Modern College “Education” — the REAL “process”

Rarely do people go to college any more to learn—they go to receive a degree; that is, an official piece of paper declaring them to be an “expert” (in fluid “truth” that is continually changing based upon “public opinion” that is INJECTED into the imported “majority”, they being too dull minded to think of it on their own)...

Man of Sorrows and Acquainted with Grief: "Smitten Sonnet"

[Illustration: Descent from the Cross by French painter and engraver Paul Gustave Louis Christophe Dore (1832-1883).]

I've written a dozen or so new poems in the last week... they and other newer poems will eventually be printed in a second paperback volume of such works; until then, the first volume of my poetic works is available:

What Are the Most-Important Health Nutrients? Can You Really Prevent or Reverse Disease? AND THE CORONA Covid HYSTERIA - UPDATE

[Update at the end]

Two of the most-important youtubes that I believe that you could watch / listen to, are these (and they are highly recommended: listen to them twice and take notes):


These 3 inexpensive supplements are possibly the most-important vitamins and minerals

Kellogg’s PORN Flakes? — modern Cereal Killers?

It is one thing to sell your soul to make a sale—especially to a tiny percentage of the population whose business would not affect your profit margin in the slightest.  It is another matter entirely to champion perversity and go trolling for new victims.  It is bad enough that foods are laced with disease-causing GMOs, denuded white sugar, artificial colors, flavors, texturizers, preservatives, aluminum, anti-freeze (propylene glycol), HFCS, MSG (and its evil step-sisters disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate

—The Revolution that Ain't Gonna Be — UPDATED: From My Cold Dead Fingers... It Can't Happen Here

A few people replied about the “Breaking News” email yesterday (see attachment) about the resistance of U.S. Patriots to being disarmed... when clothed in the context of 1775.

Some commented, “Bring on the Revolution”.  However, one more-astute person replied,

Minority Report

In response to a comment that someone else made in reference to the email of Boeing’s disaster being due to “outsourcing” engineering software jobs to INDIA!, someone else sent a list of some of the wonderous achievements of Third-world peoples.  

Impotent Emotion-Oriented “Christianity” IS STERILE and Just as bad as the APOSTATE Church — James Dobson Wake Up!

Christ said, “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of My Mouth” (Revelation 3:16), meaning, “you shall have NO PART IN ME”.  Morality never changes.  Jesus never included everyone.  He had no intentions of doing so.  The Apostate / Antichrist church is the one with that communist, world-pleasing, nation and faith destroying philosophy.