Elementary My Dear Watson—Race Toward Politically Correct Totalitarianism

This story is several years old, but fits in well today.  Nobel prize winner, co-discoverer of DNA James Watson was blackballed and contracts not renewed for employment and new offers dried up and his finances had cramped him and put his nobel prize gold medal up for auction--the first living recipient ever to do so... it was bought by a Russian billionaire for $4.8 million and then given back to him.  Why was Watson academically ruined...?

Military Mad-Dog Complex


Interesting story, but these few first words about the author call into question credibility:

"Ray McGovern works with Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in inner-city Washington. His 27-year career as a CIA analyst..."

Gender-Bender Question-ENDER

Do confused men who think that they are women take a woman's vitamin? and vice versa?

Woman have different pH levels than men do, and women's bodies produce different hormones than men's bodies.  Women's bodies develope fat in different ways and types and areas of the body than men do.

—Alien Anti-President Imposter & “20 Questions”

Since “the Imposter” said that he would be “the Transparent President” (I think he meant “the Invisible” president, since all his records have been sealed and no one from “his class” at Harvard remembers him, his photo is not in the year book, his birth certificate is fake, and his Social Security number is from a state that he never lived in)—why has he spent $1 million to hide his personal records...?  Reportedly he attended Occidental College as a “foreign student”.  The "fact-chec

—True Government

The true government is the people—not just any people, the people who founded this nation.  The Zionist graffiti scribbled under the Statue of Liberty which has become considered unspoken law, is subversion—the stealing of our entire nation and giving it to aliens.  This hate crime and treason and invasion is being perpetrated now against every nation in Europe—in all of Christendom at warp speed.