / 0mg. Om-3 / 243mg. Om-6.

[92% SF / 2% PUSF / 6% MUSF.]


Cod Liver oil - 1T. / 122 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 3.1g. - SF / 3g. - PUSF / 6.3g. - MUSF / 2664mg. Om-3 / 126mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 13500 I.U. (270% DV) vitamin A; 1350 I.U. (338% DV) vitamin D.]


Corn oil - 1T. / 119 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 1.7g. - SF / 7.4g. - PUSF / 3.7g. - MUSF / 157mg. Om-3 / 7224mg. Om-6.

[13% SF / 62% PUSF / 25% MUSF.]


Cottonseed oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 3.5g. - SF / 7g. - PUSF / 2.4g. - MUSF / 27mg. Om-3 / 6950mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 4.8mg. (24% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol) and 3.3mcg. (4%) vitamin K. / 24% SF / 50% PUSF / 26% MUSF.]


Evening Primrose oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 12g. / 0g. - SF / 8g. - PUSF / 12g. - MUSF

  [Alpha-Linoleic - g.; Gamma-Linoleic - ?g. /  Linoleic - g. / Oleic - g. / Palmitic - ?g. / Stearic - ?g.]


(chicken/turkey) Fat- 1T. / 115 cal. / total fat: 13g. / 3.8g. - SF / 2.6g. - PUSF / 5.7g. - MUSF / 128mg. Om-3 / 2487mg. Om-6.

[Chicken/turkey fat are healthy, in moderate amounts that cannot be easily trimmed off; but excess fat should be trimmed or if a soup is made, after it cools in the refrigerator, the excess that hardens can be skimmed off and given to the cat or dog (or allowed to liquify at room temperature, added to birdseed to it, and store in an old yogurt container in the freezer to put out for the birds as suet during the winter).  The same can be done with any liquified beef fat/grease and even left-over cooked oil.]


Fish oil (general) - 1T -122 cal. - total fat 14g. - 4g. - SF / 4.3g. - PUSF / 4.6g. - MUSF / 3253mg. Om-3 / 272mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 44.8 I.U. (11% DV) vitamin D.]


Flax seed oil - 1T. / 125 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 1g. - SF / 10g. - PUSF / 3g. - MUSF

 [Alpha-Linoleic - g.; Gamma-Linoleic - ?g. /  Linoleic - g. / Oleic - g. / Palmitic - ?g. / Stearic - ?g.

55% Omega-3.]


Grapeseed oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 1.3g. - SF / 9.4g. - PUSF / 2.2g. - MUSF / 13.5mg. Om-3 / 9400mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 3.9mg. (19% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol). / 12% SF / 71% PSUF / 17% MUSF.]


Hazelnut oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 1g. - SF / 1.4g. - PUSF / 10.5g. - MUSF / 0mg. Om-3 / 1364mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 6.4mg. (32% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol).]


Hemp seed oil - 1T. / 125 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 1.5g. - SF / 11g. - PUSF / 2g. - MUSF / 250mg. Omega-3 (a-LA) / 25mg. Omega-3 (SDA) / 800mg. Omega-6 (LA) / 50mg. Omega-6 (GLA) / 200mg. Omega 9.

[9% SF / 79% PUSF / 12% MUSF.]


(pork) Lard- 1T. / 115 cal. / total fat: 13g. / 5g.-SF / 1.4g. - PUSF / 5.8g. - MUSF (about 40%) / 128mg. Om-3 / 1300mg. Om-6.

[41% SF / 2% PSUF / 47% MUSF.]

[Pork and all pork products should be avoided at all cost.  It is a highly diseased/parasitic meat and God has His reasons for forbidding it.  The swine, like many vermin and insects are natural garbage disposals on land (even as shrimp, crab, lobster, and other crustaceans are in the water).  See the book, So, You Call Yourself A Christian... (which is a primer on God's Law and the dietary laws and Peter's vision specifically) and What's Keeping God From Delivering the U.S., Britain, and Europe From Destruction...? (which deals with God's Law in general) in list below, for information concerning how God did not abolish the dietary laws under the New Covenant.]


Linseed oil;[Another name for Flaxseed oil (taken from the Latin name of the plant, Linum); however, Linseed oil is usually the name used of the industrial grade used on furniture(it is used as a drying / hardening / polymerizing / binding / plasticizing / impregnating agent added to other finishes, oils, resins, varnishes, solvents) or other similar industrial applications.  Due to its quick oxidization rate (as with motor oil or other petroleum products/solvents), Linseed / Flaxseed oil left on a rag can eventually spontaneously combust (burst into flames).]


Macadamia oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 2.2g. - SF / 3g. - PUSF / 11g. - MUSF.

[16% SF / 24% PUSF / 85% MUSF.]


Margarine (spread; 20% fat) - 1T. / 26 cal. / total fat: 3g. / 1.4g. - SF / 1.2g. - PUSF / 1.1g. - MUSF / 24mg. Om-3 / 1176mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 10.6mg. (13% DV) vitamin K; .7mg. (3% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol). / 20% SF / 33% PUSF / 47% MUSF.]


Margarine (stick; 60% fat) 1T. / 77 cal. / total fat: 9g. / 1.6g. - SF / 2.4g. - PUSF / 4.2g. - MUSF / 249mg. Om-3 / 2133mg. Om-6. [Trans fat: 3g.].

[Other Information: 4.4mg. (18% DV) vitamin K; .7mg. (3% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol). / 80% SF / 6% PUSF / 14% MUSF.]

[Though lower in calorie (and originally made from pork fat), margarines are very unhealthy (though they were marketed as "healthy" and for that reason the majority of people in the U.S. for the past 50 years eat margarine instead of butter, which is far healthier, though more fattening.  But the average margarine and shortening clog the arteries worse than butter does.]


Marula nut oil; extracted from the kernels (nuts) of the African Marula tree (Sclerocarya birrea); it has high levels of anti-oxidants and therefore is very stable.

[SF: Palmitic acid 11%; Stearic acid 6.5%; Arachidonic acid .45%  / PUSF: Linoleic aid 5.5% / alpha-Linolenic acid .4% / MUSF: Oleic acid 75%.]


Mustard seed oil;13% SF / 21% PUSF / 60% MUSF.

[Of the MUSF: 42% erucid acid / 12% oleic.  Of the PUSF: 6 Omega-3 (A-linolenic-acid) / 15% Omega-6 (Linoleic-acid).]

Nutmeg butter - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat 13.5g. / 12.2g. - SF / 0g. - PUSF / .6g. - MUSF / 0mg. Om-3 / 0mg. Om-6.

[Not the healthiest profile.]


Olive oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 2g. - SF / 1.5g. - PUSF / 10g. - MUSF (about 75%) / 103mg. Om-3 / 1318mg. Om.-6.

[Other Information: 1.9mg. (10% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol) and 8.1mcg. (10%) vitamin K. / 14% SF / 11% PUSF / 73% MUSF.]

Palm Kernel oil- 1T. / 119 cal. / total fat: 13.5g. / 11g. - SF / .2g. - PUSF / 1.5g. - MUSF / 216mg Om-6.

Peanut oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 2.3g. - SF / 4.5g. - PUSF / 7g. - MUSF / 0mg. Om-3 / 4321mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 2.1mg. vitamin E (a-tocopherol) or 11% DV. / 18% SF / 33% PUSF / 49% MUSF.]

Perilla oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 12g. / g. - SF / g. - PUSF / g. - MUSF

[Alpha-Linoleic - 6.6g.; Gamma-Linoleic - ?g. /  Linoleic - 1.8g. / Oleic - 1.56g. / Palmitic - ?g. / Stearic - ?g.]


Pine nut oil;

[Fatty acid profile: Linoleic acid 49.0% ± 2.3 / Oleic acid 23.8% ± 2.1 / Pinolenic acid 17.1% ± 2.0  / Palmitic acid 6.3% ± 2.2 / Stearic acid 2.5% ± 0.1 .]


Pistachio oil- 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 2g. - SF / 8g. - PUSF / 5g. - MUSF

[Pistachio oil is high in Vitamin E, containing 19mg/100g. It contains 12.7% saturated fats, 53.8% monounsaturated fats, 32.7% linoleic acid, and 0.8% omega-3 fatty acid.]


Prune kernel oil; a newer vegetable oil (probably not easily found) from the kernels of the d'Agen prune plum.  The oil has a flavor similar to bitter almond.

[35% total oil by weight / 70% Oleic acid / 20% Oleic acid.] 


Pumpkin Seed oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 2g. - SF / 6g. - PUSF / 5g. - MUSF / 0g. Om-3 / 6g. Om-6 / 5g. Om-9.


Quinoa oil; due to its antioxidants, it makes a good cooking oil, as well as a salad or other oil.

[It contains high levels of unsaturated fatty acids, which types of oils tend to go rancid rather quickly, but like corn oil, it contains high levels of anti-oxidants which prevent this (such as vitamin E tocopherols); so Quinoa oil is stable and has a long shelf life.  Similar in profile to corn, it contains more essential fatty acids than corn and also yields more than corn by weight: Quinoa yields 5.6% oil, whereas corn yields 3.5%.  It is rich in essential fatty acids, primarily Linoleic, but also Linolenic.]


