—“Red Elephants” CRASH “White Privilege” Seminar

Someone emailed this link and said, “Great job Red Elephants”—but it was not a great job.  It was embarrassing and juvenile and ignorant.  I admire they had the courage to do what they did; but as the Bible says, “It is not good to have zeal without knowledge” (Proverbs 19:2—the one rare verse that the NIV actually does a good job on).  This has some bad language, but it is still very interesting how the Jews are exposed in the 30 minute video of this meeting....

Help Stop Totalitarian Persecution... sign this petition for an Amish farmer

Help Stop Totalitarian Persecution... sign this petition for an Amish farmer


Everyone sign this... if you don't may your cries go unheard when you are persecuted.

He needs to be pardoned, but then the law has to be overturned and he needs to be exonerated, and the FDA needs to be punished, and the judges removed from the bench.  The courts are to rule...

—How to Play the Trump Card and Out-fox a faux Fox, Why Build a Wall? How to Force Mexico to Pay for it, and a Hint to All Nations of Europe / U.K. —TAKE NOTES...! (Updated)

“IT’S HAPPENING! Trump Just Came Up With GENIUS Plan To Get Mexico To Pay For The Wall!” By Jeff Rainforth



Dying Christendom—Dancing to the Tune of the Pied “Pipers” and False Prophets of Babylon into the Arms of the Antichrist: The Continued Apostasy of the Southern Baptist Convention and Their Paper-Tiger Fallacy (Invented Myth) of White Supremacy being ...

Bernie Sanders (Sandler? Shandler?) and Double Standards



—bring Sanders (and all other politicians like him) up on charges of SEDITION.  The U.S. Constitution is not to be interpreted in any modern person's mind (and especially not one whose "values" are completely different and opposed to those of our Founders), but it is to be interpreted in light of what was in the MIND OF THE FOUNDERS AT THE TIME that they penned and ratified the Constitution.  If Sanders and others don't like the nation that our FOUNDERS ESTABLISHED... let THEM LEAVE... (if they are not...

—Modern Politics and the Manufacture of the Unrightful Pre-Eminent Right to be Offended and Display Intolerant Tolerance (Updated)

The question of the hour, in the modern immoral mundial meltdown, appears to be this:

Who has the greater right to be offended?

That is an unavoidable question that everyone seems to avoid; which is hypocritical and oxymoronic (two clear hallmarks of the present age of...

Logic and Exposure of Subversion, Corruption, and Injustice via Book covers?

Would there even be universities without those whom the invaders are now trying to bar from them...? (—in the U.S., South Africa,* and presumably other nations of Christendom)  It is a growing trend of racism and violence—from the wearing of hateful t-shirts to even giving orders for whites to leave campus, demanding statues or paintings of founders and / former presidents of the universities to be removed, etc.


POLICE: Don't call us; we'll call you if we want to fine you.

POLICE: "We are too busy eating donuts and looking for ticketable traffic violations to bother ourselves with actually protecting citizens... just put up with whatever the problem is and stop being so hysterical, selfish, rabble-rousing, whistle-blowing, alarmist, and intolerant.  Your tax money that pays our salaries is not to provide services for you, but to protect the politicians and regulate you into a cage, and to turn a good profit when we can... so stop calling us with your problems or we will charge you and...

Christ's Imminent Return - Solar Eclipses - Great Tribulation - Bolshevik Revolution... What do they have in common...?


In my chart Coordinated Chronology of the Patriarchs,* based on 10 years of study and various dating methods of history, I determined (not prophesied) that based upon my research it looks like 2024 is the 6,000 year from creation (and thus represents the 120 Jubilee from creation)... at...

—Last Days of the Romanovs, The: From 15th March, 1917—100th Anniversary Memorial Edition

The Last Days of the Romanovs: From 15th March, 1917—100th Anniversary Memorial Edition (1920) Part I—The Narrative by Robert Wilton (Special Correspondent of The Times in Petrograd) and Part II—The Depositions of the Eye-Witnesses by Nikolai Sokolov (translated by George Gustav Telberg), and Part III; with many extra added illustrations and other information, very moving presentation......

Gog and Magog...? Russia? Islam? Who is to be invaded? Israel? The United States / USA, Britain / UK & Europe: Christendom? (Updated)

The View of Revelation presented in books like A. J. Ferris' The Book of Revelation (or Foster's Amazing Book of Revelation Explained, which is merely an extraction of Ferris' work) and Thomas Foster's When Russia Attacks America is called the “Historicist” view—not to be confused with the Preterist / Praeterist view.  ...

Chemical Weapons, Toxic Media, Corrupt Government, Military Strikes, WWIII, the “National” and War Debt, Alien Invasion, and Militant Perversion—all planned to destabilize Christendom

The first story (below) contradicts the second.  

Story #1



Mini Sermonette Lite

God will get serious with keeping His Promises and delivering us when we get serious in seeking Him, repenting, and obeying.  

“13And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.  14And I will be found of you, saith the LORD...” (Jeremiah 29)


Dear Germany / Dear Europe

I have a question.  During WWII you killed your own brethren when Americans, British, and European armies invaded your nation (and you were RIGHT to do so; we did not have the right to invade you because you were attempted to gain control of your nation back from the International Bankers and expell subversive aliens).

Why do you do nothing when savages invade your nation and rape...

Nibiru, Planet X, Mayan Calendar

Nibiru, Planet X, various comets, Mayan calendar, aliens / UFOs, flat earth, the earth not moving, skeletons of 30-foot giants, etc. I believe are all baseless hoaxes intended to distract people from the REAL SERIOUS problems in Christendom that they CAN change, to cause them instead to be fearful about something over which there is no control (and of which there is no proof—those who think that there is proof, don’t understand the very rudiments of logical thought and don’t understand the...
