—Pastor John Weaver responds to Joel McDurmon

[Public Service Announcement]

Joel McDurmon,

American Vision,

Your article was sent to me by numerous people.  Interestingly, you did not send it to me.  Thankfully, those who sent it knew me and knew of my ministry.  I certainly learned some things from your article.  First, if you had not pointed out that I was a “racist,” I would never have thought that concerning myself.  I thought that I was just a Christian that believed the Bible.  I certainly have...

—Heretical Lighthouse: The Blind Leading the Blind or the Mythical Sirens Guiding Ships to be Dashed on the Rocks? — An Attack on Calvinism and a Response (revised)

Someone had emailed me an email that he received.  Some Christian information source announced its plans to print a book; below that announcement are a plethora of comments both pro and con by those who were or had been supporters of that ministry.  I will save most of my comments until the end... [but I will place some of my comments in brackets at certain places, and indicate so with “R.A.B.”]


Kentucky Governor Bevin - Guns are Not the Problem - Corrupt Politicians, Media, “Educators”, “Entertainment” Purveyors, Drugs, PEOPLE are PROBLEM — Signs Bill Allowing Kentucky Schools to Teach Bible — Buger Shame & Other Signs of End of Civilization

Of Lawsuits and Barbarians

Someone commented concerning an email from the other day “Blue Buffalo’s Dog Food 2 Class Action Law Suits” (in which an “all-natural” dog food, an expensive and “top of the line” brand, was found to have lead in it and caused the deaths and illness and suffering in numerous dogs, and there was a class-action lawsuit and high-dollar settlement):
“Dr. Carol is in my neck of the woods; 1.5 mi from me.  I wonder whether the settlement amount is a bit excessive?”
My reply (to this and another

[UPDATED] Evangelical Leaders Pimping for Dreamers! & Dogs and Swine at the Master's Table & The Violent Invasion of Christendom & Politicians and Corrupt Government Behind Mass Shootings and Everyday Crime

4 separate articles.

First, a timely message from Dr. Don Boys, then my comments and some links.

Be sure to scroll all the way to the end and at least familiarize yourself with the headlines of the links.


Presidential Limo Driving Training Course... not for the faint of heart

(I don't know if this is real or computer generated.  I saw at another site this vehicle weighs 10 tons and can only go 60 mph, so I don't know if a vehicle that heavy could squeal the tires from a standstill or if this vehicle is capable of driving as fast as it shows on this video.  I have not seen anything that refutes or confirms this.)...

The Blue Planet Just Got BLUER

This is a fantastic, unbelieveable journey, 5 DVDs with 2 programs on each; coastal waters, tides, open ocean, ocean deep, sharks, killer wales, never-before seen creatures of the deep, etc., simply the most amazing footage you will ever see.  I never tire of watching.

The Emmy-winning The Blue Planet: Seas of Life is the definitive natural...

— Flu's and Don'ts of Flu Season or Any Season

Those who trust the media, government, and medical "professions" please stop reading and go to any mainstream news network, the official government health sites, or "fantasy.com"... those who want to read some alternative ideas, using your own mind to make an informed decision to take your health and your life into your own hands and take personal responsibility, then by all means read on and consider the ideas that I myself have implemented for 40 years... and if you want to...

Politicians and the First Law of Thermodynamics

All valid science disproves evolution.*  All things tend to homeostasis, following the first law of Thermodynamics (the Law of Conservation of Energy and Matter) in terms of Entropy (decay).  Things don't progress on their own (from simple to complex), devolution is the law.  Simplest example: leave something outside exposed to the sun, rain, wind, etc., it will dry-rot, collapse, fall apart, fall down, disintegrate, etc.  This is displayed even in politics and the economy and...

—Ruminate on this — Hard Sayings — Timely Truths — Democracy is Communism; Meaning of Words “Whosoever Will” / “World” in Bible; How Christian Bakers & Florists Should Handle Issues that Violate Conscience and How To Keep Politicians on a Tight Leash

He who has ears to hear... let him hear here...

[This contains 4 sections of separate, but related Ruminations on The Weapon of Unconstitutional, Unchristian Immigration and the Corrupt, Treasonous Politicians Who Wield it to Destroy Christendom.]

—Modern Christianity - Pure-hearted and Holy or Humanistic Lipservice?

Those modern non-doctrinal / anti-doctrinal “Christians” (who are in the vast majority) who would blather, “man looks on the outward appear appearance but God looks on the heart”—to justify their own immorality / rebellion against God, don’t even realize that they condemn themselves in so saying.  They don’t realize that what they are saying, in essence, is, “Yes, although you may notice by my outward actions and attitude that I am not in conformity with the Word of God—you don’t know the half...

—Apostate Christianity - How to Recognize It

If you cut through the foundational joists of your house and carve out large pieces that you don’t like, the building will eventually collapse.  A trickle in a dam or dyke, if ignored, will grow larger as its integrity erodes until it one day bursts forth in destruction.  Rejecting one Biblical doctrine in favor of humanism will only lead to discarding other Bible doctrines, and eventually discarding them all.  That is why the majority of society is secular (and perverse) today.  It all...