Red Palm oil - 1T - 130 cal. - total fat 13.5g. - 6.7g. - SF / 1.5g. - PUSF / 5g. - MUSF / 27mg. Om-3 / 1228mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 2.2mg. vitamin E (a-tocopherol) or 11% DV / 52% SF / 10% PUSF / 38% MUSF.]


Rice bran oil- 1T. / 125 cal. / total fat 14 / 2.5 - SF / 5g. - PUSF / 6g. - MUSF / 25% DV vitamin E.  

[25% SF / 37% PUSF / 47% MUSF / Palmitic Acid  190 mg / Stearic Acid  2.5 g / Oleic Acid  6.5 g / Linoleic Acid  5 g / Linolenic Acid  135 mg / Tocotrienols  3.5 mg / Phytosterols  90 mg. / Myristic: 0.6% / Palmitic: 21.5% Stearic: 2.9% / Oleic acid 38% / Omega-3 fatty acids α-Linolenic: 2.2% / Omega-6 fatty acids Linoleic: 34.4%.]


Safflower oil - 1T -119 cal. - total fat 13.5g. - .8g. - SF / 10.1g. - PUSF / 1.9g. - MUSF / 0mg. Om-3 / 10,073mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 4.6mg. vitamin E (a-tocopherol) or 23% DV / 10% SF / 77% PUSF / 13% MUSF.]


Salmon oil - 1T -122 cal. - total fat 14g. - 2.7g. - SF / 5.4g. - PUSF / 3.9g. - MUSF / 4767mg. Om-3 / 208mg. Om-6.


Sea Buckthorn oil;


Sesame oil- 1T - 120 cal. - total fat 14g. - 2g. - SF / 6g. - PUSF / 5.4g. - MUSF / 40.5mg. Om-3 / 5576mg. Om-6. 

[14% SF / 43% PUSF / 43% MUSF.] 

Shea(nut) butter- 1T - 120 cal. - total fat 13.5g. - 6.3g. - SF / .7g. - PUSF / 5.9g. - MUSF / 40.5mg. Om-3 / 662mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: Oleic acid (40-60%), Stearic acid (20-50%), Linoleic acid (3-11%), Palmitic acid (2-9%), Linolenic acid (<1%) and Arachidic acid (<1%).]


Soybean oil - 1T - 119 cal. - total fat 13.5g. - 2.1g. - SF / 7.8g. - PUSF / 3.1g. - MUSF / 917mg. Om-3; 6807mg. Om-6.

[Other info: 24.8mcg. or 31% DV of vitamin K / 15% SF / 61% PUSF / 24% MUSF/ 6% Omega-3 / 50% Omega-6]

[Soybean oil would be a healthy oil if not for the estrogen-hormone-like substances and the GMO contamination of the crop.


Note: nonGMO soybeans are healthy, but in normal amounts, and very small amounts for children until after puberty... soybeans have estrogen-like hormones and some claim that soybeans and most soybean products (which are in far more foods than the average person realizes, such as hydrolized vegetable protein); the list of soybean products is large: soymilk, soy yogurt, soy ice cream, some hotdogs and hamburgers (sometimes mixed with real meat and sold as beef or chicken), of course outright soydogs and soyburgers, as well as vegetarian dogs and burgers, soybean oil is in so many products and many salad dressings and other products).  Soybeans, according to some studies can make boys predisposed to being effiminate/homo later with hormones screwed up in formative years.  Too many soybeans are not good for adults either, which can screw up the delicate hormone balance.  However, miso and tempeh are fine, but tofu still has those hormones... See article By Jim Rutz © 2010; the original title was: "Soy is Making Kids ‘Gay’ " — then after a huge backlash in response he re-titled it: "The Trouble with Soy".  Here is the link to this very important article: ]


Sunflower oil - 1T - 119 cal. - total fat 13.5g. - 1.5g. - SF / 8.9g. - PUSF / 2.6g. - MUSF / 8870mg Om-6.

[Other Information: 5.5mg. vitamin E (a-tocopherol) or 28% DV. / 11% SF / 69% PUSF / 20%.]


(beef/mutton) tallow- 1T - ? cal. - total fat ?g. - 6.4g. -SF / .75 - PUSF / 5.4 - MUSF (about 50%) / 180mg Om-3 / 865mg. Om-6 [14mg. cholesterol.]

[Normal amounts of beef fat (inside tissue/normal marbleizing, not the outer-carcase tissue fat) are healthy, in moderate amounts that cannot be easily trimmed off.]


Vegetable & Lard shortening (average)- 1T - 115 cal. - total fat 13g. -  4 - SF / 2g. - PUSF / 5.7g. - MUSF / 140mg. Om-3 / 1237mg. Om-6.

[Trans fat: 1.7g. phytosterols.] [7.1 cholesterol]


Walnut oil- 1T - 120 cal. - total fat 14g. - 1.2g. - SF / 8.5g. -  PUSF / 3.2g. - MUSF / 1404mg. Om-3 / 7141mg. Om-6.

[9% SF  / 63% PUSF / 23% MUSF.]


Wheat germ oil - 1T - 120 cal. - total fat 12g. - 2.5 - SF / 8.3g. - PUSF / 3g. - MUSF / 932mg. Om-3 / 7398mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 20.2mg. (or 101% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol)—the greatest proportion of vitamin E of any food.] 


 Check out my foundational work, a very important book (though it is not health related, I mention it here for those who might not view the other pages at this site):

Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance


—Healthy Oils — Description and Sources / Links

[Note: This above information should be considered and it may be that NO seed or nut oils should be consumed.

Dr. Mercola in the past several years has provided a lot of documentation that Omega-6 and Omega-9 oils are toxic in any amount (and that it has nothing to do with “ratio”) and that all seed oils are greatly responsible for a whole host of health problems, degenerative disease, and obesity in the U.S. and that all seed and nut oils should be avoided at all costs. 

See 2 PDF links by Mercola that should appear at the very bottom of this page.

Mercola's articles are very important for health.  I have known for years that omega 6 oils can be unhealthy, but I did not know the extent of it and its implication in many auto-immune diseases, cancer, alzheimers, diabetes, etc. This is well worth the read.

The flaw is that he did not clearly tell the reader what he means by "seed oils", which I believe would include all nut oils (macadamia, peanut, sesame, walnut, hazelnut, etc.) and grain oils (corn, rice bran, grapeseed, pumpkin seed, and of course canola which was the first GMO crop and only people who are ignorant or honest push their canola oil as "organic", which it cannot be since it is a GMO crop); which is truly a shame, so all such oils need to be used very sparingly or not at all.

Olive oil is in a class by itself, but contains some Omega 6 and the industry has been rife with corruption and using poor quality oil and also cutting it with other oils (seed oils).

Perilla oil (mexican mint) is supposed to have the perfect blend of 3, 6, and 9—however, according to this information, having the right balance does not stop the toxicity of the 6s and their destruction of key components in the body.

Presumably this would not includ avocado oil, which is not made from the seed (which only has 2% oil) of the avocado, but from the flesh (like the olive is from the pulp, not the pit); but again, many oils are unethically blended with unhealthy oils.

However, he is writing a book on the topic, which I imagine will have more detail; but though a long read, it is very important for all—and just imagine how it will be resisted, due to the fact that there will be large and powerful company who grow millions of acres of these crops and make billions off selling the oil.... and realize that unless the seeds are used to make oil, they are discarded at a loss as waste or used as fertilizer, so even companies that grow the crops for the fruit, will lose money in not being able to sell the seed for oil, if people stop buying such oils.

Coconut and red palm oil, presumably are fine, because though they are seeds, they are not polunsaturated acids (PUSA) but saturated; red palm is also full of healthy caratenoids, but it does have a strong flavor that you may not like in every mean, but is great for fries, meat to be used in chili or spaghetti, even eggs. Coconut oil, though it has a subtle coconut flavor, may take getting used to; but both oils solidify at about 74F, but will last almost forever in cool dry dark basement.  Coconut oil also heals and preserves the brain and is used in parkinsons and alzheimers in therapeutic doses (5 or 6 T a day) and can help stop or reverse; because it has been learned that each brain cell has all the information all the others do, so when some areas are damaged, it is like when storms knock down power lines and calls have to be rerouted, and coconut oil helps brain cells share information.

However, I certainly disagree with his telling people to fry in lard (pork fat) or tallow (beef fat), which God forbids.  God forbids pork entirely, and no fat or blood of clean animals; this does not mean that you have to be neurotic and dissect every bit of fat off your steak, but you should cut off huge chunks; the internal fat is usually in smaller amounts and melts; the outer huge chunks often will not even melt if boiled for hours; but the fact can be fed to your cat, dogs, chickens, and any that solidifies on the top of a soup or stew in the fridge in any huge amount, and grease from ocassional frying, can be poured into an old yogurt container, and a handful of birdseed put in, and put in the freezer until full, to save for the winter and give your birds homemade suet.  For hamburger, the amount of fat needed to hold the meat together would seem to be best; and if making yourself, the marbled inner fat far preferable to any outer fat.

