AOC on Labor Day

You have to wonder about someone

whose congressional district

includes Riker’s Island (New York City's Prison)

(which includes Bellevue Hospital Mental Ward).

There is no pandemic... CDC FINALLY ADMITS....!!!!! (Updated) but what they have not admitted are the details of the CRIME

CDC admits less than 6% of covid death are due to covid, only a little over 9,000 people have died FROM covid in the US.  (Dying "with" a cold, a burn, a broken bone, a splinter, a hang-nail does not mean that you died FROM it.)


Embrace Covid...! Praise Evolution and Pass the Pathogens...! — & awaiting the Perfect Storm (UPDATED)

It is truly amazing how utterly mindless and hypocritical are those who worship evolution (including most “Christians”, who either believe evolution outright, or who believe in a form of evolution in their polluted unbiblical notions of anthropology—most “Christians” are actually superstitious agnostics and atheists: if they truly believed in the God of the Bible they would not live as they do in violation of all He commanded and forbade; your god / lord is the one whom you obey).&nb

Christendumb's Dilemma... Wake Up or Embrace Death !

People don’t want to do what is needed to actually fix the problem (like a thief who was caught: he does not regret committing the crime, he only regrets being caught, and he regrets the consequences).  This is rebellion against God and against reality.   It is self-masochism as well as sadism against the rest of Christendom.  There is only one way that works.  Our Forefathers established that way, upon the Law of God and having founded a nation for themselve

Unmasking Stupidity and Evil—Soon there shall be a REAL Pestilence that will undo all of their fabrications, maneuvering, deceit, and lies

GOD send a REAL pestilence and cull a firstfruits of the wicked, the choicest of them, from top to bottom, and BLINDSIDE THEM in their communist charade and incapacitate them, leaving them stunned like a pigeon hit by a car... and undo all their plans to the point they drop like flies and all they can do is impotently attempt to cling to life... REWARD THEM for their arrogance and evil.

—The Blessing is the Curse. Surrealism is the New Reality. The Prison Bars are in Your Own Mind. Insanity is the New Sanity. Abnormality is the New Normalcy.

Why can savages assemble million-man marches, and fill buses full of “protestors” (“paid actors” / “paid savages”)...? while the backbone of this nation, white, Christian moral people do nothing?

Red Letter DAZE — Some Misunderstood Words of Christ

People generally misunderstand various sayings of Christ (not knowing His Voice); and therefore, they generally draw false inferences based upon what He said, or rather, based upon their confused notions of what He said.**  Christ often would ask a question of His own (taking control of the conversation), rather than answer a question posed to Him,* and the listeners’ ignorance in Christ’s day (even as most Bible readers’ today) caused them to drop

The U.S. was NOT founded by “Rebels” and a brief refutation of alleged “rebellion” and “violence”

Contrary to common ignorance our nation was NOT founded by “rebels”... that notion has leaked out from the minds of those who cannot think (and thus it is quite popular!) and who do not have a clear understanding of the meaning of English words, the history of the Founding of our nation, or the Law and Principles taught in the Holy Scriptures.