Lyin’ Biden out of Hidin’—destin’d to Hell Eternal Fryin’ — 17 Communist Executive Orders / treason on the first day

Remove Biden and the Camel-a from the offices which they do not lawfully hold and try them for High Treason—and recall every member of Congress who has not demanded their removal and try those representatives for High Treason; and remove every State and Federal Judge and every Judge on the Supreme Court that has allowed this crime to take place and try them for High Treason!


The U.S. Postal “Service” Needs To Be Abolished - my personal rant & OTHER IMPORTANT STORIES — UPDATED

[Updated information at the end]

My personal rant:

The U.S. Postal “Service” needs to be abolished and have only the private sector involved in this arena; as with 95% of other areas in which the “government” has encroached into the private sector.  The “government” is involved in nearly everything...

Stages of Covidinosis and Coronahoaxis (a subverted government induced psychosis) & Vaxxed-out... Just one more and I’ll feel “safe” [see illustration below PDF]

Go ahead... GET the vaxxine... get every single one they offer...

Do us a favor...  Get the vaxxines....!

IMPROVE THE GENE POOL for the rest of society...!!!


Visions of the Apocalypse - Revelation 6 (preview of coming attractions) UPDATED

I was working on the completion of my commentary on Hosea* when I read Rev. 6:12-17, which I quote therein—and it grabbed me.  When I am in “poet mode” my mind is like a computer program doing a nonstop search, and like aftershocks of an earthquake, the slightest thing can set off another (yesterday morning I wrote “Lord of Justice Please Arise”; and the day before it I wrote “Chimera”, which began the avalanche).  Fortunately, it was a mere 5-minute detour de force....

Death of a Presidency

What Communism has to offer...

(Communism is the world’s most-massive Ponzi scheme

—it only “works” until there is no one else left to rob.  And it is truly amazing

that those at the top can become filthy rich, never doing a day’s work in their lives...

There is no pandemic... CDC FINALLY ADMITS....!!!!! (Updated) but what they have not admitted are the details of the CRIME

CDC admits less than 6% of covid death are due to covid, only a little over 9,000 people have died FROM covid in the US.  (Dying "with" a cold, a burn, a broken bone, a splinter, a hang-nail does not mean that you died FROM it.)


—because the US is populated by mindless drones and cowards...

Caveat Emptor: Italian Doctor Blows the Lid Off Covid-19 hoax and unmasks the plan to depopulate the earth with the vaccine (updated)

Pass this attached video and my comments below on to everyone you know... (and I listened to the audio and read the subtitles and know Italian well enough to know that he is not giving a recipe for lasagna; the subtitles are correct).  And this has not been the first notable Italian to denounce the socialistic mask, distancing, vaccine, unscholarly, unscientific disinformation and hysteria; there have been many, including politicians who spoke out in their parliament, and were booed by their...