Butter, and especially grass fed butter (I still have not figured out how to get the butter to eat the grass, but I am working on it) is what should be used (and not margarine, which clogs the arteries and is made from the bad oils, mostly).]

 [Note: All below information may be superceded by the above.]

Healthy Oils — Description and Sources / Links

Oils are a very important food group, but are very high energy (calorie) and thus if you are watching your weight, don't consume too much of even good fats and oils, despite the fact they are healthy.  Too much of even good things can become unhealthy.  Fats are high energy (9 calories per gram) and thus, any fat that is consumed, if not burned off by exercise, will be stored as fat (the same goes for protein {4 calories per gram} and carbohydrates {4 calories per gram}).  Daily food intake should be monitored in relation to how many calories are burned each day.  The average daily diet should contain 30% or less fat (and 10% or less of that being saturated fat).  Fats are important for many reasons; but they also help slow digestion so that proteins and carbs are used more efficiently (see books at the end of this page on metabolism).  Eating slowly is essential to good digestion and good digestion is essential to good metabolism.

[It of course is easier to store a box or two in a warehouse storage facility, 1 or 2 boxes a day, cramming them in tightly.  However, it will be far harder to move all the boxes out in a short period of time (especially if gravity, time, and placing more and more boxes on the top has weighted the whole down even tighter).] 

Virgin, raw, unprocessed, cold-processed, expeller is always best.  All cold-processed is expeller, but not all expeller is cold-process.  If it does not say cold processed, it is not; if it does not say expeller, it is probably extracted with the poison hexane.  Some reliable and good brands (some organic, some not) are: Hain, Flora, Spectrum, NOW Foods, La Tourangelle, Swanson Health Products.  Good sources for them are:,;;;; and

Lesser known oils or speciality oils are more expensive, since less people know about them and use them, it costs more to produce them.  As a general rule, if you can get them for under .60 cents/ounce, it is a pretty good price (but it varies from product to product).  Like most all foods, whether fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes, etc., some oils will contain nutrients (and nutrient profiles, which work uniquely in their unique synergistic composition) that others do not; therefore, it is good to use as wide a variety of good oils as possible. All oils can go rancid, so the cooler (and darker) they can be stored, the better.  A cool, dark basement (I have had olive oil for over a decade that is still fine) is a great place, a refrigerator (especially once opened) is ideal; a deep freezer would probably keep any oil fresh for decades. 


Some very healthy oils for use in cooking and salad dressings are:


Note: People with nut-allergies may be allergic to nut oils.   


Almond oil,Amaranth seed oil; Studies show the oil to have bad cholesterol lowering and good cholesterol raising effects.   The oil is prized for its ability to stabilize temperatures (both high and low) of other oils or compounds to which it is added.[Amaranth is a beautiful, readily self-seeding annual; it grows over 8 feet tall in good soil (but so tough it will also grow in rock hard clay soil or even a gravel driveway, though it may not get very tall or produce that much).  It is a showy plant that produces a huge maroon-colored plume that contains tiny (size of the head of a pin), shiney, black seeds which are rich in nutrients.  I consider it an ideal "survival" plant.  It produces millions of seeds (about a cup of grain per plant) and wherever it has been planted and allowed to mature, it will always come up; however, it is not aggressive.  In fact, it does not transplant well at all and new seedlings can be raked to kill them (or harvested like sprouts).  The leaves can be eaten like spinach and the whole plant is good for livestock/poultry (reportedly curing diarrhea in livestock).  The tiny seeds can be ground into flower, used like rice or couscous.  It is very similar to Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa), which is a high altitude plant.  The seeds can even be popped like miniature popcorn (as can white sorghum grain, but amaranth is much smaller), but it takes a little finesse.  Amaranth will send out little sucker plumes at each leaf-group stem coming off the plant, but these can be easily snapped off and eaten or given to livestock/poultry.  Pulling off all these suckers and even most of the lower leaves (as is done with sorghum) causes more energy to go into the main seed-head and also allows for more upright growth, otherwise the plant can spread out 4 feet or more.  There is a golden/orange "Grain Amaranth" variety also available.  See Horizen Herbs(whom I have ordered from for over a decade) for an excellent catalog of many great medicinal and heirloom herb and vegetable seeds: ]

[The oil content of the grain/seed is only about 6.5%; which is quite low and therefore, the oil will probably never be that popularly produced.  The melting point is around 80° F.  The oil it does have contains: 46-50% Linoleic acid; 22-26% Oleic acid; 19-20% Palmitic acid; 5-6% Squalene; and 3% Stearic acid.]


Argan oil- an intersting oil.  It comes from the pit of the fruit of a long-lived, deep-rooted, thorny tree (Argania spinosa) the sole species in its genus.  It is an olive-like tree that grows in the southern, semi-desert region of Morocco, bordering the Sahara desert.  Goats actually climb up onto the top of the tree to eat both the leaves and the fruit (see photo at right from wikipedia, by Marcos Arcangeli).  Traditionally the undigested seeds were collected from goat droppings.  A certain percentage of them are probably so-collected today.  The oil is used in place of olive oil (giving a distinctive nutty taste), as a dipping/finishing oil, salad, and cooking oil (and it is also used for cosmetic, medicinal, and other non-food purposes).


Apple seed oil [a.k.a. sapuyul];

[Unsaturated fatty acid content of apple seeds is 89% (Linoleic 50% and Oleic 39%).]

While not a common oil, it is available and has some important qualities.  It is primarily used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.  Apple seeds have an amaretto/almond-like flavor, and so does the oil, which is used as a cooking oil in some tropical countries.  The oil reportedly helps ease cramps and prevent diarrhea; it may also help lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.  Some studies show it has some chelating effects, such as removing heavy metals (like lead and mercury) from the body and help combat cholesterol. 

The seeds contain levels of cyanide* (B-17 or Laetrile) as do apricot pit kernals, which some studies have shown to be powerful cancer-killing/preventing agents.  Thus, the old adage, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," may not merely be an old wive's tale (and no wonder doctors want to outlaw apples—or at least, apple seeds or heirloom apple trees).  The normal rule of thumb (for healthy individuals) is not to consume more apple seeds or apricot kernals than would be contained in the amount of the fruit you would eat in a day.  The seeds also contain high levels of sulphur,** which may also account for their cancer-fighting ability (as Dr. Budwig's*** research revealed that sulphur was a key factor in fighting cancer).  Reportedly, apple seed oil (added to shampoo) helps keep hair from falling out.  The oil is also high in vitamins C and beta-carotene, and is reportedly one of the most stabile of oils.

[* A lot of hype has been generated about the "danger" of these seeds and kernals (yet pharmaceutalical companies use them).  Squirrels eat large amounts of both and don't seem to die of cyanide poisoning.  Mnny (if not most) members of the Greater Rose*Afamily have levels of cyanide.  Cherry tree leaves while in the wilting stage, give off cyanide (but are safe in the green or dried stage) and thus should not be given to livestock at that stage.

*A most (but not all) nontropical, noncitrus stone or seed fruits, such as apple, peach, apricot, nectarine, plum, almond, cherry, hawthorne, pear, etc. (and the flowering rose).

** as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

*** German bio-chemist Dr. Johanna Budwig; she used flaxseed oil and cottage cheese to cure cancer, claiming cancer is a fungus and begins in the mouth (from her information in the rare, now out-of-print The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments).  See also

See also:


See also the book list at the end of this page: Cancer Is A Fungus and How To Cure Almost Any Cancer At Home For $5.15 A Day. 

For more possible sources, do your own google search for "apple seed oil."  It seems to be pricey and harder to find, but a good food grade might be good for cancer prevention / eradication. 


Avocado oil; a very healthy oil; it has a very unsually high smoke point, making it a good high-heat cooking oil, as well as a salad oil (or, as most oils, a very good moisturizing oil for the skin).Ben oil; it is derived from the pressed seeds of the Drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera); so named because of the shape of its seed pods (also called horseradish tree due to the flavor of its roots).  Ben oil (named for the high quality of Behenic acid; the fatty acid being name after the Persian name, Bahman, of the month in which the roots were harvested) has been used for thousands of years (by ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians) for making perfume, and to a lesser extent for food (it has a mild but pleasant flavor).  It has an unusually long shelf life.[The seeds yield a respectable 22-38% of oil.  Oleic acid 65.7%; Palmitic acid 9.3%; Stearic acid 7.4%; Behenic acid 8.6%.]

[Behenic acid is contained in other plants, such as canola seed as well as peanut skins (a ton of peanut skins will reported yield 13 lbs. of Behenic acid).]


Brazil Nut oil; very high in oils and nutritious, it is becoming more available, but like other specialty oils, it is still expensive (less expensive if you can buy it in bulk). A rainforest product, it is rich, has a nutty flavor, and full of heart-healthy fatty acids (similar to olive oil), vitamins, and minerals (one of best sources of selenium); naturally stable (with medium-chain fatty acids) it is a good cooking oil (as well as for salads or a topical skin moisturizing oil).  It reportedly has an average shelf life (at room temperature) of 2 years.  


