Without a Vision the People—and Christendom—Will Perish from off the Face of the Earth Forever

See the link below for a good 2.5 minute video presentation of a small meeting held in the room where the U.S. Constitution was drafted, in Independence Hall, in Philadelphia, and then see my detailed commentary and auxiliary information contained herein.

Consent of the Governed?  Who is the Governed? 


Modern “Government” “Logic”... or... THEY ALL Flew Over the Coo-Coo’s Nest... or... Modern Politically Insane Confusion and Dementia

What about music?

If words can be spelled any way an individual wants... and there is no “right” or “wrong” way to spell any word...

if 2 + 2 does not necessarily = 4 and the (“non-racist”) “answer” can possibly be anything... [maybe 1 + 1 =...

Of “Racists” and “Race-Baiters”... or Of Mice and Non-men (including my proposed “2021 Irrevocable White Minority Integrity Bill”)

Concerning an article I forwarded yesterday...

I had intended (but forgot) to point out that while the article had some good points, there were some logical errors... most blatantly a false inference around which the major theme centered, concerning the communist, Antichristian, anti-intellectual, mental terrorism called “Critical Race Theory”, with which American school children...

There goes the Neighborhood...! WHO is my neighbour...?

One must research each passage in Scripture, using a Strong’s Concordance, to discover the meaning of the Greek and Hebrew words. The meaning of the Biblical passage is not determined by what the English words “mean to you in your mind”. The Bible is not a “subjective experience”. The message that God has given us is determined by what God said to Noah, or Miriam, etc. and recorded by Moses or Matthew in the specific meaning in the ancient Hebrew and Koine Greek languages in which God had...

Don’t fall for Shameless Emotional Blackmail instead of TRUTH and doing what is RIGHT, regardless of emotional PLOYS

While the below STATEMENT is true, it is OFF POINT.

It also opens the door for an invalid inference that once that primary problem is corrected, then it is okay to allow the secondary issue.

People SO EASILY FORGET that we are founded as a nation of law / morality...

A New Evolutionary Theory of the Universe

I propose a New Evolutionary Theory of the Universe: It did not “explode” out of nothing—it vomited, as a result of its “cosmic omniscience”, in foreknowledge of all the evil and stupidity that would result from so-called “intelligent” life on earth, once atheistic and antichrist politicians, scientists, educators, and journalists were at the helm of civilization!  I call it the “Big Barf”.  Society, as a result is just as vomitously sick (like father like son—to what higher calling...

DNA = Deceptions Need Adherents - Delusions Nurture Acolytes - Disinformation Negates Ancestry & The Uncertain Methods and Destination of DNA Time Travel... (UPDATED — “TWEEKED”)

As I have said before, in a previous Rumination (DNA: DO NOT ASSIMILATE): as I have said for decades... DNA testing (for race) cannot be trusted.


It’s Not Over Till the Fat Lady’s Dead and Can No Longer Sing (UPDATED)

(Updates at the end)

I am not a quitter.  Neither am I delusional.  When I played sports in high school or college or even in pick up or intermural games, I had the advantage over the average person, not merely because I was fast and strong, but because I don’t give up.   It never was a thought in my mind, “I can’t get to that ball before it goes out of bounds, or before that other guy gets to it”.  NEVER.  And guess what...? —a good percentage of those...
