—What Do You Say in a Terrible Situation in which There Is Nothing Nice to Say...? — such as when Offering a Eulogy for someone Whom you cannot Honestly Eulogize?

A friend emailed me yesterday concerning an unpleasant situation.

His father recently died, in advanced age and was buried.

However, he and his his father did not interact too much, and when they did, it was one-sided, the son trying to be a good son.  The...

—Holiness — Self-Sacrifice — Abraham — Martin Luther — Alien Immigration — End Time Survival of the Remnant (revised)

Until true Christians with each breath pray with me, “God send a pestilence!  Send a pestilence on the wicked and on those who hate You and on those who are trying to destroy Christendom” and “Pour out Your Holy Spirit on Your people and convict them of their sins (especially those who think that they don’t sin, because they don’t even know what sin is) and bring them to repentance so that You can hear our prayers and deliver us!”... He is just going to send more evil. ...

—Thought for the Day - The Rule of Law in Church and State (revised)

Below are some profound thoughts to consider.  True Christianity—Doctrine—is not a “good feeling” or “humanistic notions of how deluded man thinks things (including God) should be”.  The carnal mind is at war with God, whether carnal minds think so or not.  God has declared it.  So it is.  All those who disagree with what God decreed are enemies of God.  The only way to correct this is to forsake your own faulty ideas and carnal will and submit, and declare allegiance to God, put on the Mind...

—Curious Thoughts - Inquiring Minds Want to Know — Ruminations, Thoughts, and Ponderings on Inerrancy and Sacrifice - with Final Thought (revised)

I believe the Word of God to be 100% inspired and without error in the original manuscripts.  God declared that blindness would come upon His people (which actually started when they rejected Him as their Sovereign and lusted after having a king like the wicked, polluted enemy nations around them).  Losing touch with our ancient mother-tongue is part of that blindness.  Having minor (mostly insignificant, as doctrine is concerned) error creep into the manuscripts by copyist error is part of...

— Annoying Eye Twitching / Spams in Eyeball or Eyelid UPDATED

[Updated information at the end]

I suffered, for some reason, for maybe 7 years with an extremely annoying condition, in which either my eyeballs or eyelids of both eyes twitched or spasmed continually, day and night.  It was the perfect accompaniment to tinnitus to help drive you crazy. 

About 2 years ago I learned about Magtein / Magnesium L-Threonate.  It was reportedly the most absorbable form of Magnesium, and a non-...

—Islam and Terrorism, The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly—or “Halal Good Cop — Halal Bad Cop” Routine...?

Gandhi and Mandela were both actual terrorists guilty of mass murders—which terrorism they never recanted.*  However, they found that the “soft revolution” was easier to achieve (and less risky), like a Trojan Horse from within the nation they were attempting to subvert.  Thus, while they did carry out a few acts of terrorism, just for a diversion and to have someone else to blame it on, they began the work of subverting the minds of the youth, subverting the politicians...

—Immigration = Castration

Most people decry the problem until they realize what the solution entails.  Most, when they receive news about the health of their kidneys or heart or liver claim that they don’t want to die and seem eager to live—until they receive the list of “do’s” and “don’t’s” concerning diet, drink, and exercise.  The majority alive in Christendom today are the product of what I refer to as “The Age of Irresponsibility”.  When presented with the responsibility, most people (Christians included) will...

—Peter Hammond Responds to Joel McDurmon


In the on-going saga of modernist, liberal Pharisees in sheep's clothing, a true spiritual leader and minister, Doctor Peter Hammond of South Africa, has chimed in, as a response to the irresponsible, ignorant mud-slinging of a self-appointed "re-definer" of traditional Christianity: Mr. Friend-of-the-world, Joel McDurmon, the newest falling star in apostate Christianity.

 [Public Service Announcement]



—The "Gentiles" and "those in bondage" in Isaiah 49:6-9

Many “Christians”, demonstrating themselves to be very-poor scholars and even-worse thinkers, build an entire theology from a singular passage; and one taken out of context—and in denial of and in contradiction to the rest of Scripture.  They try to conform Scripture to what they want to believe, as if putting on an oversized garment and then trimming off the “waste” (which in the case of the Scriptures, they consider to be about 80% of the Word of God)....