Cashew oil; 

Cocoa butter[or Cocoa oil]; product of the oily beans/fatty seeds from inside the seed pod of the tropical cocoa tree (Theombra cacao; an evergreen tree of the Mallow Family), which beans are fermented, roasted, cracked, and then the butter (54-58%) is separated from the solids (which are dried and ground in to cocoa powder).  The cracked bean pieces (called cacao nibs) are also sold as snacks or used in chocolate.  The cocoa butter is used as the main ingredient of white and milk chocolate, while the solids/nibs are used in the more healthy dark/bitter chocolates.  The cacao bean is also used in the Mexican mole sauce and tejate (a thick, pasty, coarse ground maize corn beverage).  It is a saturated fat (hence, referred to more commonly as butter than oil) and has a melting temperature between 93° and 100° F.  It is one of the most stable fats known, due to its anti-oxidants which prevent rancidity.  Like Shea butter, it is also used commonly in cosmetics, moisturizing creams, lotions, topical oils, salves, etc.  Of course, only a natural extraction method (not using hexane or other chemicals) should be used (internally or externally). 


Coconut oil [or Coconut butter]; it turns solid like butter around 74° F. or below, it also is nonsmoking and has many, many health properties both internal and external (see The Coconut Oil Miracle in the book section at the bottom of this page).  Buy only hexane free, nonhydrogenated (organic will be hexane free).  Nutivahas an excellent product and is frequently on sale at Amazon; subscribe and save/free shipping.  Compare the price per ounce (do the math yourself, their site is notorious for mis-pricing the price per ounce); though larger containers of any product are usually less per ounce, sometimes smaller containers will be less expensive per ounce if they are having a sale on that size.  Coconut oil is 86% saturated fat.  Although it does not contain cholesterol (as no vegetable oils do) vegetable oil saturated fat consumption increases both LDL and HDL cholesterol in the body.  Although a saturated fat, it is considered a "low-fat" fat.




The very best price (as of May 2012) is if you buy a 5-gallon bucket (but not Nutiva brand).  This may seem like a lot (and it is), but stored it has a very long shelf life; price will only always go up on everything in the world as governments continue to counterfeit, artificially manuipulate the interest rate (a hidden tax, the purposely controlled devaluation of the currency—which is grand larceny as well as treason and violation of oath of office), and as fuel prices continue to skyrocket due to artificial manipulation (price gouging and raping hundreds of millions of American consumers).  Store up what you can in a cool dry place.  Or, chip in with neighbors, friends, family, people from church, etc., and purchase a 5-gallon (or several) bucket jointly, and split it up, to get the best price. 


Grapeseed oil; it has a very long shelf life and will not smoke; it is a very healthy oil.  Practically no flavor, a very clean-tasting, neutral-flavored oil.  At Amazon, Roland has a 5-liter (1.32 gallon) jug of grapeseed oil, at a good price when it is in stock:


Hazelnut oil, contains more antioxidants than most "refined" nut oils; it is very high in Omega-9 oils, the best mono-unsaturated fat.  La Tourangelle and Roland brands are both available at Amazon.NOW Foods has a good product, as does Swanson's which is cold-processed.


Hemp seed oilis also very healthy, but reportedly very laxative and small amounts should be used.  Nutivahas a good product.  It can be used as a salad (or drizzling over pasta or vegetables once cooking is complete) or low heat oil; but since it has a 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 (thus, a high Om-3 content), it should not be used for high-heat cooking and should be stored in as cool a place as possible.



Linseed oil;[Another name for Flaxseed oil (taken from the Latin name of the plant, Linum); however, Linseed oil is usually the name used of the industrial grade used on furniture or other similar industrial applications.]


Macademia Nut oil; Macadamia oil (which is being called the "new olive oil") has a mild buttery flavor (good for mayonnaise); it is highly shelf-stable and is also heat table (up to around 250° F.); in one oxidative potential test it performed better than rice bran oil, walnut oil, sesame oil, almond oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, and hazelnut.  It is best for low-heat cooking (not sauteeing or high-heat grilling), it has a smoke point between 410° and 453° F.  Coming in second under coconut oil, macadamia oil has the lowest omega-6 fatty acids (least stable linoleic acid) of any traditional cooking oil.  It also has over 80% high monounsaturated fatty acid content (higher than even olive oil) and 16% saturated fat.  It also contains some good antioxidants.  Macadamia oil also has Omega-7 fatty acids (Palmitoleic acid; a monounsaturated fat that is a common constituent of human adipose tissue).  Macadamia oil is a good oil for salads, cooking, and also for sunblock and skin moisturizing.



Mustard seed oil;used in cooking in certain parts of India, those unaccustomed to it find its flavor (similar to horseradish or wasabi, to which mustard is related) disagreeable and irritating to the sinuses.  It can be made from black mustard (Brassica nigra), brown Indian mustard (Brassica juncea), and white/yellow mustard (Brassica hirta).  It is a high heat oil (smoke point 489°F.  Various brands are available from


Okra seed oil; used (okra is a very healthy plant; its slimy properties being excellent to coat the GI tract to prevent lesions/pallaps from forming, according to some, such as Dr. William Kelley in One Answer To Cancer [inquire concerning availability]).

[Total oil content impressively about 40% and high yield of oil from an entire crop (about 794kg.ha.; one study showed it was only surpassed by sunflower seeds for oil production).  High in unsaturated fats such as Oleic and Linoleic acid.]

[Other Information: Wikipedia interestingly records:

"Okra seeds may be roasted and ground to form a caffeine-free substitute for coffee.  When importation of coffee was disrupted by the American Civil War in 1861, the Austin State Gazette said 'An acre of okra will produce seed enough to furnish a plantation of fifty negroes with coffee in every way equal to that imported from Rio.' " 


Olive oil (and there is also a Kalamata Olive oil, but it is not made from Kalamata olives, but made in the Kalamata region of Greece);

Pistachio oil; 


Pumpkin Seed oil; though distinctively American (the pumpkin is a new world vegetable) pumpkin seed oil has been popular in Europe for centuries.  It has a unique balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils (the latter making it less stable).  It is a very dark oil, with a nutty flavor; heat destroys the nutrient value, so it is a salad oil, herb/oil dip, or a very low heat oil (or add to a soup or stew or over vegetables after cooking is complete). 



Quinoa oil; in the same Family as Amaranth, Quinoa (a species of goosefoot) is not a true grain/cereal, but a grass (closely related to a wide variety in this Family, such as beets, spinach, and tumbleweeds).  It is a high-altitude plant, growing around 7,000 to over 13,000 feet in the Andes mountains (which has been cultivated for several millennia); though lower-altitude species have been developed.  It reportedly has been used to treat eczema.


Red Palm oil; a rather new oil to the American market (it has been used for millennia in the tropics (west Africa, southeast Asia, Brazil, South Pacific Islands).  In fact, it is the second most-used oil in the world (and would be #1 if not for all the soybean oil used in the U.S.).

It is made from the oil-rich fruitof the red palm tree—not to be confused with the other food oil also made from the oil-rich nut inside the fruit; the nut oil is not as healthy and is not red; red palm fruit oil is 41% saturated, while red palm kernel oil is 81% saturated fat); processed red palm oil is nearly colorless, but the unrefined is red because it is loaded with anti-oxidants (protect the body from free radicals and are also natural preservatives for the oil itself to keep it from rancidification), Vitamin E, carotenoids (which give it its reddish color, looking almost like carrot juice).  There are 8 Vitamin E isomers: 4 are tocopherols (the most commonly used in vitamins) and 4 are tocotrienols, which are far more potent anti-oxidants and red palm oil is abundant in tocotrienols.  Red Palm oil also has 15 times more beta-carotene (pre-vitamin A) that carrots and 300 times more than tomatoes.

[Note: it is a very heavy, strong tasting oil (almost a barbeque flavor), and may not be suitable for use with every dish; however, some dishes, it may improve the flavor.  It also will stain, due to all the beta-carotene.]

It is a good high-heat cooking oil; like coconut oil, it solidifies at moderate temperatures.  It can also be used for baking and is a delicious oil that be mixed with other oils for salad oil or mayonnaise.  

Rice bran oil;also rich in phytosterols as well as both tocopherols and tocotrienols, also increases HDL and lowers LDL.  Also contains gamma-orzanol (an antioxidant) and in tests 90% of women taking rice bran oil daily as a supplement for 4-6 weeks experienced a decrease in hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms; antioxidant stability of the oil is maintained even when frying at highest temperatures.  100% pure rice bran oil (made from non-GE rice bran) (oryza sativa).  High smoke point of 415° F. so it is suitable for stir frying, deep frying, sauteing.  A very clean-tasting, neutral-flavored oil (but second only to grapeseed).  Lead and arsenic may be a consideration with rice, rice bran, rice bran oil.


Safflower seed oil

[Other information: Safflower flower petals (and a very little turmeric powder) can be used as an inexpensive substitute for saffron.  Of course, the taste will not be exact; but it is close in the estimation of some people's palates.]

