—UPDATED WITH FORD LETTER ANALYSIS & SYNOPSIS — The Destruction Continues, my thoughts concerning the Kavanaugh Supreme Court Hearings, China, the invasion of Christendom, & very good article “Free Speech and Hypocrites on the Left!” by Dr. Don Boys

[Letter analysis update at the very end]

This is a good article by Don Boys, Ph.D.

"Free Speech and Hypocrites on the Left!"


Immigration Disinformation and the Myth of White Guilt

Most secular, liberal, and even many “Christian” articles written on the topic of immigration*1 are full of disinformation and false doctrine because of government-induced and Apostate Church-induced color blindness.*2  

[*1 which, like most things in a socialist-subverted society (like the concepts of “racism”, “discrimination”, etc.), is a “one-way street” and...

—Red Ice concerning Bono Vox of U-2 & PewDiePie concerning shocking episode of Dr. Phil & Fukuyama Meltdown & Corrupt Politicians and Their Cronies


Red Ice—very astute and well-spoken—shows how vile Bono (Hewson) is of Irish rock band U-2, who claims to be a “Christian” (Catholic), but who seems to be a leftist and hateful and intolerant himself... and he even seems to insinuate genocide of blonde-hair, blue-...

—Diversity and Equality—Expressions of Socialist Psychosis and Psychopathology

Have you ever see any of this on the evening news?  From Evergreen State College (published May 29, 2018) in Washington State.  News sources claim that Harvard and Georgetown have also given this a try (all white people, including professors, excluded from campus for a day—even upon threat of violence)—including a “Black only graduation day” (which must be something like “collegiate fiction”)... all decked out like natives (well, somewhat).  It is reprehensible.  It is illegal.  I’ve sent...

—McCain — War “Hero” ...? Consider the Evidence not the Satanic Halo Polishers — R.I.P. - “Roast in Perdition”

Trump should not have caved in, in not honoring McCain after McCain died.  That was cowardly and damaged the truth.  Had Trump held to CONVICTION then detractors would have to have heard the EVIDENCE of McCain’s evil, if they pressed the issue... thus, another COVER-UP resulted instead.  When Hillary dies, instead of lowering the U.S. Flag to half-mast they should raise the Jolly Rogers to full mast; it would have been appropriate for McCain too....

—DNA - “Do Not Assimilate” — DNA Testing CANNOT Be Trusted

People need to realize that DNA testing cannot be trusted.  It is in the hands of the same Talmudic people as the vaccines and other drugs and medical procedures (and the same people who control our government, the media, entertainment, education, the legal profession, etc.).  Do you trust them?  Have you studied the vaccination issue?  Do you trust the AMA / FDA / CDC?  They are multi-billion dollar industries.  If they found a cure for cancer, or other such problems, they would put...

—The Members of the Media are not the Only Guilty Parties in the “Government” Conspiracy — so are All Those in the Department of “Education” [Propaganda]

Someone emailed and told me:

Robert, I was listening to a retired geophysicist on you tube, Eddie Page, and he said that when you teach at a university or work for the government such as NOAA, you have to sign a confidentiality agreement.  You are not allowed to talk publicly or to the press about anything unless the university, FEMA, and Homeland security give their permission.  (We...

—Jericho - Judgment - Repentance - Obedience - Christ’s Return (Revised)

It seems that there are parallels between modern “art” and modern “theology” (which is actually humanism).  Both are either shams or mental disturbance.

It does not have to be pornographic or sadistic or macabre or outright pagan to be antichrist.  It can be subtle — even a mass of confusion, which each person is to view “...

—Endless Genealogies

In my morning reading Dr. Gordon H. Clark in his superb The Pastoral Epistles (1983), p.169, under II Timothy 3, concerning the “endless genealogies” (which are also discussed elsewhere in Timothy and Titus), wrote concerning those who —

“stupidly waste their time on allegorical adumbrations of Jewish [sic, Adamic-...

—Shadowy Theology: Men (Carnal “Christians” included) Prefer Darkness Rather than Light Because Their Deeds Are Evil

Someone had emailed and asked:

Hello, Robert: As I understand your interpretation of Col. 2:16 as meaning that one can avoid being judged in regard to the items listed in the verse by being obedient and, therefore, not coming under Judgment; as you say, no one has any control concerning another person’s mind, and therefore, this is not merely concerning what people “think”...

"General Incompetence" — another sign of decay of civilization (personal experience and a little humor) and a tip on a good source for meat and other products

I ordered a 5 gallon bucket of tallow from what appears to be a great company, with other great products.


$163.96 + 9....

—Thoughts for the Day—and the Day After, and the Day after That... All Ye Who Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness, Ruminate on This One Long and Hard, Daily

I have long written, in numerous books of mine (and I even made a bookmark and offered one for free with any book order; which offer no one has ever taken me up on), that my motto for the past few decades (which does not infer that I have stellarly accomplished it) has been—

“Each day that I do not, by God’s Grace, make a conscious effort to be more Christ-like has been a...
