—The Holy Spirit and Faith by God’s Measure

Someone emailed and asked:

Are there degrees of the Holy Spirit in God’s people? Do all of God’s people get in the Kingdom of Heaven or just those who are persecuted for righteousness and the poor in spirit and those who are pure in heart?  What constitutes a pure in heart?  When God destroys His people for being unfaithful does that mean He throws their soul to Fiery Pit Everlasting...

—The Virgin Birth — False Prophet Attacking Christ

Beloved Georgian Baptist preacher Charles Stanley’s son Andy, who is pastor of one of the largest congregations in the U.S. (33,000), continues to reveal his modernist doctrine (and I believe Charles has broken ties with him) and denial of key Bible doctrine (and pretty much the whole of the Old Testament).  False prophets continue to arise and gather massive followings.


—The Fatal Flaw in All Arguments — Reality or Delusion: It's Your Choice (but don't expect me to join you if you choose the latter)

At the bottom of this Rumination are some links to youtubes by Ben Shapiro.*  Someone emailed me a few of his links and asked my opinion.  I have for a long time, when at youtube, seen in the sidebar on the right, links to Shapiro's youtubes, but never viewed any.  With dial up I have to be choosy since it takes about 5 times longer to view any video; I download one slowly as I work on other things at my computer, then when a minute or two have downloaded, I watch, then go...

—What is God Waiting On?

Someone emailed and asked:

As I pray that repentance will be sent to Gods children so that He may heal our land  2 Chron. 7:14, I am wondering who the “my people” are?  Now I must tell you that I have been to a few of the Judeo-Christian churches and most of those people in there are Israelites.  They don’t know it.  They wouldn’t believe it and they don’t care and they have little...

—Submission to Government: Of God or of Fraud?

Someone emailed me (and asked for my reply) a short article written by a mainstream pastor, who is spiritually blind and does not understand Scripture, who thinks that we should submit to a godless government.  Maybe one day his eyes will be opened.  

God does not expect us to obey evil, immoral government.  The king established by God was not a dictator... the king was not a god. ...

—Mental Rape—the OTHER Rape - Bible Law on Rape - the Pathology of Perverse Society - More from the "Ford Theater" & an article by Don Boys, Ph.D.: "Rapacious Rape Requires Resistance!"

The minds of the majority in subverted Christendom have been raped by the godless, Antichrist Marxist State.  They are lobotomized against understanding truth—their consciences (those who have one) are INNOCULATED against the truth, and they are brainwashed with immoral perverse notions which skew their understanding of anything.  Imagine a person going to a psychiatrist and the psychiatrist says, “Okay, let us free associate.  I will mention something and you say the first thing that comes to...

—Thanksgiving Every Day...? — 10 Most-Important Inventions of the Modern Era — Bless the Lord, O my soul!

This is just my opinion concerning what I believe to be the 10 most-important items that I mention below.

I thank God for these almost daily (each time that I use or think of them)... how many others ever even think of them as blessings, consciously imagine what life would be like without them, or think to thank Him frequently?  It’s never too late to start.  ...

—Spreading Evil—WHAT will YOU do about it...? Problem + God's SOLUTION = Deliverance


Each time I go into town I see more freaks and aliens, half-aliens ... fluorescent-dyed hair, piercings, tattooes, OBESE (many 400 pounders*), genetically underprivileged locals (multiple generationally), most on welfare (living the good life at the taxpayer's expense, enjoying all the luxuries of life, without doing anything to earn them, living a life of leisure)....