Sesame Seed oil;good high-heat cooking oil (up to 350° F.); it is rich in vitamins/minerals; reportedly good for skin and joint conditions (psoriasis, eczema, rheumatism, arthritis).  It is reported to block out up to 25% of the sun's harmful UV-rays.  Not all brands are cold pressed (and some brands toast the seeds first).  Swanson Certified Organic Sesame Seed Oil is cold processed.  


Shea(nut) butter[or Shea(nut) oil]; a saturated fat [hence, it is more commonly called butter than oil] from the African Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa).  It is used in cooking in Africa, and as a substitute for cocoa butter in chocoloate making, but is more commonly used in cosmetics, topical oils, moisturizing creams, lotions, salves.  However, recent studies show that Shea butter  (in thereputic doses) has anti-inflammatory properties and may help with peri-menopausal, menopausal, and joint joint inflammation aches and pains (25% after 3 months on the product: FlexNowTM).  It also has some ability to block out UV rays and is used in some sun-block lotions.  It is a saturated fat, so it should be consumed in moderation.  Of course, only a natural extraction method (not using hexane or other chemicals) should be used (internally or externally).

Sunflower seed oil;

Walnut oil, great for cardiovascular system; a very healthy oil, good source of Omega-3 and Omega-9.  Walnut oil contains some of the highest levels of tocopherols (vitamin E isomers); but is also the most prone to rancidity and oxidation among healthy oils.  Swanson's has a good cold-processed brand; and others such as Hain, NOW Foods, and Spectrum are also good.  Swanson's has a flat rate $4.99 shipping regardless of order size (sometimes free shipping):


Other healthy oils:

[The below are used more as supplements, not in cooking, but possibly in salad dressings, over cottage cheese, drizzled over vegetables after cooking, mixed with herbs/spices for a bread dip, etc.,]

Açaí oil; from the açaí palm (Euterpe oleracea);

[Palmitic acid 22& / Stearic acid 2% / Arachidic acid 2.5% / Palmitoleic acid 2% / Oleic acid (Omega-9) 60% / Linoleic acid 12%.]

Babassu butter/oil; it is extracted from the seeds of the Babassu palm (Attalea speciosa) and is very similar to coconut butter/oil and is becoming a common replacement in some areas.  Its melting point is similar to the temperature of the human body, so once applied topically it melts and absorbs quickly (and this heat transfer can produce a cooling sensation).

[Lauric acid 50% / Myristic acid 20% / Palmitic acid 11% / Oleic acid 10% / Stearic acid 3.5%.]


Black Currant seed oil; 12-14% Omega-3 / 15-20% Omega-6 / 2-4% linoleic (as stearidonic acid).  It may help protect the heart, be anti-inflammatory, and thus also help arthritis/rheumatism.

Borage seed oil; contains one of the highest amounts of gamma-linolenic-acid of all sources.  It and Evening Primrose oil and Black Currant seed oil are often used interchangeably.  However, Borage seed oil may contain amabaline (which can cause liver damage) so Borage seed oil should be certified free of unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids.  It is not advised during pregnancy.

Chia seed oil; the seed contains more anti-inflammatory, brain-boosting Omega-3s than flax seed oil; loaded with anti-oxidants; more potassium than bananas; more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach.  While the seed is cheap (purchased bulk); the oil is not (about $5.75/ounce).

Evening Primrose oil;8.5% gamma-linolenic acid / 70% linoleic acid.  Helps relieve PMS symptoms and may possibly help protect against breast cancer.

Flaxseed oil;Flax seed and Flaxseed oil both go rancid rather quickly (and both should be stored under refrigeration or even in the deep freezer).  For this reason, it does not make good high-heat cooking oil; though it is not generally used for cooking, it can be at lower heat (but I personally find it has a slight fishy taste, so I would not use for a salad or cooking oil; but only take in capsule form).

Linseed oil;[Another name for Flaxseed oil (taken from the Latin name of the plant, Linum); however, Linseed oil is usually the name used of the industrial grade used on furniture(it is used as a drying / hardening / polymerizing / binding / plasticizing / impregnating agent added to other finishes, oils, resins, varnishes, solvents) or other similar industrial applications.  Due to its quick oxidization rate (as with motor oil or other petroleum products/solvents), Linseed / Flaxseed oil left on a rag can eventually spontaneously combust (burst into flames).]

Perilla oil;similar profile to fish oil, but without unpleasant aftertaste; extracted from seed (35-45% oil) of the Perilla fructescens plant (a member of the mint family).

Pine nut oil;a finishing/dipping/medicinal oil (quite hard to find and expensive).  It reportedly has a refrigerated shelf life of 12 months.


This company also has a larger selection at better prices on Siberian and Korean pine nut oil (produced from the seeds of various species of pine and cedar) which yield the highest levels of anti-oxidants and pinolenic acid (an isomer of Gamma-Linolenic acid; however, it is not an Omega-6) and even wholesale prices (and have other oils such as Sea Buckthorn oil, Rose-hip oil, Hawthorn berry seed oil, and others:

This company also has Siberian Pine nut oil as well as some others oil, and their prices are about 1/3 of the other 2 links above:

Some sources claim pine nut oil is good for a host of benefits: supresses appetite, weight management, improves brain energy, soothes digestive system, improving metabolism, etc.


Sea Buckthorn oil;The oil from the seeds of the Sea Buckthorn (related to Russian Olive/Autumn Olive/Goumi) has been used in sunscreens and to protect astronauts from radiation burns.]

This company that has pine nut oil also has sea buckthorn oil:

Wheat germ oil, (extracted from the germ/endosperm of the wheat kernel, which comprises only 2.5% of the wheat berry/kernel/grain by weight).  It has a strong flavor and is rather unstable.

... as well as Omega-3 Fish oils (already mentioned) or Cod Liver oil or Salmon oil


Oils to avoid:

Canola oilshould be avoided since it is by its very nature a GMO crop.  There is no such thing as a "canola plant."  Canola (which is an acronym of sorts for "CANada OiL - A)" is a genetically modified form of the rape plant (in the kale family) and the oil is extracted from the seed.

Corn oil should be avoided since it is not a very healthy oil and since it is a highly contaminated GMO crop.

Cottonseed oilshould be avoided; while it may not be the most unhealthy oil in and of itself, it is a highly contaminated GMO crop.

Peanut oil;it is not a very healthy oil.  It is good for high-heat frying (which type of food should be eaten sparingly anyway—and extra psyllium powder should be consumed with such a meal to help "clean up the grease spill); it does add a very characteristic flavor to certain oriental dishes, but should not be consumed too frequently.

Soybean oil should be avoided since it is quite possible that the estrogen-hormone-like substances naturally ocurring in soybeans may possible also be in the oil, and since soybeans are a highly GMO contaminated crop.


Note: nonGMO soybeans are healthy, but in normal amounts, and very small amounts for children until after puberty... soybeans have estrogen-like hormones and some claim that soybeans and most soybean products (which are in far more foods than the average person realizes, such as hydrolized vegetable protein); the list of soybean products is large: soymilk, soy yogurt, soy ice cream, some hotdogs and hamburgers (sometimes mixed with real meat and sold as beef or chicken), of course outright soydogs and soyburgers, as well as vegetarian dogs and burgers, soybean oil is in so many products and many salad dressings and other products).  Soybeans, according to some studies can make boys predisposed to being effiminate/homo later with hormones screwed up in formative years.  Too many soybeans are not good for adults either, which can screw up the delicate hormone balance.  However, miso and tempeh are fine, but tofu still has those hormones... See article By Jim Rutz © 2010; the original title was: "Soy is Making Kids ‘Gay’ " — then after a huge backlash in response he re-titled it: "The Trouble with Soy".  Here is the link to this very important article: 


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 - Brewer’s Yeast: The Wonder Food of Vitamins and Amino Acids(1950) Marc Dixon, 68pp., booklet, 5.50  + P&H; best source of B-vitamins & many other nutrients/micro-nutrients; does not contribute to candida; it is the by-product of brewing; not active yeast. Brewer’s yeast is also about 50% protein (8g. per Tablespoon)


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- Make Your Own Wine (1950) Alex Appleyard, 64pp., booklet 6.50 + P&H. Many recipies for wines and healthy fermented beverages from fruit, vegetables, flowers, and herbs (includes lacto-fermented/nonalcoholic healthy beverages such as kvas).


- Proven Remedies (1949) J. H. Oliver, 92pp., plastic comb-bound, 10.00 + P&H.


- Sauerkraut: How Sauerkraut Regulates Digestion, Prolongs Youth, The Natural Way (1950) Miklos Worth, 54pp., 5.00 + P&H.


- Soyabeans: The Fabulous Food that Supplies Meat, Cheese, Proteins, Amino Acids, Vitamins, Minerals(1950) Miklos Worth, 62pp., booklet, 5.00 + P&H. 


Note: nonGMO soybeans are healthy, but in normal amounts, and very small amounts for children until after puberty... soybeans have estrogen-like hormones and some claim that soybeans and most soybean products (which are in far more foods than the average person realizes, such as hydrolized vegetable protein); the list of soybean products is large: soymilk, soy yogurt, soy ice cream, some hotdogs and hamburgers (sometimes mixed with real meat and sold as beef or chicken), of course outright soydogs and soyburgers, as well as vegetarian dogs and burgers, soybean oil is in so many products and many salad dressings and other products).  Soybeans, according to some studies can make boys predisposed to being effiminate/homo later with hormones screwed up in formative years.  Too many soybeans are not good for adults either, which can screw up the delicate hormone balance.  However, miso and tempeh are fine, but tofu still has those hormones... See article By Jim Rutz © 2010; the original title was: "Soy is Making Kids ‘Gay’ " — then after a huge backlash in response he re-titled it: "The Trouble with Soy".  Here is the link to this very important article:



- Wheat Germ (1950) Christopher Johnson, 48pp., 5.00 + P&H.


- Yogurt Spells Health: Rediscovery of an Ancient Therapy (1950) Worth, 64pp., 5.00 + P&H.



Other Important Health Books

- Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health: Restore Your Health by Creating pH Balance in Your Diet, Vasey, 202pp., pb., 13.00 + P&H.

- The Acid-Alkaline Food Guide: Quick Reference to Foods & Their Effect on pH Levels, Brown/Trivieri, 194pp., pb., 8.00 + P&H.

- Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough: The Superb Antioxidant That May Slow Aging, Repair Liver Damage, and Reduce the Risk of Cancer, Heart Disease, and Diabetes, Burt Berkson, M.D., 224pp., pb., 14.00 + P&H.

See this link for more information:

- Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was a Cure?: The Story of Ketones (2011) Dr. Mary Newport, coconut oil, a high-energy fuel nourishes brain, helps prevent & some to recover from Parkinson's/Alzheimer's; 398 pages, pb., 17.00 (reg. 19.00) + P&H.

See this link for more information:


- Amazing Charcoal: The Universal Antidote, Hullquist, 32pp., small booklet, 2.00 + P&H; keep activated charcoal in the emergency cabinet. 

For good sources for activated charcoal, see:

Remember to use coupon code QIP222 for $5 off your first order.


- Anti-Inflammation Zone: Reversing the Silent Epidemic That’s Destroying Our Health, Sears, 403pp., pb. 16.00 + P&H; Hb. 22.00 + P&H (reg. 26.00) inflammation is behind heart disease, cancer, dementia, arthritis, diabetes—and is reversable!

- Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Propolis, and Honey, Elkins, 58p booklet 4.00 + P&H, important info for energy, health, nutrition;

For good sources for these products, see:

Remember to use coupon code QIP222 for $5 off your first order.


- Beware of the Coming Food Apocalypse!: GMOs, Ciola, pb., 9.00 + P&H.

- Beyond Antibiotics: 50 Ways To Boost Your Immune System, Schmidt / Smith, 19.00 + P&H.

- Beyond Evolution: Genetically Altered Future of Plants, Animals, & Humans, Fox, 256pp., pb., 17.00 + P&H; Hb., 21.00 + P&H. (reg. 25.00).

- Bypassing Bypass Surgery: Chelation Therapy: Nonsurgical Treatment for Reversing Ateriosclerosis, Improving Blocked Circulation, Slowing Aging Process, Elmer M. Cranton, M.D., 377pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H (reg 18.00); old ed., 265pp. (12.00 while supplies last)]; exposes medical monopoly’s practice of expensive, unnecessary, ineffective surgery when EDTA Chelation therapy is painless, inexpensive, safe, effective, prevents/reverses effects of stroke, heart attack, cancer, rejuvenates immune system, removes toxic heavy metals from body (mercury, aluminum, lead, etc, removes plaque from arteries, improves circulation, partially reverses aging process; author world leading authority on Chelation;

- Cancer Is A Fungus: A Revolution in Tumor Therapy, Dr. T. Simoncelli (oncologist), imported from Italy, 6x9 pb., 244pp., (he cures cancer in Italy with baking soda).

Check out:


- Capsicum (Cayenne), Dr. John Christopher, 166pp., pb., excellent book; Out of Print; may eventually be available online at:


- Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age: An Insider’s Alarming Discoveries about Cancer and Genetic Damage, Dr. George Carlo/ Dr. Martin Schram, 320pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H.

- Chemtrails, Thomas, 336pp., pb. 17.00 + P&H; "govt" conspiracy of poisoning our clean skies with toxic chemicals/aerosal vaccines in nationwide high altitude spraying in jet contrails

- The Coconut Oil Miracle, Fife/Kabara, 256pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H.

[Great oil, great health properties...! Internal and external, antifungal (due to caprilic and lauric acid), kills athlete’s foot, toe nail, vaginal, candida, ringworm, thrush, diaper rash, psoriasis, eczema, dandruff, and other fungi. Nutiva is a good brand. You must use an organic brand, not treated with hexane. It can replace all your oils if you like.  Solidifies at 75 degrees or so, melts quickly, does not smoke while cooking, great in many foods but I would not use it in everything unless you want the coconut flavor, I prefer olive oil for many other things (salad dressing, eggs); you would have to mix the coconut oil with other oils to use in oil and vinegar type salad dressings to help keep the oil from turning solid (but even if it does, soak salad dressing jar in a container of hot tap water for a few minutes). You can also get coconut milk and coconut flour (if on a diet to rest immune system, avoid yeast, or grains harder on immune system). Best prices on Amazon with subscribe and save. 3 T./day coconut oil is a good baseline (for someone wanting to maintain good health; those who already have chronic, degenerative problems, may require more); also gives energy boost. It is a unique healthy "low fat" fat. Those with high blood pressure/hypertension need to solve those problems first (fresh garlic cloves daily, raw honey, cinnamon, exercise, cut out bad fat and sugar). Coconut oil increases metabolism, helps lose weight, it is used for energy rather then being stored as fat in body; can kill viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, hepatitis C, SARS, AIDS, and other illnesses; kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, gum disease and cavities, pneumonia, and gonorrhea, and other diseases; expels or kills tapeworms, lice, giardia, and other parasites. Improves digestion, absorbtion of minerals/vitamins, combats chronic fatigue, improves insulin/pancreatic function, improves digestion, digestive diseases, organ function, skin, hair, bones, teeth, protects agains free radicals, protects against breast, colon, other cancers and much more.]

- Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization, Milham, 120pp., pb., 13.00 + P&H. "Edison’s" DC power opened a pandora’s box of health risks; Milham was first scientist to alert world of health risks of electromagnetic fields: cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and suicide. We may be facing epidemic of radiation exposure with all new technology: cell phones, Wi-Fi, broadband, etc.

- Dietary Fiber (Good Health Guide series), Lorenzani, 48pp., stapleback 6.00 + P&H.

- DMSO: Nature’s Healer, Morton Walker, D.P.M., 352pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H. DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) is a natural by-product of the paper industry, which has incredible healing properties (bruises, broken bones, cancer, and hundreds of others); it is used on million dollar race horses, but outlawed by FDA for humans. However, the product is cheap and easily found.  This book is a must for homesteaders and people who don’t buy into the AMA doctor-god syndrome, running to a doctor and trusting him with their lives, hanging on his every word.

[See also: The Persecuted Drug: The Story of DMSO(1979), Pat McGrady, Sr., out of print; good used copies available: mass-market pb., 312p. exposes corruption of FDA; good used copies, pb., 15.00 + P&H; Hb., 25.00 + P&H.]

- The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, William Kelley Eidem, [Paperback], 402pp., 25.00 + P&H. (reg. 27.00); simple cure in a few weeks with things you can get at your grocery store.

- Eat Safe: The Truth About Food Additives from Aspartame to Xanthan Gum, Statham, 305pp., small-sized pb. 10.00 + P&H

- The Encyclopedia of Country Living, Emery, (10th edition), 8.5x11, 922pp., pb., 26.00 + P&H (reg 30.00) excellent how-to/resouorce manual.

- The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants (a DK book), Chevalliers, 8.5x11, 336pp., Hb., thick glossy paper, full color illustrations, sadly out of print; the best overall herbal, in my opinion. (inquire concerning good used copies)

- The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite, Kessler, 320pp., Hb., 22.00 + P&H (reg 26.00).

- Essiac: A Native Herbal Cancer Remedy, Olsen, 144pp., pb., 12.50 + P&H

- Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, Blaylock, M.D.296p. 16.00 + P&H (reg. 18.00) dangerous ingredients added to your foods such as Nutrasweet, MSG, etc., their serious dangers and how they are cleverly disguised without being listed in the ingredients.

- Fiber Facts: Get the Truth Concerning Dietary Fiber, Elkins, stapleback, 5.00 + P&H.

- The Fluoride Deception, Bryson, 379pp., pb., 17.00 + P&H (reg. 19.00).

- Fluoride Disproved and God’s Answer To Communism, 57pp.; Fluoridation Unmasked, Battelle, 24pp. & 75 Reasons Why Community Water Should Not Be Fluorinated, 4pp., 8 1/2 x 11 (2 booklets & paper) 7.50 + P&H

- Food Inc.: How Industrial Food Is Making Us Sicker, Fatter, and Poorer - And What You Can Do about It; A Participant Guide, Weber, 321pp., pb., 15.00 + P&H.

- Food, Inc., 25.00 + P&H. (reg. 27) DVD; Food, Inc. lifts the veil on our nation’s food industry, exposing how our nation’s food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. Food, Inc. reveals surprising and often shocking truths about what we eat, how it’s produced. Excellent, revealing, professional.

- From Chocolate To Morphine, Weil, drugs=anything causing a chemical change in body, 240pp., 7 3/4 x 9, pb., 15.00 + P&H.

- Genetically Engineered Food: Changing the Nature of Nature: What You Need To Know to Protect Yourself, Your Family and Our Planet, Teitel, Ph.D., 206pp., pb., 17.00 + P&H.

- Genetic Engineering: Dream or Nightmare?, Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 277pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H.

- Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, Jeffrey M. Smith, 312pp., Hb., 24.00 + P&H (reg. 28.00).

- Guess What Came To Dinner: Parasites and Your Health, Gittleman, 194pp., pb., 15.00 + P&H.

- The Grim Truth about Fluoridation (1964), Buck, 128pp., comb-bound, 10.00 + P&H.

- The Healing Powers of Olive Oil: A Complete Guide to Nature’s Liquid Gold, Cal Orey, 262pp., quality pb., 14.00 + P&H; 326pp., mass-market pocket pb., 7.00 + P&H.

- The Healing Powers of Vinegar: A Complete Guide to Nature’s Most Remarkable Remedy, Cal Orey, 332pp., quality pb., 14.00 + P&H; 402pp., mass-market pocket pb., 7.00 + P&H.

- Health and Nutritional Secrets that Can Save Your Life, Blaylock, 520pp., Hb., 26.00 + P&H (reg 30.00) (author of Excitotoxins).

- The Health Benefits of Cayenne, Dr. John Heinerman, 48pp., stapleback, 6.00 + P&H.

- Health Hazards Of Electromagnetic Radiation, 2Nd Edition: A Startling Look At The Effects Of Electropollution On Your Health, Bruce Fife, 108pp., pb. (imported) 15.00 + P&H.

Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated: Petition to the President to Abolish Compulsory Vaccination in Army and Navy (1920), Charles Michael Higgins, 240pp., pb., 25.00 (reg. 27.00) + P&H.

- How To Cure Almost Any Cancer At Home For $5.15 a Day, Henderson & Scholberg $27.00 - 8.5x11, 41pp., comb-bound, check out the description and testimonials/order from below link while it is still available. - uses similar principles I believe as the Oil Pulling (see book herein) and draws upon the work of German bio-chemist Dr. Johanna Budwig using flax seed oil and cottage cheese, claiming cancer is a fungus and begins in the mouth (from her information in the rare, now out-of-print The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments).

See also:


- How to Effectively Use Honey as Medicine: What Doctors Don’t Tell You, Ruth Tan, 108pp., pb., 14.00 + P&H.

- Immunization: Theory vs Reality, Miller, 160pp., 13.00 + P&H.

- Inflammation Nation: The First Clinically Proven Eating Plan to End Our Nation’s Secret Epidemic, Chilton, 302pp., pb., 15.00 + P&H.

- It's All in Your Head: The Link Between Mercury Amalgams and Illness, Dr. Hal A. Huggins, DDS, MS, 208pp., pb., 15.00 + P&H.

- Killer Clothes: How Seemingly Innocent Clothing Choices Endanger Your Health... and How to Protect Yourself!, Clement, 191pp., pb., 15.00 + P&H. toxic fabrics

- Living Foods for Optimum Health : Staying Healthy in an Unhealthy World, Brian R. Clement, 288pp., pb., 17.00 + P&H. Did you know what you eat could be making you sick? Some foods clog your body with energy-depleting fats, toxins, chemicals. Where can you find optimum nourishment your body needs to stay strong, healthy, vigorous? in health/healing properties of living foods—foods that are eaten raw and produced without dangerous, nutrient-robbing chemicals or additives.

- Mad Cow and Milk Gate, Hulse, M.D., 338pp. pb., 20.00 + P&H.

- Mad Cow USA: Could The Nightmare Happen Here?, Stauber, 224pp., Hb., 22.00 + P&H (reg 25.00).

- The Maker’s Diet: The 40-day health experience that will change your life forever, 336pp., pb., Jordan S Rubin, 14.00 + P&H. Are you looking for a health plan that is biblically based and scientifically proven? The Maker’s Diet is just that. Using a truly holistic approach to health, this groundbreaking book leads you on a journey that will change your life. It will help you: Boost your immune system - Attain and maintain your ideal weight - Have abundant energy - Improve your physical appearance - Reduce stress - Improve digestion.

- The Metabolism Advantage: An 8-Week Program to REV Up Your Body’s Fat-Burning Machine—At Any Age, John Berardi, PhD., 381pp., Hb., 22.00 + P&H (reg 25.00) EXCELLENT!

- The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century (4th Edition) by Jim Humble, Dr. Hector Remero and Dr. Tom Hesselink (2009), 328pp., pb., 21.00 + P&H. (reg. 25.00).

- Murder By Injection: Exposing America’s Medical Monopoly, Eustace Mullins, (vaccines, fluoride, aluminum, AIDS, the FDA, the CDC, etc.) 375pp., Hb., 35.00 + P&H.

- Natural Insect Repellents for Pets, People, and Plants, Grainger & Moore, 152pp., pb., 13.00 + P&H

- The Natural Remedy Bible, Michael Tierra and John Lust, 592pp., pb., 30.00 + P&H. (reg. 36.00).  Alphabetical listing of 200+ common illnesses, defined/described w/ symptoms/causes; Prescribed natural methods of treatment, including herbal remedies, water therapy, exercise, vitamins, nutritional foods for successful healing; Step-by-step instructions for proper methods of application, from baths and herbal additives to compresses and facial packs; A complete dictionary of resources; food, herbs, even health and beauty aids.

- Nature's Antibiotics, Udall, 28pp., 4.00 + P&H.

- Nature’s Antiseptics: Tea Tree Oil & Grapefruit Seed Extract, Puotinen, 48pp., 6.00 + P&H.

- The New Arthritis Cure: Eliminate Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Pain Permanently, Dr. Bruce Fife, 189pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H.

- Nourishing Traditions: Cookbook Challanges Politically-Correct Nutrition & Diet Dictocrats, Fallon, new ed. 668p. 7½x10, pb., 22.00 + P&H (reg. 25.00) A wealth of information, highly recommended, not just recipes, but in-depth health information, nutrition, exposing food additives, healthy ideas on making your own saurkraut, fermented pickles and other fermented vegetables no longer available in U.S., but used around the world full health healthy flora (most yogurt in U.S. is pasturized and processed and dead); seed sprouting, a must! Author does not realize that God’s dietary laws are still in effect, so just ignore anything to the contrary. Overall excellent & important.

- Oil Pulling Therapy: Detoxifying and Healing the Body Through Oral Cleansing, Bruce Fife, 189pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H.

[See the section "Oil Pulling Therapy" above; after the section "Oil Comparison Chart."]


- One Answer To Cancer with Cancer Cure Suppressed, William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S., 170pp,. 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound, 30.00 + P&H and its supplement, Self Test For the Different Metabolic Types, William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S., 216pp., 8.5x11, pb., 30.00 + P&H.

- 100,000,000 Guinea Pigs Dangers in Everyday Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics (1930s) Arthur Kallet and F. J. Schlink, 312pp., Hb. [out of print, good used copies available; inquire.] Very good info, despite the age; some things never change.

- The Poisoned Needle (1957), McBean, 243pp., pb., 24.00 + P&H (dangers of vaccinations) or a short except from the book 15pp., 1.50 + P&H.

- The Poisons Around Us, Schroeder M.D., 156pp., pb., 13.00 + P&H.

- Poisons in Your Food, Winter, 13.00 + P&H.

- Poisons in Your Medicine Chest, Dr. W. C. Douglass, 9.00 + P&H.

- Potatoes not Prozac, Dr. DesMaisons, 252pp., pb., 13.00 + P&H; sugar sensitive people people may suffer from overweight, fatigue, depression, etc.

- Prescription For Herbal Healing, Balch, 545pp., 8.5x11 pb., 21.00 + P&H (reg 24.00).

- Prescription For Nutritional Healing, Balch/Balch, 8 1/2 x 11, 368pp., pb., 17.00 + P&H.

- Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation (2007) by The Gardeners and Farmers of Centre Terre Vivante, Deborah Madison, and Eliot Coleman, pb., 21.00 + P&H (reg. 25.00).

- Prisoned Chickens - Poisoned Eggs, Davis, 175pp., 15.00 + P&H.

- Probiotic Foods for Good Health: Yogurt, Sauerkraut, and Other Beneficial Fermented Foods (2010) Beatrice Trum Hunter, 404pp., large-print pb., 22.00 + P&H.

- The Probiotics Revolution: The Definitive Guide to Safe, Natural Health Solutions Using Probiotic and Prebiotic Foods and Supplements, Huffnagle, 412pp., pb., 14.00 + P&H.

- The Raw Milk Revolution: Behind America’s Emerging Battle Over Food Rights, David Gumpert, 254pp., pb., 18.00 + P&H. (reg. 20.00).

- The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved: Inside America’s Underground Food Movements, Sandor E Katz, 378pp., 9" x 6" pb., 18.00 + P&H. (reg. 20.00). (author of Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods, see below).

- Romance of the Wheat: How to Make Good Wholesome Whole Wheat Bread as your Great-Grandmother Did It, Carole Collins, 8.5x11, 40pp., stapled. 5.00 + P&H.

- Root Canal Cover-Up, Dr., George E. Meinig, DDS, 227pp., pb., 20.00 + P&H. Bacteria trapped inside the structure of teeth migrate throughout the body. They may infect any organ, gland, or tissue and can damage the heart, kidneys, joints, eyes, brain, and endanger pregnant women. Learn how these infections were discovered by Weston A. Price, DDS in a 25 year Root Canal Research Program which was carried out under the auspices of the American Dental Association, and were subsequently covered-up.

- Science: Behind Closed Doors (Fraud, Genetically-Modified Foods & Animals, Human Cloning, Cold Fusion, HAARP), 6 videos, 1 hour each 90.00 + P&H (reg 100.00).

- Scientists Under Attack: Genetic Engineering in the Magnetic Field of Money (A Film About Courage, Secrecy and Danger), by Bertram Verhaag; 60 minutes, Plus 30 minute bonus documentary: Monster Salmon; 18.00 + P&H. (reg. 20.00).

- Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating, Jeffrey M. Smith, pb., 304pp. 18.00 + P&H; Hb., 240pp., 24.00 + P&H (reg. 28.00).

- Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, William F. Engdahl, 341pp., pb., 22.00 + P&H (reg. 25.00).

- The Serotonin Power Diet: Use Your Brain’s Natural Chemistry to Cut Cravings, Curb Emotional Overeating, and Lose Weight, Wurtman, 290pp., Hb., 22.00 + P&H (reg. 25.00).

- The Slow Poisoning of America, John E. Erb and T. Michelle Erb, c.250pp., pb. 22.00 + P&H (reg 25.00) Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Obesity, Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Headaches and Migraines, Epilepsy and Schizophrenia are ailments whose dramatic increase jeopardize the health of the entire country. This threat does not come from terrorists or from hostile countries, but from within our very own borders. The findings of almost two hundred medical research studies will guide you to the poisons behind these illnesses. For those of you who are content to live in ignorance, this is not a book for you. The information contained within its pages will forever change the way you look at the world we live in. But for those of you who seek the truth, who wish to prevent yourselves and your children from suffering from a myriad of debilitating ailments, this book may prove to be the answer.

- Solving the MS Mystery: Help, Hope and Recovery, Dr. Hal Huggins, DDS, MS, 405pp., pb., OUT OF PRINT, used copies available; inquire.

- So, You Call Yourself A Christian... , Robert Alan Balaicius; a powerful primer proving God’s Law could not have been done away with not only because of God’s Promises, but because of God’s very nature.  What makes a Christian a Christian?  What makes God God?  Proof that Peter’s Vision (and all other N.T. passages the average person things “did away with” the dietary laws) did not abolish God’s Dietary Laws in the slighest. 80pp., booklet, 5.50 + P&H; illustrated.

- Stop Alzheimer's Now!: How to Prevent & Reverse Dementia, Parkinson's, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis & Other Neurodegenerative Disorders, Bruce Fife / Russell L. Blaylock,* 352pp., pb., 18.00 (reg. 20.00) + P&H. [* co-author of Excitotoxins... (see above).]

- Stop Inflammation Now!, Richard M. Fleming, M.D./Tom Monte, 298pp., pb., 15.00 + P&H; major cause of heart disease can be prevented.

- Sugar Blues, Dufty, 255pp., pocket pb. (dangers of sugar on heath) 7.00 + P&H excellent.

- The Sugar Fix: The High-Fructose Fallout That is Making You Fat and Sick, Johnson, M.D., 336pp., mass-market pb., 8.00 + P&H; quality 288pp., pb., 15.00 + P&H; 304pp., Hb. 21.00 + P&H (reg. 25.00) Most all foods are laced with high fructose corn syrup; unlike other sugers, this one does not tell the brain it has been consumed, so appetite is never satisfied. Direct links exist between obesity, illness and this harmul sugar.

- The Sugar Solution: Your Symptoms are Real and the Solution is Here, Editors of Prevention Magazine, 390pp., Hb., 21.00 + P&H (reg 25.00); pb. 16.00 + P&H; lose weight, regain health, full of important information.

- Supplements Exposed: The Truth They Dont Want You to Know about Vitamins, Minerals, and Their Effects on Your Health, Brian R. Clement, 223pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H. synthetic vitamins/supplements are toxic!

- Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, Cori Brackett, 95 minute DVD, expose of the serious health problems caused by MSG and Aspartame (Equal, Nutrasweet, etc.)--the political corruption in FDA (and Rumsfeld) to pass a product (which now laces so many foods and drinks) that causes alarming numbers of brain tumors, holes in the brain tissue, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, cancers, etc. and much more. Very important presentation, I will not drink diet (or nondiet) soda ever again or eat anything with these artificial sweeteners. I have avoided MSG for years. 20.00 + P&H.

- Sweet Remedy: The World Reacts to an Adulterated Food Supply, Cori Brackett, DVD, 134 minutes, 25.00 + P&H.

- The Testosterone Edge: The Power to Boost Energy, Fight Disease, Improve Mood, and Increase Sexual Vitality for Men and Women, O’Neill, .By Brian E. O’Neill. Discover the secrets of a dynamic sex drive, toned muscles, and high energy, with the latest information on testosterone pills, injections, and gel patches. Includes a simple diet and exercise program that will help combat heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, Alzheimer’s and other diseases linked to low testosterone. 190pp., Hb., 23.00 + P&H

- 365 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism: Everyday Tips to Achieve Your Maximum Fat-Burning Potential, Koehler, 224pp., pb., 9.00 + P&H.

- Toxic Sludge is Good For You, Stauber, (author of Mad Cow USA) 17.00 + P&H (how big business that puts media spin on health risks to hide the truth).

- Ultra-Metabolism: The Simple Plan For Automatic Weight Loss, Mark Hyman, M.D., 354pp., Hb., 22.00 + P&H (reg 25.00) Excellent.

- Uninformed Consent: The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care, Dr. Hal A. Huggins, DDS, MS, 278pp., 17.00 (reg. 19.00) + P&H.

- The Untold Story of Milk: Green Pastures, Contented Cows and Raw Dairy Products, Ron Schmid & Sally Fallon; 480pp., pb., 24.00 + P&H. tells role of milk in rise of civilization & early America, distillery dairies, compulsory pasteurization, politics of milk, traditional dairying cultures, modern dairy industry, betrayal of public trust by government health officials, modern myths concerning cholesterol, animal fats, heart disease & myriad health benefits of raw milk. [May be going out of print; few copies available.]

- User’s Guide to Propolis, Royal Jelly, Honey, and Bee Pollen: Learn How to Use "Bee Foods" to Enhance Your Health and Immunity (Large Print; annoying layout, but good information), Broadhurst, 132pp., pb., 15.00 + P&H Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing Our Soldiers and Why GI’s Are Only the First Victims, Matsumoto, 384pp., Hb., 22.00 + P&H (reg 25.00).

- Vaccinations Do Not Protect and Court Violates Federal Law in Vaccination Case (c.1960), Eleanor McBean, Ph.D., 48pp., 5.00 + P&H.

- Vaccine and Serum Evils (1960), Herbert Shelton, 72pp., booklet, retypeset, afterword by R.A.B./S.T.P. 6.00 + P&H.

- Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective?, Miller, 127pp., pb., 13.00 + P&H.

- Vaccines, Autism and Childhood Disorders: Crucial Data That Could Save Your Child’s Life, Miller, 128pp., pb., 13.00 + P&H.

- Warning: Vaccinations Are Dangerous, Peters, 20pp. booklet, 2.00 + P&H.

- What’s Keeping God from Delivering America, Britain and Europe from Destruction...?, Robert Alan Balaicius, 112pp., pb., 10.50 + P&H.  God’s Law was never abolished (it is His Standard of Morality for His People); it is the violation of God’s Law (which Christians think was “done away with”) that keeps God from hearing our prayers and delivering us from our national enemies threatening the very existence of Christendom.

- What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Vaccinations, Cave, M.D., 315pp., pb., 14.00 + P&H.

- Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods (2003) by Sandor Ellix Katz and Sally Fallon, pb., 21.00 + P&H (reg. 25.00).

- The World According to Monsanto: Pollution, Corruption, and the Control of the World’s Food Supply, Robin, 352pp., Hb., 22.00 + P&H (reg. 27.00).

- Your Right to Know: Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in Your Food [With Pocket Shopper’s Guide] Kimbrell, 151pp., pb., 20.00 + P&H. (reg. 25.00).

Many hundred other excellent titles on herbs, alternative remedies, organic gardening, homesteading, etc.  Send e-mail and the topic in which you are interested (or any specific title you are looking for) and we will send you details. 

P&H = 10% (4.00 minimum) for Library Rate.

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